The Jungle King

This was the first Keychain Sora was gifted. At first Sora didn't really understand what it was. A token from Tarzan to remember him by, presumably. But why a thin vine tied to a preserved butterfly?

It wasn't until Goofy mentioned that it looked kind of like a keychain that Sora began to understand why Tarzan gave it to him.

Tarzan, being so inquisitive, was no doubt intrigued by Sora's Keyblade. The jangling of the Keychain equipped to the bottom of it must have caught his eye in particular. So just as Sora was about to leave Deep Jungle with Donald and Goofy, Tarzan appeared and presented the, now dubbed Jungle King, keychain to him.

One day, mostly out of curiosity, Sora attached the gift to his Keyblade. He was amazed to find it had changed shape just moments after it was attached. Not only that, the very materials it was made from seemed to change too! His formerly metal weapon now seemed to have been carved from wood!

At first, Sora loved the Jungle King keychain. It served well in its duty to remind Sora of Tarzan. But after a while, and as more and more Keychains were collected, it started to become less special to him.

Especially on one day.

While attempting the Pegasus Cup, Sora felt something in his shoulder. He could feel it, small and round, moving slightly inside him as he swung his Keyblade. It made him uneasy and he couldn't focus on the match at hand. Something the Heartless in the arena took full advantage of. He might have died, or lost his heart, had Donald and Goofy not been his side and ready to jump to his rescue.

"What is this thing," Sora complained after the match, poking at it gingerly. It seemed to be buried underneath a messy scar.

It took Donald a minute, but eventually he recognized it. "It's a bullet. Remember? When we fought Clayton and he shot you?"

That's right… Sora hadn't known cure yet. So when Donald instinctively cast the spell on Sora, the wound must have healed over the bullet. It was the first actual gun Sora had ever seen. Nothing like Leon's Gunblade. Sora thought Clayton used some kind of magic when he'd gotten hit by it.

Looking at his collection of Keychains, the Jungle King stood out to him for all the wrong reasons now. Just a little closer to the center of his body and Sora would be dead now. Not a Heartless, just dead. And so close to what he could now realize was only the beginning of his adventure.

Too often, just the sight of Jungle King Keychain reminded Sora of Clayton and the bullet lodged in his shoulder, and not his friend Tarzan. And so, it was the first Keychain that Sora decided to retire. Left to sit in a drawer in his room onboard the Gummi Ship.

The first to be given, and the first to be given up.

The Lady Luck

"Is that… A playing card?" Donald raised an eyebrow as Sora pulled the object out from the chest.

"Not just any playing card, it's the Ace of Hearts." Goofy answered. "Say, uh, is it weird that a playing card is the last thing I'd expect to find on this world?" Goofy asked, scratching the side of his head with one finger.

Sora had to agree with him. Despite long since accepting that Wonderland was more a land of oddities than wonder, Sora certainly didn't expect to find an actual playing card in this world. What would the Queen of Hearts or any of the playing card soldiers have to say if they saw him with this?

Feeling the card, it was made of the same materials as the rest of the card soldiers. Sora had learned what they felt like after shoulder bashing one of them, back when he was trying to help Alice get out of her cage.

A chill ran up Sora's spine. Was this card the Wonderland equivalent of walking around with a toy soldier, or a shrunken head? Maybe a toy soldier made of human flesh?

Sora shook his head, hoping he could shake out these thoughts. He felt like he'd finally found something that would disturb the people of this world as he tucked it into his pocket.

"Best to not let anyone from around here see this," Sora said

With not much to do with a single playing card, Sora fashioned it into a Keychain for him to use. Wielding the Keyblade with it, Sora felt like he had all the magic of Wonderland on his side as he fought. Not even the Spellbinder keychain that Merlin gave him compared to the magic inside this form the Keyblade took.

"It's almost like Lady Luck was lookin' out for ya when you found it!" Goofy said as they walked back to the Gummi Ship.

Indeed. If it hadn't been for that Trinity mark on the ground, Sora would have passed right by it. Just as he'd done every other time he'd gone to Wonderland.

"You might be right." Sora said as he took another look at it. "In fact, you might have even come up with a good name for it, too!"

"Gwarsh, I did?" Goofy exclaimed. "What'd I call it?!"

Sora looked at the new form the Keyblade had taken. Lady Luck.

The Fairy Harp

There were two interesting aspects about this keychain. First, it was the last Keychain Sora had received as a gift from visiting a brand new world. The second interesting aspect was that he'd gotten it from Tinker Bell instead of Peter Pan.

Sora expected some sort of charm or trinket from Peter as goodbye. Most places he went to, where he made new friends, usually ended that way. But Peter surprised him.

"Oh, boy. She's gettin' steamed again. Do me a favor. Look after her for me, will ya?"

It took Sora a moment to realize he was talking about Tinker Bell. "What?!" Sora gaped at the ridiculous request. His parents back on the Islands wouldn't even trust him with a pet, much less a fairy.

She's a person, right? Just very small and can fly. Is Tinker Bell even okay with this? Sora thought to himself.

But Tinker Bell was a jealous fairy, specifically of Peter and Wendy, and she must have thought Peter would get just as jealous as her if she went traveling the worlds with another boy.

At least that's what Sora assumed. He couldn't understand Tinker Bell's fairy speak. So, any attempt at communicating with her left him feeling like he was talking to a ringing bell.

Regardless of if her ploy worked, Tinker Bell took some insurance with her.

Peter Pan's signature red feather.

She stole it right off the top of his hat as she flew into the Gummi Ship. No one even noticed until they were halfway to Traverse Town.

Onboard the Gummi Ship, Sora studied the red feather. Realizing that he could turn it into a keychain, Sora got to work affixing a makeshift chain to it from parts he'd bought from Donald's nephews.

The group watched with excitement as the Keyblade changed shape. All of them waiting in anticipation on what kind of form would it take.

The form it decided on was closer to a Key-tooth pick than a Keyblade. The thing was tiny, and Donald raised an eyebrow at it. "You sure you can fight with that?"

"Uhh, shouldn't be too big of a deal." Sora said. The Keyblade had taken many shapes and lengths before, but usually it kept his foes at greater distance away than this. "Peter could fight just fine with his dagger. Maybe it's length is in reference to that."

Donald spun in his chair to resume piloting the Gummi Ship. "If you say so. But you'd better practice with it before you take it to someplace with any real danger."

Sora made a pouty face at the back of Donald's head. "I'll be just fine using the Keyblade in this form."

Stepping in before anymore tension could grow, Goofy spoke up. "Whaddya want to call it?" Goofy asked. Ever the fun one, Goofy kept Sora company on the long flight back as they tossed names back and forth.

Deciding on the name Fairy Harp, Sora ultimately didn't use this keychain very much. Firstly because, as Donald suspected, it was too small. On more than one occasion, Sora would fall flat on his face as he tried to fight with it.

Sora was so used to throwing all his weight behind his moves that when he switched to the Fairy Harp and his swing came up short, the momentum behind each swing would often cause Sora to fall on his face. A fact Donald found hilarious. Sora, less so.

The second reason being that Tinker Bell missed Peter more than she wanted to let on. Often when Sora went to grab the feathered keychain, Tinker Bell had already taken it from his room and flown off with it to someplace inside the Gummi Ship.

On the days where Sora was determined to use the Fairy Harp, he'd track her down and find her huddled with it, thinking of Peter and the secret hideout filled with all the Lost Boys.

Not that she could tell that to Sora. Only Peter Pan could understand her fairy speak. And she didn't want to appear ungrateful at the opportunity to visit other worlds with this unlikely trio, but sometimes she couldn't help herself from getting like this.

Fortunately, Sora could recognize the feelings of missing home, even if they couldn't be said out loud. So even when he was determined to use the Fairy Harp, if he found that Tinker Bell had taken it for herself then Sora would let her have it.

Ultimately, Tinker Bell was far more useful as a companion than any single keychain would be on their journey. With Donald's help she'd learned to preform Cure magic, and the mage even taught Sora how he to summon her from within the Gummi Ship for moments when they needed her help.

Sora looked over at the tiny fairy hovering between him and Peter Pan. As if sensing his gaze, she turned from the conversation she was having with Peter to look back at him.

Now that they had finally tracked down and defeated the Heartless they'd dubbed 'The Phantom', there wasn't much reason to stick around on this World. But still, there was one more thing he had to do before leaving this world again.

"Ready to go home, Tinker Bell?" Sora offered. Fully expecting her to get excited and maybe wish him a farewell in those ringing tones he'd gotten used to hearing.

Instead, the small glowing fairy floated up to Sora's eye level and stomped her foot against nonexistent ground as shook her head firmly.

"No? But I thought you missed home?" Sora was confused. Tinker Bell seemed so excited to be back when their Gummi Ship pulled into her home World.

She seemed to be trying to explain herself, but once again Sora couldn't understand a word of her bell-like fairy speak.

"It sounds like she wants to make sure you're okay for the last leg of your journey," Peter translated. He floated down from the top of Big Ben and listened to Tinker Bell go on. "I don't really understand most of it, she's talkin' 'bout a lot of people I've never met. But she really wants to help when you take on some guy called Ansem."

Sora looked back at Tinker Bell still floating in front of his face, just as she did when Peter first asked him to take her along with him.

Tinker Bell said more that Sora couldn't understand, but fortunately Peter was still there to translate.

"Don't forget, the Princesses said that once all the worlds are restored everyone will be returned to their original world. I'll still be able to go home."

Peter stopped translating and moved closer to talk to Tinker Bell directly. "Hey Tink, it sounds like Sora's going to be facing some real tough challenges. You take care of him okay?"

Tinker Bell nodded.

"Pack them some extra pixie dust, just in case!"

Tinker Bell rolled her eyes but smiled as well. It wasn't like Peter to get overprotective. Maybe fighting the Phantom with Sora and the others was making him more worried than usual? Regardless, Tinker Bell said one more thing to Peter before flying over and taking her place next to Sora, Donald, and Goofy.

"Hey, Sora," Peter called out as the group started moving to the Gummi Ship. "Tink says that you're her friend, so she wants you to call her Tink as well. Y'know, just like me!"

Sora looked at the little fairy. Sora chuckled slightly and smiled at her. "Tink, huh? No problem!

Sora and Tinker Bell watched from inside the cockpit of the Gummi Ship as Peter waved goodbye to them. "Hey Tink! When you get back, me and all the Lost Boys are going to throw you a big welcome home party! So, make sure you're prepared to tell us lots of stories when you get back!

Tinker Bell nodded from behind the glass and watched him continue to wave goodbye until even the smallest green speck of him was gone.

Sora looked at the fairy and cracked a smile. "Hey, Tinker Bell- I mean Tink…" Tinker Bell turned away from the glass that separated everyone in the cockpit from Gummi Space. "Thanks for coming with us."

She shined a little brighter and smiled back at him.

"And I hope you're prepared for the last leg of our journey, because I think we'll be needing your help."

This time she smirked and gave him a confident nod.

Author's Notes: Hoo boy, this has been something I've worked on for a quite awhile now (just about non-stop for two months exactly). I hope you found these first three keychain stories interesting. I'll be back with more very soon. But in the meantime if you want to let me know what you've thought so far, then I would greatly appreciate it! Either way, have a wonderful day!