Chapter 1: Pride

When her supervisor at the Ministry of Magic exclaimed merrily that she had arranged a lunch meeting with a potential mentor, Hermione did not anticipate that said mentor would be in the form of one highly aristocratic, pure-blooded wizard named Lucius Malfoy.

To her utter shock, he was quite professional throughout the meeting and offered numerous tips on navigating the dicey world of ministry politics. Hermione was finding the lunch to be fairly enjoyable on the whole. At least, until the bill arrived.

Placed gingerly on a silver platter garnished with delicate jewels and etchings, the presentation befitted the price tag. An itemized work of art, inspiring jaw-dropping awe in the beholder. Hermione's jaw certainly did just that as she caught a glimpse. A quick mental calculation confirmed that her portion would cost no less than half her upcoming wages, plus tip. Indeed, she rarely ever carried that much on her person - never mind spending it all on a single lunch, no matter the quality of the career advice received.

Lucius watched her appraisingly, seeming to be well aware of her predicament and greatly intrigued by her unflinchingly stoic response. It was, he decided, quite admirable of her. Almost what one would expect from a pureblood.

Until she produced a wizarding credit card from her purse.

"I should apologize, Ms. Granger. I confess I did not put much thought into choosing a place for luncheon," Lucius spoke with a kind of softness that might almost be confused for apology. "I would be delighted to cover the bill."

Hermione would nearly believe it, except that she was quite certain he had put a great deal of thought into the selection. To what end, however, she couldn't discern. Surely, it was already clear that there was a great disparity in both their wealth and blood statuses. Perhaps he merely wished to see whether the mudblood would choose her money or her pride when push came to shove.

"That's hardly necessary, Mr. Malfoy," Hermione flashed him a tense, but polite smile. "The meal was most enjoyable. An excellent choice."

It seemed she had chosen her pride.