Salutations! I'm so sorry this took so long! I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe during this difficult time! Thank you all for your continued support! It means so much to me and keeps me going when I want to give up on this story. I've mentioned before that this is my first published story and sometimes I get so discouraged and frustrated. There are so many incredible writers on here and I feel like I don't belong. I'm trying my best to push myself though. I'm going to try to branch out and write other stories so maybe that will help my creativity flow. I really want to increase the length of my stories. Thank you for being so patient with me as I figure all this stuff out. I promise I will not give up!
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Danny Phantom, if I did they would have actually acknowledged the severity of what was going on!
/Danny Fenton's life is not easy and he is suffering far more then anyone knows. What will happen when everything he's been keeping inside finally starts leaking out? Will anyone notice or care? Can the dead even feel pity for the child burdened by life?/
Danny collapsed onto his bed with a sigh. He had just gotten back from catching the box ghost… again. That dude was like a bad rash. Annoying and just kept coming back. It was three in the morning and he still had a lab to clean and a paper to write. With a grunt he forced himself to sit up. His body felt heavy, like lead. He swayed a bit before moving over to his desk. He opens a drawer and downs a bottle of instant energy. He was grateful that these shots didn't taste bad, with how often he had to drink them and all. They were also really cheap, which probably spoke volumes of the quality of these things, but he didn't care. As long as they kept working he'd keep drinking them. He blinked the spots from his eyes and sat down at his desk. Hopefully this paper wouldn't take him to long. He'd skipped lunch again to work on the outline, now all he had to do was write it out. He inhaled deeply as he felt the artificial energy pumping through his veins. He could do this! He sat hunched over the desk working mindlessly. He was completely on autopilot.
By the time he finished the paper it was four thirty in the morning. He felt stiff and slightly ill. His head was pounding. He rubbed his sore fingers wary of his many bruises and stood up slowly. He swayed big time and had to grab the back of the chair to steady himself. One more thing... just one more... tomorrow was Friday. After that he could sleep. He just had to keep going. He slowly trudged down the stairs. He wasn't sure if this was a ghost thing or not, but a while back he'd found his footsteps were completely silent. It was a little creepy, but also pretty cool! He used to love sneaking up on Sam and Tucker! Maybe... that was why they hated him? He shouldn't have been so mean. He shakes his head trying to forget. He didn't have time to wallow right now. He had a job to do. Danny was so exhausted and drained he didn't even notice his ghost sense going off, which in itself was concerning. He just continued working completely zoned out. So it came as a complete surprise when he was scooped up from behind. He gasped his mind trying desperately to comprehend what was happening, but he was just so tired. A blindfold was thrown over his eyes and he instinctually whimpered. Then there was a hand in his hair gently stroking it back.
"Shh little one... it's going to be okay. Just go to sleep now." A soft feminine voice whispered. Danny found his eyes drooping behind the blindfold against his will. He was just... so tired. This hand was the most contact he'd had in so long and it felt so nice. Soon he was fast asleep.
The ghosts responsible for this abduction stared at the small sleeping boy in Skulker's arms.
"That was... alarmingly easy." Skulker muttered gazing down at the boy realizing just how small and... breakable he felt. Spectra continues stroking his hair a strange look on her face.
"Let's blow this joint." Johnny whispers wanting desperately to leave the ghost lab. It made them all feel uneasy, so they turned and went back through the portal as fast as they could go Danny Phantom successful in their clutches.