Hermione sat on her cushioned windowsill, looking out of her small but cosy apartment flat at the River Thames at all the bustling muggles.

Leaning her head against the cool window she watched the muggles in their work clothes rushing to their destinations, phone or coffee in hand, looking like hundreds of tiny ants from her position.

Although she had now been living here for a week she still wasn't quite use to living alone yet.

After the war she'd returned to Hogwarts, where she'd been constantly surrounded by other students. Then once graduated she'd moved into the Burrow with Ron but when their relationship broke down six months later, it quickly become obvious it would be best for her to leave, despite Molly's protests.

Next she'd moved in with Harry and Ginny but that had always been a temporary solution, as much as she loved them she soon craved her own space away from the young lovers.

So she'd done her research, going to multiple house viewings in wizarding areas, such as Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade but in the end had been recommended to a witch landlady whom owned property in the muggle world.

Part of her still wanted to stay connected to her muggle roots and she'd quickly accepted her little apartment on the Victoria Embankment. Which was conveniently only a short walk from Whitehall, where the Ministry of Magic was based and where she worked at the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, in an attempt to improve the treatment of house elves.

It was really rather lucky she had found this place. There was no way that she'd be able to afford a location like this if she was a muggle her age. The substantial reward she'd received for her efforts during the war were currently paying for this whilst she saved her wage. Plus she had a sneaky suspicion the landlady had given her a discounted price.

Standing up she walked over to Crookshanks, who had already claimed a regular sleeping spot on the fluffy rug in front of the fire.

He purred lightly as she stroked his fur, "I'm just going to pop out, I'll be back in a bit Crooks".

Her magical wards clicked into place as she closed her apartment door and made her way down the multiple flights of stairs and into the busy streets below.

Over the past few days she'd found herself exploring the local area, wandering around St. Jame's park, past the muggle houses of parliament and along the embankment.

Along her journey she'd found several good muggle books shops and a patisserie that sold some of the most delightful fresh handmade pastries she'd ever encountered.

But this afternoon she had a destination, Madame Mallory's Café, which was hidden behind what appeared to be a run down muggle bookshop.

Pushing open the front door, with its peeling white paint, muggle books immediately piled high around her on all sides as she entered the cramped space.

This would usually have been heaven for her but she made herself drag her eyes away from scanning the titles around her and squeezed her way deeper into the shop.

An old man with a face lined with smile wrinkles looked up from the book he held as she approached, "can I help you young lady?".

"Um, I was wondering if you had any books about pixie dust?" she felt her cheeks warm slightly as she recited the code Francis at the office had told her to say. She still wasn't sure if he had been pulling her leg.

"Ahhh, a new client, it's a pleasure to meet you, right this way young lady", hopping off his stool he made his way with surprising speed to the back of the shop.

Quickly following, whilst trying not to knock any books over, Hermione caught up with him as he faced a bookshelf shielded from view from the rest of the shop but multiple piles of books.

"In future just come straight to the back and tap here, here, here, here and here" he demonstrated tapping five random books on the shelf.

The books started to shift before her eyes, separating to form an open arch into the room beyond, rather like the bricks leading into Diagon Alley.

"Thank you" she smiled warmly down at the old man.

"No problem Lass, now get a move on before the books close again, if you have any questions ask one of the staff inside".

Walking through the book archway Hermione stepped out into Madame Mallory's café, the rich smell of coffee filling her nose.

The twisting room was glowing in the soft light of floating candles; the walls were made of bookshelves these ones full of magical books.

Booths were formed inside the bookshelves and various tables were dotted around with large cushioned armchairs and sofas surrounding them.

Various wizards and witches lounged around, either talking quietly or reading whilst they drunk their beverages, she even noticed a few dwarfs.

"Hi Hermione" greeted a smiling waitress, Hermione still found it odd when strangers would greet her by her name.


"Valerie, I'm a barista here. It's a pleasure to have you at our café! Just pick any seat you like and tap the item you want on the menu and it'll be sent over to your table" she beamed.

Smiling softly and thanking Valerie she made her way further into the café, turning a corner and walking along a darker passageway with several booths until she stepped out into a quieter room.

Spotting a rather comfortable looking red armchair in the corner she walked over and set her bag down.

Her whole body felt like it was sinking into a cloud as she sat down, picking up the menu she flicked through the various options but inevitably settled on her regular tea with sugar.

Tapping her wand on the tea option she set the menu back down on the little mahogany table in front of her.

Her eyes immediately drifted to the books around her and she found herself browsing the many titles as she waited, running he fingers along the old spines.

She eventually settled on a rather ancient looking copy of 'Olde and Forgotten Bewitchments and Charmes' by .

Moving back to her seat she noticed several floating candles following her, providing a soft light for her to read by.

A light tinkling alerted her to the arrival of her tea, which floated across the room towards her and set itself neatly down on the table in front of her.

She poured herself a cup before adding one tablespoon of sugar to satisfy her sweet craving, she gave it five clockwise stirs before taking a sip.

Sighing as the liquid warmed a path down to her stomach she relaxed back into her chair, she could already tell that this was a place she was going to be visiting often.

A couple of hours and teas later Hermione had thoroughly made herself at home, slipping off her pumps and curling her legs up besides her on the armchair, making sure her black knit dress was smoothed over her knees.

Setting the book down on the arm of the chair she stretched, relieving the tension in her body from where she had been in the same position for so long.

For the first time since sitting down she let her eyes scan the small room, she had become so engrossed in her book that she hadn't paid much attention to whom had come and gone.

Random stacks of books obscured several people but she could see a wizard in bright purple robes lounging on one of the sofas. As well as a couple snuggled up in a booth, the man had his arm wrapped around the woman whose head was resting on his chest as they both peered down at the book she was reading.

However her heart skipped a beat as her eyes settled on a familiar figure.

Sitting across the room from her, in an armchair similar to hers but with darker upholstery, sat Professor Snape.

However, he wasn't a professor anymore but an advisor for the investigative department at the ministry and independent potions researcher.

She had distantly seen his tall dark silhouette whipping around the corridors of the ministry and read several of his fascinating research publications but since the end of the war had little direct interaction with him.

She noted that his hair still appeared greasy but instead of hanging in front of his face it was tied back, showing off how his face was no longer shallow and he appeared to have put on weight, making him look a lot healthier.

He still wore dark robes but they were unbuttoned at the front and she could see a white shirt underneath, a dark green caveat was tied around his neck, no doubt to hide the scar Nagini left him, adding an unusual splash of colour to his look.

Although he still emanated a powerful presence, seeing him so relaxed took away some of the intimidating effect he had over her previously. Instead she found herself becoming intrigued by this new relaxed Snape, watching his long fingers turning the pages of the book he held and sipping his coffee.

Blushing slightly as she realised she was staring she looked away.

Being the former spy that he was he almost certainly knew she was in the room but he hadn't greeted her and she debated whether to go over and say hello.

Deciding that he obviously wanted to be left in peace and determined not to be the nagging student he remembered her as from school. She set the money for the tea she had ordered on the table, which promptly vanished, placed her book back on the bookshelf and made her way out, determinedly not looking in Snape's direction.

Over the next few weeks Hermione happily settled into the routine of attending Madame Mallory's café most days after work and in the evenings on her days off.

The comfy red armchair became her unofficial spot and nine times out of ten when she arrived Snape would be sat across the room from her in his armchair.

On the few occasions he had arrived late and found someone else in his chair, she had watched in amusement from under her lashes as he loomed over whichever poor soul had the misfortune of choosing his chair. They had all quickly made their departure without much fuss.

Both of them appeared to settle into an unofficial truce of pretending the other person didn't exist. She worried that if she gave into her burning curiosity to talk to him, that it would break the comfortable peace and sanctuary from the outside world they both had in this place.

However, their silence was broken one day when she rounded the muggle side of the bookstore to find Snape tapping on the books to open the passageway.

Pausing in the rather small space behind him she waited for him to proceed through as the books parted, instead he turned around towards her.

"Miss Granger" he gestured ahead of him for her to go first.

Blinking in surprise, she quickly tired to move past the professor so as not to keep him waiting, accidently brushing against him as she made her way forward.

Her cheeks felt slightly warm as she thanked him on the other side, feeling flustered about their unexpected change in routine.

He did not respond but simply started walking towards their usual destination, Hermione walking along slightly behind him.

"I'd recommend Honey", he said as they were walking, turning round the corner.

"Pardon?" she asked, slightly confused.

"With your tea" he looked back over his shoulder at her and with no further explanation walked over to his chair.

Hermione sat down, surprised that he had paid enough attention to her to know what she ordered.

Picking up her menu she hesitated before tapping on the tea with honey option.

She settled down with her choice of book for the day and several minutes passed before her tea floated over to her.

Picking up a teaspoon of honey she stirred it into her tea until it dissolved and hesitantly took a sip.

She hummed quietly in contentment as the thicker and far sweeter tea warmed her throat, her sweet tooth rejoicing, definitely better than sugar.

Looking over at Snape she saw him watching her, she smiled at him, non-verbally thanking him for his recommendation and he gave a sharp nod before turning back to his book.

From that day forward she ordered her tea with honey.