RisingPluto66 BKA: *uploads a new chapter of Izuku, Son of Fire Fist Ace

Me: It's Free Real Estate

It had been a week or so since the fall of All for One and All-Might's retirement as the Symbol of Peace. In that time, Ben Shigura and Nana Shimura had been happily reunited as a family, with Hana Shimura joining them, although she was also adopted by Izuku's family for the time being until they could save the rest of her family. Izuku also vowed to find a way to bring back Tomura as well, even if he might already be too far gone.

Considering Nana no longer had [One for All] inside her anymore, Ben had been kind enough to give her a new Quirk from his arsenal, [Unbreakable], a Mutation-Type Quirk that made her bones and skin unbreakable but the drawback was that she easily sank if she was submerged in deep water. Thankfully, her original Quirk, [Float], helped negate that drawback a little bit.

But now was the time for Izuku, Ochako, Ben, and their friends to return to the rest of the gang at UA High so they could get settled into the new dorm system that Nedzu had set up for the student's safety.

"Welcome, students, to your new home!" Principal Nedzu said as he presented the massive dormitory to the students of Class 1-A, minus the Neo Worst Generation and Ochako.

"Alright, before we go in, I want to address something to Kirishima, Melissa, Yaoyorozu, Bakugou, and Todoroki. While what you did to save Izuku was a noble thing, it was still technically illegal and not to mention dangerous. You were lucky the Neo Worst Generation were there to back you up."

"Speaking of which, where are they?" Kyouka asked while absent-mindedly twirling one of her jacks.

"RIGHT HERE!" Izuku cheered as he crashed down with Ochako held in his arms bridal style. Melissa smiled as she ran over to the two before Ben landed hard on his face in a comical manner, flattening like a pancake before peeling himself off and reinflating his body.

"Hey, you guys are back!" Minoru cheered as he and Eijirou gave Ben high-fives. Mina squealed when Katakiri appeared from a mound of mochi behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, hugging her tightly as she laughed and kicked her feet.

"Stone!" Tooru and Oujiro cheered as they ran over to their blonde earthbending friend, who smiled as he sensed them approach before hugging both of them as best he could. Tiger burrowed his way out of the ground in front of Tsuyu and then got on one knee, taking her hand in his.

"Miss me, my cute little frog?" All Tsuyu could do was blush as her eyes turned pure white.

"Wassup?" Ryuma asked as he, Shanks II, Viper, Erza, Mune, Olivia, and Angel all popped out from behind a conveniently large bush. Katsuki smiled as Olivia ran over to him and jumped into his arms, both of them spinning around before kissing each other passionately.

"Sheesh, get a room, you two..." Kyouka said with an embarrassed blush at their shameless romantic display before a small body jumped into her and squeezed her waist tightly, causing the rocker girl to laugh as she hugged Kirby.

"Awww, I missed you too, little guy!"

Corazon teleported in along with Violet, Karen, Hinata, and Penny before Kaido II finished the ensemble by crashing down from the sky beside Izuku, kicking up dust in the air as the rest of Class 1-A had to shield their eyes.

"Man, this dorm is a beauty!" Erza whistled as she put a hand to her hip. Everyone headed inside and got a good feel for their new living arrangements. Later that night, everyone decided to have a 'Room Contest' to see who had the best room.

"First up is Izuku and Ochako's room!" Mina cheered as everyone went to the shared room the two had, which was in a pirate style, had a large bed fit for five people in the shape of a rowboat, a few posters of All-Might and Thirteen, wanted posters of Izuku and the Neo Worst Generation, an old family photo of Izuku, Ace, and Bonney, and another recently taken one with Izuku, Ochako, Eri, Nezuko, Kanna, Roger, Rouge, Edward, Bonney, and Hana. Finally, hung for everyone to see was the Jolly Roger of the Spade Pirates.

"AWESOME!" Nearly everyone exclaimed as Izuku and Ochako looked at each other and blushed sheepishly while smiling.

"Let's see what Tokoyami's is like next!" Mina said, flapping her arms as everyone headed to the raven-headed boy's room and saw it was pitch-black!

"Fits your style. Is Dark Shadow under control in here?" Izuku asked as Fumikage nodded in affirmation.

Yuuga's room was very flashy and sparkly, causing everyone to nearly go blind. Heck, Izuku could swear he saw a full-scale suit of medieval armor in there as well!

Nobody wanted to go into Minoru's room except Erza, who immediately saw a poster of Tim Curry in his role as Dr. Frank-N-Furter as well as a full-scale wallpaper of Hexxus from Ferngully: The Last Rainforest.

"What, I think Tim Curry's a great actor!" The grape-haired boy said defensively.

Oujiro's room was rather modest with a small plasma TV, a desk with a laptop, and a coffee table. Stone gave him two thumbs-up for going with the simple style.

Eijirou's room was decked out with all sorts of manly stuff and even had a punching bag and an AC/DC poster. "MANLY POWER!"

Denki's room definitely had a funky flow to it and he even had a full computer on his desk. "Electrifying and Groovy!"

Kouji had a normal room which had a sweet and friendly feel and even a small pen for a cute little bunny that the girls, Ben, and Kirby all fawned over.

Shouji's room was practically barren save for a cot and a small coffee table. "Well, you did tell us you were a man with few desires."

Sero's room had an Asian-style decorum to it. There were even a hammock and a dressing chamber. "Damn, fancy stuff right here!"

Shoto's room was a perfect replica of his room from his home. When asked about how he got things like this, he simply said: "I worked hard."

Sato's room was normal for the most part but he also had a microwave and oven for baking, which won him over with the girls, Ben, Shanks II, and Kirby.

Momo's room was very cramped, mostly due to her expensive-looking Canopy Bed. "I think you need to change that up a little, Yao-Momo."

Kyouka's room definitely matched her rocker style, there was musical equipment and posters and merchandise of many famous rockstars and musicians, most notably Freddie Mercury from Queen.

Mina's room had a pink psychedelic style and Tooru's room was pink and traditionally girly. Tsuyu's room had a water bed and even a kiddie pool in it as well as a picture of her with her family and best friend, Habuko Mongoose.

Ben's room was very American-style complete with a bed, a desk with a laptop, a large TV with Blu-Ray, Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime, all sorts of Manga and Anime Collections, and even a body pillow of Hatsune Miku.

"Damn, man! This is an Otaku's dream room!" Minoru pointed out as the son of All for One rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, glad that his friends didn't find his hidden stash of chubby girl doujins.

Shanks II, Ryuma, and Katakiri's rooms were all pirate-themed with their own little flairs. Shanks II's room had a map-making desk, a bunk bed, a giant fridge, a punching bag with Akainu's face printed on it, and training weights.

Ryuma's room had multiple swords decorating the walls and a poster of his father, Zoro, striking his signature Santoryu battle pose. Finally, Katakiri's room had an oven, microwave, dishwasher, a drawer filled with cooking equipment, and a giant cookbook on his desk.

Stone and Tiger's rooms were both normal for the most part but Stone had incense and radio while Tiger had a poster of Queen Otohime.

Kaido II's room was like the room of a big shot Yakuza member. The girls all adored the picture he had of Toga as well as a family portrait of him with his parents and little sister.

Viper's room was an Amazonian-style and Erza's room was just like Impel Down Lv. 5.5: Newkama Land. Minoru's response was quite odd.

"I am both weirded out but also aroused, is that wrong?"

"Probably, probably not."

Mune's room had a Traditional Japanese-style as well but there was also some style of the Mink Tribe thrown in as well. Both Angel and Olivia's rooms were very modest, like a model student room. Corazon's room was like a lab complete with medical and scientific equipment and his father's old Nodachi mounted on the wall.

Kirby's room was very cute and homey-looking and had plushies, toys, and other cute stuff. Violet and Karen's shared room was American-Style like Ben's but had a more casual bedroom style. Hinata's room was Traditionally Japanese-styled like Shoto and Mune's and finally, Penny and Melissa's shared room was like something out of a Sci-Fi Movie.

"Daddy sent some of I-Island's engineers over to make me and Penny's room..." Melissa awkwardly explained while rubbing the back of her head sheepishly. Penny simply had a bright smile on her face, as if seeing nothing wrong at all.

Ultimately, everyone decided that Izuku and Ochako's room won, especially since Eri, Nezuko, and Kanna were also living with them and you could never go wrong with those cuties.

Tiger was staring at the moonlit sky before he perked up and noticed Tsuyu approach him from behind. Getting up, the Son of Jinbe approached the frog-like girl.

"What's up, Tsu?"

"Nothing...it's just that when you went with the others to save Midoriya and Ben...I just couldn't help but feel sad. Seeing you do the right thing but also putting yourself in danger...I didn't want to lose my friends."

Tiger smiled and hugged the crying Tsuyu close to his chest, stroking the back of her head gently.

"It's alright, my precious little frog. I will not disappear."

A day later and everyone was back to doing schoolwork and when Heroics 101 came around, Aizawa made a big announcement.

"We'll be working on patenting your own Super Moves."

"Sweet! Let's get to it!" Eijirou cheered.

"But don't the Neo Worst Generations already have their own Super Moves?" Sero pointed out.

"Well, it doesn't hurt to add a few more, right?" Ben pointed out with a shrug as everyone could see his point. Everyone soon donned their Hero Costumes and were brought to Training Gym Gamma, where Cementoss made all sorts of targets and terrains for everyone in the class to work with.

"Alright, I've been practicing with a new Asura technique..." Ryuma said before taking a stance. "Nine Sword Style Secret Technique: 9000 WORLDS!"

Ryuma dashed past a stone pillar made by Cementoss and it soon crumbled into nine separate chunks as everyone clapped in awe.

"That was awesome, Bro!" Shanks II cheered as Ryuma wiped some sweat off his forehead with the back of his fist.

"I fused Asura and the 3000 Worlds Technique together but I need to work on the speed..."

"Well, guess we're going to have some fun here!" Ben said as he cracked his knuckles while Kirby hopped up and down in excitement.

"Let's all do our best, everyone!" Hinata said with a nod of her head.

"I'm Super Move Ready!" Penny chirped as she struck a pose with Melissa. Izuku, meanwhile, approached Aizawa.

"Aizawa-Sensei, I need you to negate my Quirks for my training."

"And why is that, Midoriya?" The sleepy-eyed teacher asked.

"Well, I want to use this Super Move training in order to practice using my Devil Fruit."

Aizawa nodded, understanding the Son of Ace's reasoning before activating his [Erasure], allowing Izuku to use his Alchemy-Alchemy Fruit to rearrange the terrain and mold it to his will.

"Gotta say, UA hasn't changed much since I last saw it. A little more modern now but I can still remember it fondly." Nana said as she looked around at the halls fondly. Suddenly, an explosion echoed, and, wanting to know what was going on, Nana quickly flew over before finding Mei, Melissa, Yassop II, Ben, Izuku, and Penny all in a pile, covered in soot.

"Hey, Ms. Benny's Mom!" Mei chirped as she peeked out from the dogpile while Yassop II groaned in annoyance.

"Mei, this is the last time we use hydrogen instead of carbon with that invention."

"Curiosity is the mother of invention, my beloved Yassop! Everyone knows that!"

Nana giggled as she pulled her son out of the pile, Penny standing up next to him with a cheerful smile on her face.

"Salutations, Ms. Shimura! I hope you are doing well!"

Nana smiled at the politeness of the Synth and ruffled her head. "I'm doing better for someone who has been frozen for over 40-something years."

Ben chuckled at his mom's joke while Izuku got up and dusted himself off. "Hatsume-San and Yassop-Kun were helping me with upgrading my weapon, the Junkyard Dog Mk. II. They're also working on something to add to my feet because I figured something out that I needed to change my style of using [One for All]."

"I see. Well, if you need any pointers, come find me, kiddo." Nana said, patting Izuku on the back of the head as the greenette giggled while Yassop II and Melissa tried to stop Mei from going crazy with her inventions again.

"So, Mom, wanna go get lunch at the Cafeteria? Lunch Rush makes a mean bento box."

Nana's stomach suddenly growled loudly as she chuckled and patted it. "I haven't had a good bite to eat in forever. Fill me up, baby!"

"Mom...PHRASING." Ben groaned as Penny giggled, joining the two. As they arrived, Nana noticed something strange, a ball-shaped fruit that was colored dark purple and had spirals on it. Shrugging, she took it and bit into it, cringing at the taste and setting it down before joining her son and his Synth Girlfriend for Lunch.

Yup, Nana just got a Devil Fruit, but what is it and what will its power be? You'll have to find out next chapter!

*Omake: The Trial of Muscular*

"Muscular, we find you guilty of murdering the Water Hose Duo as well as the attempted murder of innocent children. Your punishment is to be sent to the newest level installed by Tartarus, where they will poke you with pointy stick forever until you go insane." Achilles said, acting as the Judge for Muscular's 'trial'.

"HOW THE HELL IS THIS A FAIR TRIAL?!" The psychotic Villain cried in indignation before a man in military fatigues and wearing a WWII military helmet approached him, a hole appearing behind the Villain.

"If God had wanted you to live, he would not have created ME!"

With those words, the Soldier kicked Muscular into the hole as he screamed and fell into the waiting hands of Tartarus, where he was joined by Don Krieg.


"Please stop."