Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon

Authors notes.

I want to point out here, that this story won't be for everyone. I will put this up on T rating for some mature themes. The story will hopefully only be a two parter one shot. Its a story that I wanted to write myself after reading a few Ash turning into a Pikachu stories and felt them lacking in some areas. So, I wrote my own.

The story will be heavy on feels and such.

While humans are around and for easier understanding; Pokemon speech will be in Italics while humans will have "Quotation marks." for easier tracking and understanding. Thank you!

Please leave a review of what you think!

After a long and hard Journey through Kalos and before having gone through Unova, Sinnoh, Kanto, Johto the Orange islands and so much more, the boy growing into a young man now of 15 sat in his home's den, on the couch that sat there as it always had ever since he could remember.

His eyes were closed, the young man deep in thought, thinking about all the adventures he had had with his friends, friends that he had made on his adventures through the Leagues.

He had suffered yet another defeat and he was planning to use the coming weeks of leisure time to properly go through where he had made his mistakes.

Ash Ketchum to many, seemed like an over enthusiastic young man. He knew this, he knew of how some people viewed him, but they just didn't get it, did they? Well, he at least felt like they didn't.

He wanted to challenge himself, he just wanted to have fun, to enjoy the adventure, the thrill of being out there, and going for the title of Pokemon Master! He would get there, he was determined on that. But he was realizing that maybe his approach to the League was all wrong.

He gave a dejected sigh and ruffled his raven black hair with both hands. Causing the ears of his Partner, Pikachu to twitch her ears in reaction to her trainers frustration.

She opened her eyes and looked over to her friend, trainer and partner in many adventures and crimes from her vantage point on his lap. She couldn't just hear his frustration, but feel it in his chest as he breathed. He sounded not only frustrated but a bit angry with himself.

He had been doing a lot of this lately. This was only their fifth day back and Delia, Ash's mother was growing worried over her son's seemingly uncharacteristic attitude. She had tried to pry, but he said that he didn't want to talk about it, at least not yet and she could guess the good part of why.

Pikachu was his confidant in this like so many other things. He shared with her often times the things he felt he couldn't discuss, either not yet or ever with those he called friends. Frustrations over the leagues, his woes and fears, and many other things. He still kept things to himself, and she respected his privacy on those matters. He would talk about them when he felt good and ready if he ever did.

"Pika pi?" Voiced Pikachu as she clambered onto her feet, and rested her little hands on his chest. The contact meant to reassure and calm her friend down, her question bore the words 'want to talk about it?' In her meaning.

They were currently alone at home so Ash could voice his frustrations and thoughts.

"I just don't know what I did wrong!" He blurted out after a short pause which Pikachu had thought he wouldn't say anything.

And now that he had started, it came rushing out like a tidal wave.

"I did my best, I really did Pikachu. I really did my best. I must be doing something wrong. I just want to be able to win one league Pikachu, just one!" He said, tears of frustration running down his cheek.

"We had a good battle. I'm not saying we didn't. It's just.." he said and paused, his voice faltering, trying to find the correct words.

"I guess I just feel.. stupid. I know that I'm not the smartest person in the world. I mean.. yeah I've done stupid things. But I just get so excited and I want to just rush ahead! I.. I guess I just.. I get too into it?" He offered lamely, his hands had gone around Pikachu in a half hug, and she had leaned against him. His words had been a jumble of both new and old topics. He was rambling, but that was okay to her. It helped him air out his frustration.

If only he could understand her. If he could, she could reassure her trainer, she could reassure her friend that it was okay.

He wasn't a bad trainer at all. And he wasn't a bad human either. He loved his Pokemon with all his heart and his Pokemon loved him in return.

He was so loved by his Pokemon that Pidgeot had forgiven him, after some light pecking mind you and after a near year absence. But there was no enmity in Pidgeot's heart. She had simply given a good scolding to the boy back then for being so forgetful and lost in his own adventures. But she had loved her friend back then as she does now. She was still around, but settled down with an edition to the team from Sinnoh, Staraptor. They seemed to have hit it off after he came here with Ash.

She hugged Ash as best she could. Wrapping her little paws around his barrel and giving him a good reassuring squeeze.

Don't blame yourself Ash. You're just a very energetic human. She said, even though he could never fully understand her, he could understand her meaning and he knew she was trying to reassure him.

"Thanks Pikachu." He said as he petted her head, which made her give out a "Chuuu~" as he scratched her between the ears. He was smiling, if just a bit. But he wasn't completely reassured, and she knew he wouldn't be. At least not for a while.

After a while of sitting there, with him petting her and scratching her head, and her just trying to be a reassuring presence for her friend, he announced:

"I think I need some fresh air." Which was a good idea. Maybe some fresh air would clear his mind.

She, without another need for prompting, jumped on her usual spot on his shoulder.

The young teen going out with his usual jacket, for once not really caring if he had a hat on or not, this time leaving it in his room.

He took a long, winding walk. He went here and there, saying hello to those that knew him in Pallet, and exchanging kind words with one another, and as was in his kind nature, helping those that needed it.

"Here are you groceries Ms. Gisel." Ash said to the elderly woman he was assisting as he brought her grocery bags on her kitchen table. The home decorated in that way some old people liked to do. Walls hung with family photos, hand knitted artwork, and just generally had a very homey feel.

"Thank you young man." The elderly woman said kindly to Ash, and gently took his hand, slipping him a sweet. "I know it isn't much dear, but I figured you could use something like it, you seem very down as of late." She said to him and he smiled at the gift she had given him.

"I guess so yeah." He said and unwrapped the sweet from its wrapper and popped it into his mouth, smiling at her. "Thanks though Ms. Gisel. Glad I could help out." He said, and she smiled at the kind boy, and patted his hand. "You're very much welcome and I should be thanking you for helping an old woman." She said with a soft chuckle and ushered him out, and on the way bribed Pikachu with a sweet of her own before leading them fully out the door, which Pikachu unabashedly accepted, sticking the hard candy in her mouth and loving the flavor.

They made their way towards Oak's ranch and lab, Ash figuring he could go and spend time with his Pokemon. He knew they would love to spend time with him and he just needed something to do. Anything really to just occupy his mind.

As they made their way towards the lab, Ash was nearly toppled over by the assistant, Tracey, who rushed out the door. The door nearly hitting Ash, which caused him to skid and stumble back.

"Oh!" Tracey exclaimed as he saw Ash. "Sorry Ash, didn't see you there!" Said the distracted adult, well Tracey was now an adult. 20 and going into his 21 years, the young adult had been working with Professor oak for a few years now.

"Oh hey Tracey." Ash greeted as he waved at him. "The professor in?" He asked, and Tracey shook his head.

"No, sorry, he left early today, he won't be back for at least a few days." He explained sadly to the young teen and Ash gave a sigh. "Alright, I was just going to say Hi and hang out with my Pokemon for a bit." He said, and Tracey nodded.

"Alright Ash, just don't get into trouble." He said with a knowing fond smile and Ash could only smile weakly. His mind still heavy with his thoughts and questions from before, but he felt a bit better knowing he still had some friends here. "I'll try Trace." He said to him.

If he won't you know I'll bail him out. Pikachu said and posed on Ash's shoulder and patted his head to illustrate her point even if she wasn't completely understood. The confident pose and reassuring smile on the mouse Pokemon's face as she patted Ash's head gave the jist of her meaning and Tracey laughed.

"I'm sure you will Pikachu!" He said as he laughed, and it made Ash flush. "Pikachu!" He exclaimed in his embarrassment, which made her laugh in return.

Oh shush! You'd be horribly lost without me! She said and smirked at him, which made Tracey laugh again, because he knew that Pikachu was being smug.

"Yeah, yeah laugh it up." He said in half irritation, half commiseration for himself and waved them both off.

"See ya Ash!" Tracey called out as he went to leave the lan for his own errands and Ash went to see his Pokemon.

Upon hitting the grounds where his Pokemon were kept, he was instantly tackled by an over enthusiastic Bayleef. With a cry of; "Baaay!" Which translated to Aaash! From her, she tackled him down which knocked the wind out of the teen and the clingy and very huggy grass type cuddled up to her master.

Oh my gosh! I missed you Ash! When is the next adventure, when will we leave?! Why won't you just cuddle meeee. She whined out in an excited jabber as he tried to push her off.

Pikachu had been vaulted off of her favorite spot too and when she saw the two, she gave a sigh.

"Bayleef, come on!" Ash said as she jabbered in her Pokespeech and clung to him, and then he just promptly gave up. Not having the energy at the moment.

Come on Bayleef, give Ash a break. Pikachu said as she approached the female and she looked on at Pikachu and frowned.

But why? She asked, which was a perfectly normal question, she figured. He's having a rough day. She said in earnest and gently nudged Bayleef's bigger bulk, but she conceded to what was essentially Ash's second of their group.

He's upset about the recent league. She explained and looked at Ash as he stood up.

"Thanks Pikachu." He said with a weak smile, and she smiled at him back, and ushered her friend to join up with the rest of his Pokemon, he would need to see to their need for his attention after all.

Meanwhile Bayleef looked on at her beloved master and frowned. Oh… she said finally. He will be alright though, right? she asked.

Of course he will be! Pikachu reaffirmed. He's been in similar situations and he always pulls through. She said, confident that her friend will pull through his funk.

She looked on to look at Ash as he greeted his Pokemon. New and old.

Some were vying for his attention, pulling at clothes, or tugging where they could in playful or affectionate ways. Simply glad he had taken the time to come and see them.

And he at least looked happy to be with them, to give them his undivided attention, or encourage them on in his way. 'Yes', she thought. He would be okay. Like he always would be. She smiled and joined in the fray, Bayleef on her heels, and they joined in with the happy mood that was forming in a clamor of voices.

The gathered Pokemon insisted on running Ash ragged. Maybe they had picked on his depressive mood, or could just feel that he was unhappy, the Pokemon with him on the league felt it the most, and they had been the most participant in the fun.

They had played games, or chased Ash about, doing various games and never letting him have a long enough pause to sink into his thoughts again, and when he needed to eat, they brought him food through berries and apples. More than happy to share some of their treats with him.

This had lasted late into the evening. The sun was starting to wane for dusk and the sky was lit in brilliant colors of blue, red and dusky pink. The sky held a few clouds and it was this that Ash, Pikachu and his group of loyal friends were looking over now while lying on the grass after a day of exhausting fun. His eyes felt heavy, and he could feel his friends around him, chattering to each other, and not for the first time, he wished he could know what they were saying.

Every trainer had a wish to understand their Pokemon. But after the events of the Kalos league, he found himself wishing it even more. And for more reasons than just the obvious battle plans and tactics. To go over training. Sure that was fun, it was also an important event of their training. But also on other things. Like how they felt, how things worked, how he could maybe improve? Or maybe if he could understand them, they could help him know things that seemed so alien to him at times. Like with Girls! They were still in some ways alien to him, and he wanted to ask why Pikachu had always felt so defensive over some of those he had met.

There were a lot of valid reasons, but right now. He just wished to talk to them about.. anything. About them, about him, about anything he could think of.

As he closed his eyes. He wished for that moment with all his heart, that he could connect with his friends more. To understand his friends and learn more about them.

With that in mind, he soon fell asleep. The soft snores he gave after a few minutes halted the whispered conversations that were around him.

"Ah, he's finally asleep." said Pidgeot as she stood close by with her mate Staraptor, her fond smile on the boy as he slept.

"About time." Said Bulbasaur, his gaze going to the young teen, and he frowned. He, like everyone else had felt something off about their friend today, and so in the time they had been playing with him, Bayleef and Pikachu had been asked what was going on, and they had told them.

To some it had been obvious, others not so much. The news had spread among the group and so they had made more of an effort to cheer Ash up.

Bayleef clambered on to her masters side, and gently cuddled up to his side. Using her bulk to help keep him warm so he could sleep. "Shush Bulbasaur, you know it's been a tough few days." She said to him.

"Try a few years." Grumped Kingler. He was ever grumpy when too long out of water, but he was worried about Ash like all the rest, so had opted to stay for his trainers benefit.

Leavanny hummed as she used her silk to spin a comfortable small pillow made out of leaves for Ash, gently raising his head and putting it down on the pillow for further comfort.

"He has tried it his all, hasn't he?" asked Leavanny, and gently stroked his cheek to clear away any leaves that were sticking to him. "He gave the League this year his all, he always has right? And if I remember correctly of what I was told, he only won the Orange Island trials. He must feel dejected after another loss." She said and paused, feeling regret and disappointment from his Kalos League Pokemon.

"Do not feel bad. It's not your fault. You did exceedingly well. It's simply that the other teams did better." She said kindly, and that helped ease their minds.

"I think he's starting to simply feel the pressure." Pikachu said at last.

"I know it's not our fault, it's no one's fault. But I know Ash, and he feels responsible in his own way." Pikachu noted with regret as she went to her Trainers side, and put her head on his chest. "He doesn't need too, because he isn't. But I know him well enough to say that I think he's getting tired of losing. He wants a win for once, you know?" She offered, and all the Pokemon there nodded.

They had been there with Ash through thick and thin, and in many ways, through the thickest.

Battling to help Legendaries, fighting various organized crime, and even going so far as to risk everything. Pidgeot remembered when she was a young Pidgeotto, when she was on Ash's team and how he had, despite the risk of severe hypothermia, closed off a large hole that had formed after a blizzard, high in the mountains here in Kanto. She, Charmander back then, and Bulbasaur, Squirtle and Pikachu, were all trapped with him in a horrible weather, and he had put them all in their Pokeballs. And even had tried to get Pikachu to go into hers, but she had stubbornly refused.

They had known, all of them, that Ash wouldn't survive without them. Or may not have survived even with them. But they had all banded together and kept each other warm. It was a testament to their bonds as friends back then, that they had refused to leave their trainer to die. Or at least to die alone.

They had made it out alive, but it was still a testament on how much they cared for each other, even if Charizard didn't admit it, he cared about Ash, the stubborn oaf wouldn't ever simply admit it through clear words.

Pidgeot wiped away the tears of the memory. Thinking about that day always brought a lot of memories and feelings. The fear, desperation and worry for her friends. But also the elation, gratitude and simply the joy of being alive after a new tomorrow.

Pikachu had seen her friends tears, and could guess why. There were many moments in their first year that could cause the original team to shed tears in fond memories. Both good and bad.

They all had gone through a lot with Ash, and had done their all to bring him this far. So to see their friend so dejected and depressed, made them all wish that they could talk to him, reassure him, and tell him to get back at it.

He had a long way to go yes, but they would be there with him. Every step of the way.

Soon enough, those that needed to leave went back to their respective den.

Pidgeot and Staraptor stayed a bit longer, giving Ash their own nuzzles to his sleeping form, and Pidgeot giving his hair a slight grooming with her beak, which she had wanted to do all day. She knew why, and it wouldn't be long now until it happened.

But until then, she would outlet her feelings on the human she cared about, almost to the point of him being achingly like a little brother to her.

With that done, she smiled at her mate, whom smiled back at her. "He'll be safe dear. He's got Bayleef and Pikachu. And the rest of us aren't far away." He reassured her and she gave a nod. "I know, I know. I just worry." She admitted before stepping away so they wouldn't disturb Ash in their flight away.

Bayleef and Pikachu soon fell asleep with their friend. Cuddling up to him as best as they could.

Meanwhile, somewhere out in the stratosphere.

Jirachi was bored, bored, bored. There was nothing for him to do today. He floated in his little bubble, floating and lost in thought.

He was relatively in peace until he found a sensation he hadn't felt in a while.

A wish.

And not just any wish, and from just anyone. It was a heartfelt wish. A wish of pure intent, and it seemed to be shared by many Pokemon too. Now this caught his attention.

He followed that desperate wish. Leading it like a Fisher would a fishing line and holding it, and found that it led to a familiar face. Ash Ketchum of Pallet town. He could feel the humans thread, and with it some of his feelings. Not all, just lingering threads that clung to the wish like strings.

He was a bit angry, sad, depressed, discontent and if not a little lost and lonely. Lonely in the sense that it felt like there was a gap there that could be filled, but not by just anyone. No it was a gap left without guidance.

Jirachi himself had only known the human for a short period of time, but in that time, he had known that Ash had a very kind nature, and he was energetic, and prone to rushing on without thinking. So, these feelings felt a bit uncharacteristic for the kind human. As for the gap he felt the traces of, it was more deep then he might think. He didn't understand it, or its origin. But he knew it was a gap that Ash, even if he knew it or not, wanted filled.

As for his wish.. And the wish that was similar in its nature from the group of Pokemon he had felt, they all had ties to each other. He considered the wish. He was being taught to not systematically fulfill just any wish. But, this one felt a little different. And it came from a human that he knew, and Jirachi felt that the human was in a circumstance where he needed help.

He thought for a long moment of the wish and of what to do. Then came to a decision. He would fulfill it, but there was a catch. A catch that, Ash would not hear of for a while if ever. This was potentially a one way trip decision, and Jirachi wouldn't perhaps be able to change it. It would all depend on Ash himself.

With that in mind, his little ribbons on his star shaped crown glowed, and he fulfilled the wish. It wouldn't take effect until morning, but it would surely make itself known. With a smile, a sigh and wishing him all the best. Jirachi left Ash to his own devices.

The next morning, late into the morning.

Pikachu roused. She stretched and yawned. She had slept in today, even though she was normally the first to rise most of the time. But, she just hadn't wanted to wake up this morning. Blame it on fatigue, or the fact that she was probably catching on some R&R that she had felt she had earned a long time ago.

Her eyes were still closed and she groggily felt about. Where was her trainer? She only felt the grassy ground, scattered clothes…

Scattered clothes.

She bolted upright, and she was awake in a heartbeat. "Ash!" She gasped, and beside her, Bayleef had risen too.

"What, who, where? Team Rocket?" She barked out, on the alert. Ready to defend her friends again from those three idiots that kept chasing Pikachu.

Bayleef noticed it too, Ash was nowhere to be found. Instead, what they found. Was a still snoring Pikachu. A second Pikachu.

His head on the pillow of leaves that Levianne had made and he was muttering incoherently in his sleep. The Pikachu himself was unfamiliar, and he was in the place of their beloved friend. The clothes scattered about on the ground, but not in a heap like someone would have taken them off and discarded them. But, more like he had simply shrunk, or been swallowed by the ground.

Bayleef looked ready to pounce on the Pikachu, but her friend stopped her. "Wait!" She exclaimed and waved at Bayleef to halt, and she did as ordered. It had taken her even a second to notice it. However, Pikachu pointed at the male.

"Look at him." She said. "I mean, really look at him." She said as she pointed.

The Pikachu had a yellow mop of hair that was very much alike with the normal, spiky hairstyle of their Ash. Now tamed a bit because Pidgeott had tried to groom and control his unruly hair last night. He also had small lightning bolt shaped marks on his cheeks, the lines just resting above his pouches where it seemed to blend in seamlessly with his yellow fur.

He looked remarkably like Ash, and Pikachu had seen him like this before. Bayleef hadn't.

"What in Arceus's flaming tail end is going on?" Bayleef balked and blinked. She looked on at the Ash like Pikachu, circling around him like he was a dangerous predator ready to lunge at her. But he just turned, scratched his belly in his sleep and looked absolutely adorable.

"I think.." Pikachu said with a pause, trying to stifle her giggle. "That Ash got turned into a Pikachu.. Again." She said, and then started to giggle snorting as she held back her laughter. Why, oh why did Ash always end up in these situations? Oh well, at least it wasn't like last time.

Last time it had been a Witch if she recalled correctly. And then it had been temporary. She stopped her laughter as she recalled the events. The spell had been temporary. But.. What about this time? She looked around. There was no other human, and so, no Witch this time. Or any kind of human involvement. This then meant something else. But what she couldn't tell.

"Oh no.. Ash." She said and gently approached her friends sleeping form. "Oh, he isn't going to be happy." She said with a sigh, and started to wake Ash up.

But as usual, he wasn't having any of it. Struggling to wake up, and muttering "Five more minutes." She finally went to her tried and true method. Shocking him to the waking world.

Which worked.

Ash gave a yelp of pain, tumbled over himself as he tried to rise, but stepped on his tail and rolled a meter or two.

"Ooow.." He whined as he rubbed at his head. "Pikachu, that was uncalled for!" He said, his eyes still looking tired. But he did notice that something was wrong. It wasn't until Pikachu spoke, and not the usual "Pika Pikachu!" Noise either. She actually spoke, which made him blanch with surprise.

"If you weren't so difficult to wake up, I wouldn't have to do it all the time you know." She said in a huff, and that was when he realized. Something was different. And wrong.

He looked at his body, saw that he was a rather bright yellow, and saw the tail with the lightning bolt shape. He would recognize that form anywhere.

"I'm a Pikachu again aren't I?" He asked, just to make sure.

"Yep." Answered his partner, giving him a soft smile that both held sympathy and mirth. "Bushy tailed and all." She quipped lightly.

"Not funny." Retorted Ash blandly.

"It is to me!" She answered back. Then paused, and then tackled Ash. "Finally!" She screeched as she tackled him, making him lose the air out of his lungs and feeling himself being shaken as she held at the fur on his chest and shook him.

"After years of having you understand nothing but the bare minimum of my words and gestures, I can finally speak to you!" She said, and she let him have it.

"Do you know how many times you've made me worried sick Ash Ketcum? There are too many to count! Oh, oh but the worst of it. Mewtwo? You dead as a stone statue?! Thinking I had lost my best friend because of a maniacal psychic Pokemon? Entei? Latios and Latias? Do you know how many times you've come close to death you stupid little Pokemon?!" She said as she shook him. She was furious, and gave his chest a good thump to illustrate her frustrations. She loved her trainer to death but oh she was going to use this to her advantage and scold him like no tomorrow.

Bayleef meanwhile just sat back. Blinking owlishly and not knowing what to say as Pikachu kept ranting. Drawing some attention from their friends close by.

Pidgeot and Staraptor were confused.

Levianne was curious and wondering what was going on.

The rest that meandered in were having the same thought, and shared among many was another. Where was Ash?

Those that hadn't seen him as a Pikachu didn't know whom the other Pikachu that their friend was tearing into so much with her words. The poor male looked like he was being put through the ringer. Fear, confusion and concern on his face as he did the smart thing and stayed quiet in front of the angry female of his species.

It was Sceptile that asked first. "Eh, Bayleef.. What is going on?" He asked, looking very confused and feeling that the attention of the others that could come were asking her the same thing with their eyes. With all the attention on her she shifted uncomfortably.

"Okay, I'll tell you, but you gotta promise to not be mad, I was just hearing about this a few minutes ago." She said, and then pointed at the Pikachu that was being harassed.

"That's Ash." She said, and everyone gave differing noises of confusion and disbelief.




"Bayleaf dear, are you sure you're okay?"

The last comment had come from Levianne as she came to her.

"No, really, look!" She said as she pointed to the discarded clothes and how they were laid out, and then pointing to the Pikachu, whom was now laying there, groaning as their Lieutenant of their pack sat on him and huffed. Looking a little less angry than before.

They noted the same things that Bayleef had with Pikachu's assistance. The hair and the markings were the biggest tells.

The group was rather silent after that. The process of having this information sink in really needing its moment.

After a moment of silence, which was making Ash nervous. He knew he was the center of attention, and had stayed quiet for his own sake because of Pikachu. But now he spoke hesitantly.

"Eeh.. It's nice to see all of you.. Again.." He said, then paused. "Good morning?" He offered lamely.

The first to approach him was Pidgeot, she looked at Ash, at his form and then at Pikachu.

"Please step off." She said kindly to Pikachu, and she did as she was asked. Pidgeot then used her wings to pick up Ash, and he felt like he wanted to struggle, but he tried not too. He did fidget though.

There was a tense moment. And then Pidgeot squawked. "Aren't you just the cutest little thing!" She squealed and hugged Ash tight to her chest, almost crushing him with her rather fluffy hug. "Pidgeot, Pidgeot! Can't. Breathe!" He squeaked out trying to regain his breath. "Oh, sorry!" She said and eased the grip of her hug and smiled at him. Making all the others come in too.

"Look at you! You're a Pokemon!" She said excitedly, her thoughts going wild with what it could mean. "And you can understand us too! Finally! Do you know how much I have wanted to tell you?" She said and shook him a bit too. Like Pikachu, she had many things she wanted to say. Well, they all did. Pikachu had said most of the things for them.

"Stupid, brave, idiot boy!" She said and she hugged him again, crushing him nearly again and he wiggled. Making Ash wonder what he had done this time.

"Oh I swear you are going to worry us all to death one of these days!" Pidgeot said, and there was a chorus of hearty agreements and laughter, shouts and echoes of previous words said and a laugh at his own expense which didn't make him feel any better about the predicament.

It took the Pokemon several minutes to quiet down and to organize into a coherent band of listeners. Pidgeot had perched Ash on her head, as he fit there now comfortably. Smiling up at him as he sat there with some trepidation, and clung to her for dear life.

"Okay.. So. I guess you all have questions?" He offered, and his band of Pokemon all gave squawks of yes and tried to ask rapid fire questions. Pikachu was nearby, making sure they all didn't crowd him. Pidgeot was a good incentive as well. She was well respected among the Pokemon here for her capability.

He pleaded his Pokemon to calm down. "Please, one at a time." He pleaded and they quieted down, giving him some obvious questions like. Why was he a Pikachu? How did he feel? Was he scared? Was he upset, and most importantly of those questions, whom had done it?

"I don't know, I feel fine. Hungry honestly, but that can wait. Yes I am scared, but I got you all right? So, I don't have to be scared. And maybe? A little? I mean, I didn't plan on waking up a Pikachu. And again, I don't know." He answered all in all. His answers giving a few chuckles and earnest smiles from his friends and some frowns of concern.

"What will you do now that you are a Pokemon?" Asked Buizel, one of his friends from his former adventures. Ash gave a shrug. "I don't know to be honest? I guess I'll see if this is temporary or not. I don't have to worry about any leagues for a few weeks, so. This will be interesting." He said as he looked at his little body a bit more.

"What about the Leagues? You don't think you'll continue will you? I mean as a Pokemon." Asked Quilava this time and he paused. Thinking about it for a good moment. It was his drive, his goal to become a Pokemon Master. But if he was stuck as a Pokemon, he couldn't do that.

"I don't know." He said in earnest, and that earned a murmur from his Pokemon, and a few thoughtful glances. They wouldn't rush him to do anything stupid, but his goal was well known. And they were surprised he was taking this so well, and at least admitted he had no better answers to give.

Pikachu asked this time. "But what if you are stuck Ash?" She asked as she looked up at her friend. He looked back and he fiddled with his fingers, looking downcast. "I.. I don't know." He said in earnest. He didn't know how to feel about that fact. He was still wrestling with his feelings about his loss in Kalos. And this added to it? He didn't know if he should take it as a blessing or a curse.

"I.. I need to think on that. Let's take one thing at a time, okay?" He offered, trying for a weak smile at his friends. Some reciprocated, others looked concerned for him.

"I think that's enough questions for now." Pidgeot interjected before any further questions could be asked. She had read the mood, and figured that Ash could use a break and get some food.

"The questions can wait when we've all gotten something to eat." She offered, and Ash smiled at her in gratitude. He was getting hungry, and the stress was getting to him. She shooed the others along and gently placed Ash on the ground. "Come on Ash." She said, and reached out her wing and led him along.

Staraptor, knowing what she was doing, left with the others to get some food for her and Ash. He could peck Tracey for extra food. He usually got the jist of it, and he knew already of what was going on with her so he wouldn't question his insistence.

Pidgeot walked with Pikachu and Ash. Ash of course falling down when trying to walk too much on his hind legs.

"This is why I am on four legs silly." Pikachu said to him as she helped him up. He gave an awkward smile and laugh. "Yeah, right. Right." He said and walked on all fours. It seemed to come naturally, but. His mind was screaming at him to be upright. He more than once stumbled and tried to go upright again, and had to be corrected by Pikachu. Pidgeot was the picture of patience though. She only gave him encouraging smiles and nods, as if helping a child with his first steps.

Soon enough they were on their way towards the lab's exterior where Tracey usually came in with all of the food.

"Wait here." Pidgeot said to Ash and walked towards the group that had gotten their food already. She talked with a few Pokemon while Ash, confused on the why, was waiting behind a bush that was away from prying eyes, or rather, prying human eyes. Of this fact he was oblivious of, but Pikachu had seen that fact and noted that Pidgeot was being rather protective of Ash in this predicament and so, as she took note of it. Were the others. They were looking to where they were, some more subtle than others, and were making sure that Tracey wasn't looking for them. She was just thankful that Oak was currently out of town.

Torterra, the Pokemon of his past Adventures, came in his patient pace towards the two of them, his great vines holding their bowls for them. "Here you go." He said slowly to the two Pikachu and sat down with the mouse Pokemon, looking to his side where he could keep an eye out and keep them hidden.

"Miss Pidgeot wants you to stay here. Stay hidden. Unsure of how humans will react." He said in lieu of conversation. He was known to prefer honesty and to be to the point on important matters, and this was something he deemed important, if not for the sake of his trainer so he would understand why he wasn't eating with the other Pokemon.

Ash was eating his Pokefood with some hesitation, but once he got a taste of it, he was quickly starting to dig in, but not at his usual pace. He was eating more like Pikachu, as she showed him, having explained if he didn't, he might hurt himself eating so fast.

He slowed down and considered as he chewed, holding the pill in his hands. "Is.. Are.. Are you all afraid, they'll try something?" He asked his Torterra and he gave a slow but serious nod. "We don't know these humans as well as you do Ash. We are afraid, because of your predicament. They may do something.. Regrettable." He said in as carefully worded truth he could. There was no doubt that they feared for their trainers safety often times. But now, they chose to be extra careful since all of his party was here. Both new and old Pokemon, and they knew the trouble their human could get into, if not the poking and prodding some of the scientists would do to him.

"Oh.." Was the only thing Ash could really say on that point. He had never really considered that. As it had never really come to his mind.

Pikachu smiled and gently patted his head. "Its okay Ash. We're just worried that they may overreact. So, we're being safe rather than sorry." She said to help ease his worries.

"I guess that makes sense." Ash said finally with a shrug and continued to eat.

After a good pause, where everyone was enjoying their meals, and feeling full after a good breakfast. Ash, Pikachu and Torterra heard the doors open.

Tracey had stepped out and was looking around. Ignoring the Pokemon all together. He was walking into the forest, thankfully away from the three and deeper into the forest. He then called out "Ash! Where are you?!" There was a pause and obviously no returning answer. He called a few more times, going deeper into the forested area, but when he got no answer, he was returning back. Asking all of the Pokemon gathered there. "Hey guys, have you seen Ash?" And in return, they shook their head. Lying obviously, but he didn't know that.

Tracey gave a sigh. "Delia just called, and she's worried sick. He didn't come home last night." He said. "I thought maybe he had fallen asleep with you guys since I saw you all playing so much with him yesterday." He said, having seen them when he returned from his errands.

Again, they simply shook their heads or shrugged, and Tracey left with no answers to his questions.

Pikachu drew in a breath she didn't know she was holding. "Oh boy." She said and gently shook her head. "I need to talk to the others." She said and looked at Ash sternly. "Stay here." She said in a firm tone and he gave a nod. Not daring to disobey her.

With that she left him in the capable watch of Torterra and started to talk with the others. They considered what to do. They would have to gather the clothes, and either show them to Tracey, or get rid of them as to hide Ash away for the time being.

They argued back and forth on what to do and in the end came to the consensus that they would wait a few days. If those few days had passed and Ash showed no signs of returning to normal, they would show him to Tracey and the Professor if he was back by then.

Totodile, who was normally very bouncy and energetic and often the spirit of the team here. Looked nervous. "But.. Should we really wait that long? Who knows if they have the cure and it's simply something that can be fixed easily?" He offered, trying to go for the sound logic that would hopefully be available.

"But what if they don't?" Argued Infernape. "For all we know, that could be putting him up with experiments and who knows what else. He's a human turned Pokemon, we don't know what their humans will do to him." He said, shaking his head. "Absolutely not. I won't risk Ash's health." He said firmly.

"Caution for now is most wise. This is an unknown on both parts." Noctowl said calmly and rationally. "We can trust Oak, I want to stress that. But its other human scientists I don't trust. They will want to poke and prod. I think we can all agree that what we fear, is that our dear trainer will become a sideshow, and become cooped up in a lab somewhere, which is a worse fate than a Pokeball." He said, and everyone agreed with a shiver. Especially Pikachu, since she absolutely hated Pokeballs.

"It's agreed then." Noctowl said with a nod. "Ash will remain secret for now, and we will do our best to protect him from discovery." He said and considered. "Pikachu, you should take him deeper into the forest, entertain him and show him the way of your species. I think he would learn a lot from the exchange. Not to mention, you are his closest friend and our Lieutenant of our pack of Pokemon. Right now he's unable to give our orders as pack leader. So, until he gets some sense of direction again, I think it best that you show him how." He advised his Lieutenant and she happily took his advice. It was a good strategy on this matter, and it would divert Ash's attention elsewhere.

"I will do that Noctowl, thank you for the suggestion." She said gratefully and he gave a nod.

With that decided, they went to do what they usually did. Though Pidgeot stopped by Ash to look him over and fuss over him. "You were always a messy eater Ash." She fussed and brushed crumbs of food from his mouth, and she held him still as she did this. Making him sputter and try and push her wing away.

When she was done, she smiled at him and hummed a happy little tune as she flew away.

Ash wiped at his mouth. "What is going on with her?" He asked as he looked at Pikachu, whom had joined him again, and Torterra.

Torterra looked at Ash for a moment with a cocked head, then reminded himself that he was still young in terms of humans and so didn't have the knowledge taught that were taught to those of age of their species.

"She's pregnant with eggs Ash." Said Torterra in earnest. "She's feeling it will be soon now that she will lay. So, she is a little bit more.. Hm, how's the word.. Maternal." He said in explanation.

"My guess is that she sees you like a little cub still floundering on his first tries of standing up." He said with a soft, rumbling chortle. "She cares for you, so she mothers you. She was one of your first Pokemon, correct?" He asked, and Ash simply nodded, dumbfounded in knowing that his Pidgeot was pregnant. What did that mean? Why was she so maternal? He had so many questions, and he wanted to interrupt, but Pikachu had her paw on his lips and was giving him that look that told him to shush.

"Well. From what I know of her feelings for you. My guess is that she looks at you like a sibling of sorts. This is not unheard of with Pokemon and humans. Familial ties can happen in very close bonds." He explained, going over what he remembered he had been told by some older Pokemon before he became Ash's "Starter" in his region.

"This is what I can only peace together from what I know of her and what I have heard of her. But it is the safest bet." He explained to him. Ash then blurted out in question: "What does pregnant mean?" He asked now that he got his chance.

Pikachu smacked her head in her palms. Giving a groan. "Ash.." She said. Not embarrassed, well much. But more frustrated that he couldn't have asked for a more awkward question so bluntly.

Torterra though gave a hearty chuckle. "Well, to more easily explain it. Lets just say, your pack or well, your family of Pokemon will grow a bit more. And from what I can tell, it might grow even more soon." He said with a smile. "Such is life." He said and gave another chuckle as he started to walk away from the two, leaving Ash only with vague answers and more questions.

Pikachu flushed and grumbled more to herself than anything. Forgetting herself that Ash was naive yet on so many things. Now that she could talk to him, she felt that she needed to guide him carefully on that road. If she didn't she had the feeling Pidgeot wouldn't be very happy about it otherwise.

"Come on Ash." She said and nudged him to follow her, which he did after he snapped out of his stupor of thought. He looked at her, opened his mouth to say something, but closed it and followed her.

She led him deep into the forest. Pokemon from other trainers greeting her and Ash, saying their hellos. When she was sure she had led him decently far away but not too far, she turned to Ash.

"Okay. We both aren't unfamiliar with roughing it out in the wild, but were in Pallet town. And I know, you may want to go home to Delia, but hear me out Ash." She said seriously to her trainer, and he listened to her with some trepidation. "Until we figure out, whatever this is. If it's best if you don't go home for a while. At least not until we're sure its not something that isn't temporary. If it isn't, we'll see if Oak can't figure something out." She said with a sigh to him. "We can camp out here, and sleep in a warren or something." She said to him. Seeing his disconcerted frown of doubt, she reached him and gently hugged him. "Hey, its okay Ash. It's just temporary until we can figure this out, okay?" She offered, and he nodded.

"Okay Pikachu. I trust you guys, you know that. I'm just.. Scared." He admitted, and rubbed at his arm lamely.

"We are too Ash." She said in reply. "Don't forget that. This isn't something we expected either." She said, and then to change the topic, she diverted: "Come on, I don't want you to mope. So how about I show you some moves huh?" She offered him to help cheer him up. This seemed to work as he perked up instantly.

"Really?!" he asked as he smiled at her. As always mentioning training or any such activity got him worked up. Ash was nothing if not highly competitive by nature and if he had been a Pokemon at the start, he would have been fairly strong at this point.

"Yes really." Pikachu said as she smiled at him. "Come on, let's pick a spot and see if you can't learn a move or two." She said as she led him on, guiding him by the hand. Both so he wouldn't wander off and to just make sure he was safe with her.

More and more as time passed by she had found it more important to try and keep him close so he would be safe with at least someone.

The day's hours got spent in heavy training regiments and practices set by Pikachu by Ash's request. She had argued lightly on the subject and had planned to go for light training first and being doubtful that he would be ready for that yet, but energetic as ever, and since Pikachu had no one to blame but herself on introducing the idea, she was forced to agree that she would train him more thoroughly..

She hadn't pulled her punches.

Ash was lying on the ground, panting heavily as he finished another bout of training with Pikachu.

"Get on your feet lazy bones. You aren't going to get stronger by sitting on your tail all day." She encouraged him on and he gave a groan as he sat up.

"I know I normally practice with you guys when we train. But." He said and gave a gasping groan as he sat up. "Why does this feel more difficult?" he asked as he slowly got back on his feet. They had been training the two main feats that Pikachu had mastered so far. Thunderbolt and Iron Tail to start. She planned to go with Quick Attack next, pacing Ash through his stamina and get his speed up.

"Probably because you are using more energy than you are used too. Pokemon are very resilient as you know but when we practice, and depending on what we do. We can also expand a lot more energy than we usually do. Don't worry though, as you practice your stamina more, the more endurance you'll have." She reassured and it made Ash feel a little better about his situation.

He stood back up fully and got ready again to tackle the challenge. Pikachu smiled at him, her smile turning sly as she continued to press him on his Thunderbolt.

His attacks were weak at best, and his precision was horrible. He had a long way to go but he was improving. He was at least hitting near his target instead of way, way off target. And he wasn't hitting anything or anyone that would retaliate thank Arceus.

She had him keep going, pacing him through his electric attacks and to aim. He didn't need to control the electricity, just guide it, the attack would do the rest.

Ash was nothing if not hard headed and stubborn though, and it took another collapse for him to listen.

"I told you." Pikachu said with patience. "Guide it, aim it. Don't wrangle it like it's a bucking Rapidash. You'll only tire yourself out and get hurt." She told him and folded her arms at him. Disapproval in her voice as she looked at him and he gave a weak smile.

"Okay, okay. I give." He said and took a moment to catch his breath. Then he got back at it after resting.

Now that he was listening to her and taking her seriously, his attacks were hitting their target. Not dead center, but it was better. "Good, keep that up. Ease into it. Get familiar with your electricity. It's a part of you, don't be afraid of it." She encouraged gently. Going through what every Pichu learned when they could make their electric attacks form.

It would take Ash some time to master the attack, but he was getting the hang of it. She had noticed that this was a good way to keep him occupied from his woes that had been plaguing his mind the past week. And it had helped ease him out of the awkwardness of being a Pokemon again.

"Let's rest and get some food. Tracey will be putting out food soon." She said as she stopped Ash, who complained.

"Aw come on, I was just getting the hang of it!" He said to her and she shook her head, smiling.

"For one, you were getting the hang of aiming, not using Thunderbolt. Trust me, this will take more than a few hours training. You want me to train you, and I will. But we will do it at a good pace. We have time." She said and she tugged a reluctant Ash with her back to the lab.

This is what she did for the next few days. They had found a burrow that was empty, vacated by the last inhabitants. It was good enough for their needs, and would keep them comfortable throughout the night. Ash had found it awkward, but once he had fallen asleep he hadn't cared one bit.

It was one day though, that they had to stop one morning as they were approaching the lab. One of Ash's Pokemon, Quiliva was racing over to them. An excited look on his face as he came to them.

"Ash!" He called, and started to pull on the Pikachu as soon as he got close enough. "Come, come quick!" He urged, dancing excitedly.

"Whoah, hold on!" Pikachu halted for the tongue tied Pokemon that Quilava was trying to drag with him. "What is going on Quil?" Pikachu asked, trying to calm him down.

"Its Pidgeot! Pidgeot has laid her eggs!" He said excitedly.

This perked Ash up. His curiosity went into its leaps and bounds and he urged on. "Show me!" Ash said in his excitement, and Pikachu hurried with them. Even she was excited at the news for her friend!

Quiliva led them to the roost that Staraptor and Pidgeot rested in. As they neared, Ash could see his friend, she was laying on a large nest and she looked tired, but happy.

Staraptor had seen them, and had landed on the ground to greet them. He had a joy that radiated out from him in waves and he greeted Ash with a pleasant tone in his voice. "Hello Ash." He said to the Pikachu as he approached him, smiling at him.

"Hey Star. Can I see Pidgeot?" He asked politely, figuring it was the best approach, and was rewarded with a nod.

"Of course!" He said to him. "I won't decline my Master to see his friend, especially when I know she'd want to see you." He said, and offered his back to Ash and Pikachu, which they accepted. Quiliva had already gotten the honor of seeing Pidgeot's clutch, and had raced to get Ash and Pikachu in his excitement. And it was well rewarded, because he watched as Staraptor flew up to their perch in the trees to their nest, and watched as Pidgeot opened an eye that she had had closed and gave a beaming smile at Ash. She extended her wing, inviting the two Pikachu to come closer, which they did with with respectful care.

Ash for the first time, fiddled with his fingers in nervousness. He had never had this kind of situation happen to him before. Sure he had taken care of eggs before. But this somehow felt different. Even if he was often blind to certain nuances of things. There were still things that he could grasp. Not always understand, but he did grasp.

Pidgeot saw his nervousness and smiled and leaned to gently croon and nuzzle against Ash's head. "Its okay, I know its a bit odd at first. Especially for you Ash." She said not unkindly and raised herself a bit to show the two her eggs. Three of them were there. Her pride and her joy. Ash stared and still fidgeted but more so now out of curiosity. "Did it hurt?" He asked. The topic the first thing that came to his mind as he searched for a question.

Pidgeot gave him a kind smile and Pikachu gently shook her head, though didn't fault him for asking. He was still naive on so many things. "Yes, a bit." Pidgeot answered and lowered herself to warm her eggs once more. "But I'm more tired than anything just now." She said and hugged the two Pikachu close to her chest. Crooning once more as she nestled them up against her. She was unable to help it. She was tired, she felt content and seeing her friends here and feeling their company here was comforting.

Staraptor approached and gave the three a smile and gave his own croon as he nuzzled up against Pidgeot. His chest swelling up with pride for his mate and simply to boast his swelling pride and admiration. Ash and Pikachu were half stifled with Pidgeot's feathers.

Both of them managed to break out for air, and Pidgeot gave a weak laugh at the two. "Sorry. I guess my hugs are a little too tight." She said and eased her grip so they could freely move again. Ash stumbled a bit as he caught his footing, but smiled up at Pidgeot. "Its okay." He said as he hugged her. He wanted to ask her questions, but again he had this instinct in him that told him that it wasn't wise to badger her with questions right now.

Again, Ash fell into a certain awkwardness which gave obvious way to his naivety. The three more wise in this topic Pokemon, looked at one another and gave each other understanding looks. Giving Ash the patience and time he needed to overcome his own awkwardness. Usually blunt and to the point, it was odd to see him shy. But he seemed to be considering things more than he would previously. A sign of growth, the three knew.

After his awkward pause Ash managed to ask. But did so with hesitation. "I. Um. H-How does this.." He said awkwardly and motioned with his little paws around the general area of the eggs, and Pidgeot got the message, and laughed softly again.

"Don't worry Ash. Pokemon are a lot more forward on this subject, so you can ask more freely." She reassured him gently. "To answer your question Ash. It happens very naturally." She said and looked to Pikachu, whom gave a nod. If there was anyone she trusted to have this talk with Ash, it was herself and Pidgeot. With that reassurance she continued.

"It happens like with humans in most respects." She said as she smiled at Staraptor whom smiled back at her and closed in on the two, giving a reassuring presence for Ash. "We fall in love and we choose to spend our life and time with one another, and continue our legacy. The second option is when a Pokemon is in heat. When this happens, a Pokemon isn't really picky on a partner. Sometimes you just need an itch scratched with a male." She said, and Ash gave her a blank look, which caused two of three to laugh rather heartily. Pidgeot just smiled patiently.

"To explain that.." She said, and paused as she went into the general conversation of as polite term would take it. The Pidgey and the Combee, and how nature worked.

When she was done, Ash was spluttering. Quiliva down below had added his laughter in too. This was general info that most Pokemon learned when they entered their second Evolution stage, as by that time, you were pretty much shown to have grown up, unless proven otherwise with some Evolution lines that either couldn't or refused to Evolve.

Ash was flushing hard and he hid himself behind his forepaws and tried to ignore the laughter. Pidgeot meanwhile simply smiled and nipped gently on his fringed head, straightening some of the wild hair on his head. "Its alright Ash, I know you haven't exactly gotten the time to learn all of this." She said, and gave Pikachu a look of subtle disapproval. "And haven't gotten a chance to properly experience these things. For multiple reasons." She said and smiled at Ash. Pikachu had looked away, faking innocence. Wasn't her fault she didn't trust some of the female humans. Not in that area. Ash was too innocent and she had feared that if confronted with it on uncertain terms, or too suddenly, it might cause him to break down in a small way. And he may embarrass himself from future mates. At least that was how she justified her actions.

"So what better time than to learn now? You've got us after all, and were family." She said to him kindly and smiled at him as he peeked up at her between the fingers of his paw. "Family?" He asked, uncertain.

"Well yes. At least I count us family." She said to him in earnest. "Pikachu and I, we've been with you through a lot. How can I not think of you like a little brother?" She asked as she smiled at him, and Torterra's words echoed in his mind, he had said something similar about that.

"This is not unheard of with Pokemon and humans. Familial ties can happen in very close bonds."

Were the words that echoed in his mind in Torterra's slow and patient voice as he had explained it a few days previously. And Ash had never understood it, but he guessed he could ask now.

"Well, I was told about that a bit.. But, I never.." He paused and looked at her, fidgeting hesitantly. "You never figured how it fit?" She offered to him and Ash nodded. "Well. Hm." Pidgeot said, trying to think of how to word it. Pikachu stepped in here.

"It's because when you captured her, she was a bit older than other Pidgeotto. And after our adventure and her evolving. She grew more fond of you, and you could say she saw you as family." Pikachu explained and Pidgeot gave a nod. "Somewhat apt in that yes. But it was also because you were young, naive and so very kind hearted. You are still that naive young boy I remember. Out in the world, on your pilgrimage to adulthood. You gave us, your Pokemon your all." She explained to him. "How could I not want to see you achieve your goal and help you on your way? And make sure you stayed out of trouble too?" She added a bit teasingly which made him flush, then he asked.

"Pilgrimage? What do you mean?" He asked her, confused again on what she meant.

"Isn't that what your journeys are for humans? A Pilgrimage of adulthood?" She asked him, and he paused. And then gave an honest shrug.

"I don't know honestly. I never saw it like that, I just saw it as a chance to go on an adventure." He admitted to her, and she facewinged gently.

"Oh dear. Alright, to explain. Pokemon don't send their young out until they are ready to leave the nest or flock. Some do, some don't. But when you journey out on your own as a Pokemon, it is usually seen as a right of maturity or adulthood to some. All Pokemon do it in some fashion and for reasons of their own. Be it for strength, exploration or just to show that they can." She explained to him. "We, and I mean Pokemon in general. Always figured that humans sending out their young on such dangerous journeys was for the same reason." She said to him. "And don't say it isn't. Our adventures, and all of your own are proof enough that the world out there is dangerous no matter what you humans say. But we always thought that was the point. You were to learn that there is no reward without risks." She pointed out to him, and it made him quiet from the rebuttals he wanted to give. He had honestly never thought of it like that. Sure, he had almost died multiple times. Even died once or twice too.

Pidgeot gently wrapped her wings around him again, and made him look up at her eyes, they were full of affection for the human turned Pikachu. "In my book Ash, you've fully proven your worth. You're an adult as far as I'm concerned. You've dealt with things no simple boy would ever do like you have." She said to him and let him go gently and he blinked. His eyes began to sting a bit and he rubbed at them, wiping away the tears that he felt brimming in them. "Thanks." He said with a weak sniffle. Touched by his friend that she thought of him this way. He had never really considered the way his Pokemon viewed him, or how things worked sometimes. But it felt good. Knowing they cared about him and how they thought of him.

Pidgeot gave a soft yawn, and smiled at the two Pikachu's. "Hm, I think I should rest now. I do want to talk more, but I don't think I have the energy for it." She said to the two of them and Pikachu gave a nod to the new matron and smiled at her. "See you then tomorrow maybe? Or sooner?" She offered to her and Pidgeot smiled. "Maybe. But I would like to see you two again. I don't want to miss my chances on talking to Ash here while I still got the chance. No question on how long this will last." She said in earnest and smiled at the two of them. Ash was silent, a lot on his mind which Pidgeot understood. She gave him another affectionate nip and nudged him to Staraptor. He walked in a daze, and climbed up on the avian's back, needing a reminder from Pikachu to hang on as he glided them down towards the earth.

The stoic male gave Ash a knowing and understanding smile and he hugged him too. "You can come by anytime Ash. Our roost is always open to you, alright?" He asked, and Ash nodded numbly.

"Goodbye Staraptor, do take care okay?" Pikachu offered as she took Ash's hand and started to lead him on. "Same to you Pikachu. Take care of Ash for us too." He said with a chuckle as he flew back.

"Will do!" She called out and led Ash towards the labs. Hopefully Oak would be back by now. Quiliva joined them, looking over at Ash, whom had a dazed look in his eyes, and was walking slowly which Pikachu allowed. Seeing that Ash needed time to think, she wouldn't hurry.

"Is he okay?" Asked the fire Pokemon in concern for his friend..

"Yeah, but he'll be out of it for a while I think." Pikachu said in earnest. "He's been struck a rather deep blow mentally, and he needs to sort through it on his own." She said as she led him on.

Her own thoughts were going to what Pidgeot had said and on her in general. The two were old friends and had been through a lot when Ash first started out. She had to admit it was kind of odd to see her now with a nest, a mate and eggs of her own. Her flock was expanding and she looked happy.

Her mind also went to Torterra's words he had said a few days ago. That Ash's Pokemon might be expanding soon, and she considered it. There were a few of them here that were finding their mates. She had noticed it more notably then Ash would of course.

Everyone was in some way or fashion, finding their place here and settling down. Either with other Pokemon from other trainers, or in the group.

She looked over to Ash, whom still had his rather blank look as his mind processed the information he had been given. She looked at him for a while, her face falling into a frown and she looked back ahead. What about her? Did she have time to settle down? Maybe. She wasn't sure yet. Over the years things had been going on for so long, sometimes just so fast. Buneary had been one to go after her, and he had been rather adamant to show his affection to her. But she had never honestly been interested. Too caught up in the thrill and not worrying about such things at the time. Though, now that she had time to consider it… Well.

She didn't know what to think.

She felt herself tighten a bit more around Ash's paw, but not too tight. It was almost as if to reassure herself.

She would find someone, she was sure. She wasn't sure what she wanted in a partner yet, but she knew she would find it eventually, and maybe she would find her someone and start a family in the future.

She drew Ash a bit closer to herself unconsciously and not realizing she had done so.

Yeah, she would find someone. She just had to be patient. That's all.

More authors notes here. This is not the first nor probably the damn last time I have to edit this thing!

The format here didn't want to register what I wanted to use as a separation of Pokespeech and normal speech. But, eh. I guess it is what it is.

Anyway, hoped you've enjoyed!