As Cath was sent back to the universe she came from, the others each went back to where they belonged. The Extreme Dinosaurs family looked very happy that they had two new members to the family.

"Goodbye, Owen." Blue said softly as she was going with Haxx and the other Extreme Dinosaurs.

Haxx put his hand on her shoulder with a small smile to help comfort her. Blue smiled back as she knew she would have someone she felt close to.

After everyone met back at the Fudo household...

"Well, I guess I gotta go again," Felicity told her family. "It was good to see you."

"Good to see you too, Flick," Akito smiled at his cousin. "Great job against those knights in Auradon by the way."

"Yeah, I was a little nervous about that." Felicity said sheepishly.

"Luckily you had your friends." Estelle smiled.

"Oui," Felicity smiled back. "Also something tells me I should visit them again soon as they might have 'super' stories to share with me."

"Why don't you invite them over for Christmas?" Mo offered. "I doubt the Isle has Christmas, or... Do they...?"

"Non, they don't, Tante Mo," Felicity replied. "It would be nice to show Christmas to Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos though."

"Yes, it would." Chip nodded.

"Like how Ben's mother showed Christmas to his father," Atticus smiled. "That was quite a Christmas to remember."

"Oh, we know." Akito and Estelle mumbled in unison from that.

"Shall we, my dear?" Chip offered to his future wife.

"Oh, Chip." Felicity smiled while blushing as they walked off back to his car to continue their travel together.

"Remind me again, which Ben were you talking about, Dad?" Vincent asked Atticus.

"Adam and Belle's son?" Atticus replied like it was obvious.

"Oh, right." Vincent smiled sheepishly.

"Thor, could you tell us more about that Power Comet that hit Auradon?" Estelle asked. "I think I ought to get to know about this more than about Pretty Cure for a while."

"Sure, let me see..." Thor smiled as he took out his crystal ball to show the United States of Auradon before the comet hit.

It seemed to be a normal night so far, though it was hard for the four main Descendants to get used to Felicity being gone as they all missed her very much, though she promised to visit them all again as soon as possible.

"It's getting late, my dears," Verna smiled to the students. "I'm pretty strict about curfews. You don't have to go to bed, but I highly suggest you get to your dorms before midnight."

"Yes, Fairy Godmother." Mal, Jay, Evie, and Carlos said.

Verna ushered them out a bit as they went to get going.

"As much as I'd love to visit The Mad for Tea Café, I guess we should get some sleep," Carlos said. "Whatya think, Felicity?"

Of course, Felicity couldn't answer because she wasn't there.

"Oh... Right..." Carlos said with a small sigh.

"It's okay, Carlos," Jay told him. "We all miss her."

As they were heading to their dorms, the V.K.'s noticed something coming down from the sky.

"Uh... Guys?" Carlos asked.

"We see it too." Mal, Evie, and Jay reassured him.

"I'll tell Fairy Godmother, you tell Ben." Carlos suggested to Mal.

"Yeah, it's coming right for us!" Jay's eyes widened.

"Guys? What's goin' on?" Dude asked as he came beside Carlos as the comet got closer and closer. "Ooh... Pretty rock."

Carlos picked up Dude and they tried to run out of the way, but... CRASH! The four groaned slightly as they fell to the ground together as colorful blasts of lime green, bright red, dark blue, and orange shot out all around at them.

"Whoa... You guys okay?" Dude asked. "Oh, please tell me you're all okay. If you can hear me! JUST FOLLOW MY-" he then spoke up very loudly until Carlos closed his dog's mouth.

"Dude... Chill..." Carlos grunted. "Ugh... I feel like I just got hit by a meteorite."

"Well, you're close." Dude said.

The four soon got up as they decided to go back to their dorms.

"Let's just go to sleep," Evie said. "Felicity leaving was tough for all of us and we just got back from visiting our parents, but I'm sure it was nothing and we miss her so much that we're all already dreaming. We'll meet up for breakfast tomorrow."

"Uh-huh..." The others agreed, though tonight was unlike any other night in Auradon, even after their arrival away from the Isle of the Lost.

"I'll fast-forward to the next day on my crystal ball." Thor said.

"Sounds good to me." Akito chuckled as he sketched a bit from a dream he had like Estelle's dream.

Thor looked bashful as he soon did just that.

Jay yawned as he woke up first and soon came to the door and opened it, though his eyes widened a bit as the door came unhinged from his touch as it came right out like he pulled it off. "Heh... I doubt Fairy Godmother's gonna like that..." he said bashfully.

"No kidding." Carlos said as that had woken him up.

"Heh, sorry about that, buddy." Jay chuckled sheepishly.

"Hm..." Carlos rolled his eyes.

"Race ya to the shower though." Jay smirked.

"Hmph." Carlos glared as he got ready to run out of their dorm room together.

"Ready... Set... GO!" Jay smirked as they ran off, though Carlos seemed to speed off like The Flash.

"Whoa!" Carlos yelped as he crashed into the bathroom door.

"Watch where you're going!" Chad complained.

"Huh... Carlos is almost never that fast..." Jay said to himself.

"What the heck?!" Mal's voice yelped from her and Evie's room.

Jay and Carlos looked to each other before they dashed off, though of course, Carlos was much faster.

"Those VKs, I swear..." Chad sighed to himself.

"Let it go, Chad." Doug told him.

"Girls? You okay?" Jay called out as he came into Mal and Evie's room.

"Uh, that depends, how did I get up here?" Mal asked as she was seen floating in the air.

"Can't you always fly?" Carlos replied bashfully. "I mean, uh, you are part dragon/fairy on your mother's side."

"Yeah, you just have wings, right?" Jay added.

"No...?" Mal replied as she showed her bare back at them.

"Well, that's new." Carlos said.

"Get me down!" Mal growled as her eyes flashed green.

"Well, uh, what do you want us to do about it?" Jay asked.

"I don't know!" Mal replied sharply. "Carlos, you're smart, you think of something!"

"Uh, how about you try calming down?" Carlos suggested.

"Seriously?!" Mal asked.

"How am I supposed to know?!" Carlos replied.

"Ugh, guys, stop yelling!" Evie cried out.

"Yeah, I need my beauty sleep!" Audrey's voice added from another room.

"Just try to calm down, maybe it'll help." Carlos told Mal.

Mal growled a bit before she closed her eyes, counting backwards from 10 and as she got closer to one, her tone softened a bit before she soon lowered down to the floor.

"What's happened to us?" Evie asked as she looked at her hands.

"Mal, did you spell us?" Carlos added.

"No," Mal shook her head before looking to her gecko tank. "I doubt Mom did either."

"Maybe that comet did this." Jay said.

"That's just weird," Carlos remarked. "What kinda comet gives you superpowers?"

"I wonder what mine are?" Evie pondered.

They soon heard some sort of crying and came over to Evie's side of the room as Meowsic seemed to be hurt somehow.

"Meowsic, what happened?" Evie frowned.

"I was trying to reach your curling iron to bounce out my fur, but I fell over and got hurt." Meowsic pouted.

"Oh, my poor little Pokemon~..." Evie cooed as she picked up Meowsic and cradled her like a baby in her arms. "When did this happen?"

"Last night," Meowsic sniffled from the pain. "I didn't wanna bother you while you were asleep."

"Oh, poor thing~" Evie pouted.

Meowsic nuzzled up against her trainer.

"You shouldn't use that after dark anyway," Evie cooed as she cuddled her poor Meowsic. "Oh, poor baby... I wanna help you, but I don't know how..."

There seemed to be a bright glow from both Evie and Meowsic before it looked like that Meowsic wasn't hurt anymore.

"What just happened?" Mal asked.

"We have to talk to somebody," Evie said. "But who?"

They all looked to each other and soon came to the library to see if they could find an answer on what happened to them from last night.

Unfortunately, none of the books seemed to have any answers for them.

"No offense, but you guys are acting stranger than usual." Audrey spoke up.

"Well, sorry if we have a lot on our minds." Mal replied.

"Well... You can tell me..." Audrey said. "We're all friends now."

"That's true." Mal said.

The V.K.'s soon told her everything that happened last night.

"Oh... Well... I dunno what to say about that..." Audrey said to them.

"Where were you last night anyway?" Evie asked.

"Oh, um..." Audrey smiled bashfully. "I was spending a little time with Chad."

"Aw." Evie smiled back.

Audrey blushed a bit.

"Ugh... Can't anybody help us with this stupid comet that hit last night?!" Carlos complained.

"So... You saw that too." Sophie said as she was shown with Gil and Pancham.

"Saw it? We were hit by it." Jay said.

"Come with me." Sophie told them.

The others looked to each other and soon met in Sophie's room which looked a lot like Yen Sid's lair back when Mickey Mouse was his personal apprentice before she had come along and there was a space which was a bedding area for Pancham.

"That comet that hit you was no ordinary comet," Sophie told them. "It hits very rarely and it goes to those who might need its special superpowers. It once hit the honorary members of the Justice League known as Team Go when they were children which gave them all their special powers and it seems to have also chosen you four to have your very own powers."

"Like super-strength." Jay smiled.

"But why did it choose us?" Carlos asked.

"Hmm... I'm not sure... The Power Comet's pretty random," Sophie replied. "I guess you were just lucky to get picked like Team Go was over 20 years ago."

"This is so cool." Jay smiled.

"I guess..." Mal said. "Is there a way to cure it?"

"Not that I can see," Sophie replied. "Guess you guys are the new heroes for Auradon and the Isle."

The four looked to each other as this seemed like a big responsibility for them so far.

"Whoa... The Disney Descendants have superpowers... That's crazy!" Vincent said with shock.

"This is awesome!" Jay beamed.

"Awesome for you maybe." Mal muttered.

"Aw, come on, Mal," Evie smiled. "It might be fun."

"As if we didn't have hard enough time already trying to fit in around here." Mal rolled her eyes.

"It could be fun." Carlos said.

"Hmm..." Mal paused thoughtfully.

"And... That's about all I can show you," Thor told the teenagers. "It must mean something for the future."

"Sounds interesting like this dream I had," Akito replied. "I saw some Pokemon that were like superheroes themselves."

"Cool." Estelle smiled.

"That seems to be another story for another day like Estelle meeting Natalie and Hannah." Thor advised.

"Cool." Vincent said.

"I hope your daughter had fun on her little trip." Estelle said.

"Yeah, me too," Thor smiled. "Also it looks like a happy ending for all of the Jurassic World dinosaurs, especially Blue since she and Haxx seem to be very close with each other now."

"She sure does." Akito nodded.

"Will we ever hear about Jurassic World again like our parents did with Jurassic Park after this?" Vincent asked curiously.

"I'll check for you," Thor replied. "Have a good time at home though while you still have the chance."

The Fudo siblings smiled and waved goodbye to him as he took that time to leave while they relaxed at home.

"You guys can go back home," Lee told his own siblings. "I'm gonna catch up with Estelle."

"Alright, then." Megan said.

"Have fun," Tony added. "I'm gonna catch up with Dinosaur King."

"That boy and his trading cards..." Lee rolled his eyes playfully.

The Clark siblings began to leave, wondering what to do, though Marc brightened up slightly as he saw Penny coming down the street as she was walking Bolt for the day, and after 'fixing' his hair, Marc began to make himself look casual. Megan and Tony chuckled a bit from that.

"Hey, Penny, what's up?" Marc smiled as he came to see her.

"Oh, hey," Penny smiled back. "I heard you were camping with your family."

"Yep, I sure did." Marc smiled back.

"Uh, nice hair." Penny then said.

Marc looked bashful from that. "So, uh, what're you doing?" he then asked.

"Just taking Bolt for a walk while Rhino and Mittens are back home," Penny replied. "Would you like to maybe join me?"

"Yes!" Marc replied. "Erm... Ahem... I mean, yes, please."

"Great." Bolt smiled as he got Marc close to Penny.

The two soon walked off together.

"Goodbye, Marc!" Megan and Tony called out to their other brother. "Have fun!"

"So, did you have fun camping?" Estelle asked her boyfriend. "Did you see Kate and Humphrey? I haven't seen them in a long time."

"No, I'm afraid I haven't," Lee replied. "No Yogi Bear either though, despite Dad's jokes."

"Hmm... You must have been at a different campsite then." Estelle said.

"That must be it." Lee said.

Estelle smiled though, glad they got to have more fun time together, even after Jurassic World.

"I guess Kate and Humphrey are good friends of yours?" Lee asked.

"Oh, yeah," Estelle replied. "It's a long story."

"Oh, yes," Estelle smiled. "I could tell you about it sometime."

"Anything unusual happen?" Lee asked.

"Well, for one thing, we became wolves," Estelle said bashfully. "I guess so that we could help out easier."

"Plus it would have been surprising for the wolves to have humans actually talking to them at first." Lee said.

"Wouldn't be the first time for all of us, but you make a good point." Estelle replied.

"Anyway, I'm glad that this adventure was great." Lee smiled.

"Yeah, me too," Estelle smiled back. "I sure hope Blue enjoys her new home."

"Oh, something tells me that she will." Lee replied.

Felicity and Chip smiled at each other as they rode off yet again, now thinking about what to do before they would get married.

The End