The next morning, Harry was at breakfast listening to his friends talk around him, wondering how they were going to take the news. Luna shot him a dreamy smile from her spot next to Neville, silently telling him that she knew what was going on and would support him. Harry smiled thankfully back.
He remained silent through the rest of breakfast and the whole carriage ride back to the train station. It wasn't until they got into a compartment and the train started moving that his friends turned to him and started in on their badgering.
"Mate, what's been up with you? You haven't said a word all morning," Ron asked. Hermione and Ginny both nodded in agreement.
"Just wait another minute, guys. I want to wait and tell Neville and Luna too. They should be here soon."
Sure enough, as soon as Harry finished speaking, a knock sounded, and in walked Neville and Luna.
"Ok guys, well you all know that now there's a marriage law?" All occupants nodded their heads. "Well, Dumbledore has taken it upon himself to pick out who I am to be wed to."
Ginny started bouncing in her seat excitedly, believing it to be her. Hermione just huffed and said, "Well, go on and tell us then!"
Harry took a deep breath before he spoke. "Dumbledore has picked Lucius Malfoy to be my husband."
Everyone was silent for a minute before the cries of outrage started.
Ginny was first. She started sobbing and going on about how Harry was hers and only hers. Hermione began a rant on how being gay was wrong. Ron just sat sputtering and mumbling about "Bloody Death Eaters". Neville looked thoughtful while Luna just kept up her dreamy smile.
Finally, Harry had had enough of the noise. He whistled loudly to cut through everyone else's voices and gain their attention. "I am sorry if this news disappoints or upsets you. But I have no control over it. It was arranged behind my back and I didn't know until yesterday. Now, what I need to know is who is still with me and who isn't?"
Harry just received incredulous looks in return. Ron was the first to speak. "Bloody hell, Harry! You're going to be married to a Death Eater, and Lucius Malfoy no less!" Harry nodded sadly and turned to Hermione. "Harry, I can't support you in this! Homosexuality is wrong and a sin!" Harry once again nodded sadly. Ginny was still too worked up and hysterical to say anything. Harry turned to Neville and Luna. "What about you guys?"
Neville cleared his throat and said, "You've been a great friend to me, Harry. I'm not going to let some stupid thing like who you're being FORCED to marry get in the way of that!" Harry smiled at Neville while Luna nodded in agreement and gave Harry a kiss on the cheek before grabbing Neville's hand and dragging him out of the compartment.
Harry turned and smiled sadly at those he once considered his closest friends. "Well then, guys, I guess this is goodbye." With that, Harry grabbed his trunk and left in search of Draco Malfoy.
Harry soon found Draco, miraculously in a compartment alone. He knocked, then entered at Draco's nod. Harry put his trunk in the overhead, then sat in silence for a few minutes.
"So," Harry started, awkwardly breaking the silence. "Where are the other Slytherins?"
Draco chuckled. "Pansy went off alone with Theo, and Blaise went to the bathroom."
Harry nodded, and the awkward silence resumed. Finally, Harry sighed and decided to start the uncomfortable conversation they needed to have.
"So, I am sure that by now your father has filled you in on what happened. For what it is worth, I am sorry that it's happening like this. I would like you to know that I wasn't given a choice in this, and really your father wasn't either. I am not doing this to harm you or your father. Things in this war are not as they seem, and I want to help you and your father see the truth. Now, as we are soon to be family, however strange that is to think, I think we should start calling each other by our first names. Also, I would like to hear your thoughts on this matter. After all, this affects you as well."
Draco just stared at Harry in silence. He wasn't expecting this much kindness from the boy he had bullied for six years. After a moment, he shook it off and answered. "I think it will take a while to get used to. Also, I refuse to call you anything that would be parental-'Harry' will have to do. Other than that, I think I'm ok."
Harry laughed. "Draco, I would never have expected you to call me anything close to 'dad'. And take all the time you need to think things over if you aren't. Please know that if you ever need to talk and feel you can't go to your father, please come to me. I do care, and I want to be as much a family as possible."
Draco nodded, and the rest of the train ride was spent in much more comfortable silence.
Harry and Draco left the train together, Draco leading Harry to where he usually met Lucius. Sure enough, Lucius was standing at the entrance to the Muggle part of King's Cross Station, blankly staring into the crowd.
When Draco and Harry finally arrived, Lucius' face still remained blank, but Harry watched his eyes light up.
"Harry, lovely to see you again. Draco, how was your year?" Lucius asked politely as he guided them through the wall. His tone sounded dismissive, but underneath Harry could detect genuine interest. Harry realized that Lucius really was different in private, and he couldn't wait to get back to the Manor and see how much different he really was.
While Harry was contemplating how different the Malfoy Lord could be, Lucius was leading him and Draco through the crowd and out the door and into Muggle London. When Harry finally came out of his musings, he was confused to see Lucius stopped in front of a limo. Lucius caught the look, and granted Harry a small smile.
"Draco hates side-along apparation, so I purchased a limo so that we could travel together, and later so I can pick him up on holidays."
Harry smiled to Lucius as he opened the door for him and slid inside. "I totally understand. I also hate side-along apparation, so I am grateful for the alternate transport."
As the car started moving, Harry leaned against the window and closed his eyes. He heard Draco talking enthusiastically to his father about his year. He let the sound wash over him as he went back to his musings on what his new life might be like. Eventually, the motion of the car and the sounds of voices lulled him to sleep.
Lucius looked over some time later and gently smiled when he noticed the peacefully sleeping teen.
Draco noticed and said, "You really care for him, don't you, Father?"
Lucius looked over at his son, worry evident on his face but voice honest. "I am coming to care for Harry a great deal, yes. How do you feel about all of this, Draco?" Lucius felt like a fool for not asking sooner about how his son felt about the recent changes.
Draco smiled reassuringly at his father. "I'm fine with it all. Really. I mean, it's going to take some getting used to, and I'm not sure whether to treat him like a friend or a parent, but he's not that bad when we aren't being enemies."
Lucius let out a sigh of relief. He was glad his son was going to be able to get along with Harry. "Thank you, Draco. That means a lot to me. As for how to treat Harry, you'll have to ask him about it, but I'm sure just friends will be fine."
Draco breathed a sigh of relief as well. He turned his head towards the window and noticed that they were pulling up to the manor. He turned to his father and smiled when he saw him staring at Harry. "Father, we're here. Take Harry to his room and get him settled in, we can talk more later."
Lucius stared at his son. "If you're sure, Draco. That's a wonderful idea."
Draco smiled warmly. "Of course I'm sure. The three of us will need to speak tomorrow, but for now we could all use an early night after all this change in just a few days. I will see you two tomorrow, Father. Good night."
Lucius bid his son good night, and turned back to Harry. He looked so peaceful when he was asleep, and Lucius was loath to move him. He gently picked Harry up and removed him from the limo. He cradled him to his body and began to walk slowly up the drive. He wasn't worried about the boys' luggage; the elves would bring them up to their rooms later.
Harry woke up as they entered his room. He made to move, but Lucius quickly stopped him. "Stop, little one. We are in your room now, go back to sleep. You can see the Manor in the morning and unpack then as well. I am sure we have things to discuss, but they can wait another few hours."
Harry nodded drowsily, mumbling a good night before drifting off to sleep.
Lucius chuckled quietly before laying Harry down on the bed. He transformed his clothes into pajamas before tucking Harry in. Before he left, Lucius pressed a kiss to Harry's forehead and murmured a good night.
Lucius went to his own room, where he stayed awake long enough to change into his own pajamas. He then fell into his bed, and Lucius Malfoy was out before his head hit the pillow.