It had been just a little over a week when Baron decided it was time to go back to work. It had been a good week for Madison considering she was under the watchful eyes of Baron. It was like Baron had gone back to the loving guy he used to be, in a way Madison liked it. It meant that her body had time to recover from not only the miscarriage but also the bruising, with her being stuck mostly in the cabin with him, she couldn't do any wrong, which surprised her as if it was a normal day Baron would usually find a fault and kick-off.

"Try not to miss me too much" Baron said, putting his arms around her, kissing her neck

"I'll try not to" Madison giggled

Truth be told, she didn't want him going back to work, this was the nicest he had been in years and it felt good, although she hated him watching her every move she was happy that he hadn't raised a hand to her.

"I'll be back for lunch" Baron said, heading towards the door to get his jacket

"Okay, I'll see you then" Madison smiled

"You need anything, you give me a call" Baron said

"Will do" Madison replied

And with that Baron had left for work, for the next eight to ten hours Madison would be locked inside the house. Baron couldn't trust her to try and run off again.


"Baron, it's good to see you" Roman said, motioning for Baron to come into his office

"Good to see you too sir" Baron smiled

"How's Maddie doing?" Roman asked

"She's good" Baron smiled

"And you?" Roman asked

"Yeah, I'm doing pretty good myself" Baron replied

"Good" Roman smiled, "how was your week away?"

"It was very much needed" Baron begin "it did us both some good" Baron smiled

"Glad to hear it" Roman smiled, "It's good to have you back"

They were interrupted by a knock on the door

"Come in" Roman called

"Sir, you wanted to see me?' The voice said, walking into the room

"Yes" Roman replied "Come on in, let me introduce the two of you. Baron, this is Drew McIntyre, Drew this is Baron"

Drew and Baron greeted each other and shook hands.

"Drew is new around here so I would appreciate it if you took him under your wing" Roman said

"Sure" Baron smiled

"I'll let you guys to get acquainted" Roman smiled and with that Drew & Baron left Roman's office

Time flew over as Baron showed Drew around the precinct, showing his go-to places while out patrolling. They got to know each other while Drew learned the ins and out's of the place. Baron looked at his watch and it had just turned a little over one in the afternoon

"Well, would you look at the time" Baron said, "It's time for us to refuel"

"Oh really?" Drew asked

"Yeah, you wouldn't mind if we made a pit stop to mine would you?" Baron asked Drew

"No, of course not" Drew replied as Baron started driving to his


"Madison" Baron called out when they got to his

"In the kitchen" Madison called back

"Hey" Baron went over and kissed her

"Hey" Madison replied, "How's work?"

"It's been good, showing Drew around" Baron replied, pointing at Drew

"Hi, I'm Maddie" Madison said, shaking hands with Drew

"Oh so you're Maddie, I've heard quite abit about you" Drew replied

"Hope it's been all good" Madison laughed

"Yeah it has been" Drew smiled

"Hey babe, do we have any plans for tonight? I was thinking of inviting Drew for dinner, that is if of course, he doesn't have any plans for tonight" Baron asked

"No, I don't think we do" Madison replied

"What do you say Drew? Would you like to have dinner at our place tonight?" Baron asked

"I don't see why not" Drew replied

"Then it's settled, we'll talk in the car and decide on a time" Baron smiled, getting his lunch out of the fridge "We'd best get going" Baron added

"I'll see you two tonight then" Madison smiled

Sorry for the shortage of this chapter, my mind went blank. If it felt fast-paced then I apologize. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.