Hello there my readers, I'm back as I promised and brought you the volume 2 of the story 'Rise of New Olympus' titled

"The Adventures of Percy Jackson in the MCU."

Wooo! Yeah!

Ok, so here is the story and yeah don't forget to REVIEW!


Pantheon Hall-

"The situation is getting very serious, very fast," Hestia said.

"What do you mean by that? It's just Atlas and he's friendly, isn't he?" Percy looked at Her.

"No, Percy. It's not that simple, Atlas arriving on Mt Olympus is very serious. He's holding the 'Axis Mundi,' and if the Axis Mundi has changed then this era of peace is about to end." Hestia said.

"Axis Mundi? What's that?"

"The Axis Mundi is the cosmic center of the, or the connection between Heaven and Earth. As the celestial pole and geographic pole, it expresses a point of connection between sky and earth where the four compass directions meet. There are many forms of Axis Mundi, one of them is Atlas." Odin explained.

"Then what's so special about it, that you all got serious when saw him?"

"Axis Mundi, is the Centre of the World, Percy. The place where Axis Mundi has been had changed the course of history. Look the USA, Atlas has been in Washington DC for almost four centuries and now it's the most powerful country in the world. Now that the Axis Mundi is on Olympus, it means from now on anything that will happen in the future will be centered around Olympus." Hestia explained. "There are many ancient things are sleeping, I'm afraid this might wake them up."

Percy was about to say something when a Minotaur came in followed by a man holding a Kopis.

"Did you forget what I said?" Drassus trotted towards the Minotaur. "I said don't disturb and if anything happens, deal with it yourselves. Is this a laughing matter to you? And who is this man?"

"I'm sorry Drassus, we did not forget, but this man entered through the portal holding a sword. We tried to stop him, but he beat all of us, including Miklos and Darius. He only stopped when the squadron of Centaurs came with their bows drawn. He then agreed to be led here. I was the only one conscious, so I brought him here." The Minotaur answered.

"You, human, you beat the bridge guards? How did you do it?" Drassus asked the man. He was wearing a polka dot shirt and blue jeans.

"I was trained by the first of your kind, Chiron." The golden-haired man said.

"You were trained by Chiron, the great? Do you take me for a fool?" Drassus mocked him. "Who do you think you are?"

"I am Achilles, one of the heroes of Olympus and the previous General of the Olympian Army. I offer the Great Council my respect." He knelt and bowed his head.

"What?!" Percy surprised rose to his feet. Other gods did the same. "Achilles?! The Achilles? From the legends?" Surprised and confused he looked at the other gods, they were smiling.

"Yes, I am. Who are you?" Achilles asked.

"I'm Percy Jackson, Son of Poseidon and the King of Olympus." Percy declared himself.

"King of Olympus? Don't make me laugh kid. I've been around for hundreds of years, and never heard a joke this funny." Achilles laughed.

"This is true Achilles; Perseus Jackson is the new Olympian Skyfather," Ares said.

"How is that possible? He's just a kid." Achilles said.

"Try me, and you'll find out." Percy challenged him.

"Ooooh! This is going to be interesting. I bet on Percy." Herc said

"Count me in," Gil said.

"Ha! He fights good, but Achilles is trained by me, he will win for sure!" Ares claimed.

"Shall we head to the Arena?" Artemis asked.


The Arena was in a crater with the fighting area in the middle and the seats around it in a circle. There was a building on one slope entirely made of gold, the VIP stands. It was bigger than the Roman Colosseum.

The Gods, including the other Skyfathers, Drassus, and Asterius were sitting in the VIP stands. The Olympian citizens filled the entire arena. Herc was telling Hestia how Percy fought Ares on Sakaar. Odin and Manitou were listening very intently. Vishnu was talking with Gil. Artemis was stuffing her mouth with a cheeseburger.

The crowd was lively. They were waving flags, on the one side of the arena in reddish sparks 'GO LORD PERSEUS!' was floating in the air. Everyone was excited.

"What magic did you do on them?" Achilles asked.

"What?" Percy said.

"Why do all of them love you so much?" He asked again.

"How would I know? Even I'm surprised by this." Percy answered. "Anyway, shall we?" Percy cracked his knuckles.

Achilles flexed his arm and readied his sword.

"You know if I use my powers, I could beat you in two seconds," Percy said calmly.

(A.N. - I actually wanted to write 'he was as calm as Rhea in her Hippie van.' but Percy never met Rhea.)

"Nothing you do will harm me, I'm invincible." Achilles boasted.

"Ah! That curse of yours. I've borne that curse as well you know, but it doesn't matter, everybody knows your weakness." Percy mocked him.

"It's not a curse, but a blessing. And that fatal point you said was before I died in the battle of Troy. After that, I was resurrected and made immortal, and Zeus himself gave me the same blessing and changed my fatal point it's not the heel anymore." Achilles said proudly. "You said you had the same blessing, which you call a curse. How did you lose it, without dying?" He asked.

"I crossed the Tiber while carrying Juno in my arms," Percy said.

"What?" Achilles asked confused. "What nonsense are you blurting? I've nev…"

Percy cut him off. "Are you gonna attack me or you planning to defeat me just by talking, cause I'm getting tired of this conversation." He yawned.

Achilles growled and lunged at him. He swung his Kopis, but Percy stepped aside and dodged. Achilles swung again, but it cut nothing but air. He kept swinging his Kopis and Percy kept dodging.

"Are you really the 'Aristos Achaion?' I heard you made a mountain of bodies in the Trojan war. Chiron used to talk a lot about you, he would be so disappointed when he meets you." Percy said mockingly.

(A.N. - 'Aristos Achaion' means 'Best Among the Greeks')

"Don't talk like you know Chiron." Achilles swung upwards.

"Oh, but I actually know him. I was also trained by him. Hey, how did your Chiron look like? Mine mostly rides a wheelchair." Percy said. As the blow was about to touch him, Percy stepped in, grabbed his wrist, and pushed him away.

"Good! But your right foot was a bit off." Percy folded his hands and said. "That's what Chiron would probably say."

Achilles gritted his teeth. He kept attacking and Percy only parried his blows.

"He's toying with him," Hestia said to Ares. "Achilles seems to have lost his edge."

"I doubt that. Did you forget how he was in the Trojan War?" Ares said.

"Yes, I remember. But you don't know Percy Jackson. You might've won on Sakaar, but that's because you both underestimated each other. He has already fought the Ares in his universe at the age of 12, and won." Hestia said.

Ares turned; his face was full of disbelief. He glanced back at the boy in a blue jacket laughing at Achilles.

"Stop playing and fight me!" Achilles shouted and charged. He was faster than before.

Percy miscalculated and got punched in his gut. The punch was hard enough to knock Percy back several feet where he sat hunched over. Achilles, without wasting any time lunged at him. He slashed at Percy. Percy quickly raised his left arm and conjured the Shield. The Kopis clanged on the bronze shield and bounced back staggering Achilles.

"So, have you decided to fight me now?" Achilles asked.

"That was a good hit," Percy said. "I guess I'll fight." Percy pulled out a Pen from his pocket. As he uncapped it, it turned into a glowing bronze sword. Percy took a stance, "It's a little cliché dialogue, but come at me with all you've got." He said.

Achilles launched himself at Percy, furiously hacking and slashing at him. Percy parried every blow without much effort.

"You know I used to fight entire cabins all alone and a kid of Hypnos fought better than you." Percy closed the distance between them and returned the guy punch with double the force.

Achilles fell backward and tumbled, he slowly got up. He was scowling, his eyes had turned white. His breathing slowed to a steady pace. He took a stance and raised his Kopis above his head. Percy sensed something off about him. Suddenly Achilles lunged forward and thrust at great speed. Percy deflected the attack and bashed him on the head with his shield. Achilles slammed his foot on the ground and took the blow.

Achilles seemed to have gone blind with rage. His expression showed nothing but Rage. He roared and charged, thrusting his sword. Percy parried, but it didn't stagger him, he kept thrusting and slashing with incredible speed.

Percy while dodging Achilles's attacks, tripped and fell backward. Achilles took this chance and attacked. Percy managed to roll away, but he got cut on the left shoulder.

At first, Percy didn't notice it, but as he felt his shoulder get wet he felt a little sting. The wound wasn't that deep, but it was a long cut. As he glanced at the wound, it started to heal and in less than a second, there was nothing on the shoulder, no wound, no scar, nothing. It surprised Percy, his wounds healed without any water around him.

Apparently, when Percy became a God, among other godly abilities he also received the Regeneration ability with it.

"That's cool!" Percy was impressed. Achilles attacked again, he was like an enraged bull who wants nothing but to kill the person before him. He had lost his wits but kept his skills. He was in some kind of berserker mode. He charged again. "This Regeneration ability, it's great! Now I don't need the water to heal me. Whoa there…!" He sidestepped to dodge a headbutt from Achilles and tripped him. Achilles fell face first in the dirt. "It looks like you've lost your mind, my friend. I guess I'll have to stop this before you get yourself hurt." He said and dashed towards Achilles.

In just a blink of an eye, Percy was on him. He planted his knee on his chest and pinned him down. Achilles thrashed under him trying to get free. "Now sleep tight," Percy said and punched him hard, knocking him out.

He stood up and held up his hand. The crowd roared. Horns blew, hooves stomped, every citizen present cheered for Percy.

Pantheon Hall (a couple of hours later)-

"We'd like to ask you a favor, Perseus." Vishnu started.

"Please, Percy's fine," Percy said.

"Alright, Percy, we, the council of godheads is asking you for a favor." He glanced at the other two members. They nodded. "Even though the council is called the council of godheads, there aren't many godheads present. For the last fifteen hundred years, there are only five pantheons that come to the meetings. All the others have gone into hiding." Vishnu explained.

"So, you want me to find them?"

"Yes," Manitou answered.

"Why didn't you do it before? You had 1500 years."

"It is not that simple, we can't go anywhere as we please. Especially not in the domain of the other pantheons. We need their invitation to enter, and since we can't contact them, we can't get permission."

"So, what's so special about me?"

"You are from another world, not bound by the rules of this world. Also, you are a Skyfather, that gives you a lot of advantages."

"So, this is like a quest," Percy said. "Tell me the details."

"First we want you to go to Egypt and find the Ennead, the God of Egypt. Lord Ra was the eldest God on Earth, firstborn of Gaia and the founding member of the council. Others were Zeus, Odin, and Myself." Vishnu said. "Lord Ra died while fighting his mortal enemy Set, the primal God of destruction, also known as Apep or Apophis. He was the brother of Gaia and Greeks called him…"

(A.N.- In marvel comics Apophis is called Set and the brother of Osiris is called Seth.)

"Typhon!" Hestia interrupted. "Father of all monsters."

"Wait, this Set guy is also Typhon? How is that possible? Egyptians and Greeks are totally different." Percy asked.

"Set is a Primal God, he's not bound by one particular Pantheon. He's known by different names in different pantheons." Odin explained.

'This world is weird.' Percy thought. "So, this Ra guy, he's dead, then who is their skyfather now?" He asked.

"That would be Horus, grandson of Ra," Odin answered.

To be Continued...