hey here's a propper story

She saw her.

She saw her disappear. She felt so broken and then nothing but white.

Izuku Midoriya a boy with green hair and similarly coloured eyes, had just finished his training for the day with All Might the number one hero with blond hair and blue eyes hidden in shadow. Everyday since the day he started training with All Might the beach looked cleaner. He started cleaning the beach four months ago and had five left to clean it. He had just finished training for today. And was about to leave alongside All Might.




All Might who had just deflated and was about to leave stopped when a bright flash of white light happened. "WHAT WAS THAT" Izuku yelled while All Might grew back to his muscle form

"I Don't Know" All Might stated warily. As they looked around they saw a small looking girl with a red cloak, short black hair with red tips, a black dress and corset with red laces, she also had a black and red rectangular metal looking thing just beside her.

She was lying unconscious on the beach behind where Izuku once stood. All Might was quick to react to make sure she was ok. She was fine but seemed out of breath as her breathing was shallow. All Might stated they should take her to a hospital but he was almost out of time so Izuku had to carry her. He was nervous that he had to carry a girl, but he didn't mind if it meant he was helping. All might had already picked up the rectangle of metal which he said had quite a bit of weight to it. As Izuku was about to pick her up, she started to stir, her eyes flickered and they caught glimpses of silver as she started to wake. Then just as Izuku bent down to lift her she woke up and sat bolt upright.

"Whe-where am I?" she asked questioning and slightly scared.

"You're On Dagobah Beach In Musutafu" All Might answered kindly.

"And who are you?" she ask curiously as she didn't know if she could trust them yet. Izuku and All Might shared a confused glace at each other before answering.

" I'm Izuku Midoriya" Izuku answered.

"And I Am All Might" All Might stated. She looked curiously at him.

"That's a strange name". She made clear.

"Oh That's Cause All Might Is My Hero Name." All Might told her.

"Oh wait hero?" she questioned.

"Yeah you know a hero, someone who saves people right, you do know what a hero is right." Izuku asked her.

"Yeah of course who doesn't know what a hero is, there people who do stuff to help others without expecting anything in return, that's what you mean right." She asked.

"Hey wait I never told you my name" she said as she decided that she could trust them. "My name is Ruby Rose and I'm training at Beacon to become a huntress."

"Wait what's a huntress." Izuku asked her.

" WAIT YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT A HUNTRESS IS. There only the most coolest thing ever cause they protect people from the grimm the police are cool and all but huntsmen and huntresses are so much more amazing romantic and cool y'know. The now named Ruby squealed the last bit.

"They Sound Interesting But I've Never Heard Of Them." All Might said as Izuku nodded along.

"And May I Ask What This is." All Might asks as he hold up the rectangle of metal.

"AH CRESCENT ROSE." She suddenly jumps up and grabs it hugging it. "My baby my sweet heart my precious." She starts talking about her crescent rose? The now named item.

"What is it." Izuku asks curious as to what has her so excited.

"Oh right." she states before doing something overly complicated with a few spins revealing it to be a huge scythe.

"That's really big." Izuku states in awe .

"And Quite Impressive That You Can Move So Gracefully Despite The Weight." All Might mentioned.

"It's also a gun." Having learned from Jaune that not everyone knows what a high impact sniper rifle is, she clicks the barrel of the scythe.

"That's so Cool" Izuku started his normal incoherent mumbling rant.

"ah is that normal" Ruby asks All Might.

"Very" All Might states as he walks over and taps Izuku.

"I was doing it again wasn't I." All Might nods.

"So where are you from." Izuku asks Ruby.

"I'm from Patch a small island close to Vale." Ruby said only to be asked by Izuku where's that.

"WAIT you don't know where Vale is." Izuku shook his head.

"It's only the largest kingdom in the world along with the best hunters Academy Beacon." Izuku and All Might still looked questionably at her.

"Oh wait I can show you a map on my scroll." Ruby states as she pulls out her scroll and Izuku pulls out his phone.

"what's that." They say at the same time.

"It's my phone." Izuku states

" what's that." Izuku points to two white strips the with a gold diamond shape in the middle.

"It's my scroll." Ruby states as she opens it to show a holographic like screen, in which she brings up a map that looks like nowhere on earth, while Izuku brings up a map of the world.

"The Maps Are Completely Different." All Might says as they all look at the two different maps. Ruby looks worried at the two different maps mumbling quietly that's not right, it can't be over and over, till she looks up. And she quietly states. "I'm definitely not in Remnant anymore."

At the police station in the Musutafu district

After Izuku and All Might had got her to the police station they had taken her to a different room for questioning.

"So what you're saying is you're from a different planet or dimension something like that." Tsukauchi the head detective asked her.

"Yes, well I think so." Ruby said even though she was still questioning if what she said was even right.

"But you don't know how you got here." Tsukauchi asked again.

" Yes, I don't know what happened except everything went white after." She paused taking a deep breath. "After I saw my friend Pyrrah Nikos dis-disa-disappear." Ruby stated the word very quickly trying not to think about it to much.

"I'm very sorry for your loss." Tsukauchi said hanging his head slightly.

"You can say more once you're ready." Tsukauchi said. They waited in silence for about two to three minutes before ruby said anything else.

"My school had just been attacked after the biggest tournament in Remnant and was about to do the final few matches, and my sister who was the representative of team RWBY had just been banned after one of the bad guys used there semblance on Yang who thought before the match even started that her opponents was about to attack her. So she punched which broke his legs which weren't even real legs he had metal prosthetics for both legs." Ruby said pausing in case the detective had any other questions and she was right that he had some questions.

"May I ask you what is a semblance is." Tsukauchi asked her.

So she answered him. "Well I should explain what aura is first. Aura is the manifestation of a person's soul. Aura can be used for defence, self-healing for smaller injuries, temperature protection and it's what makes a semblance. A semblance is pretty much unique to everyone some are hereditary and others aren't. I have speed, Yangs semblance works so the more hits she takes the stronger she gets." She finished.

"They sound a lot like quirks." Tsukauchi told her.

"So can you explain what a quirk is, I mean while on the way here Izuku and All Might keep mentioning them but I didn't feel want to ask incase it was something personal. Ruby told him.

"Quirks are super-human abilities that just appeared one day in China and now about 80 percent of people have them and so laws were made to equip for the sudden change so now you need a permit to use quirks in public places, new home were built to account for gigantifation quirks and along with that came new jobs one of the many jobs were-."

Tsukauchi was about to finish but was interrupted by Ruby. "That of hero's."

"Yes that'd be correct." Tsukauchi told her.

"So what's your quirk?" Ruby asked.

"Oh my quirk is human lie detector." Tsukauchi said Ruby.

"So that's why you haven't asked if I'm lying or not."

"Exactly. Now then you don't seem too surprised by the sudden introduction of quirks. Why is that?" Tsukauchi finished.

"Well in Remnant we have aura and semblances. Everything that has a soul has aura and semblances can unlock at the strangest times mine unlocked during training one day and my sister unlocked hers by stubbing her toe and then punched a hole through the wall." Ruby said smiling fondly at the thought of her sister.

"And what might your semblance be."

" Mine is speed." Ruby finished.

"If we go somewhere else can you show me?" Tsukauchi asked.

"Of course. But before that can I have crescent rose back please." Ruby asked "What is crescent rose?"

"It's my weapon."

"WEAPON." Tsukauchi yelled.

"Yeah it's a scythe that I made myself."

" You made it."

"Of course I did. I'd like it back though because it's so far the only thing I have from home." Ruby said looking at the floor and playing with the edge of her skirt.

"I sadly can't give it back currently in this area."

"oh." Ruby said sadly.

" But when we go to the training grounds at UA you can have it back." Ruby's eyes lit up at that. Tsukauchi could have sworn that she suddenly got smaller.

"Let's go let's go let's go." Ruby said forgetting that she was in front of a detective. Tsukauchi smiled at her cause she reminded him of his sister when she was younger.

"Ok you will have to wait a bit though so I can ask All Might what happened and same with the kid that was with him. Then I'll have to make a couple of calls asking If we could use the training grounds." Tsukauchi told her.

"So do I just wait here or."

"You just wait here for now I'll come get you later.

And thats a rap. Tell me what you think and leave a reveiw.One small thing I'll say though is Ruby's scroll works because for long missions they need a map that they can use without signal and I've decided that scrolls have long batteries life.so farewell till next time.