Steve awoke with a start, as he heard the shattering of a windshield to the passenger backseat. His head pounded, vision was blurred; he realized his car was wrapped around a tree. His attention was drawn to the backseat, as someone in a ski mask reached in and unbuckled C.J. from his carseat. Steve reached for his seatbelt, but realized his right arm was broken as pain shot up it.

"Hey, what…" he trailed off as the movement of trying to free himself sent a dizzying sensation until he passed out once again.

His next return to consciousness was when he heard sirens. Soon there were two paragmedics trying to free him. He vaguely heard parts of conversations, Will need to cut him out,his legs are trapped… "Hey, I think it's Detective Sloan", he recognized some of the voices. He knew there was something else he should remember, but the pounding in his head prevented this.

Once the steering column was off his legs, he felt the pain surge through them as feeling returned. It was then he remembered C. J.

"C.J. where's C.J.?"

"Who's C.J.?"

"Am… Amanda's son, he was in the back…..back seat, som….someone was taking him.

"Calm down… you have to stay calm, you have a broken arm, probably a concussion, multiple cuts and you're leg is bleeding." Turning to his partner "Hey I think we have a missing child."

Officer McDonald, "C.J. was here? That's his girlfriend's boy. Looks like this is more than a traffic accident, looks like we have a kidnapping on our hands." He called it into dispatch.

"Steve, hey I know you're hurting, but can you telling me anything?"

"I don't remember how I ended up wrapped around a tree, but but there was someone," he winced in pain as he tried to sit up.

"Hey, you're a victim now, we'll handle things. What do you remember?"

"Someone, in a ski mask, took him… ah man someone needs to call Amanda."

"You take it easy, we'll call her."

Steve, never the best patient was finally splinted and loaded into an ambulance. He brooded the entire way to the hospital, how was he going to tell Amanda, he let her son be kidnapped? Things had been going so well lately.

His gurney was met by his dad, Dr. Mark Sloan and his best friend Jesse Traven.

"Take it easy, we'll take car of you," said Mark.

"C.J., they took C.J" replied Steve becoming agitated.

"Hold still, son, you're not helping by thrashing around. Jesse give him something to calm him down."


The next thing he knew; he was waking up in a hospital room with Amanda standing over him with tears in her eyes.

"Amanda, I'm so sorry."