This is just an idea I had, review or send PM if you want me to continue this story. I'll probably edit some minor things n this chapter/prologue.

English is not my first language so keep that in mind.

Also, the story will have some events from Cannon but there will be many changes. For example, Hashirama and Tobirama surviving the 1st War. If you have any questions just ask right away so I can continue.

If you like it I'll publish at least 1/2 chapters a week.

Chapters will be longer, the prologue is an exception.

Have fun.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Unknown Small Village

In the Bar

Senju Hashirama is an happy man.

Not because he ended the first Ninja World War by signing a treaty peace between the Shinobi Godaikoku (Five Great Shinobi Nations) at the first Gokage Kaidan (Five Kage Summit), after all he is a man that always strived for peace, not because he has a beautiful wife and somewhat a good life... No, right now the reason for his happiness lies on the man several tables in front of him. You ask Who and Why, and to answer those questions is easy.

Flashback (15 minutes ago)

Senju Tobirama is an unhappy man.

After the first ever Ninja World War, that ended last week, he's been a little depressed since he knows very well that his brother is dying. He probably has this next two, three months and goodbye. All of this because of that bastard Uchiha that gave him more wounds that the medics or even his body enhanced with Senjutsu Chakra could heal. Blasphemy! - thought the youngest Senju brother. Of course he still maintains his all stoic attitude, but when it comes to family it's always difficult to ignore specially when it's about his loud idiotic stupid brother. But still brother nonetheless. He's interrupted from his brooding by someone sitting in front of him.

"Excuse me for interrupting your brood- thoughts! But I thought you would need some break, after all everyone's partying and celebrating and you are here doing nothing but drinking. Care to enlighten me?" - Asked a curious long black haired, pale skin with charcoal eyes, woman that looked to be on her earlier twenties, he was on his late twenties.

"Oh? Not to many people has your courage to just boldly sit in front of me, I wonder if perhaps it is stupidity since I can tell by your large reserves and your unique chakra signature that you're not from where I came from. Even though we're currently at piece, it still can be dangerous wondering around. So, who are you?" - Stated/asked the stoic white haired, having used his sensor abilities and detecting both Suiton and Fuuton affinities that seemed to be able to merge with each other. Could she be from that troublesome clan? And if so, what is she doing here so far away.. - was his thought

"Mara... Yuki as you probably already guessed. And yes, I agree with you about the dangerous thing but still, I've been travelling for some time already and although I trust my abilities to keep me safe I'm not really looking for trouble. Just... settle down." - Answered, noting the way he spoke the world 'piece' and narrowing her eyes at that but let go and finishing her statement a little... embarrassed?

The next few minutes went along by asking few questions to each other, drinking sake and either realizing how good it felt talking to each other nor the fact that they were being watched by the Shinobi no Kami.

Flashback End

"So Tobirama-kun, what're you planning to do?" - Curiosity in her tone and not noticing her slip probably due to being a little drunk.

If he noticed the slip he didn't show it, remaining all stoic during their conversation although sometimes cracking a small smile, he answered the beauty.

"Hmmm, I'm going back to the village tomorrow. My brother is probably standing down as a Hokage, and I'll take his position. Keep training my genins and passing down my will to someone trustworthy... I guess that's it." - you could tell by his tone that he was a little crestfallen by something.

"You're not planning to have... a family? " - she did notice the slight twitch on his lips after the last word and realized why he got a little sad after his last statement.

"Well... I do have my village, they are my family" - answered albeit a little weak and you could tell he was uncomfortable talking about this topic.

"So, what do you say if I want to go with you to live in your village...?"

Time Skip (20 years)

Tobirama - 50y

Mara - 43y

Senju Tobirama and Senju Yuki Mara could tell that these last 20 years have been literally nuts with ups and downs.

Even though it took 3 years for Tobirama to grow a pair of balls and ask Mara if she wanted (secretly) marry with him, he still has done it. Only a few close friends of Tobirama knew of this marriage, so they could be counted by one hand.

Has he predicted, 3 months after he got to know Mara, Senju Hashirama, his brother, died due to chakra poisoned and his late wounds from the historical battle with Uchiha Madara plus the newest ones acquired on the last war. Thus leading him to be the next hokage, The Nidaime Hokage.

After the First Shinobi World War ended with an armistice treaty, but also left the Five Great Shinobi Countries seriously wounded, tho this treaty only led to a period of peace, but after about twenty years, the economic disparity between the countries had become a serious problem. The nations began to form factions, and under the pretext of expending fair rights, the countries started using military force to expand their territories. Thus, the first signs of war has started.

Tobirama's reign as Hokage included helping Konoha's shinobi transition from valuing their clan above all else to valuing the village and everyone in it. To this end he created such institutions as the Academy, the Anbu, and the Chūnin Exams. While largely successful, enough that other villages adopted the same organisations, the Uchiha resisted the loss of their autonomy. Already wary of the Uchiha because of his history with Uchiha Madara, Tobirama created the Konoha Military Police Force for the Uchiha to run, publicly as a sign of trust but primarily so that the Uchiha could focus their energies into something beneficial. Others, however, would come to see this as a way to marginalise the clan. (No, there probably won't be Uchiha Massacre and they will be redeemed)

During the last years Mara tried to conceive a child but never happened, getting frustrated because was her dream since she met Tobirama.

Tobirama also got a little upset, not at Mara but at the council, mainly the Civilian Council that was formed to run most of the errands from the civilian side of the village. They were always arguing to put him under CRA law that his brother created since the Senju Ichizoku was getting low on numbers because of the last War and the last skirmishes in the last years with the other Nations but he's always refusing it since he only has one love only even tho It's against his values for the village (that village is above all) but he just can't and he doesn't want to tell them about being betrothed to Yuki Mara, a woman that is not originally from Konohagakure.

What he didn't know was that his Wife would give the first pregnant's signs tomorrow.

Time Skip (9 months later)

Tobirama's Hideout - Close to Konohagakure

Senju Tobirama didn't know what or how to feel.

His baby.

His son.

He is finally born.

He was going through so many emotions that he thought was going to faint.

And that he did.

Senju Tobirama fainted. Hilarious.


Senju Compound

"TOBI-KOI, I'M PREGNANT!" - tears falling from her eyes already. She couldn't believe it. She was already starting to think that she couldn't conceive a child and was losing hope. And now this. I think I should try ag-

A blue flash was the only signal she had after she got lifted by Tobirama, interrupting her thoughts, who for the first time ever she saw, was crying. But that was a cry of joy, tears of joy.

"Thank you, Mara-chan!" - was his only answer, but that was enough for her as just by looking at his red eyes, she could tell how much love was going through them.

Flashback End

After a few minutes, Tobirama woke up with a scene that was going to be forever imprinted in his memory.

The woman he loved, the woman who gave him everything he could ask for, kissing and hugging with all love and warm she could muster their child.

The child had already a tiny bit of hair, and they could tell that was going to be black much to the chagrin of Tobirama and the amusing of Mara. But when he opened his eyes for the first time their breath hitched. Dark imposing red eyes, same colour as Tobirama but same size? as Yuki Mara which was bigger than the narrowed ones from Tobirama. Pale skin from both of his parents and the same three red line markings, two under his eyes and one under his chin. They could tell he was going to be quite a catch.

"So, are we giving the name that Mito-nee wanted to give in case she had a son with Hashirama-baka?" - asked his wife, with a tear falling on her cheek and a grin that was so big that is threatening to split her face.

"Yes, in honor to Hashi-nee. He would like that. And Mito-chan will probably agree with us." - his grin matching that of her wife.

"Senju Naruto It is then..."

A Child that will rock the World, that will surpass his ancestors, is born.