I do not own Bleach okay? I've picked up following the series recently (as it ended) and have fallen in love with the Rukia and Renji pairing as well as Ichika. I don't have many plot bunnies so I am doing this 100 word challenge where each chapter will be a different word. These will be short, so be aware of that. Anyway, enough of this A/N, on with the fic!

1. Introduction

Renji stood outside the delivery room with a sigh. He knew Rukia since they were children in the Rukon district and knew she was a fighter, stubborn and strong but even knowing that did not prepare him for the debacle known as childbirth. After being threatened with Sode no Shirayuki, the doctor tending to the birth figured it would be safest for mother, baby and father (but mainly the father) if he waited outside.

"It will be fine Renji." Byakuya said, looking at his lieutenant and brother-in-law with a rare sympathetic look. "Rukia is being tended to by some of the best midwives there are here."

"I can't help but not worry." Renji sighed. "And she did seem rather scary when she threatened me."

"Yes. I heard a very loud 'YOU DID THIS TO ME YOU FUCKING BASTARD JERK! DIE NOW!' and knew that labor was getting intense." Byakuya said with an almost imperceptible smile.

"I bet you liked hearing that." Renji said. Ever since he married Rukia, he never could gauge how much his Captain/brother-in-law liked him. While on duty, they kept things professional and focused on duty, he also knew that cared deeply for Rukia and those important to her. However it was also only natural for many to not like the sister's husband for the sheer reason of 'you married my sister.'

"I can't say I did not find some amusement in it." Byakuya said. "However the birth of my niece or nephew is a very special occasion. I am just as anxious as you are and hope the child will uphold the honor of the Kuchiki name.

"We've decided on a surname at least." Renji said. "As it is my child, they will have the Abarai name. Although I have had to give some concession to Rukia on that."

"In what ways?" Byakuya asked, trying to keep his lieutenant's mind off Rukia and any irrational fears he may have had from the birth

"She gets to decide the first name." Renji said. "I just hope she doesn't decide to the name the child 'Chappy' or something like that."

"I can trust you that while she loves that rabbit dearly-" Byakuya began Renji laughed at the statement.

"DEARLY? HA!" Renji said. "She's already done the nursery up in nothing but Chappy. Poor kid."

"No mention of Wakame Ambassador?" Byakuya sulked.

"What?" Renji asked.

"Nothing." Byakuya said, brushing off the mention of his character, leaving an awkward silence in the air as both men looked in opposite directions, looking for some sort of conversation to fill the air. "Nice weather today."

"Yeah." Renji said simply. "Bright out. Need some new sunglasses."

"Keep them out of a child's reach. I know how you like expensive ones." Byakuya said looking off into the distance.

"Gentlemen, I hate to interrupt this moment, but you may come in now." a midwife said, leading them into a room where Rukia was laying, exhausted but happily holding a red haired little girl.

"Renji, elder brother, I'd like you to meet Ichika, Abarai Ichika." Rukia said with a smile, adjusting a soft Chappy blanket around her. "Ichika, meet your daddy and your uncle."

Renji picked the little girl up in his arms and smiled. Never having parents himself in the Rukon district, he had to live on the streets with Rukia and from the moment she told him she was pregnant, he swore to be the best father and husband he could. Rumors were flowing that the 13th division needed a new captain soon and Rukia was talked about as a contender for the title. She would be a higher rank but this did not matter to Renji. He only wanted the best for them both. "Hey there Ichika, I'm your Pa." Renji smiled at his daughter.

"And I am your Uncle Kuchiki. I have a special present for you my dearest niece." Byakuya said pulling out a small stuffed plush toy.

"It's not that little imaginary friend of yours is it elder brother?" Rukia sighed.

"I figured a child would like a small toy." Byakuya said as he gave Ichika a small plush Wakame Ambassador. Ichika held this in her small hands, looked at the face on it and threw it back in Byakuya's face with a smile. "Well, I guess I'll leave this somewhere else for you." He said maintaining his composure.

"Nice one kiddo." Renji laughed.

"We appreciate the thought elder brother." Rukia smiled. "Now Renji, can I have our daughter back? She does need to be fed."

So how was that? Good? Bad? Short? Long? These are intended to be little ficlets in a series so they won't be very long and based on a series of one word prompts. So remember to read (well you just did) and to review. Ciao for now,




PS: I will attempt to update these daily but let's be honest here I may not always get that chance with real life. But there will be 100 ficlets based on the prompts and focus on a slice of Ichika's life and family.