Hey there! Been a minute I know. So, be honest, how many of you thought this was done? Shame, shame. The title says it all, Infinity. As in I ain't close to finished with this one lol! My hope is to go past college with this series but we shall see. I'm updating because someone asked me about updating this. Why am I telling you this? Because if you ask, you shall receive. Unless I don't have more material at the moment but then I'll just start writing the update for you.

I'm not going to update this one again until October because the next chapter in Halloween. I messed up my timing on this fic lol. But there you go, you have an ETA for the next chapter! Hope you all enjoy it!


The locker room was cold, the bench beneath me causing me to hiss when my skin touched the metal. Keno chuckled at me, pulling his jersey on over his head. The bright white of our 'away' shirts dotted out all around the small room, as visiting team we had duffels at our feet filled with all our equipment for the night.

I was pulling long white socks over my shin guards, shooting Keno a glare. "What's so funny?"

He shrugged, "You and your continued annoyance with our travel games."

"Undressing in strange places bugs me."

Keno stopped, grinning down at me, "Something tells me that's not true. Otherwise, you and Usagi wouldn't have gotten caught in the auditorium last week."

"Our clothes were on, thank you. I'd be dead if I got caught doing more than kissing with Usako."

"That's not what the entire school is saying."

A squeak and a huff and Zenko was sitting next to me, "What is the entire school saying?"

"About Mamoru and Usagi last week."

I glared up at Keno who just chortled at me. "Oh, you mean them getting caught having sex?"

"We weren't having sex!"

"Not what I heard."

Laces tied, I jumped to my feet, turning on them as Jin nosed his way into the conversation. "Cause the rumors around our school are always accurate?"

I watched as grimaces grew on each of their faces. Keno knew through Minako how wild and vicious the rumor mill at our school could be. Jin had his share first hand, a rumor going around for a while that his Dad left him and his Mom for another man. And Zenko? He was suffering right now, rumors running wild that Ami and Seiya were a real couple, which included sleeping together.

"As I said, just stupid rumors."

"Not that you mind'em eh?" Nathan added, not reading the room as he clapped a hand on my shoulder before plopping down.

A glance had me finding Seiya, slow to change into his uniform, chatting it up with a few other players and wasting time. The rumor that Usagi had slept with Seiya right before me had died long ago but its effects were lingering. Ami still wasn't talking to Usagi and even though no one chose sides or asked, Ami cut herself off completely from the others as well. I was pretty sure how guys got girls to do things they normally wouldn't.

Six games, three of them home games, and Ami sat far away from the girls each time to quietly cheer Seiya on. Like the dick deserved it. He sat on the bench for most of the game, playing maybe 20 minutes out of the 90.

Zenko was glaring at Seiya too, the only person out of us that Ami still talked to. The two of them must have bonded, taking her home after my birthday party. Zenko was the type to do anything for his friends and it looked like he was staying silent for his friend Ami. I wondered how much longer that would last? What with Seiya flirting with the wanna-be's after every practice now. Looking for his next victim it would seem cause no way in hell was Ami sleeping with him.

And if she was, he was losing interest because he had been seriously close to taking a girl home the other day after practice, Minako not so subtly reminding him, and the girl he was with, that he had a girlfriend.

"Why don't you just admit it, Mamoru," taking my eyes off the cluster fuck waiting to happen, Keno was smirking again, "the reason you hate away games is because Usagi doesn't come."

When did I become so transparent? Yes, I hated the away games because Usagi didn't come to them. That was my call, not wanting her to have to find transportation all over Honolulu just for a stupid soccer game. Sure, I missed hearing her screaming from the stands and the little t-shirt she wore with my name and jersey number on it. The signs she made were nice too, even if they were embarrassing, the last one saying, 'Mamo works hard and plays HARDER'.

Something I happily proved to her after the game, her not able to even say the word 'harder' when I fucked her later that night. That was another thing I missed when she didn't come to my games, getting to go off somewhere afterward that was quiet and going at it hard like rabbits. On away games, I had to sneak into her room after I got home. I enjoyed either one, taking Usagi somewhere and making her scream or quietly making love to her. One, we could be as loud and wild as we wanted but the other, we could be fully naked and hold each other. The fear of her mom walking in, in the middle was a bit hindering.

Their eyes were all on me and it didn't look like what I said mattered. "It's not like I expect her to follow us around. That is asking too much."

"Is it? I asked Minako yesterday."

Doing a double-take, I caught the serious look on his face. "And she said?"

"That she'd love to."

"Alright, let's go, gentlemen, it's showtime!"

The tone of Coach's voice had us all tensing up. "God, can someone get the stick out of his ass?"

Zenko sneered at Jin, "Can you blame him? Two losses already and now we are up against Edith Academy and we lose to them every year. One more loss and we are out of finals."

"Best part," they all looked at me, "he blames all of it on me."

Nathan huffed, "How'de figure?"

"It's cause he's got his head up Usagi's ass!" Seiya tossed out, sauntering by and eavesdropping.

I gave him the finger and he kept moving. Which was good because a fist to the face would have definitely gotten us a loss tonight. "Ignore him. Sore asshole."

Zenko was gently pushing me towards the door, the five of us walking out to the field together. Seiya wasn't completely wrong, whenever Usagi wasn't at the game I didn't play as well. A combination of not caring as much if she wasn't there to cheer me on and my mind elsewhere thinking about her. If we lose tonight I'd never hear the end of it from Coach, more bull shit about getting my act together.

We jogged out, the crowd on our side getting to their feet to cheer us on. I didn't want to waste any time, getting my starters out on the field for the coin toss. Our backs to our crowd, I had to look over the larger and packed stand of our opponent. All part of the game, the opposition using their friends and family to help intimidate. There was a reason why the visitors' side of most stadiums was small, to encourage less support.


The Ref before me and I still turned, unable to stop myself from finding the voice. There she was, golden girl in the bright white shirt, my name in big letters across her breast. Usagi had come.

Minako was next to her and my parents sat right behind them. Keno was already waving so I joined in, Usagi blowing me a kiss and making my heart soar. No doubt, we were going to win tonight.

Winning the coin toss, the others spread out on the field, ready to play. It was easy to block out the sounds of the crowd. If it wasn't Usagi's voice, I didn't want to hear it. A dull hum in the back of my mind, the ball dropped and I took off. I might have been showing off a little, dancing with the ball till I passed it off to Jin for a goal. The goalie dived but it flew just past his fingertips. A goal within the first five minutes of the game was rare. We were so going to win tonight.

Three goals to us and two goals to Edith and it was halftime. I walked the line, getting as close as I could to the stands and Usagi watched me the whole time, her face resting on her palm with her elbow on her knee. Mom gave me a small but obnoxious wave until I waved back, Usagi giggling from my obvious annoyance. Then Mom went back to chatting up Dad, the two most likely discussing my future and trying to get Usagi involved in it.

Halftime was spent in silence, all of us breathing in deeply and enjoying the air-conditioned reprieve. That is until my phone dinged inside my bag.

A few looked my way with a smirk, like Zenko and Nathan, while I dug it out.

I hope you're saving some energy for me tonight?

I couldn't help the dumbass smile I got on my face, a few chuckling at me from it as if they could read my phone.

I always have the energy for you, Usako.

Well, do your best. If you're too tired then I will gladly do all the work ;)

Good god, now she was getting me hard with text messages.

I'll talk to you after otherwise, all my blood will be elsewhere.

:( Okay

A soft chuckle escaped, returning my phone, our break over as Coach clapped his hands at us to get up and get back out there. "Keep it up, boys! The next 45 minutes are going to be the toughest of your lives!"

Keno shook his head at me but we said nothing, gliding past Coach who gave us nods of approval. Thank god he didn't slap our asses like some coaches did. I would have left the team years ago.

Somehow, Usagi managed to scream louder than the rest of the crowd, my name flowing over the top of the cheering. The only one who seemed bothered by it was, of course, Seiya, cursing and bitching about the sound of my girlfriend's voice. Everything about Usagi was beautiful and anyone would agree. Seiya was just a jealous prick.

Taking his spot on the bench, I smirked at him for a moment as I took my spot on the field. The truth was, I never really needed to say or do anything to Seiya. I just needed to keep living my life and it would be enough to piss him off.

Tied up, Keno scoring the last goal, there were only ten minutes left in the game. If it were any other night, I would have gladly gone into overtime. But Usagi was watching. Edith's captain was pushed over the line by Jin so Jin took the throw-in, aiming right at me. Everyone knew, when Usagi was around, I did better than even I knew I had in me. Her presence alone brought out the best in me every time.

The ball in my control and the clock ticking, there was no way I was going to get close to our goal by running it in. The buzzer sounded, me only halfway to our goal, and I slammed my foot into the checkered ball as hard as I could. Time slowed as it soared through the air, the goalie not even paying attention, the dumb ass, jumping at the last second after my shot. It sailed past him, his body dropping to the ground with a thud that was heard all around as well as the swish as the ball hit the net behind with everyone holding their breath with me. The Ref allowed it, giving us the point and sound exploded all around me.

I was in shock for a moment, Keno and Jin breaking me out of it with slaps to the back and shouts of glee. Then I was running. Right up to the stands and jumping up on the railing. Usagi met me, grabbing my jersey in her fist and pulling me closer.

"You're my good luck charm."

Her face split with her smile while mine cracked open, pushing up the last inch to claim her mouth with mine. It didn't last long, strange hands patting my back and making it weird. Falling back to the ground, I gave her one last look and a wink before heading back to my teammates, still celebrating in the middle of the field. I had to call them to attention and remind them of good sportsmanship which only half-rolled their eyes at.

I was rushing, quick to the showers and back to my duffle. All I had was my uniform and the worn-out t-shirt and cloth shorts that I wore here, but Usagi wouldn't care anyway. Hell, she wouldn't even care if I showered or not but I wanted to not smell like sweat and grass for her.

Cleaned, dressed, stuff packed, and Coach and teammates appeased I made for the exit as fast as I could without looking too overeager. My sneakers squeaked on the polished tile floor, echoing off the empty hall that led out of the school and to the parking lot. The steps behind me, I assumed was Keno as he rushed off behind me to Minako, slowed to a stop.

"The Ref should have called that shot out, you know."

Against better judgment, I turned. My face blank as I stared at Seiya. "Come on man, we won! The team won! You are supposed to be happy about that!"

"I am when it's fair."

"It was the Ref's call and he counted it in. What is your problem?"

The guy was actually grimacing. We just beat our biggest rivals and instead of being thankful, he searched out faults. "I'm tired of spoiled pieces of shit like you getting everything, while those of us who play by the rules and work hard for everything, get fucked!"

"What...are you talking about?!"

I should just walk away. The guy was crazy. Delusional. But the overly inquisitive side of me just had to know.

"I'm talking about you, Mamoru Chiba. Son of the owner of Utopia, straight A's student, soccer captain, and boyfriend of Usagi Tsukino. What part of that list did Daddy buy huh? He bought his company, did he buy your grades? Your placement on the team? Did he buy Usagi for you too?"

It was laughable, so I laughed, turning on my heel and making for the exit. "You don't know shit. Your grades and skills were enough to prove that to me before and now, your dumb mouth only solidifies it for me."

I thought he was done. I sure as hell was. "One day, Chiba, you are going to be out of money and luck. You and I both know you sure as shit don't have any charm to save your ass and everyone is going to see you for the worthless fuck you are. Especially Usagi."

"You know, you should really stop acting like you know everything. You know shit."

I double-timed it, leaving Seiya and his crazy shit show behind. Was my family wealthy? Sure, but that had nothing to do with my success and I knew this as did the rest of the world. But trying to prove or explain that to people like Seiya was a waste of breath. He had already made up his fucked up mind about it.

The fact that he thought Usagi would be with anyone over something as petty as money was enough for me to walk away. Seiya was living in another land where everything was set against him by me it seemed. Usagi's family had their own money. Hell, her father owned 20% of Utopia and he bought in before the company went public.

It didn't matter how much he wanted Usagi or if it was even for legit reasons instead of fucking with me. If I learned anything in the last two months it was; how to make Usagi come so hard she passed out, trying to study with her was pointless unless I used a reward system like candy or kisses, and most importantly that we were soul mates.

I also learned that 'no sex on a school night' policies made the weekends precious and not to be wasted arguing with psychos.

She was sitting on my bike, waiting for me and perked up at the sight of me. "I was just about to send a search party!"

"Oh yeah? And who exactly would you send?"

I had my arm around her waist, the other one still holding my duffle or it would be around her as well. "Papa Chiba. He can do anything!"

Her eyes went wide when she said 'anything' like my Dad was magic or something. There were many moments in my memories that had me easily agreeing with her on that. Settling my bag on the back of the bike, I got my other arm around her and she pressed into me as much as she could without falling off.

"You came to my game?"

She gasped, faking shock, "Of course I did! It's your biggest rival and I'm your lucky charm!"

I pressed my lips to hers hard for a long second, humming against her mouth. "Hmmm...yes you are."

Her eyes flitted off of mine to something behind me. Or should I say, someone, turning my head slightly and catching Seiya as he passed. Phone at his ear, he talked far louder than necessary.

"Hey, Ames, what are you up to right now?"

Usagi's face fell, hearing her lost friend's name still bringing her pain. I pulled her face back up, her eyes sparkling with unshed tears. "Ami will come around. Trust me. Seiya is going to fuck up soon and she will see him for what he really is."

A sniff and a few blinks and I wiped away the few tears that got free with my thumbs. "Is that what took you so long? Seiya held you up again?"

She knew me too well. And I had hoped to get away with that encounter. "He said more crazy shit that didn't make sense about me."

"I guess that's better than him talking about me again. Means he's moving on." My tongue tripped and she caught it. "Great. At least he's consistent."

"Don't worry about it. We have far more important things to focus on. Like applications. Did you get yours finished young lady?"

She smirked, her arms wrapping around my neck. "Yes, teacher."

"Good girl."

"Do I get my reward?" She ran her tongue over my bottom lip and I moaned, loudly. "You gonna take me somewhere quiet? Your lucky charm wants to help you get lucky again."

I'd never slapped my helmet on so hard in my life, Usagi giggling as I pushed her to the back of the bike, her taking only a second to get her helmet on.

Our houses were in the suburbs of Honolulu. Which meant in the middle of nowhere. It was a 30-minute drive to town and it was all thick forest with the occasional house cutting into it all the way there. The private road that led up to our houses, off the main road and up a small hill, was made of gravel and only the two houses were on it. Usagi and I weren't just neighbors, we were the only neighbors either of us had.

Which was always fine with me because I never liked competing for Usagi's attention.

Because we lived out in the middle of nothing, as kids, we did a lot of exploring. Which led to us discovering the small park I now pulled into.

It was on the edge of the bluff, a bit of a hike down to the water but it was doable. Not at night though, you would break an ankle or your neck. Once my engine silenced, you could hear the waves crashing and the crickets chirping. The sky above was an endless sea of stars and even as kids, Usagi said this was one of her favorite spots, saying it was 'like being on the edge of the world'. I, being the jerk I was, always liked to point out that the world is round and therefore doesn't have an edge.

Usagi got off, looking over the area and pulling off her helmet. I had mine in my arms, watching her, wondering if she remembered this place. "Like being on the edge of the world, isn't it?"

She turned back, matching my smirk. "Mamo, the Earth is round, it doesn't have an edge."

Her voice got weird at the end, deepening to an unnatural level. "Was that supposed to be me?"

"Usako," her voice went even lower, "that one is a planet, not a star. Do you even pay attention in astrology camp?"

Hands on her lovely hips, she gave me a lopsided grin while I chuckled. "I was hoping to impress you."

"Instead, you made me feel stupid."

Dropping my helmet and grabbing her shirt, I pulled her back to me, wrapping my arms loosely around, while she pouted at me. "I'm sorry, Baby. You know, you are far from stupid, right?"

She was still pouting but the corners of her lips turned up a little as she shook her head at me.

"I'm sorry I ever made you feel anything other than the intelligent, beautiful, funny, sexy, and amazing woman that you are."

Now she rolled her eyes, "You don't have to lay it on so thick, Mamo. I'm going to sleep with you."

A laugh barked out of me, tightening my hold. "Oh, I know. That's not why I said it. I said it because it's true."

Slow and gentle, she pulled my hands off her, unwrapping herself and standing a few inches from me on my bike. Fidgeting and twerking her hips, she shimmied her panties off from under the little, ruffled skirt she wore and placed them over my shoulder. I started to get up, planning on taking her over to the picnic table a few feet away to have my way with her but she stopped me with a hand on my shoulder.

"I wanna do it on your bike."

Hot blood coursed through me, Usagi reaching over and working me out of the elastic waistband on my shorts, my cock now standing at attention for her in the breeze. But then she turned from me, grabbing the handles and put a leg on either side of me. Sitting down slowly, I held my cock and guided it into her hot, wet core. She sat in my lap now, her back to my chest and her hands still on my handlebars with me filling her up.

Then she started to bounce.

My hands flew to her hips, both my feet on the ground to hold the bike steady while I steadied her thrusts. The new angle was greatly appreciated, taking me in impossibly deep over and over again. At this rate, her sides were going to have bruises matching my fingers because I was gripping and pulling her down on me so tight and hard, the bike was bouncing on its wheels.

Panting heavily, I pulled her back, her hands slipping from the handles as I put her back flush with my chest. Her hips didn't stop, rolling them in a circle that had stars falling from the sky. Her thin, homemade t-shirt was a little tight but stretchy. It allowed me to slip my hands under it and get to her skin. Her heart was pounding under my palms as I slowly worked my hands up her ribs and under her bra.

Her head flopped back to my shoulder and I nipped at whatever I could reach of her skin. Her hands were on my thighs, helping herself move. I was rolling her nipples in between my fingers when she started to cry out, her orgasm wetting my shorts. But I loved it.

She was slowing, trying to keep up her rhythm but she was falling fast. I stopped her, pulling my hands from her breast and slipping them down to her thighs to still her. "Let's go to the picnic table, Lucky Charm. I want to make you come again."

Her crazed giggle came out, the one she made when she was loopy happy and I picked her up to carry her to the table. Many times over the years, we'd sneak out at night and lay on this table to look at the stars. Now I laid her down on it and looked at the stars reflected in her eyes.

I leaned over her, setting her down so her hips were on the edge of the table, and kissed her deep. She flicked her tongue across my lips and parted them, the two of us fighting over each other's mouths. Twisting under me, her head went back and forth, trying to taste every inch of me as I tasted her. And her hips wiggled against mine too, my shorts having slipped back up over me I now had two layers between me and her.

One hand holding me over her, I used the other to push my shorts and briefs off my hips, getting them just past my balls before giving up. She spread her legs, wrapping them around me in anticipation.

But I didn't make her wait, not any longer, burying into her till there was nothing left of myself. She arched, her ribs lifting as if pulled by a string and I stood up to watch. My rhythm was slow but heavy, her body jumping from my thrust. Usagi gripped the edge of the table, keeping herself from moving while I pounded her.

It was hard not to go a little crazy, my name printed across her chest, bouncing with her breast and her writhing under me. Her thighs in my hands, I put her legs over my shoulders and started pulling out to my tip and ramming into her so hard, my own head spun.

"Oh god...yes Mamo...YES! AH, MAMO!"

She clenched me so hard, I struggled to pull out and my entire body throbbed with my orgasm. Usagi was still screaming my name when I fell over her, grabbing the end of the table above her head to help me pull myself into her. No one around so neither of us was holding back, myself included as I screamed her name, some semblance of sentences coming out of me as I tried to tell her she was fucking amazing. I was still twitching inside her, laying with most of my weight on top of her for a few moments. She just ran her hands up and down my back, whispering little things like how she loved me and how good I made her feel. It was hard not to fall in love with her all over again when she did things like this. From making me boneless from sex to her screaming my name in the stands for me, to causing my heart to race with her words or a single smile. I'd fall in love with her over and over again if given the chance, but that would require me falling out of love with her first and that was impossible.

Somehow, her panties had managed to stay on my shoulder the entire time and I tried not to take offense in that, sliding them back up on Usagi's hips with a little help from her. My shorts back in place, I climbed onto the table with her and she curled into me. Silent for a long time, we just looked at the stars, just as we had as children.

Her face found its way into my neck, rubbing her nose against my skin. "You have it wrong you know. You're my lucky charm, I'm not yours."

I shifted a little, trying to see her eyes but she had them hidden. "How is that?"

The hold she had on my shirt tightened, her leg wrapping a little higher on my thigh and I grabbed it with my hand. "I always wanted to be in the same classes as you so I studied hard but all I could do was just barely miss the advanced line. And now I've applied to multiple colleges, all in Seattle because you believed in me. I wouldn't be where I am now if it wasn't for you."

"I wouldn't be where I am now if it wasn't for you." Her head popped up, looking at me and finally letting me see her eyes, "You were...are my best friend, my only friend for all of my life. Everything I am, the person I am today is because you were always there for me. And because I love you."

Putting an elbow under her, she propped her face upon her fist. "Well, that proves it I guess."

"Proves what?"

Her face was so fucking adorable, I was putty. "That we are meant to be! In love! Soul mates!"

She said it so easily, defining us in a way I hadn't dared to say out loud for the past two months of knowing. Even without any doubt, I wanted to hear her theories. "Soul mates?"

Her furious nod on top of her fist had my heart swelling in my chest. "Real, true, soul mate kind of love changes you. It makes you a better person, into your best person without trying. It just...happens. Because that love builds you up. And you build me up, Mamo."

A gentle push on the arm that held her and she slowly fell to me, letting me kiss her. She pulled away but hovered close. "You build me up too, Usako. To the highest peak."

Her eyes danced around my face as she looked down at me, a grin pulling at one side of her face before lowering it to mine again. A hand in her hair to hold her, we planted slow, wet kisses on one another.

Tired of holding her weight, she fell to me completely and I pulled her even more on top of me. A few more sweet caresses and she flopped to my chest, a content sigh coming from her. Tiny fingers ran up and down my arm, a small tickle coming from it while I played with her hair, endless locks uncontained so she could get a helmet over her head.

"Minako's Halloween Party is this Friday. Are we still going costume shopping tomorrow?" I groaned, it vibrating through my chest to hers. "Mamo, you promised."

"Ug..fine. But I am not wearing anything stupid."

She giggled, dancing on my chest. "We will steer clear of the 'stupid' section."

A grunt from me and I lifted us both up to sit. "I better get you home unless you want to be grounded for all of that….which doesn't sound too bad…"

Usagi jumped off the table, "Mamoru Chiba!" I chuckled through my shudder, knowing she was serious when she used my full name. "I have been going to Minako's party for years now, so whether you go or not, I will be there."

"What? You would go without me?"

Hands on her hips, she shook her head as she walked towards my bike. "I get it, you don't like parties and that's fine. You don't have to go if you don't want to, but I do. We don't have to be one of those couples that does everything together."

I leapt off the table and was at her side in a heartbeat, "You're giving me an out?"

"There is nothing less fun than a fussy Mamo."

I grabbed her hips to stop her slow walk to my bike, "What exactly goes on at this party?"

She shrugged, "Dancing and drinking. Some people hooking up."

"Hooking up?"

"You know, making out. Although this year I'm sure they will be hooking up with sex…"

"And you don't want me to come?!"

Her eyes got big and her lips full, "I didn't say that Mamo. I want you to come."

My knees faltered with how she drew out the word 'come' and curled her lips around it. "So what you're telling me is, if I go to this party, we will slip into the back and have sex?"

She smirked, thick lips tugging up at a corner, "After we dance."


My blood slowed at the idea but Usagi ran her hands up my chest to my shoulders. "Yes, dance. Like foreplay."

"So shall I pick you up at noon tomorrow?"

She laughed, my change of tune obvious a mile away. "Noon sounds perfect."