Chapter 10

Coco's eyes went purple for a second and gasps out Neo's name before her eyes go back to green. Something doesn't feel right, she feels disturbed and uncomfortable and she can feel Nadia in destress. N. Gin notices the sudden mood change in Coco and stopped working on the MechBandicoot to give her a concern look.

"Everything ok?" Coco looks shocked for a second to be asked by that by an enemy, then she starts to get defensive.

"I am fine." Coco says defensively as she gets back to work trying to ignore him. N. Gin doesn't really believe her but decides to leave it be. A few feet away from them they hear laughter. They look up to see Crash and Nina playing together while Crunch is preparing for a barbeque with Aku aku nearby talking to him. Coco can't help but watch Crash and Nina and feel slightly jealous. She sees Nina trying to mimic Crash's to the point it is making her dizzy, but ends up laughing anyway. Coco doesn't understand. How can her brother, a hero and an evil scientist's niece get along so well?

"They appear to be having fun." N. Gin says with a laugh, causing Coco to turn towards him.

"I am glad to see Nina smiling and having fun, even if it is with an enemy." he says before getting back to work. Coco wouldn't admit but she silently agrees. She remembered when Crash was depressed after Tawna left him for someone else and Aku aku and Coco tried everything but nothing works, until Crash got taken by Dr Cortex, begging Crash to help him collect the crystals and then defeat him after he finds out Cortex needed them for world domination. After that, Crash went back to his normal self, so should she be thanking Cortex for helping him getting out of that funk, even if it was for selfish reasons? She shakes her head, thinking she is being ridiculous and goes back to work.

"Lunch is ready!" Crunch shouted. Everyone stops what they are doing and run towards Crunch who is setting up the food on the bench for everyone to enjoy. Once they sat down, getting ready to eat, Aku aku floats to Coco and N. Gin,

"How is the robot coming along?" he asks them which N. Gin happily answers,

"Almost finished, it just needs fuel for it to fly and then it will be good to go. However, as I said it can't shoot plasma without any ammo which you can only get from my labs."

"Where Uka uka and N. Tropy are holding Dr Cortex captive." Crunch stating the obvious, making everyone go quiet, especially Nina who can't help but think what they could be doing to her Uncle, making her even more sad. Coco went quiet as well as she is starting to hear Nadia talking to her from her head, slowly getting louder.

"They are not at the labs. They are here with me. I can see them." Nadia says shakily, Coco can tell she has been crying.

"Nadia says they are not there." Everyone looks at Coco waiting for her to continue.

"She said they are with her in a cave somewhere, she showed me and I could see Dr Cortex tied up crying with Tropy and Uka uka looming over him. This is probably the first time I feel sorry for Cortex." she said looking down, then she felt a hand on her shoulder, she turns to see Crash giving her a comforting smile, making her smile back at him. She thinks back to the vision Nadia showed her, looking at how Tropy and Uka uka tormenting Cortex by showing him his late wife trapped in the crystal in front of him. No one deserves that. That is pure torture. She turns to N. Gin,

"You say it only needs fuel?" N. Gin nods,

"Just enough to have it take us to the labs to get plasma ammo. Why?" Coco stands up and rush to the garage with N. Gin following right behind her. She got out a massive tank of fuel, dragging the tank out of the garage.

"You get in MechBandicoot and I will pour this into the engine." She tries to pick up the tank with great difficulty when a metal hand picked it up for her. She looks up to see Crunch, pick it up with ease and pur it into the cannister where the engine is and give N. Gin an ok sign. N. Gin climb into the robot and push the red button to start the engine and pushes the leaver up slowly to make it hover above the ground. Nina can't help but beam at the robot being repaired. Her eyes sparkle knowing this is a beginning of an adventure to save her parents.

Hey everyone! Sorry for the short chapter after such a long time as I have been very busy for these past few months as I have to sort out myself for a bit due mental health issues and a family member being hospitalized. On a happier note I have a twitch channel I posted on my profile so do check it out. But I will try to keep in touch.

Keep Reading! :D