A Moments Touch

This story is based on the books as much as possible. there is no huge amount of HermioneXMinerva there will be just not yet. i really wanted to add my own mix to Hermione's character so mostly all the same just one extra thing. she has a gift.

The "gift" as i call it is like a touch based Legilimency. it triggers as someone emotively thinks of specifics memories.

This story involves "gifts", time-turner events, and eventually Hermione Minerva pairing. im not sure how i feel about a huge first chapter for the first year when there is such a small second year with Hermione's pov. but i have an idea so i hope it plays out bigger than i think. there will be other minor pairings with Hermione so be warned.

"Hermione Granger" A little girl with red bushy hair's head pop up at her name. The teacher had gently called her name which was only odd because she didn't have hand up answering a question. She was well known for this even though none of her classmates liked it. This time her head had been stuck in a book also pretty common. Timidly she walked up to her teachers desk where she was informed that her parents were at the front office going to take her home early for the day. Given that it was both of her parents that meant they were fine so her mood was only soured by the fact she was leaving school early.

This was the start of her last year in public school though she didn't know it yet. At first she tried to tell herself on the walk to the office that it might not be serious. It was her birthday tomorrow. They had never taken her from school. It wasn't more important than spending time with them but they knew how much she loved learning and being in school even if she was a "know it all."

When she returned home with her parents whom hadn't said much she saw a few strange things as she entered their home. An owl, a letter sealed resting under its claw and an woman sitting on the couch. The woman she'd never met before stood and gave a slight bow to show her respect. She appeared so formal although her clothes didn't appear to hold an clue to what she was here for. If anything a few choice pieces raised more questions in her mind.

"Mum.. Pa? What is going on who is she? What is all this?" She asked gesturing to the owl and letter.

"Just sit dear its best she explain as we are still unsure ourselves." Given no other option Hermione decides to follow her father to the couch and sits between her parents. She feels a ball in her chest and throat. The thought of her uncle or aunt came to mind perhaps this was someone giving news they had passed. She couldn't voice the words fearing they would be true. So she chewed her lip and listened.

"Right so!" The women spoke with a thick Scottish accent. "My name is Minerva I am here today and asked your parents to bring you here because I have news for you and I will help guide you in your next steps should you take them."

"Next steps to what?"

"Well tomorrow is your birthday. Customarily maybe not here but in my world the age 11 is a very important occasion. See where I come from children like you at 11 go to a private school for witches and wizards to learn how to use their magic." The woman pauses sure she was to receive an uproar from the parents at least. All she had told them was a school of gifted students were looking for her to attend. When nothing came but stunned looks she took the opening to continue. "Perhaps you have noticed things happing when there have been high emotions?"

Hermione didn't have high emotions. There were many things that bothered her from kids in school to the things that happened in the world around them yet all she even got was slightly upset.

"Things are too nice at home to be upset about anything to be honest." Hermione said she was skeptical even though she could tell this woman was very smart and at lest believed she was telling the truth. If not for her gift she knew she wouldn't believe her at all. "But there is one thing that stands out."

"Good. Now usually all one would receive is this letter but seeing how you are born from parents whom have no magic it's normal to have someone such as myself introduce this all to you explain, show, or help you in anyway."

"Show us?" Mr. Granger spoke up with curiosity. "Show us what?"

Without hesitation Minerva tucked her hand in her cloak and pulled out a stick. The stick was carved and looked very magnificent in design. To which they each assumed it was a "wand" the woman spoke a few words loud enough to ensure they heard her clearly. The words were different and Hermione was sure she would need help getting use to that.

They watched as the sofa changed color and then minutes later back again. They stared at the couch, minerva, then the couch until shock had run out. Minerva expected a longer reaction time but the girl had proved to be exceptionally bright by catching on and following new information so easily.

"May I?" Hermione asked looking at her wand wanting a closer look. Mr and Mrs Granger leaned over her shoulder to inspect it too. "I would get one as well? Where?"

"Yes. I could take you now or even first thing in the morning, though before that you must set up an account to use wizardry money. It might turn into a lot to take in in one day." She said watching Hermione swish her wrist as she did and finish with a good flick. She might be a natural Minerva hummed proudly at her young future pupil.

"Mum pa what do you think?" They both looked as ready to go as she did it was no secret they all loved learning new things.

"You must have tons of questions darling. Where ever you want to ask them here or out there." Where ever there was. They had never come across anything in London that looked magic related before. Hermione took a moment to think it over yet decided to pick the letter up from under the owls claw. The seal on the back added to her list of questions.

Parchment with scratched words about a school called Hogwarts having excepted her into their program next year. From that she went to the page that was an included list of materials and books she would need. Even after all the odd names and requested items she was sure she would be more then excited to see all this. Looking over to the woman who represented the school and the couch that she had magically changed colors she had no reason not to believe all this. If it wasn't for her gift she might think differently.

"I would love to start today no point in taking me from school to not learn all that I can today." It was the quirkiest statement Minerva had ever heard from such a young child but she couldn't agree more. Going to retrieve her wand back she smiled as she offered to let the family get ready.

"You can get ready and I'll wait here I'll have to direct you as you drive since I doubt you would enjoy our typical mode of transportation." The questions that sat in the air were many but each Granger let it be for now. The first one back and quite ready was Hermione. She had a large backpack and even a note pad to write everything down. As Minerva waited she sent the owl back as it was a ministry owl and it had waited long enough to return.

Hermione found the color it wore particularly interesting. Much like the color Minerva had placed on the couch. Both were beyond normal. The owl had brown feathers with golden flakes. Were as the couch was turn emerald green. Clearly by Minerva's gown and cloak she loved this shade of green. Aside from her everything in the room looked normal again.

"I took the liberty of leaving these books here for you. I've also made it so that non magical people can only tell they are old literature like hamlet and Othello an so on. These however are books on everything you may need to know of before diving into the magical world. Today you should be fine with me but read these before school." She wanted to make it clear how important it would be to read them. Once she read most of the pureblood concept books she was sure that Hermione would fear going to school. Would fear the risk her blood status might give her.

"That I can do. Don't worry Minerva I am use to being different. If one more thing is that I'm born from not magical parents I can understand if people find it most difficult to believe."

"Well most people have grown out of this point of view but there are still a few who have it running in their family to believe in what they call pureblood. One day that will change but until then having you understand our customs or our world will get you a long way without much bother." As Minerva spoke she went to pat her arm until Hermione moved her arm backward. The motion surprised her but Hermione quickly explained.

"Since you might understand me. I don't usually let people touch me if they don't know about my gift. Many people would find it an invasion of privacy." She didn't want to share to much. "I'm not sure how it actually works but I've noticed if someone is thinking about anything particular when they touch me I can see their memories or something like what they are thinking."

"Oh?" Although she was surprised to hear this and honestly Minerva had never hear of anything like this she gave Hermione an answer she knew she would like. "sounds like something you can dig into at the school library. Its very huge I dare say you can find anything there."

Minerva had not been talkative until they all reached a tavern. She informed the parents that they would be compelled to walk away but as soon as they did she could fix that for them. Seemed as if everything could be hidden from non magical people. The text books, the tavern, what next?

Inside was all mysterious and wonderful things. Some creatures they had never seen before but mostly drinking wizards a few witches. Some were eating but mostly the room became quite as soon as they stepped in. Minerva held a stiff posture as she led the way for the family. She was not a frequenting guest or someone of high stature if Hermione had to guess it might be both.

The crowd began mingling again once Minerva greeted Tom the bartender. He curiously asked about the youngin' and herself not being in school. Minerva worded her words carefully not wanted to put Hermione in a uncomfortable situation right off the bat. "It's never to soon to get next years students ready for school. Have a great day Tom."

The first thing they saw leaving through the back door was a brick wall. An alley that didn't seem to have much to offer in hints where they were going. Minerva cleared her throat to get their attention as she tapped the bricks in a particular order. The wall crumbled in the cracks that started to open. Bricks folded away further and further apart till an archway revealed all the things they could never imagine.

As they walked Hermione saw numerous places that highlighted in the things she needed which would be easy enough to come back to after wherever it was they were dead set to be headed to first. Gringotts bank read across the front. It looked old it felt almost dangerous walking inside. The safety of the building nor the eyes that laid on them were certainly not the issue though. Maybe more like who or what what staring at them.

The trio walked quickly behind Minerva who seemed confident it was safe for them to be there. In a downward glance Minerva could see Hermione trying to evaluate and guess the nature of the workers. She smiled when their eyes met. Her newest student as bright as she was could also accept defeat in not knowing. It was a great thing to be aware of your limits and not assume anything that you didn't know for sure. Minerva was sure that come this time next year children will be challenged by her knowledge.

"Goblins my dear, they love storing and counting gold, this is the safest bank in the world."

"That it is." Said the goblin at the top of a grand podium. "What can I do for you today madam McGonagall?" Minerva holds out her hand and a letter appears.

"By muggle-born law I am here to activate an account for a Hermione Granger. Her funds will start from the ministry and continue from whatever her parents can offer. Here is your paperwork and I've been given the duty of presenting my wand to temporarily open the account." Before anyone of her parents could refute the notion of funding from a ministry the paperwork had disappeared and was in the goblins hands. He nodded and parted way for a moment.

"McGonagall we don't need funds from the ministry do we? Are things that expensive here?"

"No more than you are use to but it is a customary gesture from our minister to each new muggle-born student. There are very few parents that have this much time between when they find out and when their child goes away for school. Most parents have paid for normal school and find it difficult to provide for another. It's an expense that you were unaware of this is our way of saying we do welcome you and understand the burden this news can take on non magical folk."

Before anymore could be discussed the goblin had returned along with another. The new goblin joined beside them revealing their true height that podium hid well. It was expressed that he was their cart driver and vault keeper for the day. With that off they went to show them the vault and though the was no funds yet added the experience was thrilling.

Just as Minerva had said they walked back to the wand makers store. Upon entering their eyes had to adjust. The place seemed empty of people but was as stocked as a bookstore. Along the wall a ladder moved revealing the location of the owner. The older man made his way over to the counter and looked at Hermione as if reading the young witch's soul.

"Why hello there. My name is Olivander. Seems to be a special day today. A new witch is welcomed to which school my dear?" He greets her with a hand. She takes it quickly and lets it go before she replies.

"My name is Hermione Granger, I'm going to Hogwarts I was actually unaware of other schools."

"Ah new to everything I see. No worries dear I rarely see anyone not of Hogwarts but when I do it seems to be the best choice." He walks around the counter and offers to lead the way to the wall to the left. "What skills do you excel in now. The school decides by brightness, courage/strength, loyalty, and resourcefulness what house you may benefit in most. Sometimes this can guide you to the wand that will choose you."

"Hmm sounds like I would fit any but I would say I love to learn the most." They walk past the wall and she feels like he is trying to understand her character.

"Right then I believe we should try this one." He waves a wand and a box floats down he reveals a sleek yet very detailed wood. "Alder wood with a dragon heartstring. Let's give it's a flick up and say 'lumos'."

"Lumos." Hermione said confidently after taking a deep breath. Her hand flicked up as he had demonstrated moments ago. The wood felt strange in her hand but she could feel the pull it had as she said the word. She gasped at the feeling but when nothing but a few lights flickered stronger and the wand in hand only shimmered slightly at the tip she assumed she hadn't done something right. Though she wasn't discouraged she gave the wand back.

"No I suppose that wand isn't for you. Hmm.. let's see." He wandered away from her but she followed. He hummed and patted his finger against his chin "vine.." He mumbled lowly. He hunted the back wall. "Ah ha come try this vine wood dragon heartstring again. Move like this and say 'wingardium leviosa'." She did and the effects were so much better.

As her hand moved the wand felt much more comfortable and didn't tug so hard as she said the words. It felt natural and as the words left her mouth the boxes she had pointed at gently lifted and then dropped just as she had focused on them.

"Marvelous!" He exclaims and retrieves the wand and places it back in the box happily handing to her. "This wand has chosen you. Use it wisely." His words

Mixed with excitement and knowledge was all the surprising things they encountered on their trip. Once Hermione had gotten her wand her future teacher lead her and her parents along every store she would need. Her robes, though dull, they looked amazing in the making. Minerva explained until she was placed in a house she would be like all first years, in a black robe. Her text books were the least thrilling place only by the magical enhancements. The wands magic was done, the bank and robes there was magical things working be it goblins or hovering needle and thread, but the bookstore was just that.

As they left the small magical community Hermione felt the urge to keep learning more. She was mind set on reading every book till the end of the year or until she was done and read them twice at least. Minerva guided them out and back to there car. Once home safely the older witch bid her farewells and offered her guidance if needed.

"Minerva?" Hermione called out making the teacher stop. "Will I be able to make friends you think. I never made any before. I'm to much of a know it all."

"Hermione dear once you are placed in a house even if the other kids don't get friendly your house will be there for you just give them time." She stepped out onto the porch further. "Oh an Miss Granger get used to calling me professor McGonagall on school grounds."

Two months had gone by since Hermione Granger found out she was a witch. In this time she has read all the books her teacher had left except one. She was a day or so away from finishing the book that was much like the others, Inches thick, old languages, and full of information. That's why with the owl she'd picked out the day before her birthday she sent a letter to Minerva. She requested more books if she had anything useful. This was days ago and she'd not heard back. The weekend was approaching so she began to think there was a secret to send a letter that the book on owls hadn't told her. Her normal school work left her bored daily so coming home to read more about the magical community was very interesting.

As Friday ended Hermione began to believe she'd spend the weekend decided what books she could use another look through. Her mother assured her that wouldn't be such a terrible thing while her father said they could try another letter in the morning, since her owl had come back she assumed her teacher had gotten the letter but there was nothing on it's claws once it did. By dinner time Hermione hadn't expected an owl to perch itself on the kitchen window sill. It was open for some evening breeze.

Dear Miss Granger

I must ask you to pardon my lateness in a letter back. I let your owl rest and eat here to travel home and send my own owl. The school is busy as usual. I have already begun gathering more books though and would be glad to bring them tomorrow afternoon. Also a minor thing to remember is owls are considered nocturnal they mustn't be seen flying around during the day. Sleep well to night if tomorrow is not okay simple send my owl back with a note tonight he is quite fast and used to the trip.


Minerva McGonagall.

P.s. I hope you are ready to start your textbooks by the time you are done school may be upon you.

"Seems like a great time we should be home by lunch time." They were doing an early morning dental appointment and she was going to have to tag along.

After Saturday's morning appointment Hermione and her parents arrived home just in time to greet professor McGonagall with time to spare it seemed. That is until walking up to the door way they spotted a cat. The cat meowed at the family as they stepped up to the porch. To Hermione there was something faintly familiar about it. Her mother spoke to it as her father opened their front door. The moment the door opened the cat shot inside.

Before anyone can do anything let alone say anything the cat morphs into Minerva. They all scurry inside not wishing the neighbors to see. Shock is on all the Granger's faces and Minerva finds herself holding back a rare laugh. Though she tries so hard her face still forms a smile.

"Sorry for that just I assumed I would stand out had I waited like this on your porch. I arrived down the road and walked up like a stray cat so that should help." blushed as she realized she has spoken baby talk to her daughters teacher. Hermione recovers the conversation with an agreement of her suspicions since her robes she were greatly similar to her previous ones. Hermione thought they looked amazing but she was quite aware her neighbors would be more than a little curious if they saw.

"I hope your trip was pleasant, if you're hungry mom usually starts lunch after we come home." Hermione offers looking to her mother to see if she was willing to if needed.

"Oh that's very kind but I'll be fine with some Tea I'm sure." Minerva was use to the offers once a student learns they're a witch or wizard the introduction is made an then depending on how long they have there is an assistant period to help them get their books an generally by the second visit though odd the offers always consistent or something to drink or eat. She held up a bag pulled from under her robes which only left a ton of questions written on Hermione's face. "Perhaps we should get started somewhere quiet." She chuckled slightly at the young witches endless interest in everything.

"Certainly the study should work Hermione, I'll bring the tea along shortly, don't let my daughter talk your ears off to much." Her mother said.

The two sat down and it didn't take Minerva long to realize she was enjoying herself to much. Every time Minerva went over something Hermione had at least three questions pertaining it. She had never known another person so interested in knowledge aside from herself an her closest friend. Dumbledore was very smart an challenged her at times but she could believe this girl would one day do so all the time.

"So this apparating is what you did to get here, when can I learn to?" Hermione asks only to be disappointed when she's told not until she was 17. "How about floo? Should I do that get to the train or wherever I might need to?"

"Unfortunately floo is a network. Certainly we could get your fireplace set up if need be but it's only useful if you need to enter the ministry or travel to Diagon alley even a friends house but not the school or anywhere without a connection to floo as well. School is to secure… a call perhaps but none travel from outside. Also you must know the destinations code to active the connection. Saying the wrong thing can be disastrous so be careful." Hermione visibly pales at the thought of messing up anything she's learning.

They eventually move on the topics of larger interest to both of them like creators of spells. How one does this the history of magic making its way into such complex spells. Ones she can't even begin to practice yet. She can do motions an non active pronunciations. It was amazing how something as simple as lumos could turn in to bigger an stronger things. How someone decided what needed magic an what didn't. She realizes there were creators of much more than just spells. There was potions, dueling, games with brooms that flew and games of moving chess. She couldn't wait to learn more an more so she could to add to the magical world once she was ready an experienced.

It was well after tea, a snack, and evening drawing an end to the day that Minerva found herself able to see past the girls need to learn an spotted a yawn. She could see exhaustion an delicately closed the book in the girls hands. Cutting her off before she could begin her questioning of magical creatures. She to felt a yawn creeping up but she pushed it from her mind as she got up.

"I believe we have reached our limit today." Hermione looked up saddened at this.

"I know your busy but is there a chance…we could have another sit down again before school starts. I just feel I need to catch up to so many other students that know the world so well." Minerva could sympathize with this and offered an smile.

"I'm sure in the months to come we can certainly make time. Just swear you won't mention this to other students. For your sake more than mine. I don't want anyone to think your favored on your first day." Hermione beams an Minerva adds. "I can see you're most inquisitive an I would hate to see potential like that wasted. Much like myself when I was much younger."

As she walked Minerva out in the cover of nightfall she pondered how old she was since she didn't really look old at all. She could see a few stress lines an age lines but nothing that even her mother didn't have or had in pictures before she was born. She never got to ask as she quickly shifted and ran off not long after there was a faint pop sound that Hermione could only guess was what her professor described as apparating.

Hermione was never more curious how this was done. Having heard of it was enough for interest but seeing and hearing it in person was extraordinary. With her mothers hand on her shoulder she closed the door an once inside she realized how late it was an how hungry she was by dinner being set on the table and the evening news playing quietly in the background.

"Next time before she runs off invite her to supper I'm sure they have exquisite foods but she must be starving after all that work with you." Jean suggests with a light tease. A blush rises and quickly is hidden while rummaging in the fridge for a drink.

After dinner that night it takes less than a month for the professor to reach out again. The children at school have all but a few gone home for the holidays. She can't offer much but she offers to introduce another part of the magical world to Hermione. Tells her it's profoundly important she know where she is going on the day she needs to take the train to school. Her parents are very busy with clients a allow her this one trip. They don't want to fear her getting lost since the teacher seems quite capable

Her parents wanted her back before lunch but then they had to accept an emergency client. Their lunch canceled but not wanting to stop their child from eating they gave her some money. She promised to not be long and left the dentistry that Saturday morning with Minerva in relatively normal clothes.

"Thank you for coming to me my parents never like leaving me home alone when I have no school but they have work."

"Think nothing of it child I see they have quite the job and I wouldn't want you to walk to meet me." They walked to secluded area an made sure to hide regardless of nobody being in sight. The pull Hermione felt, as Minerva apparated as she said they would need to, made her gut clench. Feeling she might throw up she held the hand tighter. Though it felt like minutes not moments she successfully held herself together.

"Now from your home this is not a far drive but as I don't drive either here we are. Now once at kings cross you mustn't be dressed for school quite then. You wait till you've reach the train an it has departed." They were across the street in what seemed to be abandoned building. Due to the noise outside there really was no cause for concern about the popping sound associated with apparating. They made there way down the building an across the street into the train station. Minerva's hand grasped Hermione's regardless of her ability feeling the packed station wasn't the place to let her professional side, walls and distance, from her students let her lose one in the crowd.

The effect was minimal as Minerva was focused on not thinking of anything. Hermione felt pulled along for some time and given the amount of people she accepted it until the two of them finally stopped. The pair stood across from a mere platform wall. It was numbered nine and ten. Hermione was sure she looking at the wrong thing. She sought out Minerva's gaze. It was firmly on the wall.

"See the platform numbers." A quick nod and Minerva continued. "What comes to mind when I say platform nine and three quarters?"

"I'd have to imagine it's meant to mean there's a platform between the two some how. I read about it but there's no indication how to get to that specificity."

"That's because back when it was made for transportation nobody expected non wizard families to need to find it. Once it was the main way to get to school it was intended to Wizarding World needn't explain again." They share a grimace but Minerva was proud she had such a enthusiastic student to look forward too. "as it's currently locked we can not do more than a verbal description. On the day you arrive, September first, you have between nine in the morning to eleven to focus your thoughts on the specific platform and rush at that wall. You will then be able to cross through the magical veil"

"It sucks it's not open I'd love to see it done. I am imagining it but it's perhaps not like you know it to be." It sounded quite needy but the truth was every muggle-born felt the same. Even some only children from wizarding homes felt this way at some point. As they turned away Minerva retrieved Hermione's hand again. For a moment she felt sympathy an calmly tried to think of her a particular time of seeing it happen. She truly had no idea how long if Hermione could see it it would take.

Unaware of the attempt left Hermione very surprised as a small flash came to her. Gripping firmly to the hand holding hers she kept walking through the vision coming to her. She trusted her guide and found security regardless the same wall they left swallowing a tall thin man and only slightly shorter boy. Another boy not much older than she herself was now ran an again the wall melted around him.

"My two younger brothers," the Scottish tone pulled Hermione back into her current place and time. "They always loved the magic behind that. I'm afraid I should let go now least I force anything more on you." Speechlessly Hermione followed closely. The tenderness told her it was no time to push any topic until they reached an open space with fresh air.

"I really appreciated you trying to show me that so I could understand better what to expect. I'm just sorry it brought up something bad for you." It wasn't completely something she was always prepared for seeing as the first time she remembered experiencing a memory it was at a funeral. One man who knew a family friend who had passed walked away from the casket and tried to move her out his way. She saw him kill the same person in the casket. She tried to tell her parents and they didn't understand nor did they want to believe it. A few days afterward the news came that the same guy was arrested for the crime. Ever since then her parents had been very kind an understanding about her gift.

"Oh child it's never truly bad to think of my family, it might hurt but it's better than not remembering them." The way Minerva smiled lightly told Hermione it was the truth not just something to make her feel better. "Now how about some food on our return. I know your parents required you be fed. Where would you like to eat."

"There's a place not far from here."

As they walked a few blocks to the place there wasn't much discussion to be had except light bantering about literature once they passed a window of a bookstore. It was clear both were very similar in tastes. There were classics of literature that they equally adored but Minerva could see the innocence in Hermione that told her she couldn't truly understand the feelings behind the words quite yet. Hermione on the other hand was sure she knew what the words meant an that wasn't far from knowing the feelings.

The brontë sisters, homer, Shakespeare, and Dante Alighieri all wrote much works revolving passionate topics. Love, tragedy, and drama there wasn't all that much Hermione hadn't already felt. Loving her parents, her gift, and all the things she had seen so far what else was there.

"There is a lot you haven't felt first hand yet an that's something to be thankful for I assure you." They had talked through the meal an even upon returning to her parents dentistry they quietly spoke just before parting ways.

"Well I suppose curious nature aside I'm going to have to be patient for those things you speak of." Hermione laughed and waved goodbye to her teacher. There was probably no more meeting to be had even if they had time between now an school. "I'll see you at school for sure thank you for everything."

That was the last visit that could be plausible called. All the books she received was by packages and with short letter explaining the importance of each one. The previous books lent had been returned as well. It was obvious when no letter returned that school must being busy and students were probably beginning their finals. Suddenly it was summer again as the year flew by like no time at all.

Kings cross on September first was packed it was ridiculous if you asked Jean Granger. Jean had seen the school rush when they had returned to the Leaky Cauldron to retrieve her official first year supplies, but this was madness. Hermione shared with her parents the details of what it took to get to the platform they needed. As bewildered as ever but fully ready to see the only child off they did their best not to draw attention to themselves.

Circling the platform slowly an watching as a few children an parents make the brisk run. No one reacted. There was not second glances from muggles passing. A elder lady pushed through the hesitant groups of who should go next as if to many moved toward the same spot it would give them away. Pulling along a young boy she called out his name.

"Come on now Neville don't sit around an wait. You must assert yourself you're from a great family act like it." The poor boy tried to stand straight ignoring the obvious staring. Just as he did it was a if he suddenly realized something was missing. He scrambled low to the grown an scooped up a toad which made Hermione cringe if embarrassed she hisses. "Neville!"

"Yes grandma" he returned to her side and they melted into the platform. After such a performance a few families including hers made their way through as well. It was still quite early to need to be on the train so her an her parents placed her luggage down for a short while an simply watched. The crimson shine from the train was very stunning thankfully that meant her parents loved how new and safe it looked. When time came that they needed to go they place a kiss each on her cheeks and sweetly wished her well and asked for her to message as often as possible.

Luggage in had she opened a compartment and observed it for a moment. Impressed with the size compared to outside it didn't quite feel right but she was glad she wouldn't be suffocated the whole ride body to body. Once settled she heard a bit of clamoring as people got aboard. Prepared to meet a lot of people in just a few minutes she began wringing her hands.

Someone approached her compartment, door left open, she heard the muttering of things like 'I don't know her,' 'she just a first year,' and even 'no! look at her bushy hair.' Finally, clearly first years just like her an friendless thus far, students began taking up seats one by one. Not last but just barely making it in the compartment was the same boy with her elderly grandmother. He tripped over the track of the door loosing his balance and his toad in one quick moment.

"It's Neville right?" She got up an helped him. "I saw you an your grandmother earlier."

"Y-Yes, Tr-Trevor! Oh no, grans gonna kill me." Leaving introductions for later she promised to help him find his toad. The slime disgusted her but that wasn't a good enough reason to not help even as the train began moving and she knew she was suppose to be sitting she had already walked quite a distance fro her compartment so she refused to turn back now.

Eventually she came across one with just two boys. Having had heard a ribbit and one of the boys said a frog had escaped from the room and figured it wouldn't hurt to interrupt. Casually approached the open door and observed as both startled boys looked over. The reddest hair she had ever seen was the first thing she noticed the second was that same boy had his wand out an pointed at… a rat. She shudder at the realization.

"Have you seen a toad. A boy named Neville has lost his." Curiosity distracting her she forgot Trevor for a moment. "Oh are you doing magic? Let's see then." The boys poor rhythm did nothing making Hermione sure it was not a true spell. Personally she had never tried a spell but after practicing mentally and after studying she was sure she could do something. "are you sure that's a spell."

"Well you give one a go then." The red head snapped.

"I've only tried simple ones but here." Hermione sat in front of a jet black hair boy with glasses. She was sure what to try as soon as she did. "Oculus Reparo." His glasses crackled and repaired every old scratch or scrape. He was startled and took them off as she asked how it was. It was only then she noticed a special trait about him. She'd read a lot about the latest history of the wizarding world. Harry Potter, the boy who lived. " you're Harry Potter aren't you? I'm Hermione Granger, and you are?" She directed at the red head whom seemed upset of her spell actually working.

"Ron Weasley"

"Pleasure" she knew the tone that he had an decided to leave proud now than stay an bother them she could only hope given time that they would be friends just like if she could help Neville. As she left she gave them a heads up as she had already changed when she first got on board. "We are almost there I believe, you may want to change into your robes." She left and only turned to Ron to mention a bit of dirt he had on his nose. This only wording her expression.

Eventually she returned to her compartment completely unsuccessful but to find Neville also returning and in hand his toad. Hermione smiled glad for him and held the door open so he could hold Trevor firmly until arrival.

Once they did and the train came to a full stop all the students climbed off and took there luggage as they did. A loud boomy voice called out for all students to leave the luggage in a specific place and for all first years to come to him. He was a very large man she could only guess why but decided it didn't matter as he was probably a teacher an wasn't that abnormally large if others didn't mind she wouldn't. He called out Harry making her immediately turn an see Harry Potter. This made her smiled because he ran to the man giving him a enthusiastic wave.

"Glad you made it alright." It seemed perhaps this man helped Harry just as Minerva had helped her. "Okay all first years here? Right then follow me." As the other students climbed into carriages the first years it seamed were traveling by boats. Very few that rode the train together stayed together. All the boats were self rowing and lead by the the one holding the tall man.

Once the boats reach the other side of the lake safely, regardless all the bumps on the way from whatever was in the big lake, they were lead inside. Nobody was the only one ogling everything. The walls were huge compared to them. The walls were covered in portraits that spoke to them. Reading about them had prepared her only slightly for the surprise. They were placed just before the second biggest door they had seen. As everyone stopped the familiarity of the next voice made Hermione perk up and push forward to see better.

"Momentarily I will return and we shall enter the great hall an you will file in and line up. There you will be sorted, you will sit with your house, and the headmaster with give a small greeting and the feast will begin." She paused a moment for questions the only outburst given though was once again Neville. The crowd laughed a bit and she left with nothing else said.

"So it's true Harry Potter is coming to Hogwarts." Hermione couldn't see much but with a firm nudge she saw a blonde boy facing Harry an Ron. "This Crabbe, Goyle, and I'm Draco." Ron laughed causing Draco to mock his family. "You'll find some wizarding families are better than others." He gave a glance of disdain to Ron. "I'd be careful making friends with the wrong sorts of people Potter."

"I think I can tell the right sorts for myself thank you very much." The hand The was extended dropped slightly. As if waiting to see the discussion reach its own end professor Minerva strode up and broke the two apart.

"We are ready for you now." Then they entered a massive hall full of other students and colors. The celling mimicked the sky outside. Candles were set everywhere. It was a beautiful dinning hall. There was an uproar as they entered that settled once the line had formed. All that was in front of them was very old hat on a stool and Minerva waiting beside it. It didn't seem like much but the instant it began talking every obvious muggle-born began staring wide eyed with their mouth hanging open. Paintings that talked was hard enough to see but easy to explain. This hat moved with such specifics and so lively as it spoke of the founders and each house.

Finally it stoped as it reach the end of its tale and song. It gave an under toned warning the new and old students of the need to stand united to not hate the Slyitherins. By their description and the tables joy in their identity she could see why no one outside of the house was very friendly with them. Having a small number of people go ahead of her made her feel more ready for when she heard her own name called. She climbed the stairs stood in front of the stool. The hat lifted and she sat as she was too focused on what house she hoped to get in to look to professor. Muttering kept going above her for a minute that Hermione began to worry. As if characterizing her it mentioned her brilliance making her much success in Ravenclaw, her loyalties would be well rewarded in Hufflepuff, her creativity and cunningness would even help in Slyitherin, but her courage was what really trumped all else it seemed. So she was place in Gryffindor. She happily climbed down a little pink in the cheeks for her length in time under the hat. Everyone was staring all but the house in red and gold, they was a big cheer and she sat next to another first year there was plenty of room made for the new kids it seemed.

Once she sat she joined everyone else in refocusing on the rest of the first years placements. She was painfully obvious to how quick some decisions were made compared to hers. Many kids later and Harry Potter was sorted Gryffindor along with his new friend Ronald Weasley.

Harry stalled for a minute she heard the hat mutter on about being meant for greatness and how Slyitherin could help him. The poor boy begged the hat for anything but which ended him in Gryffindor. The whole hall had impute. Ron on the other hand had been mere moments as it seemed all his family was in Gryffindor. The only kid that seemed instant was Draco Malloy. The hat only reached a hair above his head before it exclaimed his house was Slyitherin.

The feast was magical. It was simply wonderful and all Hermione could do was force herself to not take the magic out of how it was possible. She wanted to know how the food appeared or how it replenished but she knew right now no one would understand her curiosity. It was a time for joy and making friends. She could do that, at least she hoped she could seeing how Ron could only grimace so far. Harry seemed quite happy with anything anyone said to him. Seeing as he was famous it was a lot of people.

After the feast people would leave but the first years were guided to there dormitories instead of expected to find them alone. The prefects of each house lead them four separate ways. The Gryffindor common room was large and full of vibrant reds and gold. There was no one specific red in the main area but in the dorms there were maroon color drapes around each bed. She was glad she could still get privacy despite the room having 8 beds there was only 5 other girls occupying the dorm though. She was sure she should be honest with them an insure their own privacy from her mind.

"Oh my goodness did you see Harry Potter he is soooo cool." One of the girls exclaimed. This cause the other girls to chatter in excitement that the got to see him from where they sat. "I bet we will get to be friends super quick. He doesn't seem to know much about magic though. Poor shame, my mama said he was hidden away in some muggle home."

"I hope they didn't rub an rubbish habits on him." Another girl said this caused Hermione to clear her throat as if they were talking of her parents specifically.

"Not all muggles are bad. My parents were not as surprised as you'd think. I could see how if I didn't have a tendency to use my gift to read people by touch then they would have been shocked to say the least but I doubt they would have told me I couldn't come." It was as causal as she could make it. No need to go in depth not that she even knew that much about it yet. "I'm sure his family was not to surprised an probably tried to be open minded."

"Ha, muggles open minded. Your parents are probably the only ones if that's true." They had each been unpacking and the one talking now seemed rather spoiled in nature. "Parvati do you mind if I switch blankets with you mine doesn't feel as soft as your looks." Said girl looked at her blanket pondered it but gave it over saying something about not usually liking thick blankets anyways. She took the other girls and folded it up an climbed into bed. "I'm Lavander, Lavander Brown."

"Hermione Granger." Lavander was the first Gryffindor sorted this year. "so you guys are okay with my parents being muggles,"

"Well I feel bad that you don't have much knowledge of magic seeing how you probably didn't learn about it quite as early as we did. Other than that no what's the point in being upset. We need new wizard and witch families can't keep just keeping it pure, eventually it gets messy dealing with arranged marriages."

"Oh yes I pretty much already going to be promised to someone someday because my parents want a good man for me but thank goodness they won't be as petty as making sure it's of 'good blood'." A few other girls made small but similar comments making Hermione feel much better.

"That's good. Although I learned a lot in the year that I did have notice. I was given plenty of books an I bought more when I learned to get them at the Diagon alley."

"Really oh my gosh who came to tell you. Was it a teacher or the headmaster?"

"Professor McGonagall actually."

"I hear she's able to turn into a cat, did you get to see that?" A ginger haired girl asked.

"Well yes I did but only once." Another girl she thought her name was Fay went to speak but a gentle rap on the door paused all conversation. In entered Professor McGonagall.

"Ladies welcome to Gryffindor! I'm surprised we received so few girls this year but I'm sure we will all get along quite well no? Now breakfast is early so make sure you get your sleep. You will have plenty of classes and time on the weekend to truly learn the whole school. All schedules for classes will be given at breakfast. Make sure you are there even just for tomorrow there you may discuss with myself, the prefects, or the head boy and girl how you should get to each class," Hermione was sure she was going tot be to excited to get proper sleep but she had too. She pulled out of her luggage a tin of tea.

"Professor?" When she looked to her she nibbled her bottom lip not sure if she would be told it was to late. "I have a tea I drink when I can't sleep can I make it somewhere." Minerva hummed recognizing Hermione and intrigued that she much like herself need tea to get proper rest.

"Of course we do but in the future you could just ask for it an pot and hot water should arrive." She swished her wand summoning a teapot clearly steaming with hot water. "Perhaps you should all have a spot of tea if your are a bit restless with it being your first night. Have a good night girls."

Once the professor left the other girls finished rummaging quietly. There really was nothing left to talk about. No one wanted tea with her though and she was sure the grimace on Lavander's face wasn't because of her but the idea of tea from home she had to make herself. With her cup finished as soon as it was placed on the tray it disappeared. Hermione gave a surprised gasp but the other girls paid no mind clearly very use to it.

Hermione being the last in bed offered to turn out the lights, not that she was sure how. The girls told her there was no need as she climbed into bed Lavander drew out her wand and said 'nox'. Hermione knew this one but yet to do it. Even if she had said she had practiced it wasn't done in full action.

So far she had only don't the one spell and was happily successful. Over the year she had practiced the words and the wand movement separately. She was very much not willing to get thrown from Hogwarts before even getting to arrive. It was nice to know she could follow through if she had learned it correctly.

The instant her head hit the bed she felt warmth and sleep overcome all her excitement and her thoughts faded away. She imaged her next day but she was sure her mind was lacking of the sort of magic she had yet to see. As the light in the room returned the next morning she pulled open her drapes actually refreshed. No one else seemed awake just yet so she quietly made her way to the washroom. After ten minutes she was no longer alone.

As she left she did her best to pass the other girls without touching anyone. Parvati was already busy an in the back of he room it was Lavander an Fay that Hermione bumped into coming in. Fay caught her shoulder to keep her up right but Lavander keep going with almost a scoff. It was never intentional but the long contact forced Hermione to experience Fay's thoughts. A memory she suspected was pretty recent. Nothing to personal she obviously missed her parents and siblings. A fast as she could she forced herself out and moved away from Fay.

"Sorry, I don't mean to, it's best that if we ever need to touch try not to think of anything specific." Fay looked at her completely unable to figure out what she meant. "I saw your thoughts of your parents and sisters. I haven't ever been able to control it I just do my best to prevent others from falling to it by touching me. Hopefully here I can get more experience." The attention in the room was focused on her and she began to feel uncomfortable under their gaze. "Um an I know it's a lot to ask but can this be between us. I'll tell people myself when it's required." When anyone but Lavander nodded their head she excepted what she could get.

As she left she heard rushed whispered she rolled her eyes at how obvious gossips they all were, Hermione was not one to linger even if she wanted to make friends she was to much of a student to sit upstairs when she could be exploring her way to the great hall for breakfast. So she did an on her way she was walking behind the boys from the dormitory, specifically Harry and his friend Ron.

The staring must be unbearable for him as it is a bit much for herself. Getting to the great hall the number of people staring grew. Harry was not cowering away but she could tell he was very much not use to it just as he wasn't to people wanting to talk to him.

"First years come grab your schedules before breakfast look them over an any questions can be directed to myself or you own peers." Professor McGonagall could be heard over all hustle and bustle in the great hall making it almost impossible to not head to her first. The other three house teachers were doing the same thing although Professor filch hovered his papers to his students probably due to his height.

Professor Sprout and Snape were polar opposites. Sprout had a kind smile to her students and they were very happy to see her despite the dirt already on her uniform. Snape truly had some students running away as quick as they could grab the papers. The foul look he offered was bad enough to seriously wonder why he was a teacher. Even Professor Quirrell, whom she heard much gossip about the night before, was more capable of interesting students.

"Miss Granger, here you are I hope you feel prepared for your first day."

"Oh yes Professor." She was sure it was a discrete notion to her preparations the last year. "I got plenty rest last night thank you very much. See ya!" She ran off before she could say anything silly. Had her breakfast and rushed off.

Double potions. The only thing she couldn't practice she could only memorize the recipes and the directions. By now she was sure she could do it if only she didn't mess up the measurements. Her mother tried teaching her by doing more baking than before. She climbed into a chair it was stiff and dark in the room. Behind her ran in Ron and Harry and a few others. Obviously not wanting to be late. They took the only open seat available beside her. Nothing was said as professor Snape swept in instantly taking command of the room. He smoothly spoke of what his class would be about.

Like poetry he listed off his endless expertise of what he could teach them. His rambles fell short once he laid eyes on not her but Harry sitting beside her. He suggested Harry was spoiled and didn't think he need to listen. She felt bad seeing how he was listening just was busy writing it down as well. She nudged him to get his attention.

Instead of seeing he was writing what he was saying he questioned him about ingredients that Harry must not have studied or had much notice to study. She was happy to try helping so she raised a hand in hopes the professor would like her initiative. He did not as he seemed happy enough to embarrass Harry by asking further questions he didn't know anything about.

"Clearly Hermione seems to know." He argued. "Seems a shame not to ask her." There were snickers all around the class at this. Bite surrounded his remark but was cover up by his innocent face. Hermione felt spurred when the professor denied her a chance to answer correctly going as far to call her a 'silly girl'.

The rest of the class after being told to write the answers down was quite. Hermione could tell there was a very deep hatred to Harry from Professor Snape which didn't make sense. As far as she had heard Harry was kept secretly away for years. Once class ended Harry and Ron ran off somewhere and Hermione used her time to find the library she had been told about.

"Child you would be breaking a record you know?" Hermione had no idea she was going to be so amazed by the number of books. She had grabbed at least ten from the first few rows she felt she just had to read. The librarian quietly beamed at her and her interests. "A first year and your first day already here. Are you sure you are meant for Gryffindor."

"Oh yes I would have been in Ravenclaw. Guess not being afraid of sticking up for what I believe in won out though. Thank you very much. I do have a question is there a book on magical abilities? I heard I might be able to find something here about abilities that some people have that a wand isn't needed. I'm a muggle-born but I know someone with an ability who want's to learn more about it."

"Hmm if you finish these I'll look for it an set it aside for your next visit. I'm not sure if there is much out here though.. The restricted section is restricted but if you have a note from a teacher we can continue the hunt there too."

"Thank you madam, have a good day." Hermione left promptly to her room and stored the books beside her bed. She pulled on from the pile. She began reading even if she had to head to her next classes. All of which were amazing even if she constantly had classes with the Slyitherin's which meant Draco Malfoy had to pick on someone at least once a class.

Neville fell victim in flying lessons to his wild broom. She supposed his nerves really didn't make flying as ideal for him as he would have liked. No she wasn't certain she wanted to fly but she had confidence which allowed a successful hover an landing when professor Hooch said to. His injury forced the professor to take him to the nurse or hospital wing she had said.

Though gone and loudly told not to do anything, no flying specifically, Malfoy found Neville's gift from his grandmother. Everyone had seen him get his remembrall. Now it was being played with in the air by Malfoy who was proclaiming he was going to hid it. Harry Potter once more letting him get to him climbed on his broom and said he would stop him. Hermione for the best of Gryffindor tried to stop him using logic but clearly he was not thinking about anything but his own wants. He shot up off the ground. Malfoy who clearly had been on a broom before wasn't fazed. In fact it made him go higher and further from the class. Harry followed an she watch painstakingly as Draco threw the ball and Harry flew after it.

No one knew what to think when it seemed he was like a missile. It was cool up until it looked like he was going to his a tower of the castle. He approached a window quickly and then suddenly he rolled like swimmer doing laps, the ball in his hand, and no damage to the window. He came back down and was cheered for his really cool moves.

Hermione as ecstatic as she was for his return to safety she felt the urge to slap him for being so dumb but she was not exactly his friend like Ron whom was encouraging the cheers. Silence fell over everyone as one Professor McGonagall came striding over the fields.

"Harry Potter." She said firmly as if planning on reprimanding him. "Follow me."

He didn't return and Hermione was sure he was expelled. Madam Hooch returned to find her class less than she left it. To find out Harry was gone from class she demanded answers from the class. No one wanted Harry in trouble even if it might get Draco in trouble so nobody said anything.

After class was lunch Hermione did want to be the kid that followed without obvious reason but she had seen something while walking the halls she wondered if Harry knew. So she let Ron find Harry and waited around to see them together. She was reading when they came out to the courtyard. Harry was so surprised he got invited to play the one sport of the school. It was not normal for a first year to be permitted to play but nonetheless he was going to. Ron was so happy for him but had no idea what to say when Harry began doubting his skill.

"You won't!" She interrupts "It's in your blood." She tries to clarify. Ron scoffs and asks how she know that forcing her to take them to a plaque of trophy's. JAMES POTTER one said.

"What you didn't tell me your dad played quidditch." Ron exclaimed.

"I didn't know. How did you?" Harry asked and she explained she saw it on her way to the library after their first class,

After this the boys tried being friendly but normally kept to themselves or with other boys. The other girls in her dorm seriously kept away from her. Perhaps they were worried she wanted to read their heads. Honestly why would she want to. She imagined Lavander was only thinking of boys and her parents. Didn't really seem like she didn't have much in her life so far but spoiling and endless gossip.

The other girls were a bit harder to read but she would rather look and guess than touch an know. Sometimes it just isn't worth it. Her day flew by with classes and her books and her planned trip to library for more books. She wanted to get that note as soon as possible and though obviously hardly into the term she hoped she could get the note she needed.

"Professor McGonagall?"

"Yes Miss Granger."

"I was wondering if I could get a note to get a book from the restricted section. It's on magical abilities. Madam prince couldn't find much when it came to that subject."

"Hmmm I need a title normally but I'll write the topic an I expect madam prince to use her best judgement. You may be very intellectually driven but your still young for most all of the book in that section."

"Of course Professor, I won't abuse this chance."

"Do let me know what you find if your don't mind I can't help but be curious knowing that you have no training in Legilimency." She seems to want to say more but never does so Hermione just promises to and leaves. Not fully sure what Legilimency was she thought it was something to do with that.

The book the librarian found wasn't terribly big it was still heavy. Not something she could take on in one sit down. She took it to her room and tucked it under her bed for safe keeping. She headed to dinner. On her way she overheard a duel challenge by Draco to Harry. She shook her head as she heard his response was yes. The whole dinner she tried whispering her objections to the idea.

She wasn't successful in convincing the boys to not go. It was the first day and the two people she wanted to be friends with were going to get expelled for fighting let alone being up past they arrived at the dorm for the night ended up sitting up quite late before heading out. Though she didn't want to Hermione went with in hopes of at least making sure no one got hurt.

As they left the dorm behind the fat lady portrait they found Neville sleeping as the door closed her woke and told them how he forgot the password. They promised to let him in after they returned but the poor thing didn't want to sit alone in the dark and decided to go with.

"He's not here yet." Harry said.

"Maybe He chickened our." Ron said happily. " or maybe he got caught."

"Or he set you up. It's a trap." Hermione offered her own logical explanation. No one liked the idea of getting caught so they hurried back the way they came.

"Where are they?" Flitch spoke to his cat just outside the door way causing them to scurry as far back as quickly as they could. It was definitely a trap. They came across a door that seemed good enough to hide behind. Unfortunately it was locked. Neville began panicking as did Ron while he tried tugging at the lock. Hermione rolled her eyes. Told them to move in a whisper.

"Alohomora." The lock popped open and the four hurried through the door. They heard Flitch pass with his cat Miss Norris. A great sigh of relief escaped them and they all relaxed at the feeling of freedom. No one noticed where they where until collectively they all felt a hot breath on their neck. Turning around slowly they witnessed a three headed dog stretching out from its sleep.

A deep growl filled the room and the four frozen bodies shivered which ignited the hurried urge to get out right then and there. Three barks echoed and then they came full blown secession one after the other. A head nearly got Ron as he was the last to leave. Hermione, Harry, Neville joined by Ron all push on the door to hold it closed long enough to lock it once again.

All the noise probably bringing flitch right back they ran to the halls and tried making it back to their dormitory. Peeves a poltergeist, not a ghost they were all warned about at the feast appeared out of no where. He hovered over them asking why they were out of bed, trying to find out if they had cause the commotion. His answer had been Ron trying to shoo him away which only caused him to yell about students being out of bed.

Eventually back at the fat lady after running from peeves they hurriedly gave the password startling the portrait awake. She was astounded that students were out so late but still let them in. They separated there in the common room and headed to bed. No one talked about what they saw that night but Hermione wasn't going to let it be,

The next morning Hermione finds herself still tired but she knows she has to wake up early. Classes start early as to give them plenty of time for homework and free time in the evening. She was excited but her mind rolled over the previous night as she remembered why she was so tired. Those boys had risked quite a lot and because she didn't want to see them in trouble so had she. They weren't that nice to her but she was sure there was a friendship waiting to bloom.

The day dragged on from the beginning of it. First thing Harry did as soon as she came into the great hall was ask her if she slept. It was real nice he thought it best to ask first before anything else. Unlike Ron who was not interested in much other than asking her what she thought the thing was. To be honest the one thing she knew it was but hoped it couldn't be in a school full of children was Cerberus. If she was sure she would appease them with answers instead she strayed away from what to why.

"Didn't you see what it was standing on?" Ron seemed exasperated at the thought of having the chance to look away from the dogs three heads. "it was a trap door. It's guarding something."

"I bet you it's the thing that Hagrid took from Gringott." He must have talked about something previously with his friend. Hermione stared curiously until he explained. How Hagrid helped him and how they took something from a vault that was later broken into which they had seen in the paper when visiting Hagrid the day before, "it has to be something important if Dumbledore has that dog guarding it now."

It was a fitting idea but Hermione could only hope this was the last they would hear or see of that thing and the three headed dog. Finishing breakfast and heading to class with them went perfectly normal. Suddenly owls began arriving to drop off mail and newspapers. Harry was completely surprised when he saw his owl. She could only guess he didn't have anyone to send him letters let alone whatever the owl was holding.

"Hedwig hey girl!" She tried her best to lay it down gently. A few people hurried to make room from the plates, the short letter of encouragement was not signed but as the package said to open it in private that's what they did. They left and gave awe when they saw what it was.

"That's a Nimbus 2000." Ron said loudly making both Harry and Hermione need to shush him. "It's for quidditch but can I ride it.. After you of course."

"Sure but who would buy me this?"

"I think Professor McGonagall is rather hopeful of your skills. She seems like she's trying to give you and our house the best shot we can at winning the quidditch cup." She only noticed a minute expression change when the package arrived.

There was a hurried portion of the day as Hermione tagged along to watch Harry practice flying he apparently been told not to practice publicly yet so as everyone was busy with breakfast he tried it out. Classes came an though Hermione loved her second days lessons and the teachers she repeated her double potions and flying classes every other day. While she enjoyed transfigurations and history of magic the other every other days and the pattern went on.

Weeks flew by and finally Halloween was there and they had a new class added to there schedule. Charms, it was one of her favorite to practice over the summer, it was add in just after defense against dark arts. Since things had been going so well since the first couple days she was happy to see her new friends a bit more.

During class they had to levitate a feather. Hermione was watching Ron struggle an offered her advice on how to preform it pronounced it properly and thoughts he'd hear the difference in what he said to what she said but he snarked at her telling her to do it then.

"Wingardium leviosa" her feather floated and climbed high as she pointed her wand higher. She beamed as she earned points for her perfect spell work. Her example caused a few others to try it again but not Ron who crossed his arms an slumped in defeat. The only completely unsuccessful one was Seamus who blew up his feather along with his eye brows.

The day was finished for Hermione when after class she hears Ron mock her helping him. She shoves past him certain he hadn't even noticed she was there. Heavy tears fell from her eyes. She ran to the bathroom and found it hard to remove herself the rest of the day. Forgetting dinner she sat on the toilet for some time before she mental berated herself for losing her emotions. For letting Ron get to her. Finally she opened the stall she was sitting in.

As she rinsed her face she heard a heavy thump. Then a scraping sound. Another thump closer to her. Frozen by the sound all she could do was gulp in fear. Seeing a troll waltz right in wasn't what she expected. They were like guards or something but they were in the dungeons normally. It didn't make sense. Suddenly she was running into a stall to dodge its swinging club. First it shattered the sink she was by and then it landed against the stall she had just crawled from. She kept moving under each wall to the next stall until she was in the last stall. The troll was one away and she didn't know what to do now. As she ran from the stall she felt the force behind her as it was smashed. She screamed at the reality of it.

"Hermione!" Harry called out for her she was hiding under a sink which she knew wouldn't so much to save her. Sighing some relief she didn't let her eyes lose the troll. It swung and Harry yelled at it. It did nothing, Hermione dodged and reminded him of his wand. She couldn't focus enough but they could while she distracted it. They,Ron now there, began chucking pieces of wood or stone to draw its attention. With its attention now they panicked at what to do. Harry charged it. Grabbed the club she was sure by accident but none the less it pulled him up and he surprisingly landed on the its shoulders.

No closer to Victory just yet Hermione watched panicking. Harry had another piece of luck as his wand got stuck in its nose. Although gross it caused it pain. Ron whom was no longer watching but trying to levitate the club did his best. Finally he got it to rise and it dropped on the trolls head. Both it and Harry went down. That's when teachers barreled in. Everyone stood silent for a moment and then Professor McGonagall shockingly demanded answers to what happened.

"We-" "I-" the boys tried but Hermione interrupted.

"It's my fault. I heard a troll was loose and went looking for it. The boys came to save me. I overestimated my skills and I'm glad they came to my aid." No Professor, except Professor Snape, seemed to believe the story but accepted it nonetheless. Professor McGonagall was not impressed and though happy to see them safe found it deeply regrettable to need to take points for Hermione's actions though she returned some for the boys dumb luck of defeating the troll.

"Now go before this thing wakes up." No one needed to be told twice. Harry said she didn't need to lie he was sure someone would have believe the truth. But Hermione heard none of it. They had saved her and she was sure her way was less trouble than the truth. That she skipped dinner, been in the bathroom, and not been headed to the dorms like she was sure others had been.

From that night on they had been inseparable. True for the weeks after they caused more trouble to find out what the big three headed dog was guarding. Harry was sure Professor Snape was the one after it. Something about a cut on his leg the night the troll escaped. When the three had visited Hagrid's hut they found out the dog had a name. Fluffy not that they understood why it was called this. Hagrid had a slippery tongue though and let slip all the teachers were helping guarding it. That it's safety was between Dumbledore and Nicolas Flamel

Thus began the hunting through every book they could find. Hermione couldn't figure out where she had heard the name or read it but she knew she had. The year kept on and classes were actually picking up making her and the boys focus there attention back to the work and homework given. Even through the slight hiccups like the quidditch game Gryffindor vs Slyitherin they were preparing for midterms just before the holiday.

The first quidditch game Harry played was frightful to say the least. Practically being bucked from his new broom via curse that Hermione personally saw Snape doing everything verbatim it required to preform one. After the game and Harry's great win they went to Hagrid's hut. The three were solo on their theory regardless the evidence. So they kept to it the classes, the hunting and the studying.

Christmas approached faster than Halloween did and Hermione was to go home for the holiday. She had communicated with her parents and she had planned to see the boys after the holiday. They on the other hand were staying seeing as Harry didn't want to go home for the holiday. He expressed how his family was and they wouldn't want him to come back anyways. Nothing had come up yet so she said her goodbyes and prepared to leave.

"Miss Granger," Professor McGonagall called to her an hour before she had to head to the train. "A moment please. Join me in my office."

"Oh of course," she grabbed her things not wanting to chance being late.

"How has your year been so far, looking past the incident earlier this year." This cause an embarrassed blush to appear. "although I doubt the story you told was the full truth it's good to know you feel some shame in being so foolish to take on a troll."

"In all honesty I was protecting the boys from being yelled at for abandoning the orders to go to dorms. I hadn't heard, I was in the bathroom after my last class from being upset with Ron. He was quite mean that day. Harry however knew I was in the bathroom from someone saying so and wanted to help me Incase I ran into the troll. Which I did. The rest of the year has been smooth. Thank you for asking. Honestly I was worried it would be much to hard to pick up not being from a wizarding family."

"Oh dear, almost anyone can do magic so long as they are not squib or muggles."

"Well I love being here aside from the occasional stressful moments such as that quidditch game. I've told my parents as much as I could in letters but when I get home for Christmas I'm excited to get to tell them more." Hermione shifted and not her lip wondering if her teacher would mind a question but had yet to ask. She supposed she should wait an build her own opinion of Professor Snape and not rely on Harry's gut as hers has always been firmly correct. True when she first saw Snape he appeared unapproachable and miserable now she just believed him miserable. He was a descent teacher if anything.

"Miss Granger!"

"Huh?" Missing something clearly she removed herself from her thoughts.

"I said are you still comfortable taking on more classes in the years to come. I don't believe we ever discussed how long schooling is for. I assure you all vacations will be a welcomed break from all this class work."

"Oh actually I looked into how long I'd be in school and the types of classes I'll be in. I suspect the only one I may not be good for is divination. I dread the day that class comes." Minerva gave such a joyful laugh Hermione could only guess she knew exactly what she meant.

"It's not often we get driven students sorted into Gryffindor. I wish you the best of luck the rest of your year and hope trouble doesn't keep finding you." Hermione hoped so too but wasn't that something Gryffindor got a lot. She was as hot headed as others in her house but it's clear that it's a trait. "so what was on your mind a moment ago."

"N-nothing, I mean nothing you would be happy to hear a student think im sure." Neither expected a hint of a blush to peek up clearly as Minerva quickly pushed pasted that an firmly said she wouldn't be mad. "I was just thinking about Professor Snape's big dislike of Harry. I mean even you have to admit you see it. There is also the fact we saw him acting as if he was bewitching Harry's broom at the match."

"Oh" obviously any odd thought Minerva had thought Hermione meant was gone and out came her teacher side again. "Professor Snape is not the easiest person to understand but hating Harry is the farthest thing for him I believe. As for the match it could be explained that he was trying to stop the bewitchment. While others might have believed it was Harry having stage fright of sorts we both know he has a talent for flying."

"I hadn't thought of that. But who was actually doing it then if not him. It had of been someone that eventually got distracted at the commotion by the fire we saw too. Which was still staff no?" Professional formality took over and Hermione was easier out of the topic as well as the room.

"That would be quite the accusation but that is not for us to guess and assume. I'm sure headmaster has thought of this and looked into it. Now off you must go for your trip home. Again have a safe trip."

"Yeah Professor McGonagall, you as well."

Back home with her parents she forgot all about the topic she hated to focus on that while her parents were trying to learn an understand so much of her new life. She told them about their version of chess that Ron was always challenging someone to play, Harry ending up being the only one willing to knowingly lose to him. He was very good. She also told them about quidditch but as uninterested in it as she was most sports she really told them about her classes,

Her trip home was as joyful as any other time they shared the holidays. She had purchased a gift to Harry an Ron each for Christmas using someone's help for mail order and she was sure they would at least remember her and she hoped they stayed out of trouble. She ice skated,, took a small camping weekend, and even put her homework off until the last weekend of break. On the final night she repacked her things and sat with her parents quietly watching a movie an falling asleep between them.

As she arrived at school again there was no grand entrance or arrival this time though was sure horseless carriages pulled to the castle was pretty grand to her. She wondered how this was possible with no guide or no other encouragements to move. The older students she sat with may have completely ignored her but she was always alright with that. Behind her carriage she could her Draco Malfoy talking loudly to his Slytherin classmates about how awful it they had to suffer with her within their view. As if it ruined the sight seeing they were so interested in.

From then on almost nothing popped up no mysterious things until one day Hagrid learned how much they had pieced together about Nicolas flamel. Thanks to Harry helping Neville one day from a leg lock curse caused by Draco, he gave him a chocolate frog, on the back of Dumbledore's card was the answers he had seen before. Hagrid said he would explain if they came by that night an so of course that's what they planned.

Hermione was not sure what Harry was talking about a few weeks after returning when he was talking about his new cloak. She hadn't noticed anything different. A while of not understanding why he was talking like it was special she made him tell her what happened over the break. She was stunned to hear about the invisibility cloak, the Mirror of Erised, about the restricted section adventure and even almost getting caught.

So when the idea of sneaking out to meet Hagrid came up Hermione May or may not have joined just to see the cloak and all its gifts. They were short but if they had not been it might have been much harder to hid. It took time to get to Hagrid's hut while undercover. The fact the hut was easily lit up by his fireplace made finding it at night easier. He opened the door with oven mitts on and stove lit.

The heat was unbearable but they all listened to Hagrid explain that Nicolas entrusted something to Dumbledore to keep safe all the teachers were protecting it. Harry couldn't believe it though he was sure if Snape was protecting it it just meant he could easily pass his part it was someone else part he couldn't. Hagrid wanted to hear nothing more of it. That was when he finally pulled something out of the fire. Gloating about his new pet.

"Uh Hagrid What kind of pet is this" Ron asked practically ready to run at the first sign of danger. At first the rattling in a pot drew all attention to the fireplace but when Hagrid reached in and pulled out an egg Ron got excited too. "Blimey, is that a dragon egg, how did you get that?"

His awe overpowering his instincts. He rambled on about one of his brothers being a dragon tamer. With all the focus on the egg and it's hatching there was nothing hat could distract them as a tiny dragon climbed out and almost instantly set fire to to Hagrid's beard, even nipped Ron's arm. This fact didn't startle him at all as he patted it out with almost a chuckle. He supposed it knew him as it's 'mother'. Then a clatter out side drew all eyes to the door. Draco Malfoy now caught watching ran. Instantly they began scrambling to get the cloak and there robes and running to the castle. As they reached the inner halls they were cut off by Professor McGonagall. Everyone visibly gulped.

Ron shook behind her his hands briefly holding her causing her to glimpse his mother she assumed and a time she was furious with him. Hermione shook him off not wanting to be held as a guard or to be seeing his mom yelling. She was more than sure Professor McGonagall would be frightening enough. As first years his was pretty bad but she could only hope that she wouldn't get punished to harshly.

Of course they lost house points an received detention. They received endless questioning about Draco mentions a dragon. None of them said anything. Ron was the only one who got the worse of the night. His arm was swollen and seemed to be getting worse by the next morning, He went to the nurse with a good enough cover but was stuck through their plans to help Hagrid get rid of the dragon. A letter to Charlie, Ron's brother, and friend doing a favor later they had come up with an escape plan, day, and time. They pulled it off with the cloak and a crate.

Norbert As Hagrid called him was gone and they could go back to a normal life again not worried he would be fired. Hagrid believed he won that dragon fair a square in a poker game but Hermione was not so sure. An though she believed Minerva about Snape doubting the "hooded figure" was him she knew the boys didn't so so far they had been preparing for him to act up again. Yet this night Harry and Hermione had witness Draco get caught out of bed whilst they under the cloak headed off to the meet up. Foolishly on the way down they realize they had left the cloak but to late as filch caught them.

This time there was no escape for detention and this time again the the least expected one caught was Neville. Feeling quite awful they tried to apologize to him but the usually shy boy was upset and berated them momentarily about just not doing it again. Of course he said sorry himself after but this outburst alone was surprising. The detention was dreadfully the next night.

The four of them were brought to Hagrid's hut this was curious and suggested not dreadful night was ahead of them. That was until filch rubbed it in that they would be going into the forest they all gulped as Draco exclaimed there was werewolves in the forest. Hagrid burst in with a laugh saying that that was rubbish rumors.

" 'Sides There is more scary stuff in there than that. So who is with me gotta pair off. Neville? Hermione?" He asked an they both nodded even if that unfortunately left Draco alone with Harry. Hermione wasn't worried but she could help but wish they had stayed together. The moment Hagrid showed them why they were there all she could think of was how Harry was in danger.

"Unicorns are kind beautiful creatures it's a mortal sin to kill one. Taking their blood gives you life but at a heavy cost."

"Hagrid," Hermione started hoping he realized what this meant. Hermione didn't have proof but she was sure Snape had no need to have the blood for himself or at all. Though it wasn't obvious who did need it she would look into it more after they found Harry. "If something just killed one don't we need to make sure Harry and Draco don't run into whatever or whoever it was?"

"Oh right, uh.. You're right let's go." To catch up to them Hagrid boomed around in a hurry you could see the worry on his face clearly he hadn't though about how splitting up would risk the other life's but Hermione was sure that wasn't intentional. Whatever had been out there was gone now but not before frightening Draco and causing Harry to need defending by a centaur. The encounter was retold later that night once returning to the castle everyone throughly reminded why not to out after hours.

This was the final instance they swore even Ron who was told what happened was shook and was not planning any night excursions. An so the year sped on. Classes, quidditch, studying for exams, and good old fashioned investigating through books they found related to Nicolas and his philosophers stone. The only thing they could surmise that would be worth hiding or stealing and was as small as Harry remembered the bag from gringotts being. A little more poking at Hagrid revealed that the only person that knew how to get past fluffy, the three headed dog, was Hagrid and the "hooded figure" this was appalling but as he explained he said to much once again an now they too knew. They ran once he realized what he had said. All Hermione could thing Of was Minerva would know what to do.

"Professor!" Harry called from the door of her class. "Where is Professor Dumbledore?"

"He is out on business matters. An important matter came up. Anything you need I can handle I assure you."

"Someone is going to steal the philosophers stone an now they know how to. You need to get Professor Dumbledore back."

"I don't know where you heard this information from but I assure you the stone is safe and guarded heavily. Nothing and no one is going to get past-"

"Fluffy?! But there is and they are going to if you don't do something to stop them!"

"Enough!" Her Scottish temper was peaking it was obvious she knew they knew but refused to let them believe they were right. "I said that's impossible now go to the dorm unless you want another detention."

They really did once they left her class/office but that night they met up. They simply couldn't let this obvious disaster happen the only thing stopping them was Neville. The only kid who had no courage in Gryffindor was holding his fists up and promising he was going to stop them. He didn't was their house to loose more point if they got caught so he was going to stop them.

He would have had Hermione not petrified him temporarily so they could bolt off to the third floor to find the locked corridor. Hermione could feel in her soul this was going to end terribly. Even as they found fluffy sound asleep they knew it was already happening. There was no time to waste.

"What do we do to get his foot up?"

"Push." Harry said beginning to move closer. They moved the huge paw and opened the trap door. There was no obvious bottom. The music filled the room this was the three headed dogs lullaby. As they discussed the options of tossing something down to see how far it was a sudden heavy air swept over them.

"Guys I think the music has stopped." Ron whimpered. Slimy drool glopped on his head and shoulder. Nobody needed telling twice when Harry yelled they needed to jump. There was no crunch of bones or screams of pain because they landed on a cushioned something. Hermione couldn't tell for sure but was it moving?

"Lumos." The light flickers as her grip was impaired by a vine wrapping around her hand. It went out and in the darkness she thought out loud. "Devil snare. What was it that I read." Eventually she remembered if you relaxed it would let you go. It worked quite Easily for herself and Harry since he heard her and trusted her. Ron however had been to busy yelling to hear her or pay attention.

Finally they cast a spell the chase it back and release him. That clearly was not their only test as they went on to each teachers trial they passed. Harry and Hermione both clearly more book smart than Ron although Harry had a natural instinct for certain things. Suddenly they approached a curious trial that only Ron could find exciting.

Wizard chess was his life he was quite good as far as Hermione could tell he would be excellent at chess wizard or not but his love for it would be their only saving grace. Had it not been for his final move winning the game though sacrificing himself they would have lost and been stuck or worse killed. He fortunately wasn't dead just knocked out. They left him only momentarily to finish. Hermione told Harry the only thing left had to be potions and knowing Harry he would do it wrong as he was rubbish at potions if he had a time limit.

The riddle was clear and Hermione deduced which two potions could be the wrong and right one. She inspected the one she felt was right and nodded her head as she put the last thoughts together. The one that needed to be drank was in her hand and Harry held his out.

"no," he trusted her so readily that he would drink a potion that might poison him without question. "It's important you get to the stone. If I'm wrong leave me you can come back after you stop him." Obviously he did not want this but that was why she didn't give him a chance to stop her. She threw her head back an swallowed it whole. She shivered at the cold liquid but that was all. She was sure she was fine. Harry went on without her as she promised to go back for Ron an take him to the hospital wing.

Once there three things sat on Hermione's mind now, as she laid in the hospital wing on her first year, shifting in pain from their attempt to defend the sorcerers stone. The first was that Dumbledore was very much feeling guilty and she knew why, the second was her gift had shown her more than she was prepared for, and the third was that she needed some advice. Normally she would go to the boys but with this she couldn't. Dumbledore was a special person to harry ever since he gave him his fathers cloak. Ron is with harry on anything so she couldn't expect him to listen and not tell harry.

Getting out of the hospital took pretty much up until last supper. It felt to close even though it was roughly a week. She had classes to make up and a few tests to take to pass her first year. This was by all means fine if it kept her distracted but some how it wasn't since it only took her two days to do all this. She'd pass but that meant the rest of her time would be spent dwelling on Dumbledore's secrets. True she didn't know the whole story which was why Hermione refused to mention her concerns to the boys. If only she could talk things over with another like minded intelligent person she could figure out the missing pieces.

She thought over what had happened for what seemed like the millionth time. Her eyes casted over the black lake from the trees that sat beside it. Dumbledore had miraculously saved the trio only after the stone had been saved. She couldn't say that coming up on the ceiling with fluffy above it had really been appealing. Her skills and smarts were not prepared for that encounter just yet. Dumbledore's timing was perfect for her although not for Harry. Ever so kindly he assisted her with holding Ron up and casting the necessary spells to lift them as well as calm fluffy with music. The moment he paused placing his hand on her shoulder and looking down at her with endearment and regret Hermione's gift took over.

It showed her his sister, his brother, a fight, and consequences. It told her his feelings although they were mixed an very strong until his sister's death. Guilt was one as well as anger. Though she could tell from a number of things that crossed his mind in that moment and the things he was feeling as her held her shoulder this was not the only time he made mistakes.

He quickly fled to assist harry in a swirl of his robes. She wondered if it was due to his vulnerability in that moment or if he knew she knew. His eyes really hadn't held hers in the last few days which she could say was odd since it was out of his nature to not give a student comfort in his gaze. As if to tell they he was always there for them if needed. She couldn't place her finger on it but she knew one of the many things she saw was part of this change. As she stood up from her spot by the water when the clock stuck dinner time she realized none of her friends would believe her. About her gift or about Dumbledore.

Early on in the year Hermione sought out answers about all things magical her gift had to be just another trait witches or wizards had often. This was her assumption up until she found the only book on magical abilities that even remotely mentioned hers. The last time the power was seen was in the years of the founders. This discovery brought up more questions than answers which left Hermione hunting for more answers. She has yet to find any. With heavy sigh she turns toward the castle an starts up. She knows she'll be late but she doesn't mind.

Entering the great hall late raised some heads but she tried not to notice her head of houses concerned gaze as she sat beside her friends. Harry was the first to smile at her presence which said a lot about how far they had come this year. They just weren't close enough. If Voldemort truly intended to come back she would have to earn more of his trust and fast. Her gift could reveal a great deal a many things if she asked the right questions at the right time to the right people.

Ron was pleased she could make it but he had yet to find her truly worth his friendship. Her "know it all" attitude as Snape and many others liked to say was possibly the reason. She didn't mind Ron's or anyone else's comments by now at first it was much like school in the muggle world. Now it was so much more worth gaining knowledge than to hold herself back. She had no place in Hogwarts as a muggle born unless she proved herself.

With her plate finished she realized she didn't want to linger and make small talk. Excusing herself she left the hall without much of an eye batting. She wasn't a minute down the wing toward the staircases when a voice calls for her to wait. The familiar Scottish tone made her stop slightly excited to see the wonderful witch before the train left.

"Miss granger a moment please?"

"Of course professor." There was silence as if the woman hadn't planned how she should start the conversation. So Hermione did. "How can I help you. I must say I am certainly going to miss your class over Sumer break."

"Oh? That's sweet but you might be the only one child. I couldn't help but notice your tardiness at dinner and your personality lately has been dulled by something on your mind." She checked the hall before continuing. "Is everything alright at home?"

Hermione laughed it was refreshing for her but as she did professor McGonagall's concerned expression turned shocked. Nothing was wrong at home. Her winter break was different this year as her father was still unsure if this was a good thing for her or not. Hermione stifles the rest of her laughter. The realization that she found the one person who knows of her gift and was an intelligent like minded person to which she could process information with made her pause. Was it safe? Would her professor go straight to Dumbledore?

"I am sorry no nothing is wrong at home. I assure you. It's just…" Hermione pauses looking the woman in the eyes with a bit of apprehension. "It's just I don't trust someone here like everyone else does. He is very smart and strong but he has done much wrong and his mistakes in judgements keep my friends and myself in danger though we need not be."

"Oh." Professor McGonagall places a comforting hand onto her shoulder this time nothing happens. There is a spark of energy at the contact but both women put it off as the tense moment. "Who are you concerned about child and what gives you these feelings?"

"My gift I told you about I looked into it never got to tell you more of what I found but you know when someone touches me I can see what they are thinking about or feeling." McGonagall was not thinking of anything for her and that particularly made her feel freedom of worrying about the contact. "Thank you for remembering about its sensitivity."

Hermione knew that when they had met McGonagall had not heard of such a gift before and wouldn't be able to help her with that, but perhaps mentioning what she found would have her looking into it over the summer seeing how she was just as driven for knowledge as she was. The fact that Hermione didn't trust someone at Hogwarts still stuck with professor McGonagall making her more curious. The person didn't sound young if they had made many mistakes but there was no teacher or staff member that couldn't be trusted. Thinking on the young girls schedule the only teacher anyone from Gryffindor distrusted was professor Snape, even if they had discussed it once before.

"My dear I know it's a struggle to understand someone else's life and choices but I assure you professor Snape can be trusted. He would never hurt you and you are quite to bright to be made a fool of by him. You passed his test in the dungeons superbly." This statement crossed Hermione's mind like another important piece of information to be filed away. If McGonagall would vouch for him twice now perhaps he wasn't half as bad as harry thought.

"No professor I not speaking of professor Snape." She looked down knowing she might disappoint her teacher with the truth. "Headmaster Dumbledore is whom I saw things and know things about that make me unable to trust him now. If you could tell me more about him it might explain the things I saw. I might be able to… to.." as she choked up she felt professor McGonagall's comforting hand leave her and she felt the heavy gaze upon herself but nothing was worse than the silence building between them.

"Listen to me miss Granger you are still a child. There are a great many things you have yet experienced and though you have a gift you have not the age or mature mind set to understand the things you might have seen. Headmaster Dumbledore is the safest person in the world an you might do well to think over the summer how one becomes headmaster as wells as many of his titles without a lot of trust from many people." It was clear now that McGonagall was Dumbledore's number one fan and was not as like minded an intelligent as Hermione had hoped from her favorite professor.

"You are right I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me of course one can not be all that he is without having gained a lot of trust over the years." Mature or not Hermione wasn't going to forget the sting the words exchanged left on her heart. "I hope you can forgive me and forget my concerns I will have to learn much this summer if I hope to come back matured." Hermione left the corridor in a fury. She had to much hope in McGonagall having seen her be neutral with a number of things. She felt like a fool trusting someone as smart as her to believe her without proof.

The rest of that night she packed and made her way to the train without much concern of if the boys were already on it or still behind. She didn't mind the silence as she sat on the train while it filled up. The door was closed and no one bothered to sit with her as a first choice. The only thing that pulled her from her thoughts were when Fred and George started a goodbye rant to the favorite teacher to prank.

They stood just outside the train a few windows up and the twin Weasley boys had professor McGonagall's attention as they expressed firmly that didn't change the color of her robes. The maroon red and gold truly did look amazing on her but nothing like the greens of her homeland. She easily transfigured the robes back to normal and Hermione smiled as the boys said that she should be proud if it was them that it was something they learned from her. The woman scoffed and turned down the platform heading closer to her window. Before Hermione could manage to look away their eyes met.

If it wasn't for the trains horn giving it's five minute warning the two could have kept eye contact. Once it did though the professor frowned before tearing her eyes away for a moment to check the platform. As her eyes drew back to the train she gave he best smile to all the students with a wave. Hermione watched as she did and found a smile crossing her lips as the transfiguration professor smiled at her then turned into her cat form and ran to the back of the train with what looked like a lot of playful spring in her step.

The door to her cabin opened and her smile brightened as her friends joined her. This year seemed to end on a better not than she thought it might. The summer wasn't a long break but as she exchanged address information with the boys she hoped that coming back next year would be like coming to a second home instead of feeling left out again for most of the year. The truth was even though professor McGonagall had hurt her with her words earlier she was the only one that made Hermione feel normal in the beginning of the year. She knew regardless of words said she would always be happy to spend her free time learning with McGonagall

"Bye Hermione have a great summer I'll try keeping in touch!" Surprisingly it was Ron who said this as the train stopped at platform nine and three quarters he hugged Harry and ran to his parents with excitement. Hermione was wiling to hug harry goodbye if only to see his face lift a little at seeing the Dursley's. Unfortunately as she did she say the cupboard he slept in and the particular bad things he was all to familiar with. She sighed with understanding.

"Have a good summer Harry I promise to write you as well. I hope you have a speedy break." He smiled genuinely and told her he looked forward to school again in three months. As the train left she bid the craziness of the year goodbye and turned to her own parents gleefully. It was a weekend, she was just glad they could make it.

"Hi hunny!"

Welcome back sugar." They said together hugging her firmly. Heading home they spoke about the vacation plans after Hermione felt settled enough. One week later they headed to their favorite camp ground in the mountains, trying to make up for lost time while she explained why she really wanted to go back when the time came. Of course she missed them but she was making friends and having an amazing time learning despite all the drama.

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