Before I get started with this, I have to say that I included a reference to Zexoguy's 'Miraculous Ace Savvy' in this final chapter.
Thank you for reading.
Chapter 10
On the rooftop of Hughie's apartment, Hughie and Annie are laying down on outdoor reclining chairs looking up at the sky and nothing else.
"Well… here we are three days later." Said Hughie, breaking the silence.
"Mmm-hmm." Annie nods in agreement.
After lying down in silence for another minute, Hughie finally decides to pop the question and stands up.
Annie immediately notices this and also stands up.
"Hughie… what's up?"
"Annie…" Hughie takes a deep breath. "We've known each other for nearly two years now…
During that time we've seen many things that would make the average person lose faith in humanity and shut themselves off from the world… I think."
He hears his girlfriend giggle, finding the strength to continue talking.
"But we're not like most people, are we? We are able to find comfort in each other during the darkest times in our lives.
We still have a long way to go ahead of us… and I can't imagine going on with this life without you…"
He pulls the ring box from his back pocket and gets down on one knee, surprising Annie.
He opens the box, revealing the ring inside.
"Annie January… will you marry me?"
Annie finds herself out of breath for a moment before being overwhelmed with joy.
"Heh. Talk about not taking the Lord's name in va-" Thought Hughie before he was tackled by Annie, getting kisses planted all over his face and neck.
"I gotta tell you, Gwen. I seriously thought I was gonna die."
Eating pepperoni pizza on a rooftop. Miles Morales is talking with Spider-Woman, Gwen Stacy, who he hasn't seen in months.
"So let me get this straight." Gwen said, putting her half eaten slice down.
"They create this superhero, right? Build him from the ground up and make him a patriotic image for all to see…
Why call him Homelander? Why not Captain America? Did they think Homelander just sounded better?"
Miles finishes off the rest of his slice and looks up at the night sky.
"I don't know… maybe too many syllables?"
The ten sisters of Ace Savvy look at the bruised and beaten bodies of Turbocharge, Nitroman, and Creep Frog in front of them.
"You don't have to worry about me anymore!" They hear their brother speak out to them.
They see him, and he's accompanied by Mr. Fantastic, The Invisible Woman, The Human Torch, and The Thing.
"The Fantastic Four and I are here!" Said Lincoln, with a smug smile on his face.
Looking at the beaten villains again and then at her brother again, Lori delivers a comment.
"Knock knock man. You got a visitor!"
Peter looks up to see Tony, wearing a black suit and tie, on the other side of the cell.
"Is there… anything you want to say to me, Mr. Stark?"
Tony smiles. "YOU… are actually talking to the newly appointed director of SHIELD. Captain America ended up surrendering and everything is as great as it can be… That alternate universe you helped explore, Peter, really got me thinking about… things."
Peter nods a little. "Well congratulations on your achievement, Mr. Stark. The world NEEDS you!"
"Oh yeah? Well… I'm starting to think it'll need YOU too."
Peter raises an eyebrow. "What are you talking about?"
Tony continues, "The way I see it, Peter… I don't see any logic with keeping a man with YOUR skill set in a super prison for the rest of his life."
Peter's trying to process Tony's words. "Are… you… saying…"
Tony continues again. "I'm saying it's better for the world when you're OUT of that cell than in it."
Now I know what you're all thinking…
Hey, what happened to Gwenpool! Where's Gwenpool!
Well, you can relax now, I'm here.
I'm also not gonna be getting an ending like all the others… no.
Why? Well… because…
I don't know what I'm gonna be doing now that I'm back in the Marvel Universe.
I mean… it's GREAT that I'm back, it just feels weird now. After everything that's happened. You know what I mean?
If you also ask me when you'll get to read about me again in another fanfiction that may or may not be related to this one, my answer is still the same: I don't know.
But what I DO know is that from now on… whenever I hear somebody talk about fanfiction of ANY kind, one name comes across my mind…
Threebranch. The author who's shown me a whole new world.
I would like to close off by saying a rather iconic quote from the author that Threebranch has been told that he's dedicated to, as well as the same author that took away a fraction of my sanity…
Gwen clears her throat and bows to the audience, delivering the final line of the story.
"Thank you, and have a nice day."