A/N Sorry for delay. I rewrote it like seven times before I was remotely content. I still believe this could be better, but alas.

His eyes were burnt red color and his hair was longer than Superman. the resemblance was still undeniable. He smiled at him. It served as enough of a distraction that Ares could break the ice chains and dash at Percy. He ripped him from the giant watery-man and continuously punched him. they crashed in some frozen wasteland of Greenland. Percy was laying on the ground, bleeding from his nose. "I will not be denied" *a quick series of punches* "My eternal life" *crushing his rib-cage with his boot* "by some common punk." *kick in the balls* "I am Ares, the god of war. This world belongs to me. No matter who you are, you are not going to stop me! I am unbeatable." Ares rose his hand to punch Percy, but suddenly the ice around them melted and the water encased the hero, healing any wounds. Once he was back at the full strength, he called his trident.

"For the last time." Percy lunged at Ares. He wanted to avoid it, but the New God predicted it and with the use of wind changed the point of impact of his trident. The sharp prong his like under his armhole, cutting him in between armor. "I!" Percy then swiped his trident low and undercut the Old God, making him fall. "DON'T!" He then plunged the trident right where his armor ended and his helmet was supposed to start. Two outer prongs only grazed his neck, but the middle passed right through it. Ichor poured from the god and he was immobilized. "CARE!" With great strength he slashed and decapitated the self-proclaimed 'unbeatable'.

He was dead. Ares' body laid there for a moment before it started to turn into golden dust, which was immediately scattered by the wind. The image was truly beautiful if not that it was so gross. Soon the only reminder of corrupted War god was a puddle of frozen Ichor and his helmet. Percy sighted and decided to walk back home. Wind and snow around him were no bother to him now, but it was still a long way to Jump City and he didn't really know where to go. During his battle he lost track of his location.

"Great. How am I supposed to get home now?" He moaned before pulling out his mobile phone, only to find it broken beyond usefulness. "I can't even blame this on fates. Seems my luck doesn't get better. Guess it's a walk to the nearest town. They should have a map there" He reasoned and started walking after picking Ares' Helmet, completely forgetting about his newfound ability to fly.

After about an hour of walking, he finally got to a fishing village near a small lake. Happy with his discover, he started to run with new energy, but when he finally got there, he was met with an empty homes and vacated places. It was strange since he could swear he saw lights from the distance. He tried to use his life-sense when a group of black-clad men in tactical gear surrounded him. Their faces were covered by black masks and large black googles. They've all aimed their guns at Neptune, who in response summoned his trident.

"At ease, gentlemen." An unknown voice spoke. An african-american woman walked to the site. She wore a dark-blue suit and had her black hair pulled into a pony-tail. Other men followed her order, but Percy still kept his guard up. After he let it slip with Ra's Al Ghoul some time ago, he was not ready to repeat this mistake like... ever. "My name is Amanda Waller. You are Perseus Jackson, correct?" She did not beat around the subject that's for sure.

Percy pondered the question for a moment. He didn't know if it was worth to try and cover his secret identity. Most villains already knew either way from this bounty or another source. He wanted it mostly to have peace since it's not like he had anyone close here who would be unable to protect themselves. Hell, he would pity anyone who dared to go after his girlfriend. It would probably be their last mistake for a long time. Even if Zoe somewhat tamed in regards to male half of the population, she was still not exactly fond of them.

"There is no point in denying it. Ares transmitted the duel to every screen in the world." She noticed his hesitation and decided to make it easy. "I am curious. Are you the same Perseus from Greek Mythology? The one who killed Medusa?"

"Nah. That Perseus was a son of Zeus." He answered almost instinctively, forgetting that he practically confirmed he was Percy Jackson. Once the realization dawned on him, he cursed in ancient Greek. "There is no more point in denying, is there?"

"No. We knew for a long time. Your less than stellar attempts to hide the massive amounts of money coming into your account raised a lot of red alerts. But that's not why I am here." She sounded like she was holding all the cards. "You see Mister Jackson, the recent events made our government realize that we are entering new age. An age where conventional law enforcement and army will not stand a chance against criminals. That, is why A.R.G.U.S was created."

"Let me guess." Percy interrupted her. "You want me to work for you as some kind of poster boy or did you just consider me 'too powerful for my own good'?" He mocked Zeus speaking.

"Both. The government can't allow someone like you to run around unsupervised. Same goes to your girlfriend, wanted all around the world for terrorist acts." Waller thought this arguments would convince him, but instead was met with wolf stare that would make batman run and hide under the table. She had to take some step back, but Percy followed to stay close and look her directly in the eyes. He had no mask, but she wished he at least had his domino mask on.

"Listen here, lady. I really, and I mean really, don't appreciate threatening people close to me. You and me both know that she is not guilty of anything other than attempting on getting a bunch of jerks in suits to see the real threat instead of fighting. I will make it as clear as I made it for Ra's Al Ghoul. If you try going after my friends, I will make eternity in Tartarus seem like vacation. I am done being an errand boy. Not for Gods, not for Justice League, not for Shadows and certainly not for you." Percy was fuming in anger at the silent threats she made. All the agents, as well as Amanda herself could feel the earth slightly shake and wind pick up. It was as if nature was responding to his emotions. "And if you have some bright idea of ignoring my threat, remember that I just killed someone, who had power at least eleven times that of Superman."

"Very well Mister Jackson." Waller was pissed. It was not how she envisioned this encounter. But she was also scared more than she was willing to admit. "But A.R.G.U.S will still keep a very close eye at you."

"Dully noted. But there is one saying I really like. Sea does not like to be contained and it is dangerous to try. I want you to remember that." He let the threat hand in the air. His expression was now emotionless, which made it all much scarier. "But for now if someone could point me the closest way to the ocean I would very much appreciate." He was all suddenly cheerful. Like sea, which could change from raging waters bringing death to those unfortunate enough to be caught in storm to a clear water with not even a breeze. It also didn't went unnoticed by Waller. This young man was really embodiment of the sea.

"Let me at least offer you a lift." She pointed to chopper closing on their location.

"I just need to find ocean. I have a certain matter to be dealt with in Atlantis."

Somewhere in Peruvian Jungle
November 16, 00:16

A large group of men in red robes and hoods resembling head of a snake gathered on top of ancient pyramid. They were all unarmed except for a few guards holding a rather simple spears. One of them stepped onto an elevation on which stood an altar. He had a ceremonial dagger made of three metals attached to his belt. One of the set of twins.

"Lord Kobra deceived us. He claimed to be a god, yet in face of true divinity he fell. We followed a false promises and lies. Now, true god rose to power. He defeated Kobra and saved our world from Ares. But dark forces conspired against his ascension. The false god tried to kill him, but failed and ended imprisoned, taking many of his devoted followers with him. But now, in the chaos that true god created for us, we escaped and once again reunited. It is time we abandoned the leadership of this deceiver and instead started to serve the true Exalted One."

Two guards brought a tied figure and placed him on the altar. He was covered in white cloth with black trident on it. The priest pulled off the cover to reveal Kobra. The former leader of the cult was not stripped from almost all his robes and tied tightly.

"But to release us from the taint, we must ensure that it's source was gone." He unsheathed the dagger. Gold and Bronze handle slightly pained his hand, but he ignored it. A small price to pay in exchange of power that came with serving a god. "There used to be two of such daggers, called the fangs of Naga-Naga, but one of them was lost in the battle. May this one serve as a new beginning, for we no longer serve Kobra, who falsely claimed to embody the serpent god."

A dark mist started to gather everywhere around them. It was black and murky. Anyone touched by it suddenly had an uneasy feeling. "I call upon thee, Perseus Jackson. I call you, the highest god! Answer the call of your followers. Cleanse us from the influence of false gods. We submit to your will and give ourselves as whole. We offer you the death of the one who sinned against you as our apology for the trespasses we committed. Take us, oh Exalted One!" With that, the priest plunged his dagger into the heart of Kobra. Man who used to be revered as god let out a pained scream as his life energy escaped. With that deed, black mist in the room shot to the altar and surrounded the body of Kobra. He screamed stronger until it muffled him. His body slowly dissolved into emptiness and in a moment he was gone. Then, the mist flew higher in the air and formed into large ball. It swirled and started to glow white for a moment and suddenly a young girl fell from it. She wore a white, hooded robe and that was pretty much it.

"Perseus?! Azarath! I must find Perseus." She started to look around panicked.

The priest was stunned. He did not expect this to happen. He wanted at least a fraction of power that his god possessed. Instead, there came a girl. She was fourteen, at best fifteen if he had to guess. The priest looked at the other stunned cultists and plan formed in his head. "Behold! A gift from our lord! He sent us a lost soul, so we could guide her to the Sea!" He smiled maliciously. This could work out well. If he didn't get power now, there was still much more earthly benefits of being the high priest. With a wave of a hand he ordered the guards to bring a giant bowl with fire inside. They placed before the stairs leading to the altar, along with new set of robes. They were dark-blue, much like the suit Perseus wore. "As a sign of your loyalty to new god, burn the symbol of your alliegance to Kobra. Throw your clothes into fire and put on the new robes. All hail Perseus!"

"All hail Perseus!" All the other cultists echoed. They then proceeded to do as they were told and replaced their old robes with new set. The girl starred at the whole ordeal scared. She needed to find Percy. He was the only one able to help her.

November 16, 10:39

After getting a lift to the ocean from Waller, Percy could get to Atlantis in half an hour at worst, but he was not in hurry. He had to rest and recharge, so he willed the currents to take him there while he slept a bit. Being fully submerged in salt water really revitalized him, but he could feel the strain of using so much power catch with him. It was better to rest now than during meeting with Orin. While Aquaman was a rather kind, if a bit prideful king, it would still be rude on Percy's side. Because of that, the whole trip took him almost six hours. Most of this time he spent sleeping.

When he finally arrived, he was awaken by sound of several guns being ready. He opened his eyes and looked at the guards, who eyes him suspiciously. Guess they don't know me... With this thought, he summoned his trident. This actually startled the guards who swam a bit back. "Guys. There is no need to panic. I am a friend of the king."

One of the guards, who looked like he was in charge spoke. "Atlantis is under martial law. No citizen is allowed outside the city borders. Surrender your weapon."

Percy sighted. Normally, it should be impossible underwater, but he liked to show impossible his podex. "Look guys. I am a bit in hurry. Do you recognize this trident?" To make a point he waved his weapon around and water around crackled with electricity. "I am Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon. Be kind guards and let me go to meet King Orin." He was tired. While being in the ocean gave him much more strength, the power boost his dad gave him was slowly fading. For some time he held all the essence of Poseidon, but now it was slowly returning to other worlds to balance the power distribution or something like that. Percy honestly had no idea how it was supposed to work. It was just the most plausible explanation he could come up with.

"E-Excuse m-me Sir. I didn't recognize you..." The one in charge stuttered. The legend of Perseus Jackson was already well-known in Atlantis. "We will of course escort you to the king."

"Thank you. But let's hurry."

November 16, 14:22

Scarecrow was working day and night for last month. He barely slept, he barely ate. His only real goal was to serve his master, the one who brought fear into hearts of all, whose name made even the most brave flinch. Count Vladimir 'Tepes' Draculestri, the Impaler of Wallachia. He was also known under different name: count Dracula, the first vampire lord. In fact, he was a demigod son of Deimos, the god of dread. He also dabbled with Black Magic. In his search of achieving eternal life, he became what is now known as vampire. Truly, the power he possessed was incredible. At least until the goddess Artemis pierced his heart with silver arrow for seducing and then corrupting maidens into his personal harem of vampires.

Yet now, he returned. The master of fear has came back and chose him as his servant! Doctor Crane was honored. His prolonged exposure to fear gas made him almost immune to this feeling, yet in the presence of his master it returned. The aura of dread around the Count was almost like a drug to him. He lived of it and he would do anything to please him and keep him strong.

This was the reason for his experiments. All of the divine blood he took from the Huntress that memorable night was used to restore his master to life, but he had other materials. The golden dust that remained after the god of fear was his main test subject. He could create weapons of mass intimidation and bring new meaning to his fear gas. Soon, his project would be finished and his master would be able to once again begin the reign of dread and fear.

November 16, 11:03

True to their word, guards took Percy straight to the royal palace. It still took them some time to get there and he was still drained from his fight with Ares, but it was nothing a good sleep wouldn't fix. But now he had different matters to deal with. As they got closer a group of people came to see them. Orin, Mera and a group of soldiers swam to meet them half-way.

"Percy!" Aquaman cheered. Then, he suddenly got all serious. "My lord." Orin bowed to him. His wive followed his suit. Seeing this, all the other guards did as well. The ones that escorted him felt really uncomfortable with the fact they did not bow when they met him, but they fixed this mistake now. "I've seen your fight with Ares and the whole speech."

The cogs in Percy's mind slowly turned until he got what was this all about. "If you are referring to me claiming dominion over the seas, you don't need to bow. It was a spun of a moment." he then looked at all the guards. "Perhaps it would be better if we talked in private for now?"

"Of course My... Percy." Orin waved the guards off and motioned him to follow him and Mera. "So what exactly brings you here? Do you just want to explore your kingdom or is..."

"I do not plan on taking the throne of Atlantis away from you."He gave the king a cheerful smile, albeit the fact that he was tired was still very obvious. "Right now I just need to get to the Watchtower as soon as possible. I was hoping you could borrow me your credentials."

"Of course. Anything else you need?" Aquaman was glad that the young man did not desire his position, but he still felt a bit uneasy. Percy was after all his superior both in rank, power and legitimacy to rule this kingdom.

"What's the situation? I mean how is the world dealing with all this. After I killed Ares his spells should've lost power." Percy inquired. They swam toward Zeta Gate.

"It's chaos out there. Diplomatic relations between countries are all pretty much as tense as possible. Nobody knows what to do of it. We are still at the brink of war. Several countries are still blaming the Amazons and preparing for war. There is global civil unrest."

"And the League?" Percy had to know why superheroes did nothing to help. They were supposed to inspire, give hope, but it looked like there was nothing of it.

"We can't really do much. The UN charter was abolished. We have no legal right anywhere. Atlantis and Themyscira do still support the League behind the scenes. Sadly with tensions so high, if there was any official stand from either kingdom it would place all heroes in even worse situation."

"So politics stop people from helping... And I thought it was hard with Drama Queen on the throne." Percy sighted as they closed on the transport.

The Source
Beyond time and space

Wally and Artemis walked in uncomfortable silence through weirdest place ever. Under them was a simple yellow road, but that was about it regarding simple. Around them there were shapes that defied the common sense and colors they never seen before. It wasn't like new shade of yellow for spring collection, but rather a colors unlike those known to humans. Things they've seen defied euclidean geometry. Should they had their bodies, both of their minds would meld. Alas the two former heroes were now just a souls wandering to new life.

"Have you wondered where we will end?" Artemis finally broke under the pressure of uncomfortable silence. They both left everything known in favor of living a new life together. Some would say stupid, but she really wished to think it as romantic.

"I don't know babe. The scary dude said it will be earth, but... it definitely won't be our earth." He said after a short brief of thinking. Wally wished he knew, but the very place they stood in defied the laws of science. Everything he believed in was now thrown out of the window.

"Yeah... But it's a good thing, right? We won't need to worry about being heroes anymore. It's like... retirement!" The girl really tried to cheer him up, but also she was trying to reassure herself.

"If only Hades made us billionaires." Wally joked. "But maybe I will become a scientist. Maybe this earth will have lower tech level and I will be a genius."

"And what about me?" She gave him a flirty smile.

"You could be... my pretty assistant." He reciprocated with a grin of his own. It earned him a jab in the shoulder. Even as a soul, it still hurt him.

"As if! What else? Sit at the house and cook?" She was chuckling at the idea.

"Oh, I can sure we can find you something. Maybe... Private investigator? Oh! Oh! I know: a mechanic. You do loved this bike of yours." He remembered.

"Maybe... You could become a comedian. Maybe on different earth there will finally be people to appreciate your sense of humor." He joked.

"That was uncalled for." He frowned, but quickly descended into laugh as well. "You know, maybe we could build our own house in the woods. You know, have a small garden, you could cook, I could build some stuff to help us. We would be completely independent."

"Slow down there Bear Grills. I like hot water too much. And you could bath more often too." She teased.

"Whatever you wish babe." He chuckled. Then, he grabbed her hand and squeezed it slightly. "It will be okay. As long as we are together."

"As long as we are together." She repeated. Then, they walked together in silence, but it was no longer uncomfortable type. This time, they were happy at the prospect of the future. Neither could change anything about the past, but at least one thing was certain about the future: they would walk there together.

November 16, 11:59

Percy and Orin exited the Zeta Tube and saw several leaguers gathered in the room. They all looked worry and seemed to be anxiously waiting for something. Their faces were all focused on a holo-screen, but Percy couldn't exactly see what it was. He decided to make himself notices and coughed loudly. Instantly, all of the gathered heroes looked at him. Many of them looked beaten or tired, not unlike him.

"Excuse me for interrupting, but I really need to address few matters." Percy started. His demeanor was tired, but they heard a tingle of irritation in his voice. "You are the Justice League, right?" The question took them by surprise. Not even Aquaman exactly knew where this was going, but he did nothing to interrupt. "Then instead of sitting here and brooding go and inspire people. The world is in chaos, divided, broken. People need a symbol. Something that will give them hope for better, brighter future." The words came to Percy as he spoke. He had no idea if it was part of Apollo's blessing or just the seaweed in his brain was finally starting to be of some use, but he didn't care. "Doomsday has ended, Ares is gone probably now for ever, but they are unsure about the future. They are afraid of the uncertainties. Like wounded animals they run and lash out on others, trying to save themselves. You are supposed to be the light in the darkness. The hope. Beacon of Truth, Justice and Cooperation. Diana told me that the league existed partially as a reminder that there are threats bigger than one person. It is time for you to spread this message." He finished, but others looked not much convinced. Captain Atom walked to him.

"While I appreciate what you tried to do Perce, you don't understand the complexity of this. Legally, the league can't do anything. We..." He never finished, because Percy just chuckled.

"I learned that when it comes to saving people, it's better to break the rules, save them and ask for forgiveness than to wait for permission and try to save what remained." Percy remembered how he sneaked to save Annabeth from Luke's forces. He smiled. It was so long ago. So many things have changed.

"Still, we won't really be able to inspire much." Flash chimed in. "We are severely undermanned and Superman died not even 48 hours ago. Morales can't get lower." Inside, Barry was cursing himself for sitting here while the world needed him, but he was not planning on leaving Iris while he sat in prison. One Allen criminal was enough.

"Actually, it's not exactly true." Suddenly, a new voice joined them. On screen appeared face of Nico Di Angelo. They had no idea how he managed to hack into this thing, but he was there and he was smiling. "Well, he did die, but he won't stay dead. He wouldn't anyway, but that's not the point." This earned more confusion, even from Percy. Nico loved seeing all the heroes trying to work out the meaning.

"Who are you?" Batman was first to shake the confusion.

"Nico. The god of Magic, Mist, et cetera. Also, ambassador of Hades. Think of me as anti-klarion." He smiled, thinking about how angry this pratty lord of Chaos would get once he heard that there was another immortal magician with a cat as a familiar. To remind about himself, the anchor Nico so creatively named Zard meowed. "Oh Shut up. Five minutes won't make a difference and it was long time since I had this much fun. Back to the subject. My father allowed me to summon the soul of one Clark Kent back to this world sooner than normally. So here you go." He adjusted the camera so that they could see both him and (now recovered and placed on the bed) body of Superman. The eyes of God of magic glowed purple and suddenly Clark sat straight up breathing heavily. Everyone had their eyes wide open. "Now onto with the show." Nico snapped his fingers and Superman and himself appeared in person on the watchtower. Zard was there too, but he decided to hide behind his patron. A 'former' villain was not quite ready to meet the stares from Justice League.

"What... I... How... Who... What!?" Superman was in shock. The last thing he remembered before waking up and appearing in front of all his colleagues was his body being pierced by doomsday.

"I resurrected you." Nico simply stated. "Now excuse me while I go far away from people. It's not that I don't like you, but I don't." He was enveloped by purple mist and soon only thing that was left after Nico disappeared were a bit of fumes from his exit.

"Charming type, isn't he?" Green Arrow joked. Percy smiled at his cousin's antics.

"I said what I wanted, you will do what you want with it, now I think I should finally go to sleep. See you tomorrow." He turned, but Captain Atom stopped him.

"Wait. I wanted to thank you. For everything. You saved the world today." He saluted him, to which New God smiled and reciprocated.

"Thank you Captain. I did what had to be done. Now it's your turn to fix what Ares destroyed."

"Yes, but I believe we should meet again to discuss you joining us on more permanent basis." He offered his hand, but Percy did not take it.

"Pass." This earned a surprise grasp from everyone. "When I first arrived, I thought joining the League would allow me to help people better. I thought that being a part of this would make helping easier. But recent mess made me realize that it would only hamper me. If you ever need my help, you know where to find me."

"And so do the rest of the world." Captain tried to reason.

"I don't believe anyone will try to go after me and should they try anything funny with Zoe... I pity them." He smiled maliciously, imagining what his girlfriend would do to such person. Without waiting for further reaction, Percy took Zeta Beam to Jump City and wanted to finally get some rest.


The guardians felt a wave of pure rage travel the universe. It could mean only one thing: the Old God of war died. But there was more than just that. There was another, more powerful ripple. Yet again in such a short timespan an Old God has faded and New God was born. But this one was more powerful than previous. It meant, that he would upset the balance of forces. He was going to be a dangerous player if he was left without supervision. Someone who could either be a great ally or worst enemy.

"Should we contact him?" One of the guardians asked.

"No. I do not believe so. If he is anything like the one we met not so long ago, it would be best to wait until he would listen. Right now earth is still in chaos after the plots of the Old God."

"I agree. But it is time to send their lanterns back. They might be needed."

"Unless miss Nightshade kill them in outburst of rage at us." One of them snarled.

"She is not as bad as you paint her. I see a potential in her." The guardian named Gareth spoke.

"You and your 'potential'. What is it that you see in them that we don't?"

"Hope." Gareth simply replied.

Jump City
November 16, 12:39

Percy was drained. He really wanted to sleep. After he opened the doors to his house, he planned on going straight to his room, but instead he was met with beautiful eyes of Zoe Nightshade. She was still in her superhero attire and she was sitting on the armchair that was turned at the doors. She also looked tired, but not as much as him.

"Percy! I worried about thee!" She instinctively reverted to her old way of speaking. While normally she could use modern English quite well, in times when she was angry, tired or worried, it seemed like she forgot the changes. "I hath seen the battle with Ares. What were thou thinking?" She was scolding him like a worried mother, except she was a worried girlfriend instead. The frown on her face was scary, but Percy still feared her less than his mother. Zoe couldn't take away his blue cookies privilege.

"I know. I know. This was reckless, stupid and..." He didn't have time to finish because she smacked him in the head.

"That is for you being an idiot!" She then hugged him tightly. "...and that is for surviving." He smiled and embraced her as well. They stayed like that for few minutes before deciding to sit on the couch together to exchange stories. Zoe explained how she traveled through the universe and back to get help against Ares after she saw that there was nothing humans alone could do, while he told her about the events here on earth. When she heard about he went against Ares without any power, she smacked him several times until he calmed her and reminded that this was one of rare situations he actually had a plan: use the essence from his father to return to power and take Ares by surprise. He then explained her about what his father told him and what happened. She hugged him, trying to comfort him. For the first time since then, Percy allowed himself to grieve over the fading of Poseidon. He had no time for it before and he had to stay strong to finish up the matter with Justice League.

Poseidon wasn't the best dad of the year, but Percy knew he tried. Even with the Ancient Laws, with Zeus throwing a hissy-fit over every contact and with all the standard absent-parent problems, he did the best he could. Percy wouldn't replace his father with any other god. Poseidon did help him and in the end, he sacrificed himself to make sure his son could be safe. That was more than anyone could ask of him. There were things that Percy wished he said to him, but he never could. The last words remained embed strong in his mind. 'I can only say that I am really proud of you my son. You are better than all of us ever will...'

Later, Percy would say he shed some tears. But back then, in the embrace of Zoe Nightshade, the woman who he really liked (not yet daring to use the word love), he allowed himself to be vulnerable. He let his guard down and cried. The pain of loss finally caught up with him. It wasn't that real before. When he came to this world, he had the thought in the back of his head that his friends and family were still alive, just not here. But over this relatively short time he spent here, he came to care for people. Some of whom were gone. Artemis was killed and replaced by mindless pupped under Ares' control. Wally was MIA, probably killed by what he believed to be his girlfriend. Finally, Poseidon, his father, sacrificed himself to allow Percy to defeat Ares. The New God couldn't help but wonder. What would it be like if he never came here. What would it be like if he arrived in different world. Would Ares still come here? Would Artemis die? Would Zoe be alive? Could his friends survive the encounter with Injustice League? He had no way of answering that questions.

Zoe sat there patiently. She could understand how much weight was now on Percy's shoulders. She remembered when her mistress passed. She also mourned, but in solitude. Back then she wished she had someone to talk to or to simply be there for her. Now she was there for him. She wanted to reassure him, tell him that not everything is lost, but for now she just hugged him and let all the pain get out of him. The TV was playing a calming music until suddenly the screen changed to show Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman. The big blue scout spoke.

"The last few days can be summed up as the end of the world. All of us were affected. Not even heroes could be immune. Not even I was invulnerable. But we prevailed. I know that you might be scared, confused, angry or many other things. I am scared too. We faced a threat unlike those before. It was aimed at our sense of unity, at our very core values. The enemy aimed to divide us."

Next was Wonder Woman. "Ares, a being feeding on conflict sought to enslave everyone on this planet. He believed that we would fight each other until only those loyal to him would stand strong. He wanted to use each of us as a mean to his goal. And he would succeed, was it not for my cousin. He stopped him, but now it's up to us to deal with the fallout."

Batman continued where the Amazon left off. "The Justice League was first created after the Appellaxian invasion. Seven heroes answered the distress call. Back then, for the first time we realized that no single hero can solve every problem, that even the strongest of us might need help. That is why the League was created. We stood as a symbol that through teamwork nothing is impossible."

Superman got the voice yet again. "Now we call to you, common citizens and world leaders alike. Do not succumb to negative feelings, but instead help us rebuild what was destroyed. Through empathy and kindness we can restore the trust and good relationships. The wounds won't heal immediately, but I believe in you all that we can still thrive. The 'S' on my chest was a symbol of hope on my planet. After I came here, it became symbol of hope on Earth as well. Now I place my hope in all of you. One man can start the change, but it requires many to embrace it."

There might have been more to this speech, but neither Percy nor Zoe heard it. They both fell asleep in each other embrace... yet again.


A/N That was... hard. Writing over 175k words that make some sense was something I never planned on doing. This whole project started as a thing I wrote during NaNoWriMo 2019. It began as a simple prompt: Character from your favorite Book is transported to your favorite TV series. With the book part it was easy, but I could not decide on my favorite TV series. I was never fond of naming something favorite. With me it's either like/dislike thing. It just so happened that I was in the process of watching Season 3 of YJ back then and decided 'why not?'. Then I crossed the 50k threshold and I wasn't even remotely done, while at the same time accumulating a quite large fanbase. I continued and in time it became what it is today. I am sure there are things I could do better. This story is by no means masterpiece, but it is the first time I am really writing something serious (My previous drabble is more like a plan than actual story). Still, I hope you enjoyed reading this even half as much as I enjoyed writing.

Regarding my next story, as I announced it will be Winter Sea (PJO x RWBY crossover) I find it easier to write crossovers than simple fics so that's what I will stick to for now. I already have it planned and probably I will start writing soon enough. I can't promise when the first chapter get published and I am still in the process of looking for a Beta Reader. If anyone wants to volunteer, I check the PM box quite frequently.

You were all amazing readers with all the reviews and follows and favorites. As of me writing this, Hero's Journey is the fourth most favorite in PJO x YJ. Not bad if you ask me and definitely better than I expected. There is also over 90k views, which is about 1000 times more than I expected when I started writing. I am proud of what I achieved and I want to continue with developing my writing skill. Follows brought smile to my face, favorites made me happier and reviews often made my days.

Thank you for reading this, even if it was flawed.