5yr old Jaune Miles Arc watched as his town, his home and his family were destroyed by a group of hunters. He sat alone in the middle of the town, in ash and blood-covered clothes, he watched as the fires died and the smoke was gone. He sat there watching. And that's when he heard a snap and growling all around him, he could see the Beowulfs coming to him. He didn't care. As long as he was with his family. One Beowulf walked to him on its fours and then it was face to face with Jaune. It smelled him, his clothes, his hair, and his emotions. It smelled one thing and one thing even Grimm was scared of. It smelled Apathy. Apathy. The Emotion that even the Grimm fear. A common enemy to them all. Grimm feared it because something that empty scared them. Because even if they were called mindless beasts, they still felt Emotions and they were smart. The Beowulf smelled it and then licked Jaune's face and looked to the other Grimm and Barked its response to them. Jaune just looked surprised that it didn't kill him. The Grimm used its teeth and put Jaune on its back and carried him. For whatever reason Jaune was ok with it.

The next day Jaune woke up to see the same Beowulf snuggled with him, he looked to it and then got up fully, when he got out of the Beowulfs snuggle

the Beowulf slowly woke up and looked at Jaune, [is something wrong young one?] Jaune heard

it sounded like a female a voice, he looked to the Beowulf

"d-did you just talk?" he asked

[yes, we Grimm have a way to communicate with one another, we can also make a bond with Humans so that they can understand us. You should feel honored, your the first human in over 100 years to be able to do this with us] said the Beowulf

"oh... What's your name?" Jaune asked

[my name is Xina, the Leader of the pack] Xina told Jaune

"Nice to meet you Xina, I'm Jaune Ar- just Jaune," Jaune said

Xina made a Puppy dog face to him [i'm sorry young one... No child your age should suffer what you have] Xina told Jaune

Jaune just looked at her "so...what now? What are you going to do with me?" Jaune asked

[that simple Jaune, your now a part of a pack] Xina told Jaune

"do you mean that I-I will be raised b-by you and the rest of the pack?" Jaune asked

[yes, we will teach you the ways of how we live and even educate you in more of your races ways] Xina said

Jaune looked at her with shock, "will anyone try and eat me?" Jaune asked

[no, the pack has agreed to raise you] Xina told Jaune

Jaune nodded, before standing and looking at the Beowulf

"if it's ok, can we head back to my old home, there is something I want to get from there" Jaune asked

[very well. I will go with you] Xina said and got up and showed Jaune the way back to town.

Jaune never knew how much his life had just changed...

12 years later/ Beacon Island/ Emerald forest/ 12:00 AM

Jaune was 17 now, he had learned many things from the pack, he even had friends, he had his brother in arms, a teen Beowulf names Aries, he also was befriended by an Ursa named Jugo, and a Borbusk named Bumba. they were the best of friends, Jaune would Hunt alongside them and loved them like family. Jaune had grown so much, he had long blonde hair to his back, he had grey Jeans with a couple of rips, bronze armor, a black fur coat and a mask that looked like a Borbusk but the eyes were Blue.

The pack had traveled around Vale and Vacuo. Jaune was a warrior among the Pack and was a serious fighter, but when he was traveling and messing with his friends, he was a goofball, His mother, Xina, had become more and more lax with him and treated him like her own. because that is what he is to them, not a human but a Beowulf.

Jaune was by a River with Aries and Bumba,

"how many fish do you think I'll catch today?" Jaune asked his friends,

[I hope at least 3, and who knows maybe you'll share?] Bumba asked

[I swear Bumba, you are always hungry!] Aries cried but then his stomach growled [Jaune you are going to share right?] Aries asked

"yes, yes, I'll share," Jaune said with a chuckle and he resumed Fishing.

next to Jaune was his Father's sword, he renamed the blade to something more fitting. Apathy. because when he killed other rival packs or Huntsmen, they wouldn't feel anything anymore. Such a fitting name for what he had felt. he was happy with his life with the pack, but when fighting other Grimm and humans, he felt nothing for them. Nothing.

as they were fishing they had heard a noise that was very nearby,

"did you guys hear that?" Jaune asked

[yeah, maybe we should head back to the pack] Bumba said

"no, someone could be hurt," Jaune said and grabbed Apathy and then headed for where he had heard the noise.

Jaune moved around, looking around his surroundings, making sure that he wouldn't be blindsided. when he, Aries and Bumba had arrived at the scene, they saw a Raven haired teen with cat ears, she was covered in cuts and blood, she was holding her ribs, she looked and saw Jaune, she looked at him, her eyes with desperateness and tears falling from them

"h-h-help m-me please" she said with a raspy voice, and then she closed her eyes and fainted.

[it's a Faunas, let's go back home] said Aries,

but Jaune went to the teen and felt her pulse, and heard her breathing,

"she's still alive, I'm taking her back with us" Jaune said

[Jaune are you crazy!? she is a human!]

"So am I! and look at her, she hasn't attacked us! she can't even put up a fight! I'm taking her back!" Jaune yelled and looked to Aries, "tell my mother that I bringing a wounded human home, to heal her" Jaune said

[Jaune your like my brother and I trust you...but if this brings more of her kind here... you'll have to deal with it yourself] Aries said and Ran ahead of them

Jaune picked up the girl and put her on her back,

[do you need help?] Bumba asked

"you want a human on your back? this is a new thing for me" Jaune said with a smile,

[truth be told... I'm more afraid of humans then they are of me] Bumba said

Jaune nodded and placed the girl on Bumbas back and headed to the Caves that their pack was living for the past 2 years. Jaune hoped this wouldn't end badly.

Beacon Academy/ RWBY Dorm room/ 8:00 PM

Yang, Ruby, and Weiss looked all over for blake but there was no sign of her, Yang worried about her, the last people to see her were Cardin and his team, but they also were injured but not too badly. they had also worked with team NPR to look for their friend.

"I hope she's ok..." Yang said worriedly

"I'm sure she's fine, she's a great huntress in training and she's a survival plus a ninja!" Ruby said

Weiss had agreed with ruby, "Blake will be ok, she's a good fighter and a stubborn will" Weiss said

Yang let out a big breath, "yeah... your right" Yang said with a faint smile.