Sally's POV

When Sonic and I were younger, around nine through twelve years old, we would go to the Chao Garden every day after school. The Chao Garden is a sanctuary for a rare but adorable creature called a Chao. There are multiple Chao Gardens across the globe, but they're rare and when located, they're so extensively monitored by the government that it ruins the beauty of it.

One day when Sonic and I were in fourth grade, we were at the park playing baseball with Knuckles and some of Sonic's other guy friends. The boys tried to send me home because I was a girl and they thought I'd slow them down (sexism alert). Luckily, Sonic convinced them to let me play.

"She's the brains in the operation," he claimed. "I know you wanna kiss herand kicking her out of a game is not the way to get it,"

The captain in question, Geoffrey St John, immediately turned beet red and spat. "W-well... what do YOU know, Blue?"

While the team was bickering, I looked through the park's brush and found a small trail. I followed it into a curtain of ivy vines in the entrance of a cave. At the other side... was a Chao Garden. Full and lushious. Untouched by man. It was beautiful. I rushed back to the game and afterwards, when we were alone, I told Sonic about my find and showed him. It was our own little secret. Our hiding place. Our refuge when it became to much. Unfortunately, we visited less and less as we got older to the point where it's been over a year since the last time. I don't know whether or not Sonic's been since then. I never asked.

In the end on that faithful day, I got picked first on Sonic's team as the pitcher. Everyone thought itmwas only because Sonic and I were best friends and/ or he had a crush on me like Geoffrey did (and still does), but that's ridiculous.

I'm Sonic's wingwoman! I help him with girlfriend issues. I was the one that brought him and Fiona Fox together in seventh grade, even though they broke up several months later, Sonic claiming that Fiona cheated on him with Scourge the Hedgehog. Apparently, he caught them making out at a party.

Other than Fiona, I've helped Sonic through girlfriend problems involving Mina Mongoose, Rouge the Bat, Elise Soleanna, and Blaze the Cat. Of course, all of those relationships ended, so perhaps I'm not a good wingwoman, but I'm still a wingwoman neverless.

Sonic operates as my wingman. He's the one that tries (and fails) to persuade me into talking to my crushes. He keeps trying to get me to overcome my shyness, but the guys at this school are... well, either jerks, skittish, or taken. Question is... is Sonic dating material?

He's handsome enough (I'll never admit that though) and he brings out the best in me. He may be annoying at times, but he always has my back in the long run. But it'd be akward. We've known each other since we were toddlers. We're like brother and sister, the unstoppable duo. It'd practically be incest.

Of course, we aren't really related. Then again... Sonic's one of the nost popular guys in school. All the girls fall head over heels for him. He can have anyone he wants.

So why would he date a socially akward, high strung, permanently crippled girl like me? The way I am now... no guy would want me.

My depressing reverie is interupted by a knock on my bedroom door. "Come in!" I call.

Sonic strolls inside and plops down on the bed next to mine. "So Sal," he carries on conversationally. "About my tutoring in Biology-"

"You said it was Geometry,"

"-I was wondering if you could help me with my project," he continues, ignoring my interruption. "I have to identify all the different species of lizards in Knothole and I was wondering if you could help me,"

I take a moment to consider. First it was Geometry, now Biology? When did Sonic change his story? Still, his grades are slipping a bit in Biology, so I might as well go. Besides, even if this is some kind of prank, I don't have the mental energy to refute him. I'll just humor him this one time. "Okay, let's go,"

Since my car is totalled from the wreck and Sonic doesn't have a car (or a license), we end up walking. Well... Sonic walks and I get rolled on my wheelchair. In total, it takes fifteen minutes to get to the park. As Sonic rolls me down the trail, I spot something in the corner of my eye...

"Sonic, look!" I say, pointing. "It's the old baseball field we played at as kids!"

"Oh yeah," Sonic replies nostalgically. "Remember that time Geoffrey St John got a concussion from running into the fence pole?"

"Or how Mighty swung the bat and hit Ray in the face?"

"Don't forget when Nack and Bean got into a fight over one of the girls playing volleyball nearby,"

"And then there was the time you clubbed Shadow with the bat and he chased you all over the park!"

We both laugh, recalling how Shadow brutally beat Sonic up that faithful day... it was hilarious! Even Sonic thought so!

"Like I said, Sal," Sonic chuckles. "Good times,"

"Yeah... I miss it," I admit quietly.

We're both silent for a moment, acknowledging that I'll never be able to have those kind of moments ever again. But I miss them so, so much...

The silence lingers in the air before Sonic breaks it. "So about my project..."


"Oh- wait! Look!" He yelps excitedly, pointing into the brush. "Did you see it!"

"See what?" I ask with a sideways glance.

"That lizard! I need to catch it!"

"Whoa, Sonic," I say with my palms forward. "Calm do-"

I'm cut off as Sonic scoops me out of the wheelchair, holding my bridal style, and runs into the forest. As we go at what feels like the speed of sound, I scream and cling to Sonic's neck.

"Sonic Maurice Hedgehog! What do you think you're doing?!" I shout over the rush of wind.

He just smirks. "You'll see, Sal,"

He skidss to a halt at... no way... it's still here!

The Chao Garden is just as beautiful as I remember. The water from tthe pond glistens with sunlight and adorable Chao immediately rush toward us. One even snuggles into the pocket of my hoodie and three more clutch Sonic's quills.

The Chao in my pocket sticks it's little head out and smiles. "Chao, chao! "

"Aw," I coo, caressing it's chin with my finger. Sonic sets me down on a boulder next to the water.

"Looks like the old Chao Garden hasn't changed," he remarks with a tranquil smirk I haven't seen since my accident. Then it hits me how much it affected him as well. A fourth Chao grabs the crook of his arm. "Whoa, little guy,"

"They like you, Blue," I say. The Chao in my pocket climbs out and nuzzles my cheek. "Hey, stop! Ack! Too cute!" I hold it in my arms and examine Sonic, who currently has up to twelve... make that thirteen... Chaos cuddling up to him. Even back when we were kids, for some reason Sonic always attracted more Chao. A lot more.

Then I realize why we're really here.

"I see what you're doing," I state, trying to supress a goofy grin. "You don't have a Biology project. You took me here to cheer me up,"

"Did it work?" Sonic asks, hopeful.

I chuckle softly and wrap my arms around his waist in a hug. "You're such a dork,"

"And you're not?" he retorts lightly, hugging me back.

"We're both dorks, I guess,"

A/ N: A much happier chapter, I must say. Wonder what will happen next...?