Hello everyone! This is a sequel to my "We're In The Endgame Now" fanfic from earlier this year. I wrote that one because I didn't like Endgame, and now I decided for fun to write a sequel.

I have no idea how long this story will be or even have it all mapped out yet, but I do have some more ideas I want to write about, so we will see how it goes.

I also want to thank everyone for reading that one and all the positive feedback I got!

This chapter is about Thor and Bruce along with Loki, Hela, and Sif eating dinner and listening to The Hulk's origins from Bruce before an old friend of his comes to see him.

Hope you all like it!

Edit as of December 31, 2019: I'm kinda out of ideas for this story, and my Frozen/Thor crossover "Two Worlds" is what I'm more interested in writing having recently become a huge Frozen thanks to Frozen 2 (which made me no longer about all the Endgame stuff) and where more of my creative energy and interest it at. I'm already using a lot of ideas I originally had for this story in that story, so if you're interested in seeing what I had in store, I would check that story out if you liked to see what I have in mind. So this story is being discontinued in light of this.

Thank you all so much for your support when I was writing "We're In The Endgame Now" and your support on this story.

Here's a link to my replacement story if anyone's interested: s/13441420/1/Two-Worlds

Happy New Year!

"Banner, I am so glad you accepted my offer to teach my people earth's customs!" Thor exclaimed to Bruce as they were eating dinner in the New Asgard's dining hall in Norway. Thor had quickly tracked down Bruce after they both said their goodbyes to the original Avengers for now and asked him if he would consider teaching his people how to live and adapt to their new home. Thor himself had even gotten a phone like the wizard has asked him to do last year when he came looking for his father with Loki. Though, sadly, the one person Thor wanted to call the most didn't even have a phone.

"Sure, Thor. I did say I wanted to go back to teaching or something, and what's better than teaching a whole new group of people earth culture and customs?" Bruce replied happily. Life had been so much better for him and The Hulk after they both got their revenge and rematch against Thanos last month. And now with Ross finally removed from anymore government influence, he didn't have to worry about anymore squads coming after him.

"Yes, it's good you came, Bruce. After all, this indeed quite an odd time for everyone." Loki said while looking at Hela. Thankfully, she had shown signs she wasn't all that bad during the whole ordeal with Thanos, and now she looked to be somewhat calmer if not ready for a chance to battle again. Thor's earth friends really did seem to have a good impact on the whole family it would seem after all.

"This is indeed a strange time, Loki. I also hope you know I don't hold too much dislike for you over banishing me and pretending to be the Allfather. And who could have guessed you both had a sister?" Sif said while looking at Hela. In a way, Hela reminded her of much more violent version of herself, but Thor and Loki explained the situation to her about her upbringing and her showing signs of changing; and impressively, she did seem to hold her own during the battle last month. Besides, it was nice to have another Asgardian woman warrior to hang out with. They would have another one too, but Thor said it would be best if Valkyrie was helping The Avengers (since having an Asgardian on the team is very important) and just to keep some distance between her and Hela. They don't seem to want to kill each other for now, so no reason to try and change that.

"Yes, yes, it is a very strange time. There's not been a battle in nearly a month since that "thing" foolishly met his fate at the hands of the Iron Man." Hela said with a smirk. She had still wished she had been the one to wipe Thanos' existence off the face of the universe, but it seemed very personal for the Iron Man to kill him, and he even was still willing to die after she had offered to use the Stones to bring everyone back. Something about she was needed to help face off against future threats to this world. He and the mortal with the alien powers really were nice to her without malice intent, so she supposed she could at least help protect Midgard in gratitude. Even Thor shockingly didn't seem to bring up destroying the hammer or cutting his eye out, but he did have replacements for them. Regardless, it didn't seem they would be fighting anytime soon.

"Yes, sister. That purple bastard was indeed a plague upon this universe. Thankfully we are free of him, and you did a good job of reviving our people he massacred on my ship a couple of months ago." Thor said thinking of his people like Heimdall and giving Hela credit where it is due. He had to try if he wanted things to be different in his family.

"Ah, well The Goddess of Death can easily bring back anyone she chooses." Hela said with pride, but was a little surprised Thor was thanking her too.

"Yes, that is indeed good, sister. By the way Bruce, ever since you and your "friend" body slammed me into the ground during New York, I was wondering how did you turn into him in the first place?" Loki asked curious about The Hulk's origins and no longer resentful of him after Thor got to feel what it was like too last year in The Grandmaster's arena.

"Yes, tell us! That beast was most impressive in the battle." Hela said, demanding to know about how the green beast came to be.

"Careful, sister! The Hulk has already smashed me and Loki into the ground, so it will be your turn if he comes out!" Thor laughingly said wondering how that would go down if it happened to her too.

"Oh, I don't think the"Other Guy" would want to mess with her, Thor." Bruce said with a small smile while Hela laughed and Thor rolled his eyes.

"Aha, very amusing! Your earth friends continue to impress me, brother. Now you must tell us the story!" Hela shouted out eager to hear Bruce's story on the green beast.

"Well, let's see, back in uh, 2005, my friend and I was working on a Gamma Bomb project for her dad, General Ross and his top scientist, Igor Starsky." Bruce said, starting to explain The Hulk's origins to Thor and his family and friends.

"The same Ross that helped tore apart our friends until we came back?" Thor asked with rage. He wasn't around when his friends had their foolish conflict, and knowing this Ross person was one of the reasons why it happened made his blood boil.

"Yep, somehow he got promoted to Secretary of State, but thankfully President Ellis finally saw the jerk for what he is." Bruce said relieved and glad Ross finally got what he deserved. The fact The Accords went down with him, made it even better since they were the jerk's idea in the first place.

"This Ross person does sound decibel. What happened next?" Sif asked, intrigued by Thor's friend's story. She may have looked down on mortals before, but since Midgard was her new home, she had better start getting used to them. They also proved themselves during the battle last month, so they are capable of waging a war.

"Right, during the testing, something went wrong and I absorbed the bomb's power. I emerged from the wreckage and became The Hulk." Bruce said remembering that fateful day. He had for years wanted to free himself from The Hulk, but recent events had made him reconsider that, and now sees The Hulk for the hero he is.

"Then what happened, Banner?" Thor asked about his friend's story.

"I learned getting angry was the key to unlocking The Hulk. But Ross had other ideas. He made me go on the run for 3 or 5 years? I don't remember, it's kind of blur because I think I may have looked and sounded different back then, but who knows. Anyway, I took refuge in South America working at a soda factory when part of my blood fell into one of the bottles which caused Ross to find out my location and he sent a team after me. One of which was named Emil Blonksy." Bruce said as he was recapping that crazy time from at least a decade ago.

"Wow, what is so special about this one, Banner?" Thor asked, wondering why Bruce mentioned this person by name.

"Ross gave him powers like mine and he caused a lot of damage until The Hulk was able to stop him. After that, Ross obviously covered his tracks and I haven't seen my friend since then." Bruce said sadly, missing Betty.

"I see. Then what happened?" Thor asked, feeling sorry for his friend.

"Oh the rest you probably already know. Nat found and recruited me, joined you guys, we saved the world from your brother here, Ultron, your people from you sister here, and then faced off against Thanos, defeating him and saving the universe." Bruce said while looking at Loki and Hela, not even surprised at this point all of them were eating at the same table together.

"Ah, yes. It's good you are here, Banner. Both of you." Thor said with a smile to his friend who in turned smiled back.

"Thanks, Thor. Glad I'm here too." Bruce said happily.

"Sorry to interrupt your meal, my king but your earth friend here has a visitor." Heimdall informed Thor has he entered the dining hall and came in with a woman with long black hair and blue eyes, one Bruce hadn't seen in forever.

"Bruce!" Betty exclaimed with joy at seeing Bruce for the first time in a decade.

"Betty!" Bruce exclaimed as he quickly got up from his chair at the table and hugged Betty tightly.

"Oh I've missed you!" Betty exclaimed crying tears of joy.

"I've missed you too!" Bruce exclaimed also crying tears of joy.

"This must be your friend, Banner!" Thor shouted excitedly and happy for Bruce.

"Oh she's more than that." Bruce said with a smile while looking at Betty.

"Well, you are going to offer her something to eat, right Bruce?" Loki asked as felt it would be a polite thing to do.

"Oh of course! C'mon sit down. I have so much to tell you….and I know you have so much to tell me." Bruce said, still unable to believe Betty was back.

"So that's what you've been doing?" Betty asked as Bruce told her what happened to him over the last several years.

"Yep, that's pretty much it. I know you've seen them on TV, but The Avengers truly are great people. They helped me the way you've helped me. And I was able to help them too." Bruce said, smiling at all the adventures he's had with them.

"I know they are. I came looking for you at the compound place, but a man named Dr. Strange said you weren't there and he opened a portal here to take me to you." Betty said, remembering Dr. Strange and the others ones she briefly met there.

"Ah, did the wizard say anything interesting was going on?" Thor asked, curious if anyone had a message for him.

"I don't think so, but there one that told me she says hi and hopes to you see again soon." Betty said to Thor, passing along the message.

"And I hope to see her too soon! Perhaps she should get a phone as well." Thor exclaimed happily, and hoping his good friend would get a phone too.

"That's nice, but I trust something sinister is happening, right?" Loki asked, knowing there has to be another reason this friend of Bruce came.

"Yes….Bruce the general or secretary or whatever he is now, came by my house the other night. He didn't take well getting fired by the president, and think he's using it." Betty told Bruce whose eyes began to widen in fear.

"No. Are you sure?" Bruce asked, worried Ross is taking the serum.

"Yes, he seemed more off than usual. He mentioned he was taking a job on A.I.M.'s advisory after losing his job." Betty told Bruce, who thinks he might have remembered A.I.M. from Tony's demons story, but he was asleep for most of the thing, so who knows at this point.

"Well, this isn't good! Damn. We need to stop him before he turns himself into an even bigger monster." Bruce said, trying to figure out what to do.

"Sorry to interrupt again, my king but we have more visitors coming." Heimdall informed Thor as he entered the dining hall again.

"Friendlies?" Thor asked, hoping it would be more of his friends coming.

"Afraid not. From what I can see, they are mortals dressed in yellow jumpsuits, skull-helmets, and goggles."Heimdall informed Thor as he summoned Stormbreaker.

"Then let's not keep our guests waiting. Return to your homes, everyone. We will handle these trespassers." Thor said he was got up from his seat and walked over to Loki, Hela, and Sif.

"Are you coming or sitting this one out, Banner?" Thor asked, already knowing what Bruce's answer would be.

"Of course I am coming. Betty, just stay down, alright?" Bruce asked, wanting to make sure she was safe.

"Bruce, I've changed a lot since we've last spoken. I have a black belt in mixed martial arts, and I can shoot a gun. So I think I can handle myself, alright?" Betty said with a smile while Bruce nodded.

"Well, here we go!" Bruce screamed out at as he transformed into The Hulk outside.

"Thor! What's going on!" Hulk screamed out.

"Hulk! The little mortals in yellow our coming to attack our city. Let's take them out together!" Thor exclaimed as he raised Stormbreaker.

"Finally!" Hela exclaimed at the sight of the mortals in the yellow costumes coming to attack their city. She summoned her battle helmet and two swords for the battle.

"So, I wonder who sent them?" Loki asked to himself, as he summoned a dagger.

"Who knows? Let's take them out." Sif said as she raised her sword up.

"Let's take these freaks out!" An A.I.M trooper ordered out as he and his fellow goons started to attack the Asgardians and The Hulk.

"Let's do this!" Another A.I.M trooper shouted at he fired his laser gun at Thor.

Thor came in knocked him and several other A.I.M. troopers to the ground.

Loki and Sif worked together to prevent the A.I.M. troopers from destroying the city. Loki stabbed several with his dagger and Sif cut many down with her sword.

"Situations's bad!" An A.I.M. trooper screamed out in panic as Hela easily cut him down.

"Send more troops!" An A.I.M. trooper screamed out as The Hulk picked him up and threw him into the ocean.

"Leave Hulk's friends alone!" Huk screamed out as he jumped up and destroyed one of A.I.M.'s helicopters. Thor took care of the other ones.

"Sir, the situation is unwinnable." The A.I.M. commander said to his boss over the comm before Betty knocked him down to the ground.

"Who sent you?" Betty asked while holding up her gun. She could already guess who.

Thor, Hulk, Loki, Hela, and Sif all made their way to Betty's location after the battle.

"Who sent you, bastard?" Thor asked holding up Stormbreaker.

"You freaks are not gonna win! You're all so path…." The A.I.M. commander started to mock them before Hela threw a sword and stabbed him in the heart.

Everyone gave Hela a look.

"What? He obviously wasn't going to reveal anything. So, I saved you all from his needless chatter. You're welcome." Hela said with smirk while they all rolled their eyes.

"Right, well we can clean this up in the morning. Goodnight, friends!" Thor said as he left to go to bed. Tomorrow, he would find who was responsible for this.

Betty calmed down Huk and turned back into Bruce and said, "You can stay here for the night if you want."

"Sure, we can catch up some more to tomorrow if you want?" Betty asked to Bruce who happily accepted.

"Yes, now please follow me, Miss Ross, I will escort you to the guest chambers." Loki said as he walked Betty to the guest building.

Sif and Hela decided they would practice their sword play a little bit before going to bed since they just had a small battle.

Thor and Bruce, though, were confident they would track down this threat and put an end to them.

"The strike force failed, sir." An A.I.M. technician told Ross at one of A.I.M.'s bases as he was looking at the monitors which confirmed their troopers were wiped out by Banner and his Asgardian friends.

"Damn Banner and those Asgardian freaks!" Ross screamed out in hanger while punching the wall. He had been taking the serum after he was fired to prepare take on Banner and his band of misfits and freaks. He accepted an "advisory" position from A.I.M. after being forced out by Ellis thanks to Banner and those annoying little Avengers.

"What now, sir?" The A.I.M. technician asked to Ross.

"The next step. Prepare Tarleton for the procedure. I will be there shortly." Ross commanded as he left the room and took some more of the serum. Soon, Banner and those Avengers would pay.

Hope you all liked that one! This chapter had some Marvel: Ultimate Alliance game references I like to use in my stories. I hope you were able to spot them!

Not sure, when the next chapter will be up, or what it will even be about, but until next time!