I decided to do this finding an amalgam picture of Spider-Man and Nightwing called Spiderwing (the suit here is different though I am using the name). I was at the time trying to look up on google the idea of Peter Parker and Dick Grayson possibly being best friends if they knew eachother (both of them are probably my two favorite superheroes and have a lot in common if you think about it). When I was younger and learned about the Amalgam comic oneshots I was fascinated especially with Spider-Boy (though I thought Spider-Man and Superboy was a stretch, probably thinking of more of the Ben Reily Spider-Man). I now own the Spider-Boy comic as well as the Super-Soldier one. The idea led me to starting this fic and each chapter will be about a different hero or team. Maybe even villains.

Peter Grayson had been born to Richard and Barbara Grayson who passed away when he was too young to remember. He was then raised by his single Uncle Ben who was an independent wrestler in New Gotham, apparently their ancestors were a part of a high flying wrestling family that took inspiration from Mexican Luchador wrestling. They were known as the Flying Graysons.

Peter had a strong interest and gift in science which his uncle encouraged. When he was 12 he was attending a school field trip to GothCorp Labs and at an exhibit of genetically altered spiders one had escaped and unknown to everyone else bit him.

Since then he had discovered he now had enhanced strength, speed and agility with a danger sense. He had been practicing in secret and had built web-shooter wrist devices to go with his new abilities. He had been planning to show to his Uncle Ben but one day he caught a secret daylight robbery of a man robbing a bodega.

He was scared and deciding it was not his problem he went away, that night he was in the crowd as in the main event his Uncle fought Bonesaw the Killer Croc, a popular wrestler who was born with a skin condition that made him look like a reptile. He played the part of a monstrous heel in the ring but Peter had made him and he was a really nice guy.

His Uncle Ben won and Peter was excited to see him backstage but by the time he got there he found to his horror the police were standing over a dead body in a familiar wrestling costume. Apparently his Uncle Ben caught a man trying to rob his locker room and he got shot. The police were arresting who he recognized as the man from the bodega robbery earlier.

His guilt over not stopping the guy earlier made him look down as the police softly took him aside. The next day the social worker told him that a foster parent had already volunteered and he barely looked up when he saw his new sympathetic looking foster dad.

To his surprise it was the famous billionaire philanthropist and playboy Bruce Stark, he took him to live with him and his butler Alfred Jarvis in Stark Manor. He arranged to pay for his Uncle's funeral and brought all their stuff to his new huge room which was definitely impressive.

Bruce and Alfred did their best to make him feel welcome and said that he shouldn't feel pressured to call Bruce dad. He started his new school life at the private Midtown Academy. It was a bit annoying as he was a nerd from a normal school previously and the other stuck up students didn't think he belonged with him. Some thought he was just a PR symbol for Bruce to parade around for the media.

It annoyed him greatly.

After a month he started to warm to them and even showed his Web-Shooters and other designs he had. However he quickly noticed Bruce was away at afternoons at nights.

Once he caught Alfred going through a secret door and the next day he decided he wanted to check it out. He found to his great shock and surprise it was a huge lair with large of computers and on display where several different armor suits.

He turned around and saw Bruce and Alfred who told him that he was going to find out one day but didn't think it would be too soon. It turned out that Bruce was the Iron Bat; the nighttime vigilante hero with an advanced armor suit as well as a founding member of the Justice League of Avengers!

Peter kept it to himself when not in the Manor but kept begging Bruce to let him fight crime with him, showing off his powers. Bruce told him firmly that it was dangerous and despite his powers, he was still a little kid.

Bruce did start training him to fight in various combat styles, train his powers and senses and acrobatics. They bonded over science and Bruce even helped him with his Web-Shooters and under Bruce's guidance he had designed a lense device with a computer connected to it.

When Peter turned 15 he was a bit tired of Bruce not letting him go out crime fighting so he put together a homemade suit with a web cape (a clothe he stitched together like a web from his back to his arms) and snuck out during the day and helped stop a car crash.

When asked who he was he responded with "well you can call me your friendly neighborhood Spider... Wing..." To his luck he let his hunger get the better for him as he knew for lunch he would be getting chicken wings. Just because he was now in a wealthy household didn't mean he stopped liking fast food.

Bruce and Alfred quickly caught on about the new hero Spiderwing in the next newspaper. Bruce had told him that they would talk about it later. He was surprised and confused when he would get glares after sneaking out to be Spiderwing.

A few days later Peter gulped as he was quietly asked to accompany him as Peter thought they were saving up for a big grounding. To his surprise they had taken him to a display case of a red and blue suit with a spider web design, an advanced looking spider web cape, a large black spider logo extending to the back and looked like an extra armored piece. The lenses in the full face mask were the ones he had designed and the wrists had his Web-Shooters!

Peter was open mouthed and the encouraging smiles of Bruce and Alfred finally convinced him it was indeed for him. Bruce and Alfred said they were discussing it and knew that trying to stop him would just drive him to teenage rebellion and they realized how he wanted to use his powers for good especially due to what happened to his Uncle Ben.

They decided they would let him do but with guidelines and rules. He would be allowed to do so after school and on non school days but be back before dark. As long as he still got a good amount of sleep he would be allowed to come with Bruce when he was the Iron Bat on certain nights under his supervision.

He agreed to do so but couldn't help sneaking away during lunch which they caught on and did get a few lectures and to make sure his grades don't suffer. Peter once asked if he would be able to join the JLA one day and Bruce told him that he expects him to be leading the group one day.

As Spiderwing he rescued people and stopped a few criminals, he even had some villains of his own. Just like he would in his normal guise; he liked to joke around and make wise cracks. When he was allowed to help Bruce when he was Iron Bat, he even helped him against the League of Shadows, a group led by Bruce's arch enemy the Mandarin.

He even met Katie Bishop Harper who was an apprentice of another vigilante hero called the Green Hawkeye. They had found an alien escape pod and inside was a beautiful looking orange skinned redhead alien girl their age who was in a revealing purple body armor.

Peter was surprised to find her kissing him full on the lips, she was able to explain she was from an alien species called the Kree and they absorbed languages through lips contact. Peter was disappointed that his first kiss was just to learn language. Stupid Grayson Luck...

She explained that she was Princess Koriand'r of the Kree royal family of J'onzz, her cruel father the Kree Emperor had arranged for her to be experimented on and sold her into slavery for daring to speak against the Empire's cruel ways. She had escaped in one of the ship's escape pods and landed here.

They felt sorry for her (with Peter wishing he could go to her planet and give her family a piece of his mind) and took her in as a friend, Bruce was told of her deal and faked birth records for her and found a foster mother in her in the kind Harriet Anna Watson. Peter knew her as an old friend of his Uncle Ben and thought of her as an honorary aunt himself.

She was adopted as Kory Jones Watson and the trio became great friends, Kory welcomed her kind Aunt Harriet as she called her. Peter was surprised to find her a huge bubbly kind optimistic girl despite what she had been going through. Peter came up with KJ as a nickname for her which she enthusiastically took.

Kory began fighting crime with her slave armor as her uniform under the name Starfire as apparently that was what her Kree name translated into in English.

They would fight crime together with Katie joining in when she could, the group was known as Spiderwing and his Amazing Titans.

Peter began feeling like he was falling for her and Peter didn't quite catch the hints that she recuperated. Like when she was jealous when Spiderwing was being flirted at by one of his on and off allies and enemies; Felicia Kyle the Black Catwoman.

Soon enough they admitted their feelings for eachother and shared a kiss , Peter joked asking if he was trying to learn more languages. Kory actually didn't realize it was a joke and asked if this was not what couples do now that they were one.

They did indeed began dating, when Peter graduated high school he moved to Bludhaven with Kory, Peter had a tearful farewell with his foster family and was told he had graduated from being a sidekick.

Peter got into college while beginning to work as an intern for Horizon Labs, Spiderwing and Starfire were heroes there. Peter soon found himself a new arch enemy there. There was Deathstroke the Punisher. He was Frank Castle an ex-marine who during his days in the military was exposed to an experimental super soldier serum that enhanced his strength, speed and agility. He was with his wife and children at a picnic and witnessed a mob killing.

During the shoot out they got shot and in his grief he used his collection of weapons, his old uniform and used his old military codename to wage a one man war on crime. He even took mercenary and assassin assignments as long as the targets were crooked. He had no problem with taking assignments from crooked people, it jsut meant that after he was paid then he would just have them punish themselves.

Peter felt sorry for him and tried to talk him down during the fights they had, Castle had a great interest in wanting Peter as an apprentice. Things did get complicated when it turned out that Frank's now teenage children had actually survived the shoot out, they had their father's serum in their bloodstream which allowed them to survive.

They had become teenage heroes themselves; Lisa Castle went by Ravager and Frank Castle Jr (though the injuries he sustained in the shoot out before the serum in his blood could heal him made it so he couldn't speak) went by Jericho. They even joined the Amazing Titans group.

Ever since they came into Bludhaven, Spiderwing was lambasted as a vigilante and a menace by J. Jonah Jameson the owner of the Daily Bugle Communications news network who was highly critical of Superheroes and had no shortage of followers. However during an invasion by Thanoseid the alien warlord and his Black Order of Apokolips; it turned out Jameson was an alien among the Black Order. He had the powers of persuation and natural charisma in his speech and he was sent down to turn the public against the Heroes.

After the invasion Jameson was arrested and taken care of.

Peter was proud of the life he had made for himself as Peter and as Spiderwing, he then smiled at the ring he bought as he was ready to pop the question to Kory.

The suit is the first MCU Stark suit except for the Spider Logo being more like the logo on Nightwing's suit.

One more thing; I do recommend to trying the find the Spider Boy comic if you can; it actually has the most likable portrayal of Thunderbolts Ross ever. He actually has the role of Uncle Ben, I am super serious!