Author's Note: Okay so I got a little excited and decided to update with another chapter! To be honest you might be seeing a few more in the next few days because I'm getting back into this story I have going. Thank you again for reading this and for all of the people who favorited and followed it!

Disclaimer: I don't own any properties of any of the DC Universe characters, movies, or plot lines. I do own my character, Roxanne Shelby and any other characters or plot changes I add to this story.

Chapter 7:

Multiple men in suits and camo uniforms exit the SUVs surrounding her. No doubt they are armed, the doctor thinks to herself. Roxanne doesn't even have time to respond to Clark as she hangs up on him to assess her options. "Ma'am you need to come with us," a gruff suit demands.

Roxanne inwardly rolls her eyes, this guy really contributes to the typical secret agent stereotype. But on the outside, she coyly smiles and says, "of course, but under whose orders." The men all look to each other confused, usually, people freak out and try to run. The agent that first spoke turns back around to answer the woman only to find an empty space.

"Fan out and find her." the agent says in frustration. She's a clever woman and the suit can't help but admire her efforts to get away. Finally, one of the men restrains her with zip ties but the doctor thrashes around wildly in the man's arms. The original agent she spoke to approaches her and says, "apologies ma'am but we're just doing our job." Her green eyes narrow in suspicion, and before she can analyze his body language any further his hand whips out of his pocket and injects something into her neck.

Roxanne tries to keep her eyes open but soon she succumbs to the drug and slumps into the man that is restraining her. Making sure the drug worked entirely and checking to see if she was faking it the agent jerks his head toward the escalade in a silent command.

After blindfolding Roxanne and putting her in the back SUV they drive off to a secret off-grid military base. Hopefully, they'll get some answers.

Roxanne wakes up to a small humming sound. Maybe an AC unit she thinks? Before opening her eyes and letting whoever took her become aware that she is now conscious. The doctor calms her mind and tries to push down the slight panic she feels.

Slowly opening her eyes Roxanne immediately scans her surroundings and sees exactly what she expected. A large mirror, that she already knows is a one-way window. A metal table is placed in front of her with a chair opposite to the one she is tied to. She tries to move her hands from behind her back and can barely shift them with how tight her bindings are. No question that there will be bruises around her wrists after this.

With nothing to entertain herself with Roxanne sighs and crosses her legs in boredom. After about 5 minutes the impatient woman turns toward the window and grins at the faces she can't see but assumes are watching her. Opening her red painted lips she says in a very clear voice, "let's get this party started, shall we."

Agent David Townes looks at the woman behind the glass astonished by her carefree but almost dangerous nature. He's been observing her for the last 30 minutes and can't get a clear read or angle on the doctor, she's definitely a wild card. Townes opens her file and quickly scans over the contents and feels a bit of pity for the position she was in as a child. Any person who can turn their life around after a traumatic incident like that will have a tough shell to crack.

He strides to the door, takes a deep breath, and walks into the room.

If Roxanne is surprised to see him she doesn't show it but patiently waits for the man, undoubtedly sent to interrogate her, to sit down. Once seated, he places a manila folder down on the desk and stares at her.

Not unnerved at all by this tactic Roxanne stares back with blank eyes, like a steel trap not revealing anything. Both adults assess each other, neither are willing to speak first. After a few silent minutes, the suited man sighs and says, "You are Roxanne Shelby, correct."

Roxanne slightly rolls her eyes. What is it with men not treating her earned title as a doctor with respect? Her red lips part a bit wickedly when she says, "If you did your research on me, which I assume you did or else you wouldn't be in this room right now. You know that I spent years and thousands of dollars to gain a PhD. I'm guessing you didn't address me as 'doctor' to gauge my reaction and incite an angry but prideful response from me." Townes only indication of shock is his eyes slightly widening but they soon narrow in anger. This is going to be a lot more difficult than he originally thought.

Roxanne again allows the agent to regain his composure but the edge of her lips lift in satisfaction at riling up this man. The agent clears his throat before introducing himself to her. Roxanne gives him a bright but fake smile and sarcastically says, "I would shake your hand but they're a bit tied up at the moment." The man does not look amused by her humor and ignores that statement.

He attempts to regain control of the conversation by asking, "Do you know why you are here Dr. Shelby?" Roxanne slightly shrugs her shoulders in confusion, but her lips pull back into a secretive smile. Antagonizing this agent is not part of her plan but after all, it is fun to push his buttons. "Well, then I'll tell you why. Our country and the world is at risk at this moment, and this alien personally asks for you by name." The doctor already knows his angle, and his ploy to get her to reveal information will fail. Casually Roxanne responds with, "They are numerous women with the name Roxanne Shelby in the country, not even counting the world. Are you even sure you have the right woman agent?"

Not willing to let her win this round, Townes attacks back with, "you'd be surprised to know there are actually 12 Roxanne Shelby's in the United States, including you." He glances at her face before continuing. "And regarding the rest of the women outside of the United States, the transmission we all viewed was different from other countries. No other country besides America received the part of the message that identified your name." Roxanne's expression was stoic but the agent could almost see the gears turning rapidly in her mind.

Satisfied that he finally has her full attention he continues his tangent. "Seven of the Roxanne Shelby's are under the age of 3 and were deemed not a target. The remaining four are around your age but after finding no abnormalities in their lives were ultimately dismissed. And you were what's left on the list. Truthfully, we almost overlooked you, but then an interesting story that was badly buried popped up on our radar. I read your mother's trial. And the crime scene pictures even I admit are a little gruesome." The agent opens the file and pulls out multiple pictures of the table she was tied down to soaked in blood and pictures the hospital took of the cuts along her body.

Roxanne stuck in a trance stares at the pictures as the now cocky agent continues to speak. Her past always will hold her back no matter how hard she tries to ignore it. It will always define her. "You have no right," she hoarsely whispers. The man finally pleased at getting a genuine reaction from the doctor says, "I have every right with the government on my side."

Roxanne realizes that this is her in. "Oh really... According to the 4th Amendment of the constitution that holds the governing powers in check. You are illegally holding me against my will without telling me my rights or what I am being detained for. Also considering I have no prior arrests or instances of violence you have no probable cause to detain me at all. Your so-called 'evidence' is merely conjecture and holds no weight and definitely wouldn't stand in court. So you tell me Agent, whose side is the law on?"

Agent Townes is astounded, not only did this woman not reveal any new information but she single-handedly turned the conversation back to him in a matter of seconds.

Ignoring his gobsmacked expression Roxanne turns back to the mirror and calmly states, "I think I broke your interrogator, so while you scramble for a replacement can I get some water."

The general, who just walked in moments before Roxanne handed Townes his ass, lets out a chuckle. He turns to Superman who doesn't move his gaze from the woman behind the glass. While Roxanne is distracted the agent regains his composure and moves to hit her cheek. And before Clark can even move, Roxanne catches his hand in a tight grip.

She gets up from the uncomfortable metal chair and kicks her heeled Louboutin shoe into his abdomen while still holding his wrist. The men behind the window hear a sickening pop from the Agent's shoulder being dislocated.

An awkward silence falls over the room before the general orders some of his men to get Townes medical attention. They drag him out of the interrogation room and Roxanne sits back down with her feet propped up on the table looking pleased with herself.

Clark has never felt this angry before in his entire life. As the groaning man stumbles past him, he wishes the man would drop dead. Trying to bury these dangerous thoughts to the back of his mind, an agent opens the door for him and he walks into the room.

Roxanne looks up from her lap when she hears the room's door open again. Steeling herself for another interrogation and possibly torture, she's shocked to see red and blue. Just as she studies him, Clark can't help but admire Roxanne. Her red lips are especially distracting and emphasized by her entire outfit, which is also red. Until now, he never realized how much he likes the color red. Her brown hair softly shines under the fluorescent lights and her green eyes sparkle with rage from her situation.

Roxanne never took the time to examine the superhero the last time they met and she can't help but admit, he's handsome. But the doctor doesn't fail to notice his hands in cuffs. For unexplainable reasons, Roxanne's neck and chest start to tingle, but she shakes off the chills with a scoff.

He sits down in front of her and stares at her hands. Before she gets a chance to speak he blurts out, "Are you ok?" She follows his gaze to the bruises littering her wrists and lets out a short laugh, "I've had worse. I'm guessing you're the one this Zod mentioned." Clark looks down but slowly nods, as if ashamed. "You look nothing like E.T. But, I guess that's a good thing," Roxanne says trying to lift the man's spirits.

"So are you giving yourself up?" Roxanne asks with a raised eyebrow. Clark's blue eyes connect with her green for a second before saying, "Yes I'm surrendering." Roxanne's legs drop from the metal desk and she leans in toward Clark. "And you're here to save me again Wonderboy?" The caped hero could barely make out what she was saying because all he can think about is how close they were right now. How her heart started beating a little bit quicker ever since he walked in the room. He wonders if this is just the pheromones affecting him again. He wants to tell her about what he learned but there are too many ears listening for that to happen. Clark doesn't want her to make her, even more, a target than she already is.

Superman smiles briefly saying, "If I recall correctly, you didn't want my help last time." Roxanne's cheeks lightly flush in embarrassment at how rude she was to him in the desert. "Well, that doesn't mean I didn't need it."

Now thinking more seriously Roxanne asks, "Do you know what Zod wants from me?" Clark obviously now had a strong suspicion of Zod's motives with her but, decides to tell her when they're alone. "I have an idea or two," he answers vaguely. Roxanne's lips thin out into a frown but she doesn't push it.

Moving on to a lighter topic Roxanne cheekily states, "the 'S' is for Superman right." Clark glances down on the symbol plastered on his chest and says, "On my planet it means hope." He pauses for second before slyly asking, "Is that what you've decided to call me?"

Before either can say another word to each other, the sound of an intercom crackles throughout the room.

Roxanne zones out when the man introduces himself and basically voices the concerns of the world regarding aliens and whatnot. She comes back to reality when Superman starts naming things he can see. Unknowingly, Roxanne whispers out loud to herself, "Can he see me naked?" Clark doesn't acknowledge that he heard her but struggles to hold in a laugh at where her thoughts turned to.

For some reason, she can't stop thinking about the possibility of this alien seeing her in her underwear. At least she wore a bra today she thinks positively. Another man's voice from the speaker breaks Roxanne from her train of thought when he says, "You revealed your true identity to Ms. Lane, why not us?" At first, Roxanne feels appalled that he told that nosy reporter. And then she thinks that telling her was a stupid mistake that will bite him in the ass in sooner or later. She studies the side of Superman's face and almost feels jealous, no, disappointed that he told a reporter before her. Roxanne jolts at those thoughts and metaphorically beats them back into the corner of her brain with a stick.

Suddenly the superhero stands from his seat, breaks his handcuffs easily, and speaks directly to the people behind the glass. Roxanne has no doubt that he can see them but it looks a little ridiculous on her end. Sighing in discomfort from sitting too long in one spot, she stretches her arms up towards her head and scowls at the darkening bruises decorating her wrists. The doctor returns her attention to Superman who is either making promises or threats and honestly, doesn't care enough to pay close attention.

The way things are going, she's going to have enough problems of her own very soon.