Hello Everyone, this time I am going to write a story about Pokemon Solar Light and Lunar Dark with Ash Ketchum's betrayal story. I don't own the Pokemon and the characters. This story is an Ash and OC pairing story, and the OC is the same as the Sevestar Prince. Now let's get into the story.

Chapter 1: The Betrayal and Revalations.

Time has passed quickly, a man is standing on the boat looking over the horizon. The boy is named Ash Ketchum, he was a trainer who wanted to be a Pokemon Master, and recently, he won the Alola League as the new champion there. But he is not happy, why? All begins when he gets back to the Kanto Region.

Ash has come back to the Professor Oak's Lab, but what he sees is that Professor Oak is lying in the pool of blood and, much to their surprise, his former friends, Misty, Brock, May, Max, Dawn, Cilan, Iris, Serena, Clemont, Bonnie, Mallow, Kiawe, Lana, Sophocles and also Lillie. Ash is shocked, he yells, "Why did you do this to him? What had he done?"

"He refuses to give out your Pokemon to us." Misty says coldly with an evil smile.

"And you are just in time, now you will also going to be perish." Max says as Ash gasps to see all the Pokeballs that he owned are broken, and the Pokemon are suffocating inside the Pokeball until they don't have any breath left.

"How could you do this..." Ash tries to form a tear, but he can't show his weakness.

"Don't worry, you will be joining them soon." Iris says as the traitors all send out their Pokemon, they try to attack the Pokemon, but suddenly, a glow appears and then Ash is shielded.

"Who did this?" Clemont asks.

Just then, they see a Pokemon standing in front of them, Ash gasps and says, "Mewtwo..."

"How dare you hurt our prince! You should pay!" Mewtwo then uses Psystrike, causing the lab to explode, and at the same time, he teleports Pikachu and Ash away from the Pallet Town.

After Ash wakes up, he sees that he is sleeping inside the room. "Was that a dream?" As Ash stands up and then walks towards his door, but much to his surprise, there is a gorgeous hallway and there are some people dressing in uniforms rushing towards him.

"Master Ash, are you fine now?" One servant asks.

"What? Master?" Ash is confused.

"Quick, inform the queen that Ash woke up!" Another servant yells and then some people rush off. Not long after, Delia comes into the room and says, "Ash, are you fine?"

"Mom? What happened? What is going on here?" Ash is confused.

Delia frowns and says, "It is a long story. But you were about to get killed like Professor Oak if it wasn't for Mewtwo to save you..."

Just then, Ash starts to tear up. "So it was true...my Pokemon...they are all dead because of me..."

Ash then cries into Delia's arms, Delia says, "Don't worry, Ash. Some of your Pokemon are safe. Pikachu, Greninja, Charizard, they are safe at the garden. They won't be here. So don't worry."

"Where am I?" Ash asks. "And importantly, who are they?"

Delia smiles, "Honey, I am sorry to hide this from you, but you see. This is our kingdom, the Sevestar Kingdom. It is a place far away from the 7 regions, but close to one."

"What do you mean?" Ash is confused.

"You see." Delia smiles as she glows white, Ash covers his eyes until it dies down, and in front of him is no other than Arceus herself.

"Arceus?" Ash gasps. "Why are you here and why did you disguise yourself as my mother?"

Arceus frowns and says, "I am sorry to tell you, but in truth, your mother is also killed by them...I managed to retrieve the body, but the soul is gone, so I decide to repay you, by becoming your mother..."

Ash is surprised, and he is now furious, "They will pay...how can they do this to me...what is wrong with them?"

"We don't know why they do that." Arceus changes back to Delia, she says, "But they will be avenged. Right now, you should keep pursuing your dream to become a Pokemon Master in the new region besides our Kingdom."

"New Region?" Ash asks in confusion.

"Yes, the Rikoto Region, all the Pokemon there are not revealed to other regions, and they don't have all Pokemon from the Seven Regions as well."

Ash nods and says, "Ar-no, Mom, so this is our kingdom, I wanted to ask you a question..."

"What is it?" Delia asks.

"Can I see Pikachu and the others who are still alive? I feel like it was my fault that they had suffered..."

Delia is surprised. But she says, "Ash, I know you have been in a hard time, but don't worry. They will be safe."

Ash nods and then he walks outside, there, he sees Pikachu, Charizard, Greninja, Melmetal, Lycanroc, Gengar, Lucario, Milotic, Primeape, Butterfree, Pidgeot, Naganadel, Incineroar, Goodra, Sylveon, Gliscor, Decidueye, Gardevoir and Ninetales playing together.

Pikachu notices that his trainer is awake, he calls everyone to Ash. Ash hugs them and he is also confused about some Pokemon.

"You see, Lucario was saved from the Tree of Beginning, and this Milotic is from the Alola Beach as you were the one who fished it back then, Sylveon is from the egg that hatched not long ago, and Gardevoir is from Hoenn, as for Ninetales, it is found in the Mt. Lanakila."

"I see..." Ash says. "Guys, I am really sorry, our friends, they are gone because of me..."

The Pokemon seeing how Ash is feeling down, Charizard decides to give him a Flamethrower, much to his surprise.

"What is that for? Charizard?" Ash yells, but then they can hear their voices, they are encouraging him, telling him not to give up and lose.

"Guys..." Ash sighs. "Thank you."

Ash recalls the memory and says, "And then we get to know the new Pokemon and also the big family of our castle...right now we are going to the new region to find Professor Pinewood..."

Pikachu nods and says, "Yeah...I can't wait..."

Then they can see an island approaching from here, they are excited to see the whole new region with no new Pokemon for them to go.

In the cold area in Subhail, a girl is talking with the phone as Valerie, the Kalos Gym Leader is talking to her.

"So you mean that my two older sisters are coming here? Are you serious?" The girl says in excitement.

"I know you are excited, Alice." Valerie says. "They will be going to Soltree Town to find you. Since you just became a Gym Leader of this city, so they want to congratulate you."

"But can't they come here?" Alice pouts.

"Sorry, they didn't bring any warm clothes." Valerie says.

"Fine, I'll go there." Alice sighs as she ends the call, she turns to Huskpuff, she says, "Husky, we are going to meet our sisters..."

Husky wags his tail and barks, Alice smiles as she pets the dog. "But I have to find a substitute gym leader for our work...I hope Mr. Chiu can help me..."

After talking to Mr. Chiu, the former leader of the Subhail City, Alice then takes out the Pokemon, a butterfly like Pokemon.

"Crys, take me to Soltree Town." Her Crystiwing nods and it takes her to the town.

Now this wraps up the new story, I am going to pair Ash with Alice and Keira is pairing with Rodney in my story. And I know it is weird that all of his companions are becoming this evil with no reason and they killed Delia and Professor Oak, as well as destroying Ash's Pokeballs so that they suffocated to death. But just bear with it. The next chapter will be the meeting with the Professor as well as Ash and Alice's first meeting. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Also if you ask why some of Ash's Pokemon are here, well...Ash's Alola Team are with him, and Charizard was at the Charisific Valley, Gliscor is in Sinnoh with MaCan, and Gengar is from Sabrina. I did think of having Tyranitar in the team, but I decided not to since Ash has a Rock and a Dark Type already.