DISCLAIMER: I do not own Pokemon, Hilbert, Piers, Marnie, or any canon Pokemon characters. They are property of Nintendo. I do, however own several of the characters in the story. The relationship between Hilbert, Piers, and Marnie is also not canon - it's just a weird headcanon that I somehow came up with recently.

This fanfic is rated T for profanity and innuendos. It is not for those under 13. I might bump up the rating in the future since the fanfic might get kinda raunchy.

I finally got my copy of Pokemon Shield, and I've been playing it for nearly a week, so I'm definitely going to have lots of info on it.



It had been two years since Hilbert's adventure in Alola, where he worked for the Aether Foundation, made lots of new friends, and found out the truth about Lusamine. Now things have been settling down a bit. Hilbert is back home in Unova. Lusamine had recently opened up a branch of the Aether Foundation in Unova, and Hilbert has gotten a job in it.

In the meantime, Hilda has continued working for the International Police. She and N got married last year, and they are now living in N's Castle (which is being renovated).

But now Hilbert has a new assignment. The Aether Foundation has been called over to Galar for a six-week summit on Pokemon conservation, and Hilbert had been chosen among the representatives. Hilbert was a bit nervous about going on another extended trip to a faraway region. But this time was going to be different, since the new people Hilbert meets are going to be family.

Two days before Hilbert was due to leave, we see him at his grandmother's house in Striaton City. Hilbert's mother Carmela is also present. Hilbert is sitting down at the table with his mother.

"I'm a bit antsy about the trip," said Hilbert.

"You don't have to worry," said Carmela. "I think you're going to have fun. And who knows - you might see some of your old friends from the Aether Foundation in Alola."

Hilbert's grandmother Rosalie walked into the room. She had a photo album.

"Here it is," she said. She spoke in a thick Sicilian accent. "I have some photos to show you, Hilbert."

Hilbert sat down on his grandmother's couch., Rosalie sat down next to him.

"You have cousins in the Galar region," said Rosalie. "You remember my cousin Violet?"

"I remember her," said Hilbert. "She was nice. She passed away last year."

Rosalie opened up to a page of the photo album that had a picture of a young woman with black hair.

"This is Violet's daughter Lucinda," said Rosalie. "She was a Pokemon Trainer like you. She visited the Galar region when she was twenty, and she liked it so much that she decided to stay there. She married a man from Spikemuth. They have four children and several grandchildren."

Rosalie flipped over to a few pages. contained a picture of two kids, a boy with black and white hair and a girl with black hair. Both of them had green eyes.

"These are two of Lucinda's grandchildren, Piers and Marnie," said Rosalie.

"Do you think I'll get to see them?" asked Hilbert.

"I contacted Lucinda on Facebook," said Carmela, "and she arranged for a visit with Piers and Marnie. Of course, they don't live with her. They live by themselves."

"Aren't they too young to live by themselves?" asked Hilbert.

"That is an old photo," said Rosalie. "Piers is almost twenty now."

"Piers was emancipated when he was fifteen," said Carmela, "and he took his sister in. I'm sure they'll be happy to meet you."

Meanwhile, all the way in Galar, it's late at night, and it was raining hard. We cut over to Piers and Marnie's house. The house is dark and gloomy, with neon lights in the front. A tall chain link fence is in front of the house.

Marnie is upstairs in her room, playing an online game on her computer. She has a somewhat bored look on her face. Her Morpeko (who was in Hangry Mode) was sitting on the ground, playing with a yarn ball. Piers was downstairs making dinner. Since Piers was older, he had to take responsibilities around the house, and that included cooking all the meals.

"Marnie!" called Piers. "Get down here. Dinner's ready!"

Marnie opened the door to her room and went downstairs. Morpeko followed her downstairs. The two of them went to the kitchen. Piers had made some sausage tomato coconut curry and a side of biryani rice. On the table were plates, forks, knives, and a bottle of orange soda. Piers served some onto his plate and Marnie's plate. He also prepared a small bowl for Marnie's Morpeko.

Piers, Marnie, and Morpeko began to eat.

"So," said Marnie, "how was the Gym?"

"It was a killer," said Piers. "It seems like every day at that bloody Gym is the same. I'm starting to find it boring. I want to focus on a music career, but unfortunately I have to take care of the Gym. Besides, those bastards at the record company wouldn't select me because that system is based on luck."

Morpeko was nibbling away at the delicious curry. It switched from Hangry Mode to Full Belly Mode.

"You don't need a record label to be a singer," said Marnie. "I think you're great on your own."

"Thanks," said Piers. "By the way, I got a call from Gran. She told me that one of her American relatives is going to be visiting Galar soon."

"Relatives?" said Marnie. "Oh...I forgot about them. Are they going to send us another package of American food like last time? I'd love to see what we'll get."

"No, not this time," said Piers. "According to Gran, his name's Hilbert. I saw his picture and he looks like one of those skater types. Probably listens to poser music."

"I'm sure he's nice," said Marnie. "I've heard of him. I heard he's a very strong Pokemon Trainer. You two should battle when he comes over."

Piers laughed.

"I don't think I would," said Piers. "He'd probably curb-stomp me anyway. But of course I'll have the upper hand at music."

"We'll see how he is," said Marnie. "I'm sure he's cooler than you think."