A/N: This is the last chapter. Enjoy :)

The next morning when Beck woke up, he felt like yesterday had been a nightmare. Andre, his best friend, had kissed Jade, the girl he was still in love with. If anyone knew about his feelings for his ex-girlfriend it should be Andre, after all he had seen how he had reacted to Jade being around other guys. However to be fair, Beck had never told him upfront that he still held deep feelings for Jade.

It wasn't like he couldn't understand Andre, Jade was an amazing girl and if you really got to know her it was easy to fall for her, but that it had to be his best friend that developed feelings for his ex-girlfriend still bothered Beck. Sure, it hadn't been right to punch Andre, but the picture of Jade and him kissing had hurt so much that his anger took over and before he had realized it his fist had connected with Andre's jaw.

When Beck reached for his phone on his bedside table he saw that he had a new text from Andre, asking if they could talk about what had happened. Sighing he texted him that he could come over in ten minutes. Quickly getting ready Beck was done the moment Andre knocked on his door. The atmosphere between them was tense to say the least and Beck wasn't sure if he should begin first. However that decision was taken from him when Andre spoke up.

"Look man, I didn't mean to kiss her. In that moment she just looked so beautiful and sweet and I couldn't help myself." Beck tried his best to not get angry again, but it was hard when he heard Andre talking about her like this. It got even harder after his best friend's next words. "I had feelings for her ever since we wrote my song together, but I suppressed them because at that time you two were together. Now that she is single I still know that it's wrong because I know you still love her, but I just lost it for a minute there. I'm really sorry man."

Andre looked at his best friend with honesty in his eyes. He could see that Beck was still a little angry that he had kissed his ex-girlfriend, but after he was done talking he saw that Beck's tense demeanor relax slightly. They had already been best friends for so long and Andre hoped that Beck would accept his apology.

"I'll be honest with you. You know how much Jade means to me and I still love her, but it was wrong of me to punch you. I'm sorry for hitting you, but I just saw you two kiss and the next thing I knew was that I was already punching you in the jaw."

"It's alright. I would have done the same thing if I were you. Friends again?" Andre asked hopeful.

"The best." Beck smiled slightly.

After that the two sat down and talked for a little bit more. Andre told him that he had talked to Jade about everything and that they had agreed that they were still friends, only friends.

"So did you talk to her after yesterday?"

"I texted her and asked her if we can meet today. I wrote her a song." Beck smile slightly.

"Wow man, I never knew that you could write songs."

"That's because I never wrote one before. I hope she will like it and maybe she gives me a second chance."

"I'm sure she will. Good luck." With that Andre said his goodbye to his best friend, hoping that everything would work out for these two.

The moment Andre had left Beck started to get nervous. Normally he was calm and collected in every situation, but when it came to Jade that had always been different. He knew that this was his last chance to convince Jade that he wanted her back and that he was really sorry for how things had been between them. When he heard a knock on his door he took a deep breath and let Jade in.

Seeing her in his RV again looking so beautiful and right being there, Beck couldn't help but realize once again how much he missed her. All those months without her had been so lonely. Sure, he was surrounded by his friends during the day, but that didn't lessen the pain in his heart. Every time he came home and Jade wasn't with him he felt empty. It had become so natural to fall asleep next to her that for the first month after their break up he could barely sleep at all. Now it was a little better, but he still didn't sleep as well as he used to with her by her side.

"So why am I here Beck?" Jade's voice brought him out of his thoughts.

Jade stood in front of Beck with arms crossed over her chest. Even if on the outside she looked annoyed and angry, inside she felt differently. It was hard being back in his RV, which hold so much of their memories together. It had always been their haven and she had loved spending time with him here. His RV had become her second home over the years and being here with him again made her want this all back even more.

"Before I say anything else would you watch this video? Please?" He asked her and gave her his phone.

"Your The Slap page? Beck what should I do with this?" Jade asked confused. If she was honest with herself she hadn't been on his The Slap page since their break up, because she wasn't sure what she would find there. She really didn't want to read if he went on dates with other girls.

"Please Jade, just watch it." Beck looked pleadingly at her and with a sigh she finally started the video.

It began with Beck in his RV, sitting on his bed with a guitar in hand. That wasn't a surprising picture for Jade, after all she knew that Beck could play the guitar very well, but what he said next in the video made her eyes widened.

"Most of you know that Jade and I broke up a few weeks ago. I made a mistake by closing the door on our three year long relationship that meant and still means so much to me."

Jade liked that he kept it so cryptic for the people who they weren't close to, after all this was posted on their school website and everyone could see it. However his words were still personal so that only her and maybe their friends could understand what he was talking about.

"The last few weeks without her were the worst ones of my life and I was an idiot for letting her go. Jade, I wrote this song for you. I love you."

At that Jade's eyes widened and she was about to turn to Beck and asked him if he really meant that when Beck started to sing in the video. Despite that they had dated for so long Jade barely ever heard Beck sing, because he was very self-conscious about it. Sure, he wasn't the best singer at Hollywood Arts, but Jade had always thought that he had a good voice. Now that she heard it again and realized that he had written this song about his feeling for her and about how much he missed her since their break up, she felt her heart beat faster. The song was beautiful and Jade could feel the jealousy, worry, hurt and finally love in it. When the song and with it the video ended she faced Beck.

"You wrote me a song?" Was the only thing that managed to leave her lips. She was still too touched by it to say anything else.

"I did and it helped me realize a few things. I made many mistakes in our relationship. I know now how you felt when I flirted with other girls. I'm sorry for being an idiot and for wanting to make you jealous."

"So what are you going to do about it?" Jade challenged.

"Apologize and hope you give me a second chance because I really love you Jade West." Beck confessed, looking deeply into her eyes.

"You really mean that?"

"I do. There is no Beck without Jade. You mean everything to me and if you give me a second chance I'll try to make it up to you for a lifetime."

Jade could see the love in his eyes when he looked at her and she stepped closer to him. Gently she cupped his cheek and softly pressed their lips together. She felt one of his hands go to her waist and the other pull her face a little closer to his. When they pulled away he leaned his forehead against hers smiling lovingly at her.

"I'm glad you're back home." After all, his home was with her and vice versa. This feeling of being loved and safe was like coming home and they both felt it.

"Me too."

When a few hours after Beck's video for Jade had been posted, both him and Jade changed their status to 'in a relationship', a quarterback, a photographer, a painter and a best friend had to smile, along with Sikowitz and the friends of the reunited couple.

A/N: A big thanks to everyone who read my story. Please review and tell me what you think :)