"So." Thor was beaming as he stood in the center of New Asgard, a group of people looking curiously at him as they had all been gathered for a statement. "It's been three days ago now, since we battled against Thanos ones more. And we undid the snap doubling our numbers!" he beamed. "This of course means, we have lacked houses and beds for all the newcomers. But ones again, Asgard has pulled together and shown its true worth! We didn't have much, but what we had we have shared and we will manage."

People smiled amused, some putting arms around an old friend whom had been returned to them.

"Anyway, words has already spread. That Loki was present at the battle, many of you saw him!" Thor grinned. "You were all informed, he was wounded. And he was, now though…" he stepped aside.

There was silence, stunned silence, then. The door behind Thor slowly opened up and out stepped, a young god.

Pale skin, black hair, green eyes. And something that was quite unlike him, he actually looked nervous.

"Erhm." Loki hesitated then raised a hand. "Hello."

For a moment there was silence, then great cheers making Loki blink and Thor shook his head.

"Okay." Thor spoke and people silenced. "Loki, under Asgardian law. Has been wanted for… Well, a list of crimes."

Loki sighed deeply.

"Breaking the peace treaty between Asgard and Jotunnheim, attacking Midgard which is part of Asgards domain. Impersonating King Odin and sitting illegitimately on the throne." Thor counted. "And… Other things."

Loki closed his eyes, his cheeks flushing. What Thor was saying was all true… Didn't feel good though. Thor was even kind enough to leave out the things which weren't public knowledge such as… trying to murder Thor… Several times… Ups.

"How-ever, there's a reason why you reacted the way you did by the sight of him." Thor grinned. "Loki, proved his true loyalty! In our hour of need, Loki returned to Asgard at own peril with a means of escape! He himself dived into the flames of surtur to help defeat Hela! And he came back willingly to carry his duty for our people! When Thanos arrived Loki acted to defend us, all of us! And then he did it again at the battlefield! Through his actions, Loki has proven his loyalty! And that is why I as king, hereby absolve him of those crimes in the past!"

And people grinned and cheered until Thor made them quiet.

"Our numbers have doubled, but we are still not many." Thor breathed. "A couple of hundred people, that's all. To carry on a hundred thousand year old legacy! That means, each and every one of us are important beyond measure! Millions of people, their history and legacy. Is with us! In our hearts and minds." he informed. "That's why, the knowledge of the old must be delivered to the young! And I have the perfect candidate for the job!"

Loki blinked. "Erh Thor, we didn't agree to this." he pointed out.

Thor grinned as he looked at Loki. "I am King. My word is law." he pointed out.

Loki send Thor a sullen glare.

"Don't look like that." Thor asked. "It's an important job and you know it, perhaps… The most important one right now. And you're the only one with the mind and knowledge to do it! Loki, you're irreplaceable! We need you!"

"Norns Thor, don't say it like that." Loki sighed deeply.

"I hand the responsibility to you Loki." Thor smiled. "Delivering this knowledge is of utmost importance and now has grand priority! When-ever you need something. Come to me, it will be high priority."

"Couldn't make it easy for me could you?" Loki asked then stepped back. "I accept, my king." he bowed for Thor then stood up. "It is indeed high time that the children around here is taught of our history! This will be obligatory!"

You would be expecting the children to complain over the prospect of school, but that didn't happen. They were cheering! And the adults to were grinning, hope in their eyes and then Lokis name was hailed making Loki blink as Thor grinned putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Loki! They love you!" Thor grinned.

Loki was honestly stunned, he had always desired this. But to have it, was oddly enough different than he thought it would be. These people were not grovelling in fear, they were actually happy! And seemed so happy to see him. So this is what it felt like to be adored huh? People cheering not because they had to, because they wanted to.

"I erh… Got something to inform though." Loki informed and people quieted. "At Asgard, I was well known as one of the greatest sorcerers around. While my knowledge remains the same. My power not so much." he admitted. "I erhm..." he halted. "When I faced Thanos. While we were still at the Statesman I.." he halted. "My body was destroyed, for good." he informed. "What you see now is the result of my shape shifting. How-ever when I sleep… When I am knocked unconscious. I return to my now true form. A rather weak form, which is only able to hold onto so much magic. So I am not entirely the same as I were."

People were quiet, they didn't look angry though. They looked understanding which honestly stunned Loki.

"Well erhm, my true form." Loki swallowed, then he seemed to vanish, except he hadn't vanished. He was a cat by Thors feet and people blinked, then Loki turned back, his cheeks red. "So yeah… I'm a cat now. That's my true form, and that probably wont change any time soon." he looked away. "First one who laughs is going to get it." he murmured in a low voice only Thor could hear.

No one was laughing though, as Loki dared to look back. People still just looked happy, even relieved.

"Loki." Thor shook his head. "You were born a Jotunn, raised an Aisir and now you're a cat." he smirked amused. "That doesn't change though. That you always had the heart of an Asgardian. That never changed, and I don't believe it ever will."

Loki shook his head, smiling amused.

"What-ever the future may bring, that is going to stay the same." Thor stated. "And that's why you belong here! With us! Loki of Asgard!"

"Well Thor, future is a mystery." Loki smirked. "But for now… Aye." he sighed. "I'm home."

And they turned to the Asgardians whom were all grinning and all cheering. Thor putting a hand on Lokis shoulder and then they walked down to join all of them. Laughing, cheering and talking.

They of course had many hurdles to overcome, as Loki pointed out. The future was a mystery.

But they would figure it out, like they always would.

The king and his cat brother.

The end.