Merry Christmas

and have

a Happy New Year

Chapter .2.

Percy grins tiredly at Artemis, Hestia, Zoe, Bianca, and Clarisse as they sit around their fire. It had been another day of making a name for themselves in this hell hole. He felt tired and he knew Berserker wanted to come out and play. He would have to tell them he was going to switch out for a while.

"I am going to switch out for a while my loves. Berserker wants sometime", Percy says to them

They looked at him worriedly. They knew the Pit was exhausting them. But Berserker was coming out often in Percy now and staying longer. But the girls knew Percy was still there in Berserkers mind. It just was pot luck if Percy wanted to reply.

They had a mental link so they could hear Percy when they needed too. It came in handy for Zoe, Bianca and Clarisse too.

"Rest our love", Hestia says smiling softly

"We love you", Artemis says kissing him softly

"Thank you. After over 900 years you would think I would get used to that. But I haven't", Percy says softly his eyes pull of love, "I will never get tired of calling you my loves. The loves of my life"

"We will never get tired of you saying that", Zoe says smiling

"I will be back soon", Percy says closing his eyes

Within seconds his mind switches and Berserker was looking at them grinning with like a manic.

"Welcome back Berserker", Clarisse says smirking

"Good to be back. Perseus needs rest. I am going hunting. I need to work off some of my energy", Berserker says bouncing up

"Mind if I join you?" Artemis asks
"You can come Little Moon. You good hunter", Berserker says grinning

That was one thing that never changed Percy and Berserker gave her the nickname Little Moon. And she loved hearing them say it. Nobody else had called her that so this was just their little agreement.

"Why don't we all go? Hestia can just watch", Zoe suggests

"Will Nightmare, Huntress and Hellfire join us?" Berserker asks

Clarisse, Zoe and Bianca shrug.

"We will see. Why do you want them aren't we good hunters?" Bianca asks pouting

Berserker moans, "Fine come on. But don't spoil my fun"

They all gather their gear and move off. Silently. They had learnt to be extra stealthy because of how they could spy on monsters if they snuck up on them. They learned a lot of their plans that way.

And knew that monsters where reforming faster. So another war was on the horizon and thanks to Lord Chaos they knew who with. So they didn't think they'll be here much longer. So taking some aggression and anger out on a group of monsters would be want would you say therapeutic. So they didn't get too anger at the Olympians when they were summoned back.

They move through the grounds and up a hill. They spot a group of monsters gathering including Drakon.

Clarisse grins wickedly. You could see her shift into Nightmare. And before anything else happens Berserker and Nightmare draw weapons and race down the hill with Zoe and Hellfire behind them with Artemis sending arrows down on the monsters.

The group of monsters didn't stand a chance. But Berserker held a Empousa down.

"You want is this gathering about?" Berserker asks

"I'll never tell you", she spits at him

"I was hoping you would say that", Berserker grins with an insane kind of grin

He twists his Double Sided Sword named Blackadder into her collar bone. Causing her to scream in pain.

"What to try that again?" Berserker asks smirking insanely

"Our masters will win", the Empousa tells them

"Are monsters gathering to march on Olympus?" Hellfire/Bianca asks

"Yessss. Why do you care?" the Empousa spits out

"We don't care about MANY of them. Only a few have our loyalty", Artemis replies smirking

"Very few", Nightmare/Clarisse adds

"Many are not even worth a second of our day", Zoe adds still in her normal form

"We are the betrayed. Tell your boss not to mess with the people worth a second of our day", Berserker tells the Empousa before stabbing her throw the heart with a dagger. She shrieks before she bursts into gold dust.

Berserker grins sitting down to clean his weapons.

"That was funnnn", Berserker says grinning like a maniac

"Those Drakon are getting easier to kill", Nightmare/Clarisse says sitting down and cleaning her spear

They all gather around as Hestia builds a fire. Fights helped them relax as well as to ease their anger. Suddenly they felt the air around them begin to change. They all look up grinning at a beam of light comes for them.

"It is time to have some fun!" Berserker says grinning like a manic again

The Olympians were doing the spell to bring souls up from Tartarus. It was taking all 15 of the Olympian Council to do the spell Athena found. It would bring Perseus and his associates up if they are good.

All the Council was nervous about bringing them back up. They hoped they could make peace with them now that they have been found innocent.

But the people who sided with Percy and the others knew the others of the Council were delusional if they thought they would be forgiven for sending INNOCENT people to Tartarus! Tartarus! The most evil place in the universe. There was only two goddesses the other two were demigods. Immortal but not Gods.

Hades kind off knew how bad Tartarus was and had told the other 5 gods that had sided with Percy what to expect. So they expected the worst.

Apollo was on standby in case they needed some of his expertise. He hoped that it wouldn't be needed but he had ambrosia and nectar ready for them.

Finally after long chanting figures began to appear in the light. But not four like they thought but six. The light disappeared and they finally caught sight of the people they hoped to see.

Artemis had changed her age instead of a 12-year-old girl she appeared to be in her mid-twenties. She wasn't wearing silver anymore but black and silver. She had a couple of scars over her lips and a small one over her right eye. She had a bow and quiver on her back with a sword on a belt around her waist. Her silver/yellow eyes where hard and cold as she looked at them.

Hestia also didn't look the age she normally did. She also appeared to be in her mid-twenties. She was wearing jeans like Artemis but a red blouse that showed a couple of scars on her arms. Two swords were strapped to her back. Her eyes where red and also seemed to glare on them.

One of the girls looked to be in her late-teens. Her black hair was plated down her back. She wore black jeans with a silver blouse. She had a bow and quiver on with two swords invisible. Her eyes were dark and cold like diamonds as she glared at them.

The other unknown girl made Hades gasp as he looked at his thought to be his dead daughter. Her black hair was plaited too and tied up. She was wearing black jeans and a dark green top. She also had a bow and quiver and swords invisible. Her eyes were cold and hard too.

The older girl they recognised as Clarisse. Her hair was in a messy pony-tail. She was wearing blue jeans and a red blouse. She had a spear in her hand as her eyes glared at them with what looked like amusement.

The last was the only male in the group. Perseus. His black hair was still the same but with same silver in it. He was wearing black jeans and a navy blue top with leather jacket. He had a sword twirling in his hand. His green-blue eyes shone with amusement. Well one eye that was now blue, gold, violet, black, orange, silver and grey. The other eye was just gold. And Percy had WINGS! They were Black, Gold, Brown with silver streaks.

They were here but the things they all noticed was the scars they had all over them. They were just the ones visible! What had happened to them in Tartarus? They also noticed the Goddesses had aged to their mid-twenties and all of them seemed different when you looked in their eyes.

"Bianca?" Hades whispers

"Artemis? Zoe?" Apollo whispers

"Hestia?" Hera asks

"Clarisse?" Ares asks
"Perseus?" Poseidon asks softly

"Good your back", Zeus tells them

The six figures glare at the King of the Gods. The 6 Gods that sided with them knew things where about to get heated…

Berserker, Nightmare, Hellfire, Artemis, Hestia and Zoe were furious at their words. How can they act so causal after what they did to them? Oh they were going to show them that forgiveness was not going to be earnt…

Author's Note: What do you think? Please Review:)