"Don't forget to read chapter 6 in your history book tonight. There will be a quiz tomorrow," Mme. Bustier says as the class starts to pack up their bags for their next lesson.

Vee pulls out her schedule from her bag and quickly glances to see what class she has next. Free period and then the day is done, nice. Quickly, Vee stuffs her notebook and schedule into her bag and runs out of the classroom to the locker room. After lunch, it had become obvious that Lila had spread some rumor about Vee, making her look bad. At least, that's what Vee assumes based on the occasional glare that came her way from her new classmates.

The only few people that didn't seem to completely dislike Vee were Marinette, Adrien, Chloe, and Rose. Though, Vee suspects that Chloe doesn't care about any rumors spread unless they directly affected her. Adrien and Rose were probably being kind because that's just who they were. However, Marinette likely hadn't heard the rumors and that made Vee anxious because she didn't know whether Marinette would believe the false rumors or not.

If I lose Marinette as a friend, I don't know what I'll do.

Vee's mind starts to swim as she enters the locker room and opens her locker. Vee grabs the books that she needs for her homework and stuffs them in her bag. As Vee is about to close her locker, a hand slams into the locker right next to hers. Vee jumps and turns to see the last person she wanted to see.

"Hey, VeeVee," Lila greets in a sickly sweet tone with a fake smile plastered on her face.

A few minutes prior

"Hey Marinette, wanna go study in the park?" Alya asks stopping her best friend in the middle of packing her bag.

"Actually, I was going to show Vee the art room and hang out there for a bit," Marinette replies resuming adding her items into her bag. At the mention of Verdana, Alya's face turns into a frown.

"Oh girl, I forgot to tell you. I don't think Verdana is a person you should be hanging out with." Alya says almost comfortingly.

"Well, how would you know? You've only been around her for less than an hour." Marinette questions.

"Lila said that Verdana bullied her back in Italy. Like made the whole school turn against Lila for no reason at all." Alya explains to her friend thinking she'll agree to stay away from the new girl.

"Okay so say I believe what Lila said," Alya groans but Marinette continues speaking as if she wasn't interrupted. "Isolating Vee and not being her friend is doing exactly the same thing Lila claims that she did. I don't think that's very fair. Plus, what if Vee is sorry for what Lila claims she did, don't we owe her a chance to prove that she's nice?"

"You still don't believe Lila after she helped prove that you didn't steal her necklace?" Alya asks, exasperated and clearly ignoring what Marinette just said. Marinette stops putting stuff into her bag to look at Alya.

"No, I don't believe her because she still lied about me pushing her down the stairs." Marinette counters.

"She said she probably misinterpreted what you were trying to do when she tripped," Alya explains, hopeful that the bluenette will understand the brunette's confusion.

Before Marinette can respond, Lila falls onto Marinette knocking her open bookbag down on the ground.

"Oh my gosh! Marinette, I'm so sorry! I guess I tripped coming down the stairs. I totally didn't mean to fall onto you." Lila exclaims feigning concern as she gets off of Marinette. "Here, let me help you with your stuff."

"NO!" Marinette shouts gaining the attention of the others left in the classroom, including a certain blonde boy. Marinette catches Adrien's eye and quickly and turns away blushing. "What I meant to say is, no thank you, Lila. I can get my own stuff. Accidents happen, right?" Marinette gives what she hopes is a friendly smile.

"Of course! Again I'm so sorry for any trouble I might have caused, I'm such a klutz." Lila smiles and walks out of the classroom.

"I can't understand how someone as nice as you doesn't like someone as nice as Lila," Alya says, shaking her head.

"Oh, I have my reasons," Marinette mutters while repacking all her things back into her bag.

"What do you want?" Vee attempts to sound confident, but her shaking hand on her locker combined with her wavering voice give her away.

"What do I want?" Lila pretends to think about her answer to the question as she takes a step towards Vee. "I want you to leave this sorry excuse of a school."

"Unfortunately, for both of us, that's not going to be happening any time soon. My mother just got a new job, so I'm here to stay." Vee states matter of factly. Mentally, she gives herself a high-five.

"Fine, but don't plan on making any friends. Not even with that brat Marinette," Lila takes another step closer to Vee. "Or else I'll personally make sure your life here is ten times worse." Lila takes one more step and closes the gap between her and Vee.

C'mon Vee! Say something! Don't let her win!

"We're not in Pallotta anymore, Lila. You can not dictate who I can or can not hang out with. Go ahead, make my life worse. I don't care." Vee gives herself another mental high-five.

Right as Lila is about to say something more, a new voice stops her.

"Hey girls, is everything alright?" Vee breathes a sigh of relief as Adrien approaches the two girls in the locker room.

"Oh, Adrien! Everything is just perfect!" Lila exclaims grabbing Adrien's arm. "I was just telling Verdana here that I forgive her for everything that happened in Italy. I mean that was all so long ago, I practically forgot about it." Lila turns to look at Vee and gives her a glare daring her to say something.

Vee smiles stiffly. "Yup"

"Well, okay then," When Vee looks up at Adrien's face, she can tell he doesn't believe Lila.

"I better get going," Vee quickly closes her locker and rushes out of the locker room just as other students from her class start to enter. Not wanting to deal with other people at the moment, Vee hides in a little cove behind the stairs.

That could've gone better. Vee sighs and rests her head on top of her knees.