Well, here we are with chapter two! I guess..

This chapter is not camera footage perspective, like previously seen in chapter one. Just letting you know.

With that said, enjoy!


Anais nearly banged the basement door open, fear and panic written on her face. What had happened was horrifying. She took stuttered breaths, trying to stay calm. However, this was very difficult.

The memory was very clear to her mind, more horrible as she remembered it. She could still see that look in her brothers' eyes, and the way they stared right at her. It wasn't them then. She knew something was wrong. Anais didn't have much time to react before they attacked a nearby person, in which she had dropped the camera and separated them from the injured stranger. However, she was too late; The person had already been killed. Anais then picked the camera back up and had whacked Gumball and Darwin in the head, who fell to the ground on impact. She didn't want to hurt them, but it had to be done.

Anais carried the dead stranger and her unconscious brothers down the basement steps, being especially careful. Now at the bottom, she set both down, and ran back up to the living room, opening the door, and shutting it quickly.

"MOM!" She shouted, alerting her father who was sleeping on the couch.

Nicole practically ran down the stairs, completely abandoning the box of junk she was taking to the attic. "Anais what's wrong?!" She saw the fear in her daughter's eyes, and at that point she knew that the bunny had seen something bad. However, noticing Anais was the only one there, she began to grow worried. "Where's the boys?.."

"They.. They're.." Anais struggled to find the right words. "They're a monster! Gumball thought it would be a good idea to do some part for the song we were doing, and he and Darwin fused together! But they started twitching and acting weird and before I knew it they attacked somebody nearby!" She tried to keep from crying, but it was very hard to do so. "I tried to stop it, but.. But the person's.. Dead.."

Nicole embraced Anais in a hug, trying to calm her down. She was pretty horrified by what she heard. "Where are they? And that.. You know what I mean.."

"Downstairs in the basement," Anais replied, letting go of her mother, now a little bit more calmed down. A look of worry was on her face. "Gumball and Darwin are unconscious right now, I think.."

Cautiously, Nicole approached the hidden basement door, opening it slowly, as a creek was heard from it. She glanced down the steps, in case something was wrong, but saw nothing. She motioned Anais to stay put, and went down the stairs, being alert for anything to come.

Hearing a groaning sound, Nicole quickly turned to the side, stepping back in fright and horror. There on the floor laid Gumball and Darwin, still fused together, the two slowly opening their eyes. Nicole put her fists up in defense, reluctantly, in case they attacked. But they did not.

Their movements looked rather normal, as they sat up, noticing their mother looming over them. "Mom?.. That's you, right?.." Gumball inquired, him and Darwin concerned by her expression.

"What exactly is going on here you two?" She looked a little more angry, but still worried. "Why did you kill that man?"

"Wait what? What man?" Darwin questioned, the two slightly confused.

"All we remember was finishing our part for the song, but.." Gumball paused, now somewhat afraid. "After that, it felt like we lost control or something.. I sort of remember hearing Anais screaming, but.. I don't know.."

"So you don't remember that?" Nicole pointed towards the dead body, in which the two's eyes widened in horror, as they scooted back. "Y-You mean we did.. That?.."

"That's what Anais told me," Their mother replied, now confused. "She said you were acting weird, and attacked that guy. He's.. Dead now."

Distraught, Gumball and Darwin tried to separate.

It didn't work.

They tried over and over, but had no results each time. "Why isn't this working?! Don't tell me we're stuck like this!" Gumball said, frightened out of his mind. The two soon noticed traces of a red substance on their hands, which lightly dripped onto the floor. That only fueled up their fear.

Nicole soon stopped them, placing her hands on their shoulders, as she looked at the two face-to-face. "Calm down, I'm sure we can figure things out, alright?.."

"What are we going to do?.." Darwin asked, dread heard in his voice.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine." She replied. "Just stay here for a moment, I'll go talk with your father and Anais."

"But what if we.. You know.. Go crazy again?.." Gumball inquired, he and Darwin now concerned.

"That I'm not sure about. Hopefully we can snap you out of it when it happens."

Nicole proceeded up the steps, and went back into the living room, shutting the door carefully. Anais was standing by the couch, Richard popping up from behind it. "So.. What's exactly going on?" Anais asked.

"They don't remember what happened," Nicole answered, earning looks of concern. "All we know is that they can lose control over themselves whenever."

"Can't they separate?" Anais glanced over at the basement door, fear beginning to increase.

Nicole sighed. "No, not at the moment. We need to figure out how to fix this."

"How about a doctor?" Richard suggested. "Doctors always fix things."

"Richard we can't just take them to a doctor." Nicole noticed Richard's confusion as for why. However, Anais seemed to understand what she meant.

"You've got a point. Considering what just happened, it'd be difficult to explain anything." The young bunny said. "Well, and I guess the people that would just want to dissect them or something and see how they work. We've got that to worry about too."

Anais soon frowned. "I don't think there's much choice here though. We don't know how that happened, or a way to fix it. It's not like I want to risk their lives or something, but the hospital might be helpful. If we bend the truth a little of course."

Nicole hesitated, before opening the basement door. "Alright, hospital it is then. I'll go get them." She paused, looking back at Richard and Anais. "I'll meet you at the car."

They nodded, and she went back down the steps.

As she somewhat hoped, Gumball and Darwin were still fairly normal. The two were sitting on the cement floor, making use of whatever entertainment was around them. They soon looked up, seeing their mother standing there. "So.. Is there some way to fix this?.." Gumball asked.

Hesitant, Nicole answered. "We don't know yet. Our best bet is taking you two to the hospital and see what's going on."

"Wait what?! No we can't do that!" Gumball and Darwin grew panicked. "First off, nobody can see us like this! Second, we might go crazy again and hurt more people!"

"I know, but there's not much other options.." Nicole said, letting out a sigh. "It's either that, or we wait this out, which obviously won't work forever."

"Well..." Gumball and Darwin knew she was right. It was only a matter of time for them to separate, before others get hurt. "Ok.. Lets go then.."

The three headed up the basement steps, and into the living room. As soon as they went outside, Gumball and Darwin dreaded what was to come.

They tried to quickly get into the car as fast as they could, in order for nobody else to notice them. Gumball and Darwin face planted into the backseat, rather harshly.

"You really didn't have to do that guys," Anais said, sitting beside them, very wary in case they lost control again. "There's nobody outside right now."

"Oh." The cat-fish hybrid looked out the windows, seeing she was indeed right.

"Alright, no time to waste." Nicole got into the drivers seat, and in no time, the family was now driving towards the hospital.


Welp, there's chapter 2! Sorry for the long wait, I was trying to write this as best as I could. That and, well, procrastination.

Anyway, favorite, review, all that stuff, and see you soon.