Naruto Kent

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Smallville. Naruto is owned by Masashi Kishimoto and Smallville is owned by Alfred Gough and Miles Millar.

Posted November 08/201(Friday)

AN1: I cannot focus on one story (and the Reading Fox Scroll is kinda on hiatus right now) so I am just putting ideas out there and whatever makes me want to update I update. I update what I want.

Naruto won't be as affected by Green Kryptonite as canon Clarke Kent is. It will still cause him pain but not to the extent where it kills him with enough exposure. (think Bizarro in season 7 where sunlight reduces his powers but doesn't completely suppress them)

This will very infrequently updated. (this is just an idea right now honestly)

Chapter 1 Meeting Lex Luthor

Naruto Kent was just your ordinary 14-year-old boy who happened to have suman human abilities and the soul of an ancient ninja from another dimension. Naruto was a very tall teen with black hair and blue eyes and a fairly muscular build. His adoptive parents were Martha and Jonathan Kent and they all lived in Smallville.

Naruto Uzumaki was in the Afterlife after a long happy life ready to pass on with his loved ones until a certain event rippled through the many multi universes. The destruction of Krypton on another version of Earth caused a unique phenonium where his soul was accidently pulled out and merged with that of 3-year-old Kal-El who escaped his home world destruction. This accident caused Naruto with his soul and personality to merge with the infant's creating a new personality altogether.

When Naruto or Kal El as he was born with arrived on Earth and crash landed on Smallville he was found by 2 farmers who he immediately called 'mama' and papa' much to their joy. Martha originally intended to name the young boy who found them 'Clark' after her father but Naruto using his limited vocabulary said 'Naruto' and Jonathan decided since the child found them, they would honour his little request. Naruto Kent was officially adopted by the happy parents who gave him a humble but happy childhood. Naruto did not have his original's soul memories.

They quickly discovered however that this boy who seemed remarkably bright and mature for his age was something beyond human. When the 6-year-old boy got annoyed at his parents who making him do chores instead of playing he lifted up a tractor over his head to his parent's shock and worry. He also somehow managed to get from the farm to the outskirts of the town in several minutes with neither of his parents able to explain it especially when besides his unique powers he acted just like any other child.

As Naruto grew up his parents realized this boy was something truly special and made sure he was taught to control his powers and keep them hidden from people they could not trust. This boy would surely be used by governments and many greedy people if they learned about the child's ability so they slowly but surely taught the boy how to act like he was human.

Naruto rarely got to play with other children due his parents fears he would expose his secret by accident but he did get one close friend in his early childhood. Peter Ross an African-American who became his best friend very early on. Pete's parents were close friends with Naruto's parents but they were somewhat bitter as Jonathan convinced Pete's parents to sell their farm to Lionel Luthor local billionaire.

Naruto did not know it but his parents had to ask Lionel Luthor for help with his adoption as neither of his parents could explain how he came from the sky with Lionel offering his help for a favour. The Favour would be Jonathan convincing some local farmers to sell their land to Lionel.

Nonetheless Naruto and Pete become close friends despite Naruto's secret with them having frequent camp outs and sleep overs.

Naruto was also close friends with his neighbour Lana Lang. She was a beautiful girl roughly the same age as Naruto with light skin and long Black hair. She had hazel eyes and a slender build who was shorter than Naruto was. Naruto and her quickly became close friends when they sympathized with each other for being orphans but raised by other people. Naruto was raised by the Kents while Lana parents died on the meteor shower that unbeknownst to her was brought about from Naruto's arrival on Earth. Lana was raised by her Aunt Nell Porter.

Naruto kept on believing he was a normal if not somewhat special boy due to his powers until once incident shortly before the story began. He met his new neighbour Chloe Sullivan who was 14 like he was shortly before Naruto's 9th year at Smallville High School. He quickly liked the girl deciding to show her around town to the girl's appreciation. Chloe was a pretty girl with white skin, short blonde hair and blue-green eyes.

Chloe and Naruto were abit awkward to each other so Chloe decided to cement their friendship with a kiss which both Naruto's and Chloe's first. As soon as Chloe lips touched Naruto's his memories of Naruto Uzumaki flooded back but he decided he liked the kiss with Chloe. So, when Chloe pulled back with a smile he was not satisfied.

"Ok so can we skip the awkward part and become friends for real?" Chloe asked as Naruto smirked.

Instead of answering he pulled the confused blonde to him and gave a much more passionate second kiss which left them breathless after a solid minute. Chloe had a massive blush on her face while Naruto looked at her hungrily before he gave her a true smile.

"Sorry about Chloe. I would love us to be friends for real but I need to talk to my parents right now so see you later ok?" Naruto told her simply as Chloe nodded and walked away trying to calm down her beating heart.

'Ok so I am now some kind of Alien here with adoptive parents and nowhere near the Earth I know. I have to tell them.' Naruto though sorting out his priorities as he raced towards the farm in a few seconds.

Martha and Jonathan were in the farm discussing finances when their son raced in with a serious look on his face.

"Sweetheart what's wrong? Did something happen with Chloe?" Martha asked knowingly already seeing the young blonde having a crush on her son.

"Mom. Something did happen with Chloe but its not what you think." Naruto said as both of his parents looked at him with concern making him happy inside. Naruto Uzumaki did not have anyone to truly look after him when he grew up but Naruto Kent had two parents to teach him love and good values.

"Son what's wrong?" Jonathan asked with concern placing his hand on Naruto's shoulder as Naruto took a deep breath.

Naruto quickly explained about his past life and how his soul was knocked out and placed inside the body of the baby who they met those years ago. His parents listened shocked and at first had a hard time believing it. They had accepted that Naruto was not human but they could not believe he had a soul of a 100+ year man from another dimension merged with his own. Naruto patiently explained it to them that his memories returned somehow due to Chloe's kiss likely as a result of his body maturing due to the light sexual act. Naruto finally convinced them by speaking in perfect Japanese which they never taught him and Naruto Kent having no prior knowledge of.

It was mutual decided like his powers his past life would be a secret with Naruto saying it did not change anything on how he looked at his adoptive parents. If anything, it made him appreciate them more as his first life he was an orphan who was hated but now he had two loving parents. They brought tears to his parents face and they shared a tight hug.

"It kinda sucks though. Since it was just my soul that moved over, I don't have chakra anymore so I can't do what I could before." Naruto said with a frown. Unlike with Asura and his reincarnations the new body back than had chakra so Asura chakra latched on. This body only had its unique properties and thus his soul was unable to produce chakra for him to use.

"Well it's a good thing sweetheart as it hard enough trying to keep your normal powers under the wraps. Try to explain you shooting out fire, lighting, create earth palaces or moving water with your mind." Martha joked as Naruto chuckled. Naruto thought his powers now were all physical abilities while his old chakra powers were more a blend of spiritual and physical strength.

"Yeah mom." Naruto replied as he grinned at his parents.

"Naruto it is imperative you keep both your powers and past hidden. If people find out it will be trouble." Jonathan said sternly as Naruto nodded in agreement.

Unlike in his old world were his powers were strong but not so different from everyone else's this time his powers stood out. It appeared people on this Earth were like civilians in his old Earth without any chakra or anything that made them powerful. His powers in this body would make him like a God but he knew better than anyone nobody was invincible.

The week after Naruto regained his old memories the new School year had began. Naruto realized without the need to constantly train early in the morning he rather enjoyed sleeping in. This however meant he missed the school bus as he looked on his annoyance as it drove by.

Naruto looked around and made sure his bag was full before he ran appearing little more than a blur. He quickly passed the bus as nobody could see him while he ran or as he called it 'Blurring out' appearing at Smallville High School a few seconds before the bus did.

While on the bus Pete decided to ask Chloe a question burning in his head.

"Chloe you going with anyone to the dance later this year? Maybe Naruto?" Pete asked as Chloe gave him a playful smile.

"I don't have crush on Naruto, Pete. We are just friends." Chloe insisted as Pete gave her a hopeful look.

"Well if you are not going with anyone how about we go together? As friends." Pete asked as Chloe gave him a shocked look.

Chloe and Pete got out of the bus as they looked at Naruto in surprise.

"How did you get here? You missed the bus!" Chloe demanded having put the kiss from before in the back of her mind.

Naruto smirked as he fist bumped Pete. "You know if you get here early enough you can beat the bus." Naruto claimed as Chloe gave him a skeptical look.

Naruto ignored the accusatory look sent by Chloe as he looked and saw Lana talking to her cheerleader friends as he felt his heart beat a little quicker. His childhood friend had matured greatly as she started to hit puberty and was considered the prettiest girl in their class by a poll and most of the guys. Naruto knew his feelings were somewhat based on lust but another part based on how kind she was and compatible they were.

Lana looked over and smiled at hi as she walked over with a wave. "Hey Naruto." Lana said happily as her necklace with a green meteor rock glowed when she neared Naruto and he winced clenching his stomach in pain.

"Naruto! What's wrong?" Lana asked in worry as Pete and Chloe also sent him concerned looks.

"Nothing. I must have had a bad breakfast or something." Naruto said with a wince as he waved to them off.

"If you say so Naruto." Lana said with some concern. She turned to Chloe and Pete realizing she was being a little rude. "Hi Pete." Lana said simply as Pete nodded. They were not close friends but friends through Naruto.

"Sorry I don't believe we met." Lana said apologetically as Chloe gave a subdued smile a little annoyed at how enamored Naruto appeared to be with the pretty girl.

"Chloe Sullivan. Naruto and Pete's friend." Chloe said as Lana nodded.

"Lana Lang." Lana replied offering a hand as Chloe shook her hand. "Naruto if you feel ill you should go tot the nurse." Lana said with concern before her cheerleader's friends called her over.

"I will. See ya Lana." Naruto said with a smile as Lana gave him a sorry look before she ran off. As soon as Lana was gone along with her necklace Naruto felt better but he kept up the pretence of having a stomach ache.

"It seems like brave Naruto Kent can't help getting butterflies around Ms. Lang." Chloe teased as they walked together into the school.

"Haha very funny Chloe. Things happen. Its no big deal. By lunch I would have forgotten about it." Naruto insisted as Pete added a laugh.

"Yeah Naruto here will be first in line for lunch as soon as the bell rings." Pete said as him and Chloe laughed at Naruto's expense. Naruto joined along with his friend's laughter seeing no reason why he would be mad at his friends mild teasing of him. He discovered did not actually require food or water to sustain itself but he still enjoyed flavour of food and drinks.

Later that day they had football tryouts with Pete instantly signing up while Naruto hanged back. Naruto claimed to an incredulous Pete it was due to his dad not letting him but in reality, it was both. Naruto was confident he could control his powers enough during a match but there was a chance he might he do get some tests done which would lead to any questions he did not want answered.

After school instead of taking the bus home he just walked casually thinking about his relationships. As much as he loved Hinata he realized in this new life he could not be with her and she would want him to find happiness elsewhere. The biggest regret he had in his love for Hinata was how long it took for him to realize her feelings and reciprocate them. He did not even realize back than when she confessed her love for him during his fight with Pain what they meant. It was not till 2 years later when he was 19 did, he get what her feelings were and his own feelings manifested.

"I was such an idiot back than huh?" Naruto said drily as he continued to walk and think.

Naruto vowed he would not wait for that long to get relationships in this life especially when he realized that people in this world were much likely to die since they lacked any kind of powers unlike the vast majority of people he had met in his previous life. That is why he impulsively kissed Chloe when his memories returned having already an attraction to the blonde while he felt something bloom for Lana as well.

Naruto knew Lana was single right now (AN2) but he held off going after her for several reasons. He could tell Lana saw him mostly as a friend from next door right now, he knew Chloe had a crush on him, Pete had a crush on Chloe and he was unsure on how to handle these conflicting relationships. Naruto knew back home Polygamy was not considered wrong if done with consent or the need to expand near extinct clans for males. Here his parents told them society frowned on non-monogamy relationships but there were no actual laws that prevented a person to be in a consensual multi person relationship.

As he was walking to one side across the Loeb bridge thinking he did not notice the car coming towards him. Naruto only became aware when the white car crashed into him and sent him and the car into the Elbow River. Naruto quickly looked and saw inside the car there was a man inside clearly unconscious. Naruto threw caution to the wind and pulled the door of the car off and grabbed the man. He quickly unbuttoned the seatbelt and held him as he quickly swam upwards and onto the land.

The man was still unconscious so Naruto did some basic CPR until he coughed up water and woke up.

"I thought I hit you with my car." The man asked in shock as Naruto merely smiled.

"You missed and I dove in after you." Naruto told him as the man blinked before smiling.

"Well I owe you my life. Name's Lex Luthor." Lex said as Naruto took a look at him. He appeared at least 7 or so years older than Naruto. He was bald with blue eyes and a fancy suit.

"Well Lex Luthor. I am Naruto Kent and I think it was one hell of a way to start a friendship." Naruto said with a grin as Lex chuckled.

Soon several police cars and ambulances showed up along with Naruto worried parents.

"Where is my son?! What lunatic was driving that car?" Jonathan asked furiously as he tried to push his way from police officers who were trying to block off the area.

"That would be me sir. I am Lex Luthor and Naruto saved my life and I owe him a lot." Lex said humbly as Naruto gave a smile to his furious dad.

"Well Lex Luthor. Next time drive slower so my son won't have to save your life again." Jonathon said in a furious and cold voice as Lex looked down in shame. Naruto sent his new friend a wave as Jonathon grabbed Naruto back to his truck so they could drive home.

Lex smiled at his new friend while he gave a curious look at the Elbow River where his car now stood vowing to find out what happened during this miracle.

"What were you thinking? Risking your life for a Luthor?!" Jonathon asked furiously after they got home with Martha mothering Naruto who sighed.

"Lex is not his father dad. You of all people should know not to judge people based on others." Naruto said tiredly as his parents winced. They remembered how Naruto told them in his previous life he was an orphan who was hated due to the actions of others.

"We know Naruto but we were worried about you." Martha explained as Naruto smiled before he lifted up his shirt revealing not even a bruise.

"Its ok. It turns I have some form of durability as the car hit me and besides me falling off the bridge, I barely felt it hit me." Naruto admitted as his parents looked at him in shock. "Here watch this." Naruto said as he out his arm into a wood chipper to the shock of his parents.

"Naruto!" They yelled in concern until he pulled his arm out without a scratch.

"Naruto remember if you use your powers people may see you even if its for the right reasons." Jonathon cautioned as Naruto nodded.

"I know but Lex was unconscious the entire time and he thinks he swerved and I jumped in after him." Naruto assured them as his parents gave him worried looks.

"Son there is something I think we should show you." Jonathon said as the three of them walked into the basement and to Naruto's surprise a spaceship was sitting there without a speck of dust on it.

"Is that?" Naruto asked in wonderment as he walked over and rubbed the sleek looking medal.

"Yes. It's the spaceship we found you in when you found us." Martha said as she watched Naruto look deep in thought.

"I see. It makes sense that I am not just an alien soul but this body itself is alien. My soul was not the reason this body has powers as none of these are the same ones I had before. It only makes sense I was an alien even before my soul merged with his." Naruto remarked as his parents looked at him proudly.

"Why is it not flying though? I mean if it came to Earth from another planet it must be able to do more than sit there." Naruto remarked as the ship did not react at all to his touches.

"Maybe its power source went missing when it crash landed here?" Martha suggested as Naruto gave the ship a curious look.

"There is another thing though. Lana had a necklace with green meteor rock and it seemed to weaken my powers when she was near. I felt like my insides were getting pelted but the instant it was far away I felt myself 100% again." Naruto revealed as Martha and Jonathan gave him worried looks.

"I guess you are vulnerable to something so be careful my son." Jonathan as eh placed his hand on Naruto's shoulder.

"I will dad. I have a feeling my school year will be nothing if not excited." Naruto said gloomily as the family walked away from the ship/

AN2: I know in canon Smallville she was dating Whitney in season 1 but here she is single but that does not mean she won't have people vying for her.

AN3: harem-at least Chloe, Lana, Kara. I know incest (as its still Kal-El body) but for this universe I am making it the Kandorians through evolution eliminated the effects of incest so it won't have negative effects if they have sex. Kara will be let out A LOT sooner than canon but I am not sure when. Do you think it would make sense for Kara to wake up as a 14 (or 16 not 18 so she will be closer to Naruto's age) before Naruto meets Jor-El?

When do people want Kara in (she will be a main character here unlike the show where is missing for a lot of it when she gets there)? She will be a major harem character with Naruto showing an insane amount of lust for her even after they learn they are cousins.

I won't use everything from canon and will rearrange a lot. His meeting with Jor-El might be a lot sooner too (and Naruto will be more accepting than Clarke due to his own experience being technically an alien soul).