It seemed to be a normal weekend afternoon in the Fudo household. Akito was playing some video games, Estelle was reading her Princess Tutu book, and Vincent was brushing Snow White's fur. Nothing new seemed to happen for a while until a new car pulled up into the driveway with a young couple who looked a bit excited and happy to come over before one of them rang the doorbell.
"Just a minute!" Mo called out as she was finishing the dishes before walking to the door with her dog. "Now, who could that be, Angel?"
"Who knows?" Angel smiled with a small shrug.
Eventually, Mo answered the door and looked surprised to see who it was.
"Hello." Felicity and Chip smiled as they were at the door.
"Felicity! Chip!" Mo beamed before hearing her kids rushing to the door.
Felicity hugged her aunt happily as Chip smiled by the door.
"Hey, guys." Chip smiled to the Fudo siblings.
"Hey, long time no see." Akito replied.
"You guys okay from that final battle in Auradon?" Estelle asked.
"Yes, we'll be fi-" Felicity replied until she realized what Estelle said. "Wait, how did you know about that? I didn't tell you guys about that."
"We were watching on Thor's inter-dimensional cable like when Drell did that with Mom, Dad, and Aunt Cherry," Akito replied. "Man, Felicity, you've really come a long way since Belle and Adam enrolled you into Auradon Prep."
"You sure have." Estelle smiled.
Felicity looked bashful. "I'm sorry I didn't call any of you for back-up," she then said. "I just wanted to prove I could handle things without you coming by to save me all the time..." she then sighed softly. "No offense of course, even though Audrey kept teasing me for it from the last time you guys came over to Auradon."
"We think you did a great job out there, Felicity." Estelle smiled.
"Really." Vincent added.
Felicity and Chip soon came to sit down with the others into the living room as Felicity let Estelle look to her engagement ring.
"So, you guys are gonna travel the world before you get married?" Akito asked.
"Yeah," Chip smiled. "See which place we like and maybe move there after our wedding."
"Awesome." Akito smiled back.
"You think you'll invite Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos to the wedding?" Vincent asked as he flipped through the remote to find something to watch.
"Well, of course," Felicity blushed a bit. "They're my best friends next to you guys. Estelle, how'd you like to maybe become a bridesmaid?"
"Oh, I'd love to be your bridesmaid." Estelle beamed before they saw the news.
Felicity giggled, beaming with Estelle before the two then shared a hug.
"Whoa..." Vincent muttered once he took a look at the news. "Look at this, guys."
"Three years after the fall of Jurassic World, the debate over Isla Nublar rages on," A woman named Philippa Thomas reported. "The island's long-dormant volcano, reclassified as active, has shown considerable unrest in recent months. Theologists now predict an extinction-level event will kill off the last living dinosaurs on the planet. Since the disaster that shocked the world in 2015, the Masrani Corporation has paid out more than $800 million in damages to settle class-action lawsuits brought by survivors. Activist groups have mobilized around the globe, in what has become the flash-point animal rights issue of our time. With an eruption expected at any moment; the US Senate has convened a special committee, to answer a grave moral question: Do dinosaurs deserve the same protections given to other endangered species, or should they be left to die?"
"They're kidding, right? Of course, the dinosaurs deserve; the same protections given to other endangered species." Akito said.
"Hopefully the court can talk this over with the law." Estelle hoped.
A courtroom was soon shown with Atticus there with his lawyer, Phoenix Wright for just in case as an old familiar face was speaking up.
"I can't believe this guy is still alive," Atticus commented about who was going to speak up. "I've seen Ian Malcolm since I was a kid."
"Ready for me to defend for the dinosaurs?" Phoenix Wright asked Atticus.
"Good luck." Atticus told his lawyer.
Phoenix Wright nodded as he got ready.
"I think that we should allow our, uh, magnificent, glorious dinosaurs, to be taken out by the volcano." Ian soon said.
Atticus glared as that was just sudden.
"Murderer." A voice muttered.
"Silence, please." Senator Sherwood requested from that outburst.
"As deeply sad as that would be, we altered the course of natural history," Ian soon continued. "This is the correction."
Atticus glared as he tightened his fists before he saw Phoenix ready to defend. Phoenix cleared his throat sharply.
"Mr. Wright?" Senator Sherwood replied.
"Thank you, Senator," Phoenix said as he stood up. "Anyway, Mr. Malcolm... OBJECTION!"
'Now to watch Phoenix do his thing.' Atticus thought to himself.
Ian looked over.
"You can't let all of the dinosaurs die like this!" Phoenix snapped. "They're still God's creatures and endangered species these days!"
"He does have a point." Senator Sherwood remarked.
Oh, but, uh, Mr. Wright, with all due respect, God's not... Part of the equation." Ian replied.
Atticus raised his eyebrows from that.
"What do you mean by that?" Phoenix asked, trying not to scoff.
"What I mean is that, in the last century, we amassed a landmark technological power, and we've consistently proven ourselves incapable of handling that power," Ian replied with a rebuttal. "80 years ago, who could've predicted nuclear proliferation? But then, there it was. And now, we've got genetic power. So... How long is it gonna take for that to spread around the globe and, what's gonna be done with it? It ain't gonna stop with the de-extinction of the dinosaurs."
"Be that as it may, these are still God's creatures and they have been given a second chance in life!" Phoenix snapped.
Atticus nodded as the court began to agree.
"Well, I'm talking about man-made, cataclysmic, change." Ian defended.
"What kind of change?" Senator Sherwood asked.
"Change is like death," Ian stated as calmly as he could. "You don't know what it looks like until you're standing at the gates."
Atticus glared as he tightened his hands into fists as Ian was really pushing it. Phoenix tried to calm his client down. Felicity, Chip, and the Fudos weren't the only ones watching this on TV.
We are shown a familiar-looking desert with a young woman with black hair and glasses who looked disgusted with Ian.
"You do make good points, Dr. Malcolm, but we might have to go with Detective Fudo and Mr. Wright on this one." Senator Sherwood soon said.
Atticus soon calmed himself as Phoenix spoke again.
"Thank you, Mr. Senator Sherwood because these dinosaurs are magnificent creatures that deserve just as much a right to be protected just like other endangered species." Phoenix said.
The trial/debate soon ended with all the people cheering.
"Order... Order..." Senator Sherwood told the crowd.
The crowd soon began to quiet down a bit.
"The court rules in favor of Detective Atticus Fudo, court is adjourned." Senator Sherwood soon decided.
And where it wasn't just the ones in the courtroom that cheered; it was also everyone else around the world.
"I knew you when you were 6, how did you beat me?" Ian asked Atticus, coming up to the ace detective.
"I was 12, and I have a great lawyer." Atticus retorted.
"Well, I hope you know what's coming by defending the dinosaurs." Ian told him before leaving.
"I'll take my chances," Atticus huffed a bit. "I met you back in Jurassic Park, didn't I?"
"Well, he certainly was an interesting guy." Phoenix said.
"Oh, he's more interesting than you know," Atticus replied from experience as he adjusted his hat. "Thanks for the help as always, Phoenix."
"Sure thing." Phoenix said, taking out a gift bag for him to give to his kids.
"I'm surprised the kids don't call you 'Uncle Phoenix'." Atticus chuckled as he accepted the bag.
"Well, if they ever do call me that; I'd be honored." Phoenix chuckled back.
The two shared a handshake, then separated since the case was over.
"Well, thank goodness," The black-haired young woman said to herself, turning off the TV as the case was over until she heard a knocking at the door. "Huh? Who could that be?" she then went over at the door to see who it was. "Can I help-Gah!"
"Auntie Luna!" A brunette girl beamed as she soon lunged out and tackled the young woman, making them both end up on the floor together.
"Skye... What're you doing here?" Luna asked her niece. "Where are your parents?"
"Ah, they went to some getaway trip," Skye replied as she explored the inside of her aunt's home which was still with the Extreme Dinosaurs and Chedra. "I don't know when they'll be back yet, but I wanted to stay with you."
"A little heads-up would have been nice, but it's great to have you here." Luna smiled.
Skye giggled a bit to her aunt as she helped her up off the floor.
"Thank you," Luna said, going to her computer. "Hmm... Let me see what we could do for fun..." she soon saw an email invitation sent to her about possibly joining The Dinosaur Protection Group. "Hello... What's this?" she asked herself whimsically.
Back with the Fudos...
"Mom, Daddy was on TV with Phoenix," Estelle smiled as Mo came by with snacks. "He won a case against Ian Malcolm!"
"No doubt that man was on the side of wanting the dinosaurs to be extinct and I'm guessing he lost against your father and Phoenix." Mo said.
"I swear, if Dad brings us another bag of presents from Phoenix, we should call him Uncle Phoenix." Vincent smiled.
Mo chuckled a bit from that. "I think he would like that very much since he's been with your father since after college."
"Ooh, snacks..." Felicity smiled. "They look great, Aunt Mo."
"Thank you, Felicity," Mo smiled back. "Oh, um, do your parents know you're here?"
"Oui, Madame," Felicity replied. "We told them when we left Auradon. I was sad to leave Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos, but I just felt like it was time to move onto other things once the barrier was broken and the Isle people and Auradon people could visit each other any time they wanted."
"And which is good." Akito said.
"Thanks, you guys," Felicity said. "Also, congratulations to Uncle Atticus; I hope Chip and I will be able to see him."
"I hope you do too," Akito smiled. "Also, the Clarks are fun and all..."
"But?" Chip asked, expecting to hear more from that.
"I guess I just wanna meet someone new like Dad's friends from when he'd travel with Mom and Aunt Cherry on adventures." Akito smiled bashfully.
"Like the Extreme Dinosaurs?" Felicity asked.
"Yeah... If they're... I dunno, still around..." Akito replied. "I remember Dad's stories about he and Leo thought they would hate each other at first."
"I'm sure they are." Mo said.
The kids soon tucked into some snacks.
Mo then took out her phone to see a text about offering to join something called The Dinosaur Protection Group. "Hmm... This is new." she said to herself.
"What's up, Mom?" Vincent asked.
"Oh, this group called the Dinosaur Protection Group," Mo replied. "I dunno if I'll join, but it sure sounds interesting."
"Almost sounds like a return to Jurassic World if ever I've heard one." Felicity commented.
"Hmm... Well, maybe I should include your father." Mo told her kids.
"If he gets back home in time." Akito shrugged.
"I'm sure he can make it back in time." Mo smiled as she decided she would call Atticus later if he didn't come back home in time for dinner.
Luckily, he was coming back home in time for dinner.