DISCLOSURE STATEMENT: This author has no financial or non-financial relation nor do they possess any right to "Inuyasha: A Feudal Fairy Tale" franchise. Full ownership of all characters is the sole intellectual property of Rumiko Takahashi.

Random Series is Random

"What's it like?" Sango asked quietly as she glanced over at the sullen looking hanyou pouting up in the tree, "Having him court you, I mean. Neither of you are acting any differently."

"Well, it's not much different to be honest," Kagome admitted sheepishly before giggling, "Well except...well, just watch."

"InuYasha?" Kagome called out softly earning a somewhat indifferent glance and a flick of an ear, "I love you."

"I will fucking kill for you," came his immediate reply before he closed his eyes and settled back down into his chosen branch. Sango furrowed her brow and looked to a bemused Kagome for answers.

"That's how he says I love you."