Greetings and salutations everyone, and welcome to my other little pet project, Clash (formerly Tendrils of Darkness, Shields of Light)!
This story will run the gamut of the Clone Wars from its beginning to its very end and will document the trials and tribulations of characters created and submitted by none other than YOU, the readers!
For this story, I would like you guys to submit a total of six Jedi OCs to me through a profile that you will copy, fill out, and submit through a PM if you are interested, and the characters you send in will become the perspectives from which I attempt to write this. I have already included most of the details on how to create a character for this story and what I'm looking for from you in the profile, but if you have any further questions, don't hesitate to ask. I'm looking for at least six characters at the most, and I will pick based on a first-come, first-serve basis. If I get a couple more than what I was looking for, than while the extras may not become Main Characters, they certainly have a shot at becoming Reoccurring.
If you want to submit a character, but don't know how many slots I still have available, open up my profile bio and scroll to the bottom. There I will include a constantly updated list of the characters I have, who created them, and some of their basic information. I will announce when I have enough characters through an update to this story near immediately, so be on the look-out for that.
If you are still interested in contributing to this story, but ran out of time to submit a Jedi, don't worry! I will also accept as many Clone Trooper OCs as you all are willing to give me, and unlike the Jedi, these are practically unlimited at the moment. I will be sure to include a profile for how to make a Clone in my next update, so please be on the lookout for that!
As always, no flames please! But constructive criticism is always welcomed.
This should really be obvious, but no Mary-Sue characters! I won't accept poorly written and/or obscenely powerful characters who are incapable of doing any sort of wrong because there is absolutely nothing I can do with that. I want flawed and fallible people who can and inevitably will mess up in some way.
Finally, expect this story as a whole to evolve constantly as I go about writing it up and editing it, with certain things appearing, disappearing, and changing as I do so. So what you get at the moment of upload is not always the final copy of that particular chapter.
I will be waiting to see what you send me. Hope you all have a great week!
Tendrils of Darkness, Shields of Light Jedi OC Submission Profile.
Name (Please give me a name that both fits your species and the setting at large. No, your character may not be related to any canonical character, so if your name is too similar, or shares the same last name as canon character, I will ask you to change it.):
Age (If your character is still a Padawan, then they will be between the ages of 17-21, between the ages of 22-27 if they are a full-fledged Knight, or from age 28 upward if they are a Master):
Gender (Pretty self-explanatory, I would like to have an even or near-even divide of the sexes if at all possible.):
Race/Species (Choose one from the species list below or if you find a race you really like but that I didn't include, PM me your suggestion, and I'll consider it. For the sake of diversity, I would like to have no more than one Human please.):
Jedi Order Rank (Choose from Padawan, Knight, or Master, I will accept only one or at the very most two Master-Ranked OCs.):
Lightsaber (Pick from a Single Lightsaber, Duel Lightsabers, or a Double-Bladed Lightsaber):
Lightsaber Color (Please chose from blue, green, or yellow):
Lightsaber Combat Form (Pick two from Forms I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and VII, and designate one as your signature/primary style while the other is your secondary/fallback option for when circumstances change, and things get dicey. I will use the choices you make here to inform and describe how your character would typically behave in a life-or-death fight as well as what weaknesses they would struggle to compensate for during a difficult battle or duel. Every Form has one weakness or another, so chose carefully. Furthermore, I will allow no more than one or two OCs total to take Form VII as an option because the teaching of the style is restricted amongst the Jedi due to the fact that it openly courts the Dark Side, at least according to what I have read. Finally, your character may take no more than two for the sake of balancing purposes. If you do not know the Seven Canonical Forms of Lightsaber Combat, then look it up. If you know what they are but can't decide, then PM me and we can discuss it.):
Appearance (Please include hair color (If applicable to your character's species), eye color, hair style (If applicable to your character's species), beard style and color (if your character has one and it's applicable to their species/likely for your character's gender), height, weight, skin color and body type as well as any tattoos or scars your character may have. The features of your character must be within the realm of physical plausibility and thereby possible for your character's species to have. I will not accept for instance a human with naturally bright blue hair and pink eyes because such physical traits could not possibly be manifested in any normal way by that particular species. Also describe what your character would typically be wearing. Outfits must be practical in some way, whether they be a Jedi tunic augmented with some borrowed armor to increase survivability or a more form-fitting outfit that is thin and lacks any major protection but allows for increased mobility and agility. When thinking about what your character would wear to a battlefield, please consider what Form of Lightsaber Combat they utilize and what style of armor would best fit that. Also, please be sure to include the colors of your characters outfit in their description.):
Personality (Be as specific as possible. I cannot stress that enough. If you believe you haven't written enough about the character, then chances are you almost certainly haven't given me enough info to do something with them. You must also be sure to include 3 or more character flaws and 3 or more character virtues, as I will be unable to use the character if you don't. Aside from that, also include the assorted odds and ends of how your character acts as a person. I will be using this part of the profile to try and inform myself on both how they would think and how they would both speak to, about, and otherwise treat others in dialogue as well as the approach they would likely take in trying to sort out a problem. So in short, I want more than a handful of sentences.):
Views on Individual Jedi (Here, I want you to explain how your character feels about certain canonical characters that they would have met, or you believe they would at least know about. Please try to write something for every notable member of Jedi of the current era, but if you choose not to, that is fine. I will simply presume that your character does not know that particular person all that well if at all. Obviously, your character will not be best buddies with most or even any of the canon characters, but they may at least have a mildly good relationship with one or two of them.
Background (Describe how the life of character has been up to this point. Of course, your character is certainly not some form of legendary hero at the present time, but that does not mean that they haven't had a harrowing experience or two up to this point. Keep in mind that I will not accept that is basically a copy of a canonical character's origin story should anybody send something like that to me. So if for example your character was young slave from Tattooine who was recruited into the Jedi Order because they were strong in the force even though they were technically too old to begin the training, than expect me to write you back and tell you to change it. I may do that even if it isn't totally the same, but still very similar. If your character has any scars or tattoos that aren't explained by cultural tradition such as with Mirialan facial tattoos, please explain how you got them and why. As A tip, when writing your background, consider whether or not what happened to your character in the past could have happened to just about any other person in existence who also serves the Jedi Order. If it could have, you are fine. If couldn't have, then you may need to change some aspect of your story.):
Views on the Jedi Order in General (I want details on how your character feels about the Jedi Code. What aspects of it does your character agree with, and what aspects does your character disagree with? Do they feel it is too restrictive or not restrictive enough? Or is it fine the way it is? In any of those three cases, why do they think so? You must also tell me whether or not your character is ultimately blind to the Order's failings (which I would count as a flaw, if you were wondering) or if you acknowledge and accept them. And what is your stance on the decision to allow for Jedi participation in the Clone Wars? Basically anything that your character would think about the Jedi as a whole should go here.):
Views on the Current State of the Galaxy (How does your character feel about the Galactic Senate, The Clone Troopers, and the Chancellor? Keep in mind that your character would have no reason to believe or even suspect that Palpatine is a Sith Lord, so please don't send me a character who thinks so based on what ultimately amounts to groundless accusations. Your character would know as much about him as the average Jedi. No more, and maybe less. Also use this part to describe your feelings towards the Separatist Movement. In short, put all your non-Jedi related political views here.):
Breaking Point (What would it take for your character to consider leaving the Order or even turning to the Dark Side? A love interest? The death of somebody or multiple people who were very close to you? Or would it be some kind of major betrayal either by somebody in the Order or the Order as a whole? I am not saying that any of that is going to happen, I just wish to know what level of mental and emotional trauma your character can cope with before they may snap. Please remember that almost no sane person has ever left behind or turned against everything they've probably ever known without some sort of good reason, so whatever you choose, make sure it isn't a trivial reason.):
Tendrils of Darkness, Shields of Light; Acceptable OC Jedi Character Species List
-Human - Taken
-Chiss - Taken
-Mon Calamari
-Kel Dor
-Zabrak - Taken
-Mirialan - Taken
-Mireluka - Taken
-Cathar - Taken
-Zeltron - Taken
-I am open to other racial suggestions...
Edit 1:- One person has already sent their character in and another three spots have been reserved for other creators.
Two spots left!
Edit 2: I have only one spot left!
If you are interested, you'd best hurry!
Edit 3: All Jedi positions have been filled, thanks again to everybody who sent in a character.
However, I am and still will be accepting OC Clone Troopers throughout the story, so if you want to send one in, it's never too late!