Back at it for chapter 5

"Hey Ruby's there's a letter for you." Tsukauchi called as he walked in the door carrying a thick envelope, it was currently late in the afternoon when Tsukauchi got home from work that day. " I hope I seceded with the written exa-oof" Ruby was excited but as she rushed down the short hallway she turned the corner to soon. "Oow I'm fine." Ruby said as she looked to Tsukauchi who was walking over to her. "Be careful." He said helping her up. "Now open your letter and tell me what it says." Tsukauchi said handing her the letter. Ruby opened the letter only to find a small metal disk which she then slid onto her hand. "I AM HERE." Ruby promptly dropped the disk on to the table out of sheer surprise at the hologram of All Might. "HELLO MISS ROSE I WOULD LIKE TO CONGRATULATE YOU ON MAKING IT INTO UA HIGH." The hologram of All Might said. Tsukauchi was proud and Ruby was ecstatic. After All Might finished those words it showed Ruby's placement. "Oh wow." Ruby muttered. "I'm so proud of you." Tsukauchi said giving her a side hug. On that holographic screen showed a large 1st place next to Ruby's name.

"Wait is that." Ruby said looking at the rest of the people on the top 10. While yes she was proud Izuku got 6th it was two people on that list that caught her eye.

Villain points rescue points

Ruby Rose 26 . 51 . 2 1st 78

Katsuki Bakugo 77 . 0 . 2nd 77

Eijiro Kirishima 39 .35 . 3rd 74

Nora Valkerie 48 . 25 . 4th 73

Ochaco Uraraka 28 .44 .5th 72

Izuku Midoriya 11 . 59 . 6th 70

Ibara Shiozaki 36 . 32 . 7th 68

Itsuka Kendo 25 .40 . 8th 65

Tenya Iida 52 . 9 . 9th 61

Yang Xiao Long 49 . 10 .10th 59

"Hey Tsukauchi I.i think I'm not alone." Ruby said eyes watering. "What do you mean by that Ruby." He asked looking at her with concern only looking to the screen when she points to two people on the screen. "Yang Xiao Long isn't that your sister's name." He only got a nod from that. "Who's Nora Valkerie then." Tsukauchi asked. "She's part of team JNPR. heh if it is really her and she comes to your place with me do NOT under any circumstances give her coffee." Ruby said smiling with tears running down her face eyes seeming to glow in the afternoon light. "Well I guess I won't know till school starts but it's some hope. I'll get started on dinner how about some curry." Ruby said wiping the tears off her face but she couldn't remove the smile on her face. "Curry sounds good." Tsukauchi said getting up from the chair he'd sat on to go help Ruby on her quest for curry smile not leaving his face either.

At Endevours place

"So I heard you got the letter." The flame hero Endevour asked stern face but living with this child who'd claimed she came from another world had changed him he was still cold but treated his children with more respect. "Yep haven't opened it yet." Yang said looking up from the school work in front of her, she had also realised she was two years younger meaning she was now fifteen instead of seventeen . "Why not" Endeavor asked. "Was waiting for you and Shoto." Yang answered writing down an answer for her schoolwork. "I'll go get Shoto." Endeavour said rather calmly for him.

A few minutes later Endeavour reappeared with Shoto behind him. " What is it Xiao Long." Shoto asked Yang just rolled her eyes at that. "I told you to call me Yang, now get over here my UA letter arrived and since your already going don't you wanna find out if I'm gonna get to go too." Yang said with a playful smirk. "Fair enough." Shoto said going to sit next to Yang Whilst Endeavour stood behind the couch they sat on. Yang opened her letter only for a metal disc fall onto the table.

"I AM HERE." Said the smiling face of All Might. "AND WELCOME MISS XIAO LONG TO YOUR HERO ACADEMIA." All Might said before giving her a short speech on heroics while Endevour looked that pride, for the girl he took in or mild dislike to the hero in the hologram, No one will ever know but when the placing showed up Yang felt proud of herself she got tenth but she then looked through all the people on that list, only then did she see two name oh so familiar one of a good friend the other she couldn't believe. "Yang are you ok." Shoto asked her with a tilted head. "Huh what yeah I'm fine... I think." Yang mumbled. "You're crying." Endevour stated in a flat tone. "I think my sister's going to UA." Yang said lifting a hand to wipe away her tears. "I think I'm not alone." Yang said a small smile on her lips

At Gran Torinos place.

"Well kiddo you've got mail." The old man once none as Gran Torino well he still is but not as well know as he was. "Oooh Really." A bubblely girl by the name of Nora Valkerie said seemingly appearing out of nowhere said. "GEEZ kid stop doing that, and yes you've got mail from UA." Gran Torino said handing the girl a letter. he'd met her 5 months ago and he rather enjoyed her company. "Well come on open the letter." he said shuffling them both over to the lounge chairs he had. Nora sat down and looked at the letter her only thought was 'maybe I can find someone else'. and without another thought she opened it. "I AM HERE." All Might yelled with a signiture smile. "BAAAH" Nora yelled falling off the small couch. "WELCOME MISS VALKERIE TO YOUR HERO ACADEMIA." All Might said with another short speech before the score board showed up. Nora was ecstatic she got 4th but then Torino started naming off the the other applicants. "Bakugou Katsuki, Yagi's mentioned that kid to me says he's very aggressive. Ruby Rose..." He was about to continue when suddenly Nora who had been standing up and dancing was now right next to him looking at that name before going through the rest eyes widening as she read the 10th place contestant only to get a huge smile on her face rivaling All Might's. "I'm not alone. That means Ren might be here too " she said only explaining once Gran Torino got her attention again.

two weeks later at UA

"Hi Izuku." Ruby said smiling at Izuku. "Hi Ruby, are you ok this is the largest smile I've seen you give since we first met." Izuku replied. In truth however Ruby could only answer "You'll have to wait and see as I don't know if I've got my hopes up or not."

As Ruby and Izuku walked into UA they couldn't help but be amazed, and they deffinetly didn't arrive early to UA cause they knew they'd get lost deffinetly not.

Once Ruby and Izuku found class 1A after totally getting lost Ruby paused hearing a few voices inside. "Let's go in." Ruby said ignoring whatever Izuku was saying, she thinks it was about the door but currently her sister and friend could be sitting in this class room right now and that's all that plagued her mind so she pushed open the door to see a short kid get thrown across the room, some other kids watching a familiar blond at the back with red eyes staring down the short kid.

"Yang." Ruby's voice cracked but she didn't care. The blond turned to Ruby eyes going violet. "RUBY." Yang said staring at her little sister. "YANG." Ruby said again she knew that the other people in the room were looking at her. "Ru-" Yang got cut off as Ruby slammed into Yang as she tackled/hugged her. Ruby was crying but before anything else could happen Yang said one word that made Ruby turn her head to the door. "Nora?" Ruby could only repeat what her sister said as she saw the red head at the door. "Nora." The red head gave an affirmative nod before running over and giving the sister's hugs. They all missed a familiar face in all this but now they could all help each other out.

"This is all very touching but class has started." Eraser Head said folding up his sleeping bag. Ruby, Yang and Nora could only look in disbelief. "I'll talk to the three of you after classes have finished." Aizawa said staring at the three Remantians. After giving a basic run down of how things will work Aizawa threw a set of a blue and white tracksuit at Izuku before placing the rest on his desk. As they all headed to changing rooms Izuku was muttering 'Why me' over the tracksuit being thrown at him. Ruby, Yang and Nora were all chatting excitedly as they head to the changing rooms with the rest of the girls in class, all of which were asking how they all knew each other but Ruby just muttered to Yang and Nora to not give away to many details until trust was made, Yang only said fine before going big sister mode with her sister being a good leader taking charge.

Training Grounds

After getting changed the girls all headed to the training grounds Aizawa specified. As they got there they saw that the guys had just got there aswell. "Ten minutes it took. you'll all have to work on that." Aizawa said to the class. "But now that you're all here we can start the quirk assessment test." Aizawa told them. One of the students Ruby was pretty sure her name was Ashido raised her hand.

"Um Sir what about orientation." Mina asked only to get a glare. "You as students don't have time to listen to speeches and as your teacher I can do what ever I want for your curriculum." Aizawa said with a stern face. Ruby raised her hand. "Ahh last time I went through an orientation my headmaster gave a speech and told us all to meet at a cliff in an hours time, he then proceeded to use launch pads to throw us into a forest, I think orientations are important." Ruby said receiving disbelieving looks and a questioning glance from Aizawa, Yang and Nora on the other hand looked ready to burst out laughing.

"While yes I want to hear more of that story Miss Rose I'll give you all a run down of what will happen here at UA after this test." Aizawa told them still curious as to what she meant by thrown into a forest. "Bakugou since you scored second highest in the exam you'll go first." Aizawa said tossing a mildly pissed Bakugou the softball he pulled out of his pocket. "What was your highest score in middle school." Aizawa asked.

"Sixty one meters." Bakugou said giving the ball a small toss in his hands as he walked away from the group to stand where Aizawa had motioned to. "Now try with your quirk." With that being said Bakugou drew back his arm before throwing it using an explosion to propel the ball forward. "DIE!" Bakugou yelled getting some confused faces, some disapproving faces and one scared face from the kid who was thrown across the class earlier. Bakugou looked down at his hand, his only thought was ' That was cool.' and 'I should blow more sh*t up after class.' Aizawa help up a score tracking device on it were the numbers seven hundred and six point three. A consecutive "Wow" went through the class.

"Now that that's done whoever scores lowest will be expelled." Aizawa said with a completely straight face.

"WHAT!!" Class 1A shouted and some people swore they heard something shatter along with it.

"B-but sir that's unfair." The short kid said.

"Heh Unfair You Say, tell that to the world then. Nothing is fair and you all need to realise that." Aizawa said noticing the sudden shine in Ruby's eyes, the red in Yangs eyes and the downcast look on Nora's. "Now let's start the tests."

Ruby looked at her class mates as they started the tests. A kid with multiple arms was currently trying to grip a grip strength measuring device as hard as he could and yet Nora and Yang had far stronger grips.

Ruby was doing short meter run and did it in one point four five seconds but came second in the long distance run too a kid with engines in his calfs.

During the start of the ball throw it was the girls turn Ochaco, she got infinity, Ruby thought about and then decided nope to much maths involved.

Izuku thought he did rather well having to use his aura rather than his quirk that was until the ball throw when Mr. Aizawa came over and whispered something to him.

"I've been training with Ruby, you've gotta use your quirk sometime." He said with a bored expression but if you've known Aizawa long enough you'd say this was his face of encouragement. Izuku looked at him with a shocked expression.

"H-how did y-you know." Izuku stumbled over his words luckily no one but Ruby had been looking at them at the time, so she walked over and said.

"Yeah Izuku this is the last test, so I'd say try it." Ruby's eyes still held that glow but it was dim and seemed to say you can do it. Izuku gave a nod realising he has so many people that rely on him doing well wether it was Ruby or his mum or even people he didn't know yet he did however know that if he was expelled he couldn't help them.

"Midorya it's your turn, how far was it." Aizawa asked not even bothering to ask the full question.

"Twenty two meters s-sir." Izuku mumbled out clear enough that Aizawa could hear.

"Well you know what to do." He said tossing him the handing him the ball as he walked past only to stop slightly as Ruby slowed him down to wisper something to him.

"Either don't use your whole arm or lower the percentage, you're smart Izuku so choose quick and don't break a leg." She said the last part with a smirk Yang heard what she said and smirked at the pun her sister made. Izuku gave Ruby a nod and walked past her to the circle looked at the ball and thought for a moment before deciding. 'Ruby, All Might thank you for your help you gave me the foundations I'll build an empire on them that'd you'll be proud of." Izuku then threw the ball building power in his arm it was a small amout maybe five percent at most but boy was it powerful, whilst Ruby squealed that "IZUKU YOU DID IT!" Anger that had built up in another student exploded literally. "WHAT THE F*CK DEKU YOU'VE BEEN HOLDING OUT ON ME YOU F*CKING DEKU!" Bakugou yelled charging towards Izuku only to be caught in Aizawa scarf and when he tried to escape he couldn't, Aizawa explained that it is a very special capture weapon that is almost impossible to break. But Ruby had to say something cause yes she'll speak up for people in need this was her friend 'almost like a brother she never had' he was talking about.

"Leave Izuku alone." Ruby said in a calm voice.

"Why." Bakugou almost yelled but had calmed down enough that he wouldn't murder the next person who touched him. Ruby had felt this type of fear before it was like when she was on stage or like when she met Wiess for the first time but this was different, this time Was different because now she and Wiess were besties if they ever saw each other again and now she wasn't so scared to be on stage either. This time was different cause she had changed as well.

"You're scared aren't you." Ruby said looking him in the eyes. "Scared someone will be better then you well guess what I had to deal with people like you and guess what, They are now My bestie And guess What I've lost them I thought I lost them too." Ruby gestured to Nora and Yang. " And I Don't wanna lose another Friend so leave Izuku alone." Ruby finished eyes glowing but no one dare say a word after what Ruby just said. She'd lost someone... no she's lost a lot from going on what she just said.

"Can I use the bathroom please mister Aizawa." Ruby said almost pleading.

"Go ahead I've got to calculate scores." Aizawa said, he knew she'd lost people, he himself had lost people but he still had some of them her on the other hand had lost her whole world so he wouldn't dare hurt her more. He looked at his class knowing that after what they'd just heard they'd want an explanation but now was not the time, he did another sweep and his eyes landed on the other two Remantians he just nodded and said "Go." And they bolted to where Ruby would be. Then he said to the rest of the class.

"While yes I did have plans to expell a couple of you I've changed my mind cause after a speech like that I can see it in your eyes that you want to do nothing more than to make a change. Go to your next class, you are dismissed." Aizawa said looking at his notes.

1. Nora Valkerie

2. Momo Youyorozu

3. Bakugou Katsuki

4 Yang Xiao Long

5. Tenya Iida

6. Ruby Rose

7. Mezo Shoji

8. Eijiro Kirishima

9.Shoto Todoroki

10. Tsuyu Asui

11. Mina ashido

12. Denki Kaminari

13. Ochaco Uraraka

14. Fumekage Tokoyami

15. Hanta Sero

16. Izuku Midoriya

17. Kyoka Jiro

18. Minrou Mineta

19. Yuga Ayoama

20. Tooru Hagakure

This was going to be an interesting year.

And done how was that I reached 3000 words this chapter.

ok time to answer questions

no I'm not doing any poliamorous relationships. no I'm not against them I just don't know how to write them so I'm stinking to 2 people per ship.

Univhunter. I like your semblance idea .

ok other questions that will inevitably appear.

no I cannot say who else will show up however I have planned who else will show up and where.

yes other characters beside all might and green bean sprout will get aura.

why Yang and Nora first... Why not.

I do have plans for ships in this story and yes ruby will get shipped but it up to you to guess who.

And I'll see you next time where I'll answer more questions.


Ruby: that's not what it's called.

Me: Ruby shhh it's more dramatic this way.

Ruby:Well anyways see you guys later I think Izuku should be back with lunch.

Me: Ooh is it nachos.

Ruby: You know it.

Me: Well see you next time in speeches and battles *waves* bye for now.