It would be another year before they would once again conceive. But it wasn't for a lack of trying. Though they had both been eager for another pup, she hadn't let the delay get her down. She learned long ago to stop questioning what the fates had in store for her.

Inuyasha was a fair and respected ruler in The Southern Lands. He took some pride in the fact that he now ran the lands that had once been controlled by the demon who fatally injured his father all those years ago. He became a hero to half demons, which were becoming more common place by the day. He would show them all that someone like him could lead effectively. And his people in The South were grateful to the hanyou that had once finished off their terrible tyrant of a dragon leader after his father had sealed him with his fang.

He still had no children of his own, so Hansamu remained the true heir to The South, as well as The West. He was growing stronger by the day, and could very well rule both lands when he was grown, if he wished it.

Shippo was still young, as far as demons went. But he was becoming a strong soldier and a successful spy. If he continued going as he was, Sesshoumaru could easily see him on the fast track to becoming a general in his army someday. For now, however, he was doing quite well in keeping the demon lord appraised of Rin's whereabouts, and the young males who were beginning to take notice of her as she reached her adolescence. The slayer boy seemed to be visiting her very often as of late, and he was keeping a trained eye on the teenager.

Miroku and Sango remained in the fortress. They had been a great help in the success of the cohabitation that they had helped Sesshoumaru implement. They were thriving in their new lives in The West, and were expecting already their third child as a result.

Ayame finally left Kouga for good not long after Kagome returned to The West. Soon after that, he began seeing Touran, and they were now mated and had a young child of their own. The experience Kouga had gained in his previous failed relationships had helped him grow, and he had finally learned the joys that came with true loyalty.

They raised their baby girl equally between the Northern and Eastern lands. They were expected to rule them both together when they officially inherited the titles from their fathers. But as the older demons were still faring quite well, it seemed they would not be burdened with the duty for some time.

Kagome was thrilled that her son now had a little friend to play date with, and she watched them interact with great amusement. The baby girl was very fond of Hansamu, and trying to crawl all over him, to his great dismay. He was easily annoyed at her antics, and had to keep shoving her off of him to get his peace. But she took after her father, and was damn persistent.

When he pushed her off of him yet again, she finally got frustrated and began crying pitifully, causing Kagome to giggle.

"Would you look at that? It looks like our son is already breaking hearts."

"Hn. It is only the beginning. You had best get used to that."

She set her dog demon with a mischievous smirk, and looked around conspiratorially.

"You know... If we set up an arranged marriage for those two, our grandpups would rule the entire country..."

"Do not tell me that those aspirations of yours are rearing their ugly heads once again?" he accused with a raised eyebrow. Kagome only smiled in return.

"No. I was just kidding. We can leave their futures up to them."

Kagome was grinning wide as she looked at Sesshoumaru, and he grew self-conscious under her scrutiny.

"Stop looking at it," he demanded, referring to the gap in his teeth where his fang had been yesterday. He plucked it himself to give to Totosai to forge two new swords as inheritance to his pups.

"It will be grown in by tomorrow. I want to enjoy it while I can!" He closed his lips over his teeth, but couldn't help but eventually crack a smile at her antics, showing off his rare imperfection.

"You are certain it will not be a girl?" She rubbed her belly at his question, though no signs of the future half demon could be seen in her form at all yet.

"It's a boy. I can feel it. I don't know how, but I could tell with Hansamu too. Disappointed?"

"Perhaps. I would like to have seen how our daughter might take after you." She rolled her eyes at the statement.

"Whatever. You just don't want the petty brothers to be constantly at each other's throats. Karma's a bitch." He shrugged an elegant shoulder, and replied dismissively.

"I shall be present for their upbringing. I will ensure that there is no competitive behavior."

"So that's why you needed replicas of both of your swords made," she observed.

"Indeed. Each will inherit both, so there shall be no jealousy."

"You think you're so smart. I'm sure they will find something to fight over."

"Nonsense. They shall both be full brothers. They shall each own both swords. They will want for nothing. What could they possibly fight over?"

"I'm sure they will think of something, don't you worry."

She tried to resist as he pulled her into a kiss, but it was a futile effort. And though she resisted at first, she pouted when he finally pulled away.

"Shall we depart?" She leaned into him, keeping her face very close to his own.

"Yes. I haven't seen my mom in forever. She's going to kill me when I get there."

She rescued Hansamu from his playdate, and Sesshoumaru collected them both. Once encased in his sphere of light, it only took mere moments for them to arrive at the well's edge.

She wanted to try and bring her son home to meet her mother, but she wasn't sure if he would be able to make the journey. Sesshoumaru suggested that he jump in the well with her, as they both held Hansamu, so that if he was unable to pass through, Sesshoumaru would be there to catch him while she made the trip alone.

"I wish I could meet your mother as well." Something occurred to her then, and she couldn't believe she had never thought to ask.

"Hey, why haven't I met your mother? You said she is still alive."

"Indeed. All in due time, miko. But not today. Are you ready?"

She leaned back into him as she secured her precious cargo.

"Yeah. I will try to remember to bring a camera when I return. That way, mom can understand why I just had to stay back here with you."

He pulled Kagome's back flush against his front, and they both had their arms wrapped tenderly around their young son. Sesshoumaru hovered above the well with them, and slowly descended down; gently, so as not to frighten the boy. But as he reached what should have been the bottom, he found no ground beneath his feet.

His eyes widened in shock as they made contact with Kagome's. And after a short trip through the portal, all three found themselves looking up to the roof of the wellhouse outside the Higurashi Shrine.


A/N: Gotta leave the door open for a sequel, right?

Thank you so much for reading! This was actually the first fanfic I ever wrote, even though I have been reading them for many years.

Honestly, I was gonna end it around the threesome, and keep it totally fluffy and light, but my muse got other ideas and wanted to try something a little different. So I know we kind of took a left turn, but I hope it was at least entertaining and interesting and maybe a little different than the rest in that way?

I'm currently working on several other fics, which I update regularly and post as soon as they are written. So if you want to watch me grow as a writer, check them out! They are all sesskag, and always will be, i'm sure. Only Human and That Night are ongoing, and it doesn't look like I will be wrapping those up any time soon. Rendezvous is another kind of side project I am experimenting with, but that one is slower in coming atm.

But make sure to follow/favorite all my stories that you like, so you will know as soon as new chapters come out (i usually crank them out pretty quick)

Or if you want to be among the first to read whatever new stories i write, follow/favorite me as an author! (i also create new content pretty regularly)

I also have several completed fics posted, so you can check those out if you wanna. And if you are in the mood for some smut, I just finished a super long oneshot called Stripped Bare, in which Sesshoumaru finds Kagome working at a strip club XDD. So go have a read, and drop me a note to let me know what you think!

I appreciate you guys so much. Hope to hear from you soon!