Disclaimer: I do not own PJO or Kane Chronicles, they belong to the man, the myth, the legend Rick Riordan.

Author's Note: Hey Everybody! Asmodeus here. This is an idea that I thought of while writing Lord and Lady Lupus and after reading a Fanfic where each chapter was set from the perspective of a girl who had a crush on Percy. I don't remember the name of the fic, but if you do, feel free to PM me with the name of it! This story will be based on Demigods and Magicians, but with twists here and there. Originally I was going to find other villains/antagonists to use, but no matter where I looked, I couldn't find any other Greco-Egyptian God than Serapis, which was my hint that I should just stick with the villains/antagonists from the original series (Yes I call it a series, I read it when it was 3 separate installments and not 1 companion book). This will be split into 4 main sections, Son of Sobek, Staff of Serapis, Crown of Ptolemy, and Post-Crown of Ptolemy. The chapters will be named accordingly. Enough chit-chat, let's start the story!

P.S. If it's one of the Kanes telling the story, there'll be no POV notation, but rather the typical recording intro used in their series.

Hey everyone, Sadie Kane here. The reason I'm making this recording is that for some reason Zeus wants myself, Carter, Percy, and Annabeth to tell you about the background of the new Olympian sub-council. I figured it's best to start from the very beginning of the story, so here goes nothing.

[Telling everybody about your new boyfriend, huh?]

[Shut up Carter! You'll get your turn to talk.]

Right then, sorry about that, Carter can be a bit of a dick sometimes [and no Carter, that doesn't mean you can talk].

It all started about 3 months after we defeated Apophis. It wasn't long after the final battle that Walt/Anubis and I broke up. I couldn't really handle the whole 2 people inhabiting the body of my boyfriend idea. We parted as friends, which was nice, but I haven't seen them in forever. Anyway, Carter was on a date with Zia, and Amos told me that there had been multiple instances of magic in a nearby swamp over on Long Island that as far as he knew hadn't been caused by a magician. Sensing an opportunity to get out of the monotony of Brooklyn House, I left Jaz in charge and went to go scope out the scene.

When I got there, I immediately saw the problem. Someone had created a petsuchos, or Son of Sobek and left. It didn't take long before a black, winged horse landed a few feet behind the petsuchos and a cute black haired boy with sea-green eyes, wearing an orange T-shirt and jeans got off, petted the horse's mane, pulled out a pen, uncapped it, turning it into a sword and charged the monster.

I sighed to myself as I thought, 'That boy must be some kind of a combat magician that doesn't know what he's up against. He can't kill the petsuchos, it's immortal.'

Sure enough, his shiny bronze sword that came out of his pen did nothing to the monster except annoying it. I knew that the boy would be in trouble if he kept poking and prodding the monster with his sword, so I summoned my staff from the Duat, which Carter had been helping me with, and pointed it at the petsuchos and yelled "Sa-mir!" All across the petsuchos' body, the hieroglyph for the word appeared and the monster stumbled away from the now shocked and confused boy.

I figured that now was as good a time as any to introduce myself to the obviously confused boy, so I walked out of the heavy treeline that I had been inadvertently hiding in since I arrived in the clearing and noticed the petsuchos. The boy looked at me, narrowed his eyes, and said, "Daughter of Hecate maybe? I don't think I've seen you at Camp before, yet you seem well trained."

The look on my face changed from relief that the petsuchos was gone for the moment to confusion as to what the heck the boy was talking about. The look on my face prompted the boy's eyes to narrow even more as he said, "Not Hecate then, Trivia? I don't see a probatio tablet around your neck or a tattoo on your forearm though…"

The look on my face grew seemingly impossibly more confused and the boy said, "You used magic, I know that but you don't recognize either form of the Goddess of Magic's name, so what are you?"

I immediately groaned and said, "I don't know who those people or places you mentioned are. I am a magician following the path of Isis from the 21st nome. I assume you're some kind of combat magician?"

The boy looked at me confused and said, "I'm no magician, I'm a demigod. The only demigod magicians are those that are children of Hecate, or Trivia if you'd rather. There's no way mortal did what you just did, so you've got to be a demigod. Yet, here you are, knowing nothing of either Camp or your parentage, and you look like you're 13, which means you should've been claimed by now. As for Isis and 21st nome, I have no clue what those are."

I stumbled back a bit when he said 'demigod.' I'd heard the term of course, but as far as I knew it wasn't an Egyptian term. I said, "If you've never heard of Isis or the 21st nome… I take it you're not Egyptian then?"

The boy reared back in shock and confusion and said, "Egyptian?! Those gods are still around too. C'mon Zeus, how much are you not telling us after all we've fucking done for you?!"

Thunder rumbled in the background and the boy mumbled something that had to do with someone called Thunderbritches being an asshole. He composed himself, stretched his hand out, and said "Considering you got rid of that monster that for some reason Riptide couldn't send to Tartarus, I might as well introduce myself. The name's Percy, Percy Jackson."

I smiled a bit and said, "Even if you are a little dense at times, I'm not going to leave someone hanging. My name's Sadie Kane."

We shook hands and as we put our hands down I said, "If you're not Egyptian, then what are you?"

Percy raised an eyebrow and said, "You seem like a studious person and I gave away so many references, why don't you take a guess?"

I shook my head slowly and said, "Of course I have to guess. Let me think. You mentioned terms like Tartarus and Zeus, so, Greek?"

Percy smiled a bit and replied, "Yeah. Son of Poseidon at your service."

"Well Percy, it's been nice talking to you, but we really need to find that monster."

Please Follow, Favorite, and Review if you enjoyed!

Asmodeus Stahl

P.S. I just want to give a special shoutout to Lovingh3art for being the only person to do anything with my Harry Potter story. Seriously guys, Only 11 people have viewed the story, 1 person from Thailand, 1 person from Jordan, 1 person from India, 1 person from Canada, 2 people from France, and 5 people from the US. Out of all 11 people, only Lovingh3art favorited the story. Nobody followed it, nor reviewed it, which was kind of disappointing to me since I put a lot of effort into researching and writing the story. So please, go check it out along with Lord and Lady Lupus if you haven't already done so!