The Black Marked Guardian
(A/N: Story begins during season 1 of episode 10. Please do enjoy. I had a lot of fun writing Selena Gilbert's character into the world of the Vampire Diaries. I hope all of you also like her. She made me laugh so many times already and sent me down an emotional roller coast as well. I sincerely hope you all get a kick out of her. Also I will be changing a lot of things from the main story for my own amusement. Do enjoy and review. Warning before hand there with be smut and I don't own own Vampire Diaries. Only my character and any other character not in the original story. Also the Story will be updated bi-weekly between Monday and Tuesday! Enjoy and review!)
Chapter 1: Small World
Tragedy has a way of brings those astray together or that was how Damon would meet Selena Gilbert and her adopted son Henrik. The webs of fate are fickle indeed to allow such a meeting between those that are a bit too similar and broken, but very different from the other. The world is a strange place after all and people meet at very strange times.
It took over half a year for them to get everything together so she and her son could move back to Mystic Falls after her older brother Grayson and his wife had died in a car accident. The move was so she could help Jenna with Elena and Jeremy. The reason for the delay was to get everything in order for her son, who had anemia and required regular blood transfusions. She had to make sure that the Hospital had everything they would need and order any equipment that was needed for him. She just hoped her niece and nephew could forgive her for the long wait.
However it wouldn't of been anything new to her after all she really wasn't popular with most Gilberts, but her brother Grayson was an exception to that. He and his wife was the only ones who treated her like they where family after her grandmother passed away. She was considered a black mark on the family. John and her parents despised her for reasons not her fault. She was just born at the wrong place and at the wrong time.
At the moment the two just arrived at an apartment. The house she had purchase wouldn't be ready for a month due to unforeseen renovation requirements, that and the two left a month ahead of schedule. So the two enjoyed this little two bedroom apartment together. Pizza, chips, and soda cans laid on the coffee table and xBox controllers where resting in both of there hands as Call of Duty was flashing on the television screen.
Selena was smiling as her amber and hazel green eyes lookup at her scores. "Seems I have the most kills and head shots today again!" she boasted proudly.
"Only because you've been kill stealing all the damn zombies!" someone said over her gaming headset, which made her laugh.
"Oh I'm so sorry princess that I had to save you ass from a horde!" She said smirking.
"Screw you, Selena!" he yelled back.
Both herself and Henrik howled in laughter. "Dylan is that anyway to talk in front of a fourteen year old?" She asked.
"Oh like he cares and you've said worse!" he barked back and then he sigh, "I'll be on tomorrow if your up for a rematch. I just wish you two where back here in Atlanta with me and my boyfriend Jared."
"A rematch sounds great," She smirked again knowing she'd smoke him tomorrow too, "and tell Jared I love him, but we both know I can't come back after what happened to my brother and his wife. I have family that needs me here now more than ever."
"I know and happy belated twenty-fourth birthday by the way." He told her.
"Well thanks, but I better have a present in the-" she started to say, but was interrupted by a loud thud outside her apartment as if someone just slammed something excessively hard. "Hold on something is happening outside. I'll talk to you later."
"Sure, bye miss nosy." he said to her before going offline.
"Henrik wait here I'm going to take a look," She said.
"Sure, miss nosy." he said smirking.
"Shut up, Dylan is a bad influence on you." She replied giggling as she put down her headset and controller before heading for her door. When she looked through her peep hole she gasped in surprised at what she saw. "Oh my..."
Damon Salvatore was on one of his drunken benders with sorority sisters. His brother was a bore and his pretty new girlfriend had to looked just like his Katherine. So in order to have a little fun he compelled a few girls he was flirting with even if he really didn't need to, but he didn't want them trying to find him again later because this was one of those one night sort of things.
Eventually one of the girls had invited him over to her place and he ended up passing out due to his drunken state, but when he came to he was standing outside the apartment. Even worse he had nothing but a red throw pillow to cover his nether regions. Apparently the girl's boyfriend kicked him out of the apartment, but had the decency to let the sorority girls get dressed first before having them leave as well.
So there he was still drunk and as naked as the day he was born. Shit. He heard a female gasp for across the hall and knew she had seen his bare rear end, but her next comment made him smirk. "Oh, god! Why am I still looking?!" she whispered to herself. He could hear this woman lean against her door and slide down half way likely from the shock. Then she took several deep breath and stood back up.
Why is a hot naked guy outside my door right now? She thought to herself as she took another deep breath and forced herself to look away from her peep hole she was looking through again because she thought she was seeing things for a moment there. How many men would stand outside an apartment naked with nothing, but a pillow? A freaking pillow! Safe to say she was freaking out a little. Well I guess I should help him at least. I mean he only has a pillow for crying out loud. Then she added in a whisper, "If I don't he's going to give people heart attacks if they see him... likely one of those people is going to be me." Man I so want to know how he got like that though!
Damon had to bit his own tongue to keep from laughing. She has a pleasant voice, he thought to himself. Her voice was mature with a natural sensual tone that most women wished they had, but he could tell she had used her voice to sing quite a bit with just the sound of her musical voice and the clearness it carried. He was curious and he wondered what this woman was planning to do.
Slowly she opened her door the chain lock still in place. There was a charming, but awkward smile on her face as she spoke, "Um, hi mind explaining why your outside my place naked? I mean if this is a birthday present from Dylan and Jared, I would very much approve, but you're a bit late for that. So I'm just going to go out on a limb here and guess you where kick out form the apartment across from me."
He nearly laughed as he looked up at one of the most gorgeous women he had ever seen and he was a bit taken aback by that. Who knew such a gorgeous woman was just across the from those girls? She had voluminous lightest ash blond almost white hair that was in soft waves that reached past her waist and her skin was slightly tan with rich nude red colored full lips. This woman had a hourglass figure and lusciously mature in body. She had beautiful skin with a young intelligent makeup-less face as she looked up at him with those constantly changing eyes that seem to shift to one color to another in an instant. She was smiling up at him and he could tell she was forcing herself to look him in the eye and not check out his less that modest pillow and airy attire. "You guessed right." He replied smirking.
"Figured," she replied shrugging smelling the bourbon on his breath and the delightful smell of his tasteful colon. "Well I can't leave you out here like this you'll give the older lass down the hall a heart attack if she sees you. Hell, I almost had one! Come on in, I think still have somethings of my ex's around." She stepped back and gestured for him to come in after removing the chain. "Let me get you a towel while I look and sorry for the mess. The house is being renovated so we are saying here til then."
He chuckled as he entered the apartment, "It's no problem. It really isn't the first time," he replied kind of glad she invited him in without needing to be compelled.
She laughed and Damon noted that he liked it, "Being kick out an apartment naked? I can see that. You poor thing. You maybe surprised, but it's not a first time for me either. I was pretty wild as a teenager back in Florida. Not surprising considering the awful parents I had." She went into the bathroom and bend over to find a towel that was big enough to wrap around him. Damon took the opportunity to admire the round bottom of hers that where currently hidden under her black jeans as she was looking. He'd admit she had a nice ass though he was sure not to let her catch him doing that.
She took a towel form the cabinet then handed it over to her mysteriously sexy guest as she straighten back up. "Oh my name is Selena Gilbert by the way. Member of one of the founding families. Not that it really matters. It's just they always seem to drill that in peoples heads with all the stinking celebrations, but luckily for me, I love to party." she told him with a smile.
"Damon Salvatore, also a member," he replied with one of his signature gestures as his eyes widen then narrowed at her causing her to swallow the sudden lump in her throat with a tone that said it wasn't all that important. "So that means you're related to Elena Gilbert?"
She raised a brow at him and then giggled while nodding, "Yes, you recognized the last name and Elena's my niece. Small world, right?" Selena gave him an amused smile and then turned toward the living room, "Now let me see if I have anything for you to wear."
Selena headed down the hall and he followed finding a fourteen year old boy sitting on her couch. He had rich brown hair and matching eyes, but he didn't look anything like Selena not his narrow straight nose, not his bow shaped lips, nor the shape of his ears, chin, or jawline. He was almost sickly pale and was quiet thin for someone in his age group. He could tell the kid was sick, but didn't know what it was. However he was too old to be her son by birth unless she gave birth before her early teen years or even earlier. "Mom who's that?" the boy asked curiously.
"Just a guy name Damon, who needs a bit of help. Do you know where I packed my ex's clothes?" she asked. "You know the ones I bought that he never wore."
"I think it's under your 'don't mentions' and 'forget abouts'." he said with air quotes.
She smiled, "Oh that's right, thanks," she said before turning to Damon, who was wondering what those things her son mention where. "Mind waiting here for a second? Or you could just go take a shower if you want."
He turned his gaze for the boy to the woman who seemed very opened about herself unlike Katherine, who was more interested in playing around in a selfish manner. Damon mentally shook his head. He was suddenly comparing this woman and Katherine, who was trying to rescue him from humiliation. Of course he was, but this woman was nothing like her. Frankly he was kind of grateful she didn't really look like Katherine or Elena. He had enough reminders and anyone could make him impatient knowing he was so close, but his plans had been sabotaged by the ghost of Emily. "I think I'll take that shower." He said that smirk still on his face.
"Well, it's through that door where I got the towel. I'll knock in a bit when I find something for you to wear." she said with a smile before turning to her son. "You good, Henrik?" she asked as Damon slipped away for that hot shower.
"Yeah I'm fine. Do you need help? Why was that guy only wearing a towel and... I'm pretty sure that was a throw pillow?" he asked confused.
Selena let out a curt chuckle, "He was naked and kicked out of the apartment next door. Where I'm going to guess, that is where his clothes are currently located and I think he knows your cousin Elena." She said. "You don't need to help me look. I got this. Why don't you finish that modded dungeon in Skyrim you've been struggling with. You're having problems with that jumping puzzle, right?"
"Yeah, I keep timing it wrong. I think I got it this time." He started the game and opened his last saved game on the modded save, "So I'm going to Jenna's place tomorrow right?" he asked not looking at her as she moved a few box off and found the one she was looking for.
"Yep," she replied opening the box. "You can bring the xBox with you too. I'm sure you and Jeremy could have some fun on it."
"True, but do you think they will like me?" he asked nervously. "It's the first time we're really meeting each other after all."
"It maybe a little awkward at first, but of course they will, Henrik. We are family after all." she told him looking through the box. "They are not like my judgmental parents or that ass of a brother of mine John."
"I know that uncle Grayson was awesome and a doctor too. He helped us out a lot," he replied remember meeting him when he and his wife, who flew to Atlanta to look over him once or twice in the past because Selena wanted to make sure the medications and the treatments where right for him and the doctors there weren't over dosing him with anything to make an extra buck. His uncle made a few adjustment here and there to his treatment and left to spend time with their own family.
"Exactly, I know you're nervous about it, but you don't have to be. They'll love you. You are a great kid and the best sniper I know today. So they better like you or we'll have to school them in some Call of Duty." she said.
From the corner of her eye she saw Henrik smirk at her comment and was visibly less nervous. Which brought her a lot of relief because he wasn't the only one nervous about seeing their family. She hadn't seen Elena or Jeremy in years, but she always made sure to call them on their birthday and Christmas and sent them gifts in the mail, but she couldn't really go see them after Henrik came into her life. Because of his illness she couldn't really go visit them as much as she would of liked, but now she was back in a place she both loved and hated for them so she could do all she could to support her family.
Fortunately for her money was never an issue because her grandmother had left her everything. The money, family jewels, Jonathan Gilberts crazed journals, and the Gilbert properties was all hers until she gave the journals to her brothers and the house she gave to her older brother as a gift before she left Mystic Falls behind again to follow a career as a musician in Florida to Atlanta. Which to her surprise she did rather well for herself. A decent living and her grandmother's money was put into a saving account for when she finally decided to put down roots or retire from her music career. Now that she thought about it she almost thought of buying one of the old Salvatore properties. She loved it, but it was so much work that she had to put it from her mind. No wonder the name Salvatore sounded so familiar. What connections did the Gilbert and Salvatore family have in the first place? Other than the counsel, of course. She recalled someone named Zach Salvatore in the counsel with her brother. She didn't know he had any relatives. Hopefully, they where better than some of her own.
The thought brought back memories of her brother and after he and his wife died she was heart broken. They where some of the only people in her family that treated her like family, but she hoped that she could mend bonds with her niece and nephew so it would change that fact because she never really had the chance to get to know them. After all Selena was always the black sheep of the family. Where her brothers where jocks and popular. She was learning music and rolling around with a local band as the lead guitarist and sometimes singer. She generally dressed the part too. The black and leather kind of gave it away. Most that saw would see a guitar case or her laptop strapped onto her for work. She worked as a lyricist of a few bands around Atlanta, Orlando, and even worked for a record company in Hollywood that she would speak to over calls or face time.
"Eureka!" she cheered finding a pair of jeans, navy V neck t-shirt, and some pajama pants, but they where items that where barely ever worn or never at all. Her ex was the sort who preferred to dress in classy suits. Damon could pick what he wanted to wear, but she doubted he wanted to use someone else's undergarments. She quickly grabbed them and headed for the bathroom. Selena knocked on his door and said, "Hey, I found some clothes." she called. The door opened and her mouth watered. There he was completely wet and naked, not even a towel around his waist and she thought he couldn't look any hotter, but now she knew she was wrong. His body was glistening, lean, and muscular as steam rolled off of him. That black hair was slick back and those impossibly blue gorgeous piecing eyes were on her with a smoldering intensity of a pure predator that made her knees weak. He even had a face that was handsome in any angle or in any expression would be drop dead gorgeous. Selena swore she was drooling, but she thankfully he didn't seem to notice. Why did he have to be so attractive? "I... um..." she managed dumbly with heat on her cheeks. Well, crap... I sound like an idiot school girl seeing a man naked boy for the first time. Dammit this isn't the first time I've seen this! Get a grip! You are a hot blooded woman! Not some school girl! You are a damn woman! You can take this in spades and disk some out too!
There was a flirtatious and mischievous smirk on his face as he seemed pleased by her expression, "Like what you see?" he asked lifting a sexy inquisitive brow.
She scuffed with an embarrassed grin, "Well yes and you would know. So what can I say?" Selena shrugged. "You have the kind of body most women would kill to be on top of in the hot and heavy sense."
He gave a short chuckle and she could feel a shiver run up her spine as she realized how sexy his masculine laugh was when he was flirting like that. Damn him, she thought. He pulled this shit on purpose!
"You speak your mind. I'll give you that." He told her.
"No, I'm just honest about my opinions." she giggled handing him the clothes. "Here take these and get dressed before I start getting the wrong idea."
"Maybe that isn't a bad thing," He replied as hands brushed against hers as he took the clothes into his hands making her suck in a sharp breath as they stared into each other's eyes. If he tried anything she wasn't sure she'd be able to resist. Hell she might not even bother to try. The man before her was a sex god and she could tell with how comfortable he was being seen naked, which also meant he had been around a lot too. It also spoke in the way he held himself like he was god's gift which might have been true in someways, but there was something under it that was... familiar.
He also had such a powerful stare and those eyes she could get lost in for a life time. She was damn sure that any woman could and she bet he knew just that. If her son wasn't in the living room she would of given in so easily right now. It was kind of shocking to come to that realization as well. Selena pulled back reluctantly as she realized she had been gazing at those eyes for a little too long. "Maybe some other time." she said gesturing her head toward her kid in the living room and he understood what she meant.
His smirk widen, "As you wish."
Once he was dressed he re-entered the living room Selena and her son where sitting together watching one of the Furious movies. Something about a sub as he recalled. She wasn't really paying much attention to it as her attention was on her phone. She was texting Jenna about bringing Henrik over to meet the family and him possible staying the night. When she heard the door to her bathroom open again her head snapped up to look over at the hallway and saw Damon approach. "Hey," she greeted, "feeling better?" Why am I disappointed that he's dressed? I think I might have a few problems with my brain right now. She asked herself mentally scolding herself for a split second. Though he does fill those jeans rather well if I'm honest.
"Yes, thanks to you." he replied.
"Great, need me to drive you anywhere?" she asked.
"No, I'm going to get my keys and clothes from across the hall." He said.
"Oh? Need help?" she asked concerned. Is he in any condition to drive? He smelled heavily of alcohol earlier. She wondered.
"No thanks for everything, but can I see your phone for a second." he said.
Selena was baffled as to why he would need her phone, but said, "Sure thing," she let him see her cell phone.
She watched as he was typing something on her phone and then handed it back to her. Selena looked down and there was his name with one of those winking faces next to it and his number in her contacts list. She looked up a inquisitive look about her face and he replied, "For the 'some other time.'"
Selena smiled and she watched him leave. She was actually kind of tempted to follow and watch how he would take care of things next door, but decided against it. Selena was very much looking forward to seeing that man again and luckily for her Mystic Falls was not a very large town.
Damon knocked on the door and waited for it to be opened. He swiftly broke the chain on the door with a push and grabbed the guy that had thrown him out by the throat and pinned him against the wall. The man was about to scream, but Damon was already at his magic with his compulsion. "You will stay still and not say a word until I leave. You will forget what happened tonight and you never saw my face."
The man went still with a blank expression and Damon did the same to the already compelled woman sitting on the couch with a dumb smile on her face. Damon proceeded to grab his things and then left the apartment and went home. His thoughts leaving Katherine and settling on Selena. He was sure he would be see her very soon.
The noon of the next day Selena took her son and herself to Jenna's house where everyone was waiting for her. Selena knocked on the door and Jeremy was the one to answer it. "Aunt Selena!" he greeted warmly and hugged her.
This put a genuine smile on her face. "Hey, Jer," she replied as she pulled away, "This is Henrik. Your cousin."
Jeremy was warm to him as well, "Nice to meet you. My name is Jeremy Gilbert." he extended his hand toward Henrik who smiled excitedly.
To Jeremy's surprise Henrik shook his hand with both of his own and he could tell the boy had been nervous about their meeting. "Nice to meet you. I'm Henrik Gilbert. I brought my xBox if you want to play it later."
"Hell yeah," Jeremy said.
"Sweet!" He said.
Their attention was caught the moment Selena laughed. "Seems you two are going to get along rather well." she said.
"Oh, that reminds me can I show you my class paper later. You were always great with art and history." Jeremy said.
"That isn't a problem so sure," Selena said with a smile.
"Great lets go inside everyone is waiting," he said inviting them in.
There was surprising a lot of warm greetings from the family. Elena and Jenna where there and a young man named Stefan Salvatore.
He was a handsome serious looking lad and broody, unlike his brother, who she liked a lot more. Though his hair was more on the brown side and his eyes seemed to be brown or hazel. She couldn't really tell with the lighting in the room. Though there where some similarities of course. Both of them where handsome, with similar noses and foreheads, but she could instantly tell one took after one parent and one the other. Seems my sweet little niece likes the broody type. Nice, she thought mental nod and smirk approvingly at he niece's tastes in men. The broody type wasn't bad. It was the kind that made most girls fall for him, but Selena didn't really fancy his type on most occasions. Only one cut from a somewhat different, but similar cloth had caught her eye once upon a time.
"Oh, I think I met your brother last night. He's name is Damon right?" Selena casually commented after a few minutes of pleasantries. "Did he make it home alright last night? He was a bit tipsy so I was a little worried."
Elena physically paled at the mention of Damon which really did surprise Selena. As for Stefan, visibly stiffened as if he was suddenly made out of stiff stone or someone had suddenly hit him in the face with a basketball, "Yes, he did and I apologize for him. Please, tell me he behaved at least." Stefan said after a moment. There was tension there and she knew right there that things between him and his brother were not going so well.
"No he didn't, but he gave the best apology a woman could ask for." she said with a sheepish grin that held a bit of mischief with it not that he seemed to notice.
Her son was drinking his ice tea when he heard that and comically spit it out half laughing and scowling at his mother, "Mom, not cool!"
She smirked at her boy and the two laughed leaving everyone else confused as to what she meant, but Stefan looked incredibly worried. "What does that even mean?" Elena asked.
Selena just smirked as she lifted a brow, "You'll have to ask Damon that and lets just say I enjoyed the view."
Henrik bit his tongue to stop his laughter, "She did alright." he muttered in agreement.