Long luscious chocolate hair whipped through the harsh wind. Sweat that glisten on her skin, as she pants heavily having uttered a powerful spell. Her wand that was made of rich mahogany, clutched tightly in her hand.

The witch felt her energy leave her, collapsing on the ground in exhaustion. A laugh escaped from her lips. She did it. She survived a witch hunter.

Her victory was short-lived when she heard a hum behind her. Bronze eyes widened in fear, a chill went through her spine, blood running cold.

"You know, I have to give it to you." A voice, that sounds like a teenager pointed at her wounded, bloodied cheek. "You gave me a cut." She said, pulling out a small sword from behind her, as she walked towards the witch.

The said witch turned and crawled helplessly, feeling her tears build up from the corner of her eyes.


"Aww, don't cry. You won't even feel a thing." The hunter reassured, lifting her knife. "I'll just stick this through your chest and it'll all be over quick."

Pointing her wand weakly at the witch hunter, made the predator smile. With lips trembling the witch uttered a spell.

"M-Murowa!" Due to her hazy vision, the burst of magic was easily dodged by the other girl. The witch readies another spell, but felt her breath hitched when she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her chest. Her eyes traveled down and saw the eight-inch hunting knife buried deep in her heart, her blood starting to seep through her dress.

"Now, now save your energy." The huntress said with a smirk, as she whispered through the woman's ears. "W-Why are you doing this?" The dying witch gasp, feeling the life slowly seep out of her.

A giggle. A fucking giggle escaped the hunter, as if it was the most ridiculous question.

The witch hunter looked at the dying woman in the eyes with her flaming crimson.

"I was told to kill you of course. And believe me when I tell you the reward is plenty."


Atsuko Kagari was sprawled in her bed, her hunting gear laid haphazardly on the ground, her snores surrounding her small cabin. The job took longer than expected, leaving her extremely tired. What's more is that she was now sporting a bandaged cheek, due to the wound the dead witch inflicted.

The slumbering girl slowly opened her crimson eyes, groaning as she sat up. Atsuko placed a hand on her tensed shoulder and wincing in pain when she added pressure on the sore spot.

She yawned loudly, gods she need to take it easy once in a while. Standing up, Atsuko stretched and sighed in satisfaction when she heard a small pop from her back and shoulders.

Yesterday was one of the most boring shes ever been, along with that witch she fought until dawn, mainly consisting of them playing hide and seek, but she still did the job successfully either ways. The young hunter sleepily poured herself some water. She got to admit, she felt a really small part of her of remorse that she had to kill that woman to be honest. Having your own family have you killed because you're the only magical one in the family is a bummer.

Oh well, at least they paid her thirty thousand euros. It's enough to survive for quite a number of months if she's careful in spending the money and not just buy any weapon she finds cool and booze.

Atsuko placed the glass down, feeling a little bit refreshed. Looking down, she noticed she was still in her hunting garb. 'I must've passed out like a light when I arrived.' She sighed, discarding her dark red coat and tossing it somewhere in the house and changing into a more comfortable attire.

The crimson eyed girl felt her stomach grumble in hunger, causing her to groan. Walking towards her small kitchen, she placed two bread on the toaster and took out two eggs, bacon, then opened the stove.

As she finished, she sets the plate down, hearing the chime of the toaster and cursing as she went and grabbed the hot toasted bread. She sighed as the food entered her mouth, satiating her empty stomach.

Atsuko Kagari is a witch hunter, the youngest one in this generation. She came from Japan but jumped in a cargo ship to Europe, and hopefully start a new life. She's at the age of sixteen, nearly seventeen in a few months. Why she chose to be a witch hunter was out of pure anger. Her hatred for witches runs deep in her veins, as she watched her family be murdered by them at a very young age. She could still remember the brief moment of the fiery red hair and eyes that locked to her own scared crimson, and she swore she felt something die inside of her.

Her only relative who took her in. Her drunk miserable drunk relative who was left by his wife and turned to alcohol, would often beat her frail body. He would spout whatever insults he could think of to make him feel better from his miserable life, and she endured it for three years until she took action. Atsuko didn't really like her uncle. He always smelled of strong alcohol and sweat. She didn't like her uncle, that's why she killed him. She felt a small satisfaction watching her bastard of a relative drown in his own blood, trying to get the kitchen knife out of his neck.

Atsuko might've gone crazy, but she's still pretty much sane.

She left without a trace, leaving her uncle's decaying body behind.

Moving to Europe didn't fair any better. Without any money, she was forced into poverty and Atsuko was lost after that, living among the lowest of the low, where she learned the art of stealing from the slums to survive the harsh reality.

Her soft crimson eyes turned cold, as they bore to the witch tied in a wooden pole whenever the towns people managed to catch one, burning the thing to death.

She enjoyed it.

Atsuko started training at the age of nine, when she happened to come across and convince a lone experienced hunter in the system of a certain association. She trained rigorously for five painful years, before she suddenly found herself a full fledged witch hunter. With seven consecutive kills within the span of a year left the higher up impressed, as gathering tracks and killing witches takes a lot of time because of their perfect glamour of blending in with non-magical beings.

Oh yes, she is gifted of being a predator.

Atsuko finished her breakfast, pouring herself another cup of water and chugging it down. The girl gathered the used plate and went to the sink, washing all the dishes that was in there for weeks.

Peering through the window, she saw how dark the sky was. "Seems like it'll be raining soon." She said as she shrugged. She placed the dish on it's rightful place, and walked back to her bed and plopping herself down.

Atsuko yawned once again, her fingers through the rope of her her ruby necklace. The final thing she managed to scavenge in her old home that belonged to her mother, when she was transported back to her hometown for hunting business. Crimson eyes stared at the ceiling before they slowly close themselves, engaging in another deep slumber.

She was woken up by the banging of her door. Atsuko chose to ignore it first, thinking it was just the wind or some wild animal. The hunter didn't move but she groaned when the consistent banging increased it's volume.

"Alright, alright I'm coming, sheesh." She said in annoyance. Who in their right mind would like to see her in this downpour? Atsuko grumbled as she opened the door, where a hooded woman was standing in front of her with dull blue eyes.

"Well? May I come in?" The unknown woman said, causing Atsuko to narrow her eyes. "And why would I do that?" Crimson eyes roamed around the woman, immediately noticing the magical presence she gives off. This woman. She's a witch.

"I'm proposing a bounty and thought you might be interested in the generous reward I'll offer." Now that is quite peculiar. The two held a staring contest for a few seconds. 'Fine. I'll bite.' Atsuko thought, gesturing the new client inside.

The blue eyed woman removed the hood from her head, revealing a dull blonde hair with an odd streaks of mint green. The woman cringed at the look of the place.

Atsuko had her arms crossed, her crimson eyes observing through the woman in front of her. "Sit wherever you like." She said. "No need for that, I plan on discussing this briefly." The blue eyed woman said. "I've been told that you're the youngest witch hunter, correct?" Atsuko didn't answer. "And you're also one of the capable few that could pull this off."

"And what of it, witch?" The hunter said, earning an impressed look from the woman. "I see, they're right about you." She smiled wickedly. "Moving on, I want you to kill someone for me."

"Everyone who comes here wants someone killed." Atsuko said, before narrowing her eyes. "And why would I do that for you? I don't take jobs for witches." The crimson eyed girl said, pointing her unsheathed katana.

"You wouldn't want to be pointing that little toy of yours towards me." The woman said, causing Atsuko to frown, her crimson eyes giving a small glint. "You are in my territory, witch. I could do anything I want and you're far away from your precious sorcerer's stone."

The witch chuckled. "I won't need a sorcerer's stone to kill you in seconds, hunter." Atsuko held her intense gaze for a second, before she lowered her sword down. "Now that we aren't trying to kill each other, I suppose it's quite rude of me to not introduce myself. My name is Daryl, and I believe last names are a little bit confidential."

Atsuko hardened her gaze. Daryl, she's heard of that name before, but where?

"No need to introduce yourself, dear hunter. I've done my research." Crimson met dull blue. She didn't like this Daryl lady.

"Now, on to business." Daryl obtained a picture from her pocket and handing it to the witch hunter. "I want you to kill her." Atsuko cautiously took the picture, there she saw someone identical to the woman in front of her. The girl in the picture can't be far away from her age. She has that piercing clear blue eyes compared to Daryl's dull blue, her hair the same as the old witch but lighter in tone and much more appeasing to the eyes compared to the woman in front of her. She could tell that this girl has that superior aura just by looking at the picture.


"She's been a pest for quite sometime, and what do you do to pest? Exterminate them." Daryl said with a scowl, then looked at the hunter. "I want you to do that job for me."

What's with families wanting to kill off their own? Atusko pondered for a moment, giving another thought on whether to accept the job or not.

"What's in it for me?"

"Ten million euros." Daryl stated, crimson eyes widened. Ten million euros is something, but ten million just for killing this little girl? Now that's something. "How quaint." The hunter said. "And may I ask why the large sum of money?"

"You'll see once you've encountered her." Daryl said, making Atsuko harden her gaze. "I hope you don't disappoint and get yourself killed." The hunter glared at her. "How would I even know if you have that kind of money?"

"Please, I could buy a mansion with a snap of my fingers without hesitation." The witch said with a scoff. Atsuko stared at the woman then shifted her gaze back to the picture. "She must be quite troublesome for you to place a number on her head."

Daryl grimaced.

"Very much so."


Atsuko Kagari grumbled underneath her breath. She wondered, why did she take this job? She shivered when a cold breeze passed by, flinching when the cold metallic feel of her favorite red hilt wakizashi bite her skin.

"God damn it." The crimson eyed girl whispered, as she carries her back pack with a year worth of clothes, her gear and hunter garb. Atsuko groans, making her way to the said tower towards that damn school.


'Where do I find her?' She asks, whilst Daryl brought out a form, handing it to the hunter. 'Luna Nova.' Atsuko looked at the woman with wide eyes. "Are you fucking with me?" She said, her blood running cold as she reads the paper. The old witch gave her a dirty look with her use of profanity, but the young girl ignored it.

The letter reads.

'Salutations! We would like to offer you, Miss Atsuko Kagari, the letter of accep-' Atsuko couldn't read any further. "Are you stupid?" She said, causing Daryl's eyebrow to twitch. "You're sending me to a lion's den, you little bi-!"

"Enough! I will not be having you insult me." The witch glared. "I came to you because I know you're capable of doing this task."

This crazy witch just went and enrolled her, a witch hunter, to a school of witchcraft. What the actual- "Fuck." The hunter grimaced. "Why me, in particular? There are a lot of hunters out there that could do this job."

Daryl scowled. "You and your profanities... I know there are more experienced witch hunters out there, but your age could pass up in the school's system." The witch said. "All hunters, excluding you, are old. They could never go inside Luna Nova. Besides, I know you're the first female to ever pass as a hunter and I'll have you know Luna Nova is a girls school."

"But why is she supposed to be killed there? Can't it be, you know, someplace else?" Daryl shook her head. "She never comes home." Atsuko raised her eyebrow. "That child never leaves that school." The witch stated. How strange.

The witch hunter looked at the letter on her hand, then back to Daryl's dull blue eyes. She threw the letter in Daryl's front and narrowed her eyes. "I'm not taking this job of yours. I might be a witch hunter, but I'm not stupid enough to throw myself in a suicide mission."

The old witch frowned, but of course there's always another way to make this stubborn hunter to take the job.

"Atsuko Kagari. Child of Sakura Kagari and Kabuto Kagari, correct me if I'm wrong." Crimson eyes stared at the woman in front of her with her cold gaze that could make a devil flinch. The hunter dashed forward towards the witch, who could only smirk as she feels the cold bite of the deadly weapon on her neck.

"Who are you." Atsuko said, her voice dangerously low. Her eyes void of emotion, her grip on the sword felt like fire. "I'm someone who would never take the answer of no. You see, there's another reason why I'm sending you to Luna Nova." Daryl said with a smirk, raising her chin a little bit higher when Atsuko pressed the blade closer to her neck.

"You wanted revenge, right? You wanted to slaughter that witch who took your parents?" Atsuko growled. "Well, that little witch of yours is in that school, living the life, protected by witches. Whilst you're down here, grieving, murdering. I'm offering you a chance." The hunter slowly lowered the sword down, making a way for the woman to breathe.

"A chance to kill the witch who killed your parents in cold blood. The witch with flaming red hair and matching flaming red eyes. The witch called Chariot du Nord." Daryl could feel herself smirk, when she saw that her manipulation had worked accordingly. "I know you wouldn't pass that chance of killing her now, would you?" With that, Atsuko didn't have to think twice.

End of flashback

Atsuko clutched the strap of her bag as she stared at the ceiling of the leyline tower. "Where the hell am I suppose to go now?" She whispered. She's heard of the school, but never saw what it looks like. She knows it's a prestigious school for witches in training, and if it meant prestigious, it could only mean that it's big.

Just thinking about the school gives Atsuko a mild head ache.

Her ears perked when she heard chattering of the three girls that was walking towards the leyline. Trained crimson eyes observed them, instantly noticing the uniform they wore and the brooms they hold.

Students of Luna Nova. Great, time to act all friendly and stuff.

"Excuse me! But can you show me where Luna Nova is?" Atsuko nearly lost it when they suddenly laughed at her, mocking her. It almost made her want to just-! "Oh my, do you seriously not know how to get to the school? What, are you living under a rock?" The black haired girl said in a mocking manner.

"I bet she isn't even a witch." The orange haired girl of the group followed. 'Tia freyre!" They chanted, as they positioned themselves in the broom. "She probably forgot her own broom, oh! Looks like you won't be attending the opening ceremony! Oh well, I'm glad I'm not you!" The trio flew up the terminal, laughing as they did so, leaving an enraged witch hunter behind.

"God damn witches." Atsuko grumbled, kicking a stone. She nearly lost herself for a moment there, and it's bad if she wants to keep this up for a year.

"Oh no, oh no! I'm late!" The hunter looked at the corner of her eyes, spotting a short haired girl, wearing large bifocals. 'Keep up the act, Atsuko.' The witch hunter said, mustering up the energy to smile.

"Hello! Sorry, but do you know where Luna Nova is?" Atsuko showed the map in her hands and pointed at the tower. "I think I might be lost." The witch perked up.

"Oh! No, you're at the right place. You just need to fly up in this tower and reach the leyline! I'm sorry, but I really need to go!" The short haired girl said, fumbling her broom.

"Wait! Could I ride with you? I still don't have a broom." The glasses witch raised her eyebrows. "You don't have a broom?" Atsuko nods. "Yeah, I'm a transfer student." She adds the embarrassed look.

"Sure, but we must hurry! We're going to be late!" The witch said in a hurry, whilst Atsuko secured her backpack and settled herself as a passenger for the witch. She felt herself wobble when they lift off, not used to the feeling of flying in a broom.

Inside the leyline was quite uncomfortable, well for Atsuko that is. It's was like a big tunnel that leads to nowhere, and it's really, really bright. The hunter looked at her 'companion' and shook her head.

"So, why do you need the leyline to go to Luna Nova?" The witch was taken aback by the sudden conversation, but answered nonetheless. "Well, the magical ministry were alerted that the witch hunters had become quite active recently, so they placed this type of terminal that acts as a barrier." Atsuko could feel herself smirk. "Since Luna Nova is the only witching school in Europe, it became secluded after all the mass murders. This is basically a secret entrance to ward off witch hunters." The witch said.

"Well good thing that Luna Nova's secured, I wouldn't feel safe if they didn't." Atsuko said, bringing up the act. "I know, it's a good thing put up the leyline for witches."

As they entered they exited the leyline and the school was revealed, Atsuko felt herself smirk. She's got to admit, their anti-witch hunter yada yada is quite impressive. It really does give a sense of security for this witches.

'Not for long.'


This job sucked.

She's been stuck in this school for two weeks, and Atsuko could barely hold her ground and could feel her hunter instincts kick in. Sure, the assigned rooms were nice, rooming herself with two more witches, which she was surprised to find were, well, behaving nothing like what the books say about witches.

Her roommates consist of the witch who gave her a broom ride and an unenthusiastic gloomy witch, who has an obsession on mushrooms and potions. She could definitely stand her roommates, even surprising herself whenever she would laugh alongside them and could even enjoy their presence.

But what she couldn't stand, is the constant mockery of these motherfu- ahem, these witches.

It was the first day of learning magic, which the hunter obviously lacks and could care any less about, then that damn old professor, Finnelan, scolds her for not knowing the basics, which again, she could care less about, seeing as she's in this god forsaken school for business, but they don't need to know that. Then all these juvenile witches had the nerve to look down on her, well they do in magical aspects, but if only she could whip out her weapon and, well, kill them.

But no, she isn't a psychopath and stupid enough to kill witches without being told to, but of course she's making an exception for Chariot du Nord.

Then there's the person who her client wants killed.

Diana Cavendish, her name was. A smart and diligent student, a student who cares for other student, the teacher's pet, an aristocrat- but still, quite affectionate for others. She wonders why she's wanted killed. Oh well, there's a million euros for her head, what a shame indeed.

Atsuko, or should I say 'Akko', a nickname she's settling for a while, sighed as she plopped down her own bed, she just came back from all those pointless classes leaving her extremely drained. Her roommates were nowhere to be seen at the moment, leaving the room to herself.

Dull crimson eyes stared at the ceiling. She wants to end this mission so bad. This was, by far, the most riskiest and dangerous job she's taken so far. Being surrounded by all these witches without any reinforcements are a major pain in the ass.

One wrong move and she's dead.

'I can't fail this, and neither could I leave Chariot du Nord alive.' The hunter thought, finally closing her eyes and let sleep take over.

She woke up at the middle of the night, she's guessing around ten in the evening. Slowly, she stood out of bed, she noticed her roommates sleeping nearby, judging from their patterned breathing.

Akko, now dressed in her dark red hunter garb, slung the small bag on her shoulder that consist all her weapon. She really needs to find a safe place for her weapons and garb.

The experienced hunter, easily snuck out of her room. She used the window to avoid suspicion, and climbed down the dormitories. She pulled the cloth up to cover half of her face, her hair now settled in a messy pony tail to avoid the similarities of her 'alter' ego, if someone were to find out.

The trained hunter looked at the moon above, admiring it's beauty for a small second. Akko shook her head and proceeded to navigate a certain patrolling witch. She suppose she could thank the witches mocking her about how she could never be her ever so amazing target, giving her something to know about Diana without even doing any efforts.

She chuckled grimly. 'A bunch of idiots that's what they are.' Akko thought.

It didn't take long for her to find the blue eyed witch patrolling around the school grounds in her nightgown and on her hand was her wand and on the other was a lamp.

The hunter watched through the shadows, waiting. Akko trailed close, but not too close as to raise suspicion, behind the targeted witch. Her wakizashi unsheathed and clutched on her right hand in a reverse grip.

The hunter crept closer, slowly but surely. She saw Diana turned to a corner, she followed and hid behind the wall. The crimson eyed hunter peeked through the wall and saw no one. Her eyes widened. 'What?' The corner was a dead end-

"State your business."

She froze when she felt a presence behind her. Atsuko turned a hundred eighty degree angle where she found her target a few steps away from her, creating a distance that was not too far and not too close either. Her wand clutched in her right hand as it gives an ominous glow, almost sending a shiver down the hunter's spine. Akko looked at the witch at the corner of her eyes and locked gaze with piercing cold blue eyes.

"Who are you?" Diana said. The hunter slowly opting on remaining silent, the witch hardening her gaze as she did, a spell already at the tip of her tongue.

"Easy now, little girl." Akko said, cautiously choosing her own words and movement. 'One wrong move and I'm dead.'

"Nice illusion spell you have there. Had me fooled." Diana narrowed her gaze, tightening her hold on her wand. "I ask again, who are you and what is your business here?"

"I'm afraid I can't tell you that." The hunter said, slowly reached for her Katana that was strapped on her back-

"Motus subsisto!" The witch chanted, as Atsuko finds herself unable to move. She grunted, trying to move an inch of her body. "You won't be able to move. Even if you try your hardest." Diana said, lowering her wand and alerted the teachers with a chant. "I ask again, who are you?" The witch said.

Atsuko chuckled.

"N-Nice try little lady, but this bind of yours isn't going to last long, and you better be damn hopeful that I'm gonna spill things to you." True to her words, the blue eyed witch eyes widened as the spell broke due to the odd looking emblem that was hidden from plain sight, but she didn't need to know that. It was one of the few necessities the organization rewards after their training that nullifies magic such as this.

Of course, they didn't want to risk their hunters now would they?

"Witch hunter." Diana gasps as she took a step back, but casts another spell at the killer's way. "Murowa!" Having just recovered, Atsuko didn't waste anytime dodging the fiery blast.

She chuckled. "You got to try better than that." Tightening her grip on her blade.

An old draft of mine that was supposed to be a oneshot. Should I continue?