Disclaimer: All Characters belong to their original owners.
Author's Note: I am Handicapped so please bare that in mind if my spelling is off. I use spell checker. I also have a slight mental disability so please excuse any mistakes. I do the best I can with writing these stories and trying to post chapters. Also I am a very sick person so their will be periods where I don't update. But ALL my stories will be updated eventually.
Percy is betrayed by the Camps and the Olympians. He is thrown in Tartarus. Lady Chaos rescues him and makes him part of her and her husband Lord Orders Council. Where he gets blessed by the Primordial. He finds love and family. Now danger in earth is making the gods and children having to relocate. Lady Chaos offers them her planet…
Author's Note: Cupid is not Eros in this story
Chapter .1.
Omega looked at the arguing Primordials and wondered how he ended up being the voice of reason and the Commander of the Army of Lady Chaos and Lord Order and Crown Prince of the Universe. And how HIMSELF ended up a Primordial when he had been a disgraced demigod. Yes that is right he was had been a demigod so very, very long ago.
Omega sighed it had been many, many centuries since he had been betrayed. Since most of Olympus, Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter betrayed him because of his new brother and cousin. They turned the whole camps against him. His half brother turned Camp Jupiter against him as he was classified as a son of Neptune and the son of Zeus turned Camp Half-Blood. They had worked together to destroy his life on earth.
It started with his friends they all accused him of horrible things. The only ones that didn't turn on him were Reyna, Thalia, Kayla, Clarisse, Leila, Gwen and Hylla.
Then Annabeth cheated on him with his brother that had made him angry. So of course he had lashed out.
He remembered what happened next quite well...
Percy let his emotions get the better of him. He created a storm around Camp Half-Blood. Why did Annabeth have to cheat on him when he was going to propose to her? Why did she have to do it in THEIR spot? Why did the fates have it in for him?
But when he saw her making out with Mark his half-brother well he lost it. He could admit he could have handled it better. But in his defence. Every. Single. Person. At Camp but Clarisse and Kayla had turned on him and cursed his name.
Even Jason, Piper, Leo, Calypso, Frank and Hazel had turned their backs on him along with Nico and Will. Another blow to him was Grover breaking the empathy link.
All these things, then Annabeth cheating lead him to create that storm. So sue him he had deep pain and problems he didn't deserve what he got for it.
Next thing he knew he was in chains on Olympus before all the Gods. Over half he helped get their thrones. He got Lady Enyo, Lord Janus, Lord Hercules, Lady Hebe, Lord Cupid, Lady Psyche, Lady Tyche, Lord Thanatos, Lady Hecate, Lady Ariadne, Lady Nike, Lady Nemesis, Lady Bellona, Lady Hestia, Lord Hades and Lady Persephone. Most where wives of already members others it only seemed right to give them thrones and suggested a couple of Roman Gods to help things with the council.
He looked confused at how he got here. The last thing he remembered was Annabeth cheating and creating that storm.
"Perseus Achilles Jackson you stand before the Council of crimes of attempted murder of multiple campers, destroying various cabins, and consorting with the enemy Gaea and Kronos. How do you plead?" Zeus booms
"I…ne…ver…", Percy stammers not sure what is going on
"How do you plead?" Zeus booms
"Not Guilty", Percy croaks in shock
"Then what do you say to these scenes?" Zeus asks snapping his fingers
Percy sees himself with Kronos, Gaea and his creating that storm. But not what caused it.
"I have been under so much pressure. I would never do that. Annabeth cheated on me that is what put me over the edge", Percy stammers out
"He is telling…", Apollo starts
"Be quiet Apollo", Zeus booms
"My daughter would never do something so unwise!" Athena yells
"Can't I have some witnesses? Or can Lady Hecate take my memories? Please listen to me", Percy begs them
"No we have seen enough", Zeus booms
"Dad please you know me I would never do any of this! My fatal floor is loyalty!" Percy exclaims
"I disown you as my son. I take from you your titles as Prince of the Sea, your powers and your sword which will go to my favourite son Mark", Poseidon booms waving his hand
Percy grits his teeth as he feels his powers leave him. He couldn't believe this.
"All those who think he is not guilty raise your hands", Zeus asks
Apollo, Artemis, Hades, Persephone, Hermes, Hephaestus, Hestia, Bellona, Nemesis, Nike, Hecate, Thanatos, and to his surprise Dionysus and Ariadne all rise their hands.
"All those for guilty?" Zeus asks raising his hand
Poseidon, Amphitrite, Hera, Athena, Ares, Enyo, Aphrodite, Demeter, Janus, Hercules, Hebe, Cupid, Psyche and Tyche all raise their hands.
He felt his heart and something inside him break. Realising people he fought and bleed for were condemning him.
"You are sentenced to an Eternity in Tartarus", Zeus booms, "Any last words?"
"We want a moment to talk to Perseus", Hades says
"Hades…", Zeus growls
"You have no choice little brother", Hestia says frostily
Percy was then blessed by the gods that sided with him. They told him they wanted him to survive Tartarus. They also told him they didn't blame him if he never fought for Olympus again. Percy nodded to them.
"Any last words Jackson?" Zeus growls
"Look after my mother and step-father. And one other thing I don't know if I will fight for you again or not. And that is the honest truth", Percy says with his head held high
The portal opens behind it and before Zeus could blast him into Tartarus Percy stepped into the portal himself and then he started to fall into the hell or hells…
End of Flashback
Yes that is how Omega had been betrayed. Yes he had once been Percy Jackson. He still went by that to his wives and closet friends. But other then that he was Omega or Maelstrom. Commander of the Armies of Chaos and Order. Crown Prince of the Universe. Right Hand of Lady Chaos and Lord Order. Ambassador of Lady Chaos and Lord Order. Shadow of the Storm. The Deathly Current. Blessed by the Primordials and a Primordial himself, also the only Cyborg Primordial. And he had lots of other titles.
That was who he was now. But it took some time to get here. Well a lot of time. Many, many centuries and pain and hurt to get to where he was.
It started a long time ago in Tartarus…
Percy knew it had been centuries since he landed in Tartarus. He didn't know how but he could since how long he had been in Tartarus. And he knew time went faster here then in the realm world. He had to fight to survive.
He had made a name for himself here they called him Maelstrom. He thought it was appropriate. Between battles he had to think about did he really hate the gods? That question he realised he probably wouldn't be able to answer to it was a time to choose.
He got many scars to prove his worth here. Lucky he had Hestia and Apollo's blessings to help him otherwise he would be long dead. He already couldn't save his arm which with Hephaestus blessing he made a new one out of scraps. It wasn't the best but it would do for in here. And he lost his right eye.
He had made his camp for the night, well what he called night. When he felt monsters near. He cursed he couldn't get a break. He draw Cyclone which was Stygian Iron Sword. A gift he got Cyclone from Hades.
The monsters leapt at him and he bought his blade down upon them and with a burst of flames monsters started dying. But no matter what he did he still only had one hand and the other could only barely manage his fire powers.
He felt himself being watched but as he slayed the last monster he was exhausted. He collapsed. He remembered a male figure leading over him before it went black.
He then remembers waking up in a richly decorated room. It was the best room he had EVER seen. He was confused wasn't he just in Tartarus?
"Where am I?" he murmurs
"Your in Celeste. Our Capital City", a female voice says
Percy spins around holding Cyclone pointing it at the male and female figures.
"Who are you both? Where am I? How did you get me out of Tartarus?" Percy asks firing off questions
"I am Lord Order. But you can call me Order", Lord Order says looking amused
"I am Lady Chaos. But you can call me Chaos. We created the universe. I am sure you know your mythological history?" Lady Chaos asks
"I am a little rusty", Percy admits lowering his sword
"We know. As for where you are you are on the planet Celestia. In the Capital Celeste. As for getting you out of Tartarus that is easy when your us", Lady Chaos says
"But you needed to prove yourself so it did take some effort to get you out", Lord Order adds
"Why can I suddenly sea out of my right eye?" Percy asks
"It is a robotic one. We can tell you the features another time. Same with your arm", Lady Chaos says
"Why am I here?" Percy asks
"We are planning to adopt you Perseus. Both of us. You will be our Commander of our Armies. Our right hand man. And so many other important titles that you will hear from Ananke and the Fates", Lady Chaos says smiling
"Not to overstep my boundaries. But why would your army let me lead it?" Percy asks
"Our planet is made up with people who deserve a second chance, or needed a new life or have been wronged by the gods. You will have many friends here Perseus that will stand with you to the end", Lord Chaos tells him
"How long was I in Tartarus?" Percy asks quietly
"870 years Tartarus time", Lady Chaos replies solemnly
"How many earth years?" Percy asks quietly
"3", Lord Order replies
"Can I think on it?" Percy asks quietly, "It is just so much to think about"
"Of course. Your welcome to stay either way. But you might what to get a new arm. I will take you to an old friend who will do you a new arm for free. Would you like to follow me?" Lady Chaos asks
"I will my Lady", Percy says
"No need of that Perseus. Chaos will do. What do you what to be known as?" Lady Chaos asks as they walk
"I…don't know", Percy says frowning at his answer
"That is to be expected. Your not the same man who saved Olympus. Your not even the same man who jumped into the Pit after the Council illegally convicted you of treason. You will find yourself here. Even if you don't accept Order and my offer", Lady Chaos says calmly
"Thank you", Percy says
Percy remembered looking amazed at the city. There was flying cars and everything he thought the future would be. There was species of people he didn't know but Lady Chaos told him what species each person was too they got to a house.
Lady Chaos knocks on the door. A familiar voice calls out. Percy's eyes widen. The door opens and Silena stood there she was about to say something when she saw Percy.
"Percy!" Silena exclaims and hugs him tight
"Hi Silena. You live here?" Percy asks
"I do. And so do many of our friends! They are going to be so happy to see you! What happened to you? Oh my I am so sorry for what you have been through. It looks like a lot. Come in everyone is here having a break", Silena babbles
"It is good to see you", Percy says smiling
"You too. Lady Chaos I am so sorry…", Silena says blushing at noticing one of the Creators
"It is ok Silena. I just escorted Percy here. You and the others have the next two weeks off to be with him. Percy has an important decision to make in two weeks. But can you have please ask Beckendorf to see me in a few days?" Lady Chaos asks
"I will ask him myself", Silena promises
"I will see you in two weeks Perseus enjoy your time with friends", Lady Chaos says disappearing
"Come on there are old friends that will want to see you!" Silena says gently tugging him in
Percy sees wedding photos of Silena and Beckendorf. He was happy for them they deserved happiness.
"Percy?" a voice whispers
Percy looked to see many friends looking at him in shock. Their was Luke, Lee, Castor, Beckendorf, Michael, Ethan, Bianca and the one who spoke Zoe Nightshade.
"Hey guys", Percy says smiling weakly
"PERCY!" Zoe and Bianca yell and rush to hug him tight
Percy grunts at the impact but hugs them back. It was so good to see them.
"I am so sorry for your deaths", Percy says pulling away
Zoe wacks him on the head followed by Bianca.
"What was that for?" Percy asks
"For being a Seaweed Brain. It was not your fault. Not any of our deaths were. We will always do the same thing again", Zoe says firmly
Percy winces at the term Seaweed Brain.
"What is wrong Perce?" Luke asks
"And where did your arm go?" Ethan asks
"What happened to your eye?" Lee asks
"And the scars", Castor says
"It is a long story", Percy says
"We have time", Zoe says smiling softly
Percy sits down and Zoe sits on one side of him and Bianca the other. Percy began his story. Telling them everything that has happened since their deaths. Including recent actions by the Olympians.
To say they were outraged was an understatement. They cussed the gods who voted him into Tartarus.
Percy told them about time in Tartarus and how long he had been there and Lord Order and Lady Chaos's offer. They were shocked by everything.
"We are so sorry Perce", Luke says
"Those bastards!" Zoe growls
"Language Zoe!" Castor says smirking
"Knock it off", Michael says whacking him one
Percy laughs oh it was good to laugh again. It had been so long. He pauses in shock.
"What is wrong Percy?" Bianca asks gentle
"I haven't laughed in over 870 years", Percy whispers
They all look at him sadly. They promised the Creators they would be there for Percy from now on. And if they got a change to take revenge on Olympus they would.
Percy spent all his time at the house. Charles asked opinions on some of his work. But other times he was being so secretive.
Zoe helped Percy deal with his betrayals and being cheated on. Helping him to control his emotions.
Luke helped with dealing with the betrayal from a father.
Lee, Michael, Bianca and Zoe helped improve his archery.
Silena took him to buy a whole new wardrobe saying he would need more clothes now he was living here. He protested when he saw everything cost but Silena just waved it off.
By the time the two weeks where up he found he liked it here. All his friends were in the Army and he wanted to help his friends.
When he told Lady Chaos he would accept her and Lord Orders offer they broke into grins. They told him he would be presented to the Primordial Council the next day.
Percy slept easy that night. His nightmares had lessened. He walked to the Council room with Lord Order on one side and Lady Chaos on the other.
They stopped into a room with 21 people sitting around a table arguing angrily.
"Children listen up!" Lady Chaos yells
That doesn't stop the arguing
"You have a new member!" Lord Order booms
"SILENCE!" Percy yells trying to help them out
Everyone goes silent all looking at him in shock.
"You actually got them to be quiet I am impressed", Lord Order says smiling
"Normally only Order can do that and that is after a dozen attempts", Lady Chaos says also smiling
"He is a natural", a man on the Council says
"Told you", a smug female says
"Introduce yourselves", Lady Chaos orders
"I am Nyx Primordial of Night. We have meet before", Nyx says smiling
"I am Erebus Primordial of Darkness and Mist", Erebus says
"I am Moros Primordial of Doom", Moros says
"I am Hemera Primordial of Day", Hemera says
"I am Aither Primordial of the Upper Air and Light", Aither says
"I am Chronos Primordial of Time and Eternity", Chronos says
"I am Ananke Primordial of Fate and Inevitably", Ananke says
"I am Ponto Primordial of the Sea", Pontos says
"I am Thalassa also Primordial of the Sea", Thalassa says
"I am Ouranos Primordial of the Sky and Heavens", Ouranos looking at him curiously
"I am Akhlys Primordial of Misery and Poison", Akhyls says smirking at him
"I am Ourae Primordial of Mountains", Ourae says
"I am Eros Primordial of Love, Lust and Procreation", Eros says
"I am Nesoi Primordial of Islands", a girl says
"I am Physis Primordial of Nature", a man says
"I am Thesis Primordial of Creation", a girl says
"I am Planes Primordial of Generations", a man says
"I am Hydros Primordial of Fresh Water and Mud", Hydros says
"I am Elpis Primordial of Hope", Elpis says smiling
"I am Tartarus Primordial of the Pit. Uhh sorry about my other self", Tartarus says sheepishly
"Other self?" Percy asks
"Every Primordial as a good and bad side. Like the Greeks have a Roman side. I am sorry about what me bad self did. I am the real Gaea", Gaea says softly
"I hold no grudge against you Lord Tartarus, Lady Gaea after what you explained to me", Percy says bowing
Gaea jumps up and hugs Percy tightly saying she was so sorry.
"I forgive you. It wasn't you", Percy tells her
"Thank you Perseus it is more then I deserve", Gaea says wiping tears away and moving back to her place
"We will bless him now then you Ananke and the Fates will grant him what he deserves. Choose what you bless Perseus with carefully. The choose is yours", Lady Chaos orders
Everyone nods.
"Can I go first?" Gaea asks softly
"Of course Gaea", Lord Order says smiling
Gaea comes forward and touches Percy.
"I Primordial Gaea of Earth and Nature grant you my blessing and gift you with Geokinesis, the control over the element earth. I give you Ferrokinesis, the ability to bend metals in any shape to form a weapon if defenceless. I also give you Chlorokinesis, which is the ability to manipulate and create plants. And because of him helping putting my evil side sleep I gift him with the ability of Magmakinesis the ability to manipulate and create lava and molten rocks", Gaea says softly as Percy glows green
"Thank you Lady Gaea", Percy says bowing to her
"Call me Sister. That is what we are after all", Gaea says smiling before moving to the side
"I will go next", Ouranos says moving over with a thoughtful look
Percy was nervous wondering what he could get from Ouranos before he put his finger to Percy's forehead.
"I Primordial Ouranos of Sky and the Heavens grant you my blessing and gift you with Atmomkinesis which is the ability to manipulate, control and create weather. I also gift you with Aerokinesis which is the ability to master the element Air. I also gift you Electroinesis which is the ability to manipulate and control electricity. I also find you worthy of a unique and rare gift of mine that my children don't even have. I give you Sky-Umbrakinesis which is the ability to use darkness of the night sky to generate extremely durable black chains and it helps with using the Wind to transport yourself", Ouranos says as Percy glows blue/grey
"Thank you my lord", Percy says bowing
"Like Gaea it is just Ouranos", Ouranos says smirking
"I will go next", Nyx says smiling widely
Nyx comes up and touches Percy.
"I Primordial Nyx of Night grant you my blessing and gift to you move enhanced Umbrakinesis. I also give you the gift of Shadow Travel, Night Vision, and Shadow Camouflage. You will also be stronger at night", Nyx says after Percy stopped glowing black
"Thank you Nyx", Percy says with a bow
Nyx blushes, "Your welcome"
"I will go now", Erebus says walking over and touching Percy's head, "I Primordial Erebus of Darkness and Mist grant you by blessing and gift you with more enhanced Umbrakinesis, Invisibility, Mist Manipulation, Darkness Vision, Darkness Shield and Darkness Camouflage"
"Thank you", Percy says
"Your welcome", Erebus says moving away
"I'll go next", Tartarus says stepping forward, "I Primordial Tartarus of the Abyss grant you my blessing and gift you with enhanced Pyrokinesis, which you can control the Element Fire. Telumkinesis, the ability to master any weapon. I enhanced your Umbrakinesis. I give you also the gift of Hellfire and a Dark Shield. But because of what happened in the past I give you the ability to survive my pit and know your way around", Tartarus says as Percy glows dark purple
"Thank you", Percy says, "You didn't have too"
"I wanted too", Tartarus replies smirking
Aither comes over next.
"I Primordial Aither of the Upper Air and Light grant you my blessing and gift you with Enhanced Air control, Photokinesis, the ability of controlling and manipulating Light. And I also give you Nephelokimesis, the ability to control, manipulate and make Clouds", Aither says as Percy glows grey
"Thank you", Percy says
"Your welcome", Aither says
"Ill go next!" Hemera says bouncing over, "I Primordial Hemera of the Day grant you my blessing and gift to you enhanced Photokinesis, enhanced Pyrokinesis, and have increased your healing ability on yourself and when you touch someone and will them to heal then you can do it. I also give you Fire Blasts and Fire Teleportation", Hemera says smiling as Percy glows gold
"Thank you very much", Percy says
"Anything for a new member of the family", Hemera says smiling
"I will get this over with", Akhlys says walking over, "I Primordial Akhlys of Misery and Poison grant you a partial blessing and gift to you with the abilities to control and detect poison. And the ability to make someone feel miserable or take it away"
Akhlys walks away without another word.
Another woman walks up looking thoughtful. He saw it was Lady Nesoi the Primordial of Islands.
"I Primordial Nesoi of Islands grant you my blessing and gift you with the ability to locate Islands or Create Islands. Use it well", Nesoi says smiling
"I will", Percy says
She smiles and walks away
Ourae go's next with a blessing. Hydros gives his blessing and so do Ananke, Phanes, Physis, Thalassa, Chronos and Moros.
"I Primordial Elpis of Hope grant you my blessing and gift you with the ability of giving or taking hope and more power to your healing ability", Elpis says softly
"Thank you", Percy says smiling
Pontos comes over next.
"I Primordial Pontos of the sea grant you my blessing and gift you with enhanced Hydrokinesis the ability to control the element Water, Vapour Travel, Water Shields and the ability to understand ocean/sea creatures", Pontos says smiling
"Thank you", Percy says smiling as he feels the familiar powers
"You deserve you powers. Poseidon should never take away something that is natural to you", Pontos tells him
"Thank you so much", Percy says
"Your welcome", Pontos says smiling and walking away
"My turn!" Eros says smiling
Percy internal winces at that look. Eros seemed to have something up his sleeve.
"I Primordial Eros of Love, Lust and Procreation grant you my blessing and gift you with Amokinesis the ability to manipulate and create love. I gift you with a higher form of Charm Speak. And lastly I will gift you with Bond Finding. Because you are powerful you will have more then one mate. Your instincts will take you to them. Also this blessing makes sure you can never cheat on them. You will also need to appoint a First Wife. The First Wife is always announced first and has first dibs on their husband and can say when the other wives are allowed to have children. There is another thing your soulmates have a chose to stay with you or not. If they do then they will have happiness and love they need. If they reject the bond you will be in pain. These bonds give the woman the chose of what they want to be wife, sister, friend, acquaintance whatever they truly desirer", Eros says smirking at Percy's shocked expression
"Why?" Percy asks Eros
"You're the Greatest Hero of all time and have been betrayed. You will need people by your side that will never betray you. That is what the bond does. The more mates you have show how powerful someone is or how much they need support", Eros explains
"Thank you for explaining Lord Eros", Percy says
"No need to thank me little brother. And it is just Eros", Eros smirks walking to the others
"Now it is our turn", Lady Chaos says
"I Lord Order. One of the Creators of the Universe. Adopt and take as blood as my son Perseus. I gift him with being able to speak and understand any language. I give you the power of being a Strategist and Technician. Also gift you with being a Technopath, Shape-Shifting and magic", Lord Order says as Percy glows Gold
"I Lady Chaos. One of the Creators of the Universe. Adopt and take as blood as my son Perseus. I gift him with Creation Powers, Void Manipulation, Telekinesis, Intelligence, Six Sense and Mind Reading. But both Order and myself give you also FULL immortality and wings", Lady Chaos says smiling at Percy's shocked face
Percy sees the large Black, Brown, Gold, Silver, Peach, Orange, Teal and Violet wings and his eye was the same colours but instead of the peach it had red.
"Ananke if you would call the Fates to give Perseus his domains", Lord Order orders
Ananke nods and soon the three fates where in the room. They chant in a ancient language. Percy glows gold.
"All hail Primordial Lord Perseus of Leadership, Loyalty, Bravery, Chivalry, Valiance, Honour, Courage, Battles, Duals, Swordmanship, Markmanship, Hardships, Time, Reason, Love, Harems, Stamina, Tides, Waves, Beaches, Pearls, Shipwrecks, Ships, Treaties, Authority, Dedication, Detection, Oaths, Barriers, Shields, Sacrifice, Protection, Mystery, Magic, Creation, Combat, Resilience, Fairness, Trustworthiness, Reality, Illusions, Survival, Bonds, Thoughts, Whispers, Tracking, Robotics.
Minor God of Peace, Shadows, Secrets, Strategy, Weapons, Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Comets, Light, Mist, Storms, and Inner Strength.
Crown Prince of Celestia, Commander of the Chaos Army, Son of Lady Chaos and Lord Order, Blessed by the Primordials, Champion of the Primordials, and Arch-Mage: Tier-Zero", the fates say bowing
Percy was shocked he was now a Primordial and he had so MANY domains.
"You have a lot of domains because you are so powerful", Ananke says softly
"I don't deserve all this", Percy tells them
"You do. You a great person who everyone took advantage off", Hemera says
"They'll be the ones who will beg for forgiveness and have to admit their wrong", Nyx says
Percy looks at Ananke, Hemera and Nyx and he feels something form inside of him. It was like a gold thread had reached out to them. He suddenly realises this was Eros's gift working.
"Umm Ladies I believe I need to talk to you…", Percy says hesitantly
Flashback End
From that day everything changed again. He had to learn to master all of his powers and how to handle all types of weapons. Weapons which were tattoos on his body and he just needed to think of the weapon on his body he wanted and it would appear in his hand.
He got a pretty long list of all the weapons he has as tattoos but also the ones that were out in the open.
Ananke, Nyx and Hemera had loved being his wives. But he mated with Zoe and Bianca too much to their shock. Percy made a lot of apologies to Zoe until she kissed him on the lips saying she wanted to do that for a long time.
Percy had made Zoe his First Wife when the married. None of the others had any objections to it.
Percy gained another mate in a different way…
Percy had been training none stop to Master all Weapons and Abilities. He wanted to make his new parents proud. All his weapons were gifts from the Primordial. The only thing he helped with was different arrows. And different types of darts. The Weapon Forges loved his ideas and took them onboard to give to the other soldiers.
He suddenly feels a pull in his mind. A gold strand was flickering. He learnt that flickering meant one of his soulmates was in danger and if it went black then they were dead. This gold bond was one he hadn't seen before. But he was going to follow it.
He void jumped to where the full was coming from and was shocked to land on earth. He grits his teeth at the pain. He assess the situation fast. Seeing Reyna who was overpowered by monsters. Percy jumps into action and destroys all the monsters within minutes. He looked at Reyna and she now had recovered her sword and pointed it at him.
"Who are you?" Reyna asks
"It is my Perseus Jackson", Percy says showing his face just a little
"Thank gods you are ok", Reyna exclaims hugging him
Which shocked him as she was normally so stern.
"Why aren't you at Camp Jupiter?" Percy asks
"I left because I had enough of people saying you're a traitor. And I have been trying to find an entrance to Tartarus so I could rescue you", Reyna replies blushing
"Would you like to come with me to the place where I now live?" Percy asks
"I would love too", Reyna replies
Percy holds out his none robotic hand and Reyna takes it they both appear in Celestia. To say Reyna was shocked was an understatement. Then telling her what had happened left her shocked speechless. Percy wondered if she would reject him. But instead she leapt into his arms saying she accepted everything that came with him. If only she knew that that meant…
End of Flashback
Just a few weeks after that there was a vote on the Primordial Council to elevate Zoe and Reyna too Godhood. Which was agreed upon by Ananke.
Reyna became Primordial of Runes, Codes, Encryption, Decryption, and Puzzles.
And Zoe began Primordial of the Night Sky, Stars, Constellations, Galaxies, Comets, Asteroids, Meteors, Blackholes, Supernovas, Wormholes, the Cosmos
His other mates where not destined to be gods. But he had children with some of his wives which he absolutely adored and doted on them.
He had spent a lot of time in the city when he meet four woman after picking up a lot of bags they had dropped. He found out they were Lady Metis, Lady Mnemosyne, Lady Maia and Lady Themis. All Titans. But he felt the now familiar connection instantly.
He was able to explain to them everything and he invited them to get to know him at his knew Palace which his parents and siblings made him have built. Saying a Primordial must have a Castle or a Palace on Celestia.
He also had to pick his Lieutenants, his right hand men or women. He chose Luke, Reyna, Zoe, Lee, Castor and Bianca. And as for his Generals 5 of them were Lenobia, Silena, Beckendorf, Michael and Ethan.
In the army there was 16 different squadrons. All going from Alpha and Beta onward. There were so many troops it was amazing that all these people got along so well.
He heard a lot of Stories of different places or how the Olympus Gods treated demigods. Sometimes Omega wondered how could gods treat their kids these ways?
With his position as Commander he travelled all over the Universe with a couple of squadrons of soldiers to help out planets that called Lady Chaos or Lord Order for help. If a planet couldn't be saved they were moved to Celestia and a new part of the Capital was normally ready for the people to arrive. Their part of the city gave them time to adjust to a different planet and different customs.
Omega loved his life at the moment but it did have some moments. Like now…
Omega just sighed at his arguing siblings and the look his mother was given him. Omega rolled his eye and decided to get their attention.
"SILENCE! Mother needs our attention", Omega calls out making arguing slowly stop
Nobody wanted to deal with an angry Omega. Which came out if you didn't follow orders. When you use up your three strikes. When you endangered peoples lives. Also when you threatened his family.
"Thank you", Omega says smirking
Before leaning back in his chair and patting Nani his pet Wyvern. He had different types of pets. A Shadow Panther named Rajah, a Shadow Phoenix named Wisp, a Basilisk named Balthazar, a Unipeg named Morgana, a Hellhound called Firestorm, wolves Mischief and Mayhem and his Automatons Balto and Aleu.
Not to mention his dragon. They had bonded and he became a Dragon Rider which got him a lot of respect in the Army. Shadowfire was pure black with gold and red flecks as scales. She was big and had master the elements her rider has.
"Thank you Omega", Lady Chaos says with a smile at her son and right hand man
"Your welcome", Omega says
"What is the meaning off this meeting Mother?" Ouranos asks
"A species on a planet that I will disclose are close to being wiped out. Attacks are happening frequently and their forces are tiring", Lady Chaos informs them
Omega frowns he hadn't heard of anything. Why were they just being called in now?
"Do you want me to send a Squadron and myself to aid them?" Omega asks
"That is not what I have in mind. But Perseus you wouldn't be able to do battle on their ground anyway", Lady Chaos tells him softly
Omega frowns she must be serious to call him by his true name.
"What planet is it then? As I have been too a lot of planets in my time here and none have stopped me from doing battle", Omega asks
"I am so sorry Perseus it is Earth"
Author's Note: What do you think? Please review:)
Other Stories that are part of Betrayed Percy stories are:
1. Guardian and Love of the Hunt
2. Wanderer, Swordsman, Marksmen
3. The Betrayed
4. Betrayed & Changed *New*
5. Guardian, Commander, God, Prince *New*
6. Sky's Army *New*