A/N Sorry if beginning is crappy, but it improves after first few paragraphs. I hope you like it. Percy will be a bit overpowered, but not from the start. He will cover the heavy-hitter role. I will place him on similar level as wonder woman while on land, but in the sea or ocean he will stand toe to toe with Supes'. Reasoning: they are more or less the same in terms of power source and race/sub-race. Just that YJ world functions in different way. More explained on the 't worry, I will still make it entertaining (or die trying). I am open for suggestions on the plot and pairing. One more thing: I don't own PJO or YJ

Percy's POV


We got to the top of Acropolis and got into the fight with giants. Only reason we were not wiped from the face of earth was because they needed at least two of us alive for the ritual. Shortly after we started losing, there was a loud CRACK! and from the skies came gods in their war chariots. Zeus, Poseidon and Hades in the lead. Now the odds were equal. I joined my father as he was fighting Polybotes. My father distracted him, while I sneaked behind him and pierced his leg with my sword. He fell on one... snake and this gave my father just enough time to plunge trident in his chest. Before giant exploded into cloud of golden dust, Polybotes managed to swing his spear at my father and knock him out.

I wanted to check on Poseidon, but when I turned to see what was going on, I noticed Annabeth down, her head bleeding slightly. Athena was being slowly overwhelmed by Enceladus. Without second thought I run to the place and jumped, using water poodle to launch me higher. I came down on Giant with my sword up. He turned on me to slash me with the tip of his spear, but I predicted it and instead of going for his head, I slashed my sword to deflect his spear. Although I stopped the blade, sheer force was enough for me to get smashed into the ground. I quickly stood up and sent a meaningful glare to Athena. She knew what to do. We attacked at the same time, with her and her spear going for one arm, and me going for another. Why not head? Well, without hand he won't be able to use his weapon. He chose to deflect Athena's spear, but I managed to land a hit, cutting his elbow so deep that his whole arm went numb. Now if you never fought using spear only in one hand, I can guarantee it is hard. Rewarding, but hard. He tried to attack Athena, then me, then Athena, but now we managed to deflect his weakened attacks. Not even one minute passed and he... passed onto the other world (you sea what I did here?) Anyway, after he was down, I ran to Annabeth, but Athena stopped me. She said that she will take her of her, and I should go help the others.

I saw three old ladies clubbing some giant to death with bright pink bags full of yarn. That looked weird. Well, he was bleeding ichor, but he just kept regenerating. Then, I saw his snake legs started to strangle two of the ladies. Without second thought I rushed to them. I sliced one of his leg, and then pierced place where his heart was supposed to be as two old ladies hit him with yarn bags again. He exploded into gold dust, letting third lady fall onto the ground. I helped her stand up. They all looked at me with mysterious glimmer in their eyes and said in unison "thank you Perseus. We will remember your heroic deeds."

That was really weird, but I decided to ignore them. Just as I was looking who to help next, I heard a piercing scream and looked, only to see Hecate impaled on the spear of Clytius. The scream was coming from hazel. As the giant's spear started to cover in ichor, Daughter of Pluto jumped onto Arion's back. I decided not to discuss where this horse came from. She rode with fury in her eyes. She did not hesitate for even a moment before she cut his head off. Hecate's torch, now laying on the ground jerked toward separated body part and managed to light the head on fire and make giant explode. *MAGIC!* I saw Mr. D struggling, fighting twins. Frank was with him, but the two of them were losing. Hazel stopped next to me. "Need a ride?" she asked managing to crook a smile, but only a faint one. I did not speak, only pointed to loosing Mr. D and Frank. She grasped and rode there with me barely holding, and I am pretty sure Arion will not let me forget it. That is if this horse ever stops cursing. I will need to wash his mouth later. I jumped down from the horseback, rolled under the spear of Otis and stabbed him into his guts, only to let Mr. D smack him with his staff. As Otis exploded, His brother screamed. Death of a twin distracted him so that Frank had opening to shoot an arrow at Ephialtes. From nowhere, Ares appeared in his chariot, slashing poor twin.

Nearby Aphrodite and Piper just killed Periboia. I saw Zeus and Jason fight Porphyrion. They were flying around him, throwing lightnings. Then, King of Giants deflected Zeus' lighting and it hit Jason. He was about to hit the ground, but Hera in her chariot managed to catch him. I was already half-way there. Not thinking too much, I threw Riptide at Porphyrion. It was mostly to distract him from killing Drama Queen, so imagine my surprise when the blade sunk into the giant's chest. He started to shimmer gold and blue, just as Zeus detonated him with biggest lightning in the history of lighting. Good thing I managed to run away. After that, I looked around, seeing no more giants and tons of golden dust. You know, I wonder. Is the dust really made of gold? If so, one could collect it and sell, getting really rich.

I felt something wet and hot coming down my face. I was too slow to react before a drop of blood fell from my nose and splashed on the ground. Everything went silent for a moment, and then there was this strong tremor and in front of us stood Gaia. She had body of dirt, but outside of that, she looked quite pretty. Like 40 years old actress. Old, but still has this glimmer.

"I have awakened. Now, I will get my revenge!" She yelled and suddenly, earth below us got soft and started consuming us all.

The gods kept trying to escape, but I instead looked around. Annabeth! If she is still unconscious, she stands no chance to escape in time. Focusing all my strength that was still left in me, I drawn from underground water source, from the nearby sea, even from the air. The normal tug I feel in my gut kept getting more and more noticeable, until finally, I felt like crystal ball shattered inside me, just like back in Tartarus. I felt water coming to me, flying from everywhere possible. Plants withered, drained of all moisture. I felt my control slipping as I devastated rocks trying to contain me. The hurricane forming around me kept getting bigger. There was also an earthquake, but I have no idea if it was me, my father or Dirt face, but honestly, I don't care. What mattered was that I was free. I pulled riptide (which already returned to my pocket) and jumped at Gaia. Her body looked like she was made of the whole planet minus human interference, but I didn't care. I slashed her repeatedly, but she kept regenerating. My hurricane kept tearing her to shreds, but as soon as some dirt got removed, it was replaced by more of it.

"Foolish demigod. Not even gods could defeat me! What chance do you stand? I must say, you impressed me. I will make yet one more offer. Join me, stop this fight and follow my lead. Together, we shall forge new world, a paradise for those we find worthy. Let go of your past." She kept trying to convince me to stop attacks, and to be honest for just small moment I hesitated. Maybe I could have a happy life with Annabeth in this new world... But last part killed it all. Abandoning my past would mean abandoning Annabeth, and I can't do that. With yet new force I attacked Gaia, but this time I started to push her toward the sea. She tried resisting, but no matter what she tried, the hurricane surrounding me and earthquake around us made it impossible for her. Now I was sure that this was either mine or my father's doing, because it did not hinter me in any way. Finally, we got close enough to sea and Tendrils of water grabbed Mrs. Clothes-from-grass and pulled her underwater. With her last breath she sent a colorful string of curses. There, she dissolved while raging currents tore her apart and sent her body into depths. Having no idea what just happened I turned around to see my father free from restrains and standing there with his trident. The light was shining bright. At least for them because I blacked out.

I've awoken on the floor in throne room in Olympus, with all twelve gods sitting on their thrones. Hestia was still tending the hearth, but she sent me a warm smile. Hades was also there, sitting on throne made of pure shadow. Not as beautiful as other thrones and definitely not as impressive as his throne in the underworld, but it sent chill down my spine. Rest of the seven and Nico, coach Hedge and Reyna were standing in front of them. I decided to stand from the floor and join them. Only then I noticed Hecate sitting in front of the thrones, Ichor still sipping through her wound, but in less amount. I had a feeling it's not good.

"DEMIGODS!" Zeus boomed (I'm on fire with this. Well, that one sounds better when Leo uses it...) "We thank you for what you did for us. The council decided it is only proper for us to reward you for what you did in service of the gods. First, Nico Di Angelo. Step toward." He did as asked and Zeus continued "You see, Hecate was mortally wounded. Under normal circumstances, we would get her healed, but Clytius spear was enchanted. We cannot close her wounds and no amount of bandage works. We can't even stop the pain. There is really nothing we can do to stop her from dying, and unless we do something with her death the Mist will go away. In the name of the council I offer you her place as god of witchcraft, magic, the Mist, crossroads and other things. We will help you weave the mist to make the mortals think like you were always a god of this things. I don't even think there will be any myths needing changing." I watched as Nico stood there, unable to speak. To be honest everyone was like that. None could say a word. That is until Hades nodded to neeks. "Don't fear my son. You will have a place in my palace, and you can join me there full time. You will also retain your title of Ghost king and benefits it bring." The first part seemed like enough to convince Nico.

"I, Domenico Di Angelo, accept the gift of the council and responsibilities of immortal god of all domains that previously belonged to Hecate." Domenico... No wonder he prefers to be called Neeks than his full name. And I thought Perseus is awful.

There was a blast of light and Nico stood the same place, but now dressed in black robes holding torches in both hands, until they changed into stygian Iron blades burning with Greek fire. Guess torch can be just metaphor for anything long and flaming. Hecate smiled weakly. Her godly light was gone, and she was now bleeding dark red blood instead of ichor. "Thank you, young god. I have one last thing to do before I can give my last breath. A promise I made to one of my followers many years ago." She chanted something for a moment before shooting ray of green light toward hazel, who fell on the floor. Suddenly, gold and diamonds started to pop all around her. "I swore to your mother to free you. Now thanks to Percy I can. If not for him, none of this would have ever happen. Thank you, son of Poseidon, for saving us all." And with that last breath escaped her lips and she was gone. Gods flashed her body away, probably to have proper burial soon.

After a moment of silence, Athena stood from her place. "Next! Annabeth Chase, my daughter. You ventured the tunnels below Rome, following my mark alone. When Athena Parthenos was lost, I swore to fulfill the deepest desire of any child of mine who found it. Now you did." For a moment she turned from Annabeth to me and I saw this mischievous smile. It was just like what Wise girl had when enemy followed into her trap. "I offer you to become goddess of Architecture. You already proven your worth rebuilding Olympus. Now, you could inspire architects around the world. being immortal, you could in time rebuild whole world to your wish. Imagine it my daughter. Architects all around the world would follow your guide and build what you designed. You..." I don't know what Athena wanted to say because Annabeth just screamed "YES!". For the second time this day, I felt something inside me shatter, only this time it was my heart. Annabeth Chose architecture over me. I tried to speak, but my throat was suddenly coarse and dry. No sound came out. Athena just smiled evilly and shot small ball of energy at Annabeth. She got engulfed by light and once it died out, she was there, dressed similarly to her mother. "All hail Annabeth, goddess of architecture, trickery and broken hearts." The three fates spoke in unison. On the last part, Wise girl grasped and turned to me. She run to me trying to hug me, but I pushed her away. "Sorry Percy. Forgive me. Please. I don't know what came into me, but hearing my mother say all these things... You know it was my dream to rebuild the world. My hubris took best of me. Please forgive me. We can still be together. I am sure you will have a chance to become god too! I am so sorry..." She started to cry, but I couldn't bring myself to do anything. Seeing I was ignoring her, she flashed away, probably to design her new palace. I just stood there ignoring everything. I did not listen to rest of the ceremony, until I felt someone shaking my shoulder.

My father was standing next to me in his normal form, trident still in hand. I looked up and saw all the other of The Seven standing next to their parents' thrones. Annabeth was also here, smiling at me sadly. I quickly turned my look at Zeus. "Perseus Jackson. You defeated Gaia practically alone. While others could choose their reward, you sadly don't have such option. You've proven a valuable asset to Olympus, but a wild card at that. After you swear on Styx allegiance to Olympus and me, you will become a god." Zeus voice was mostly emotionless, but there was some doubt in it. What? I learned how to read certain emotions, especially when my life depends on it.

"No! I do not want to be a god. I wanted to have a normal life. Be with Annabeth, start a family, grow old. I wanted normal life without gods to interfere in it and fates using me as a play toy. I refuse to become a god or swear anything to you. You are just trying to secure your rule." I spat at him. I felt that the dam I built to stop the emotions started to break.

Zeus rose from his throne and summoned his master bolt. I was ready to get zapped when three hags appeared in front of me. Zeus discharged his lightning, but one of them just raised her hand and lightning dissipated before it managed to hit me. "There is another way, my lord." Said the very one that stopped the lightning. I think it was Clotho. "Grant him his wish. Send him away, somewhere where gods no longer have power. To the world that was abandoned by old divine. Let him live in peace, without 'godly interference' as he called it." I listened, trying to comprehend what I heard. Abandoned world where gods have no power? Too much to figure out on my own.

"Excuse my boldness, but what are you talking about?" I blurted before remembering to control myself.

"We gods exist in multiple dimensions at once. What you see as our divine form is how we truly look. Beings formed of pure energy. When we gather all this energy from multiple dimension in one place, effects can be devastating. We aren't present in every world, because to access them we need an anchor, something to hold us there. Usually, it is the believe of people. There are some worlds we abandoned because the faith diminished, but our essence did not fade from this dimension. We simply let it go. We can try to access one of these dimensions and send you there, but it is one-way trip and almost surely, we won't be able to help you or contact you in any way. On the bright side, monsters will also be unable to follow you there from fear of getting stuck." She wanted to say more, but I interrupted her.

"That is all I needed to hear. I will go there. Just please, give me some means to start a life there. I don't want to end up homeless and I don't really have any formal education finished. Thanks to you I may add." Hermes smiled and snapped his fingers. A package appeared in front of me with words 'open in case of crossing into unknown dimension only'. Very funny (not). I picked it up. I hoped it would contain something helpful.

"I don't like it." Zeus was sitting on his throne looking unhappy. "We might need him in the future. We cannot waste such an asset." I wanted to rage at him, but least expected person did it for me. Mr. D jumped from his throne and summoned his stick/staff looking ready to whack anyone in near proximity, which just happened to be Apollo and Ares. "You should be ashamed father. He saved your sorry ass I don't know how many times. You offered him immortality once and he rejected, in exchange asking us to take better care of Demigods. And what are you doing now? Making him into a weapon, treating him like object not person. Perseus is not someone to just use and store on shelf in case of emergency. I hate his kind. They are lousy, irritating and flawed, but even I can't hate him. Now shut your mouth before I shut it for you, taking some of your teeth on my way. And I am pretty sure I will get support of majority of this council."

I was stunned. Mr. D, well known demigod-hater just defended me in front of Zeus. Ol' Drama Queen looked so shocked (This one was pure gold. Ok. I stole that from Hazel, and it doesn't work...) that he did not even react immediately, and it was I think only thing that saved Dionysus from getting zapped. When Zeus finally spoke, he sounded really resigned. "You win Perseus. The council will send you to this other world, but before that I want you to swear on the river Styx you will never try to return here on your own or do anything to dethrone me... I mean us." I agreed and swore the binding oath. Before everything was done, Hades walked from his throne and came to me.

"Thank you from saving my son back in Rome. It's a shame that you decided to go to different dimension, but I have a private thank-you gift." He placed his hand on my chest and shadows broke from his robe and seemed to enter me. I felt small surge of power. "Now you have some of my children's power. I hope they help you in new life. Not too much. More like legacy than full blown demi-god." he then returned to his throne. I really wanted to already be gone, but Athena decided to come to speak to me face to face.

"You know I never approved of your relationship with my daughter. I am sorry that it turned this way. We all thought you will become god as well. Please accept my apology" I really wanted to rage at her, but I just couldn't, because A) she made pretty convincing arguments and B) she looked too much like Annabeth. She touched my head and I felt suddenly some weird data pouring into me. "Here. I finished your education and gave you little extra brain power. Let's hope that you at least don't make all the Olympians look stupid."

"Thank you all for your gifts. And words of encouragement. It's all nice and all, but can I go now? I'm sorry, but I don't want to be here any longer than necessary." I asked with resignation. I came to terms with the fact I will never see any of my friends, but perhaps it is for the best. Their life will be easier without me as a magnet for troubles and maybe they will be happy. I just hoped that in new world I will have new, clean start.

"Just one more favor I wanted to ask you son. You see, we abandoned this world, but some artifacts from our influence remained. One of them is my Trident. Please, find it and keep it. I will be much calmer knowing you wield it and not some mortal. Claim it your own and use it in case of emergency." On that I got worried. If godly artifacts were still in new world, I might still be in danger.

"Now. Everyone said their goodbye and gave their gifts? I want to get this over with and get drunk already" Zeus chimed in really irritated.

"Just me." Apollo raised his hand. "I wanted to give Percy something from me and my sister. Artemis might not express it, but she respects him, which in her language means she is amazed by him. She did not even respect Orion as a person and then there was this one man..." He was about to go into tales' mode, but luckily smack on the neck from Mr. D stopped him. "Right. To the point." He just shot at me with golden energy. Once the light died, I did not feel any different. "The others' gifts were nice, but they think too much in terms of battle which you, let's hope, you won't have to face. I gave you some of my people's skills. you know, the basics. And some musical talent for fun of it." I wanted to thank him, but Zeus lost his patience.

"ENOUGH! He is going right now before you make him a full-blown god." I shivered at the thought, but luckily, I was still human. "Now, begone and live your 'happy simple life'. I don't want to see you here ever again." With that, all twelve Olympians (and Hades) joined hands and muttered something. I saw vortex of blue energy forming under me, bubbling at the edges. Before I fully comprehended what is going on, I fell into the wormhole into brave new world

I awoke near the sea lantern in some small fishing town. Sitting on the sand I could see the town from here. From the names of the shops I figured I was still in America. Good enough for the starters. I didn't really know what to do. I was really a free man, without anything on my tail, without any Gods pestering, without fates to ruin everything. Live was beautiful for just about 45 seconds. That was enough time for me to start worrying about my future. I picked the package Hermes gave me and opened it. This time, the name said open in this dimension only. Really funny... not. Inside there was a passport, ID card under my name, but stating I was 21. Good thing I can pass as 21 already. There was also a credit card, walled filled with money, but it looked used. There were banknotes of different values and some spare, and even amazon premium membership card. Really smart if you ask me. If someone saw it, it would not look suspicious. There was also folder full of different documents, both real and faked. And some food, nicely folded clothes, and other stuff you would take for weekend trip. One more thing I found was a bag to store some of this stuff in and an envelope. Inside envelope was a letter and photo of Luke. I smiled internally remembering fallen hero.

Dear Percy.

I never really got a chance to thank you for saving my son. He died heroes' death and entered Elysium all thanks to you. I learned my lesson more painfully than other gods and promise to honor your wish and force others to do so as well. I will take care of your family, so don't worry. I own successful company and I don't have anything to do with money anyway, so at least I can share some with them. Don't worry, they will never learn of it because I heard from Poseidon what happened last time, he made offer to help Sally in any way.

The walled and bag are enchanted to return to you if you ever lost it or it got stolen. The credit card is platinum version of Lotus Casino credit card. I snatched it on last guys' night out with Apollo and the boys. It will not run out of funds, but be careful not to use it in any ATM. The wallet will refill itself monthly. Consider it your retirement pension. It's not like demigods have good retirement program. I just hope my spells work in the other world. Word of warning: this world does not have mist since Hecate left, so be careful with power shows.

Good luck in your new life.


The first aid kit contained supply of Ambrosia and Nectar and I was pretty sure it was supposed to never run out. I sat on the beach for some time just breathing the sea breeze and resting, until my stomach started to remind me that I haven't eaten anything gods know how long. I stood up gathering my things and walked to the nearest restaurant. On the window was big sign: "Dish of the day: Fish&Chips." If not for the typical American interior, I would have thought I landed in England by mistake. I entered and sat in one table. In the booth next to mine sat some guy in orange suit made of scales. If not for the fact that I was 99% sure there was no gods in this world, I would think some half-brother of mine came to get some "mortal food"

"What can I get you sweetie?" A pretty waitress came to my table holding notebook.

"What dish in the menu does not contain fish?" It's not that I am against eating fish as whole. More like personal preference. It's just that it feels weird eat something that not so long could talk to you. I was friends with some sea animals back home. It just feels weird.

"Oh! You don't have to worry. I don't really talk to fish. I have no problems with eating them." The man in scale armor chimed in, showing me a plate with half-eaten dish of the day.

"Excuse me, but who are you again?" I tried being polite, but honestly at that point I was so hungry I was getting irritated. This man seemed a bit too full of himself.

"You don't know me? I am Aquaman, king of Atlantis, one of..." He wanted to trail off, but I couldn't hold it any longer and just laughed.

"You? King of Atlantis? Yeah right! And what next? Small green Martians attack the earth?" I started laughing uncontrollably. The idea of some mortal ruling in my father's place was just too ridiculous. Only after I calmed down, I saw people looking at me with worry. I guessed it is normal in this dimension to make such claims. He looked confused by my laugh. "You did not hear about me? What about Justice League? Surely you must have heard about us."

This killed my laughter. "Look man. I just got to this town. I have no idea what circus you work at, but that is none of my business. I just want to have normal life, without others pestering about it." I was starting to get irritated with him. His arrogance was reminding me about ol' Drama Queen.

He seemed taken aback by my mood swing and lack of knowledge. "How could you not even hear about The Justice League? Who are you even?" I looked at small crowd gathering around us. Well, that's about it regarding staying in this town.

"I really don't care who you are. I just want to have normal life. Leave me be and I will do the same with you." I turned and tried walking away, but he stopped me, Grabbing my shoulder.

My had intuitively went to my pocket to grab riptide, responding to hostile action. Sadly, stranger did not take it as gesture of good will and instead assumed I want to pull out some knife or something. He quickly grabbed My hand and tried to stop me. Unfortunately for him, my battle reflex kicked in and before he even finished the move, I pulled riptide and uncapped it. Taking advantage of confusion I caused him, I charged, trying to knock him down and make my exit, but he was faster than any mortal I met, making me question if he was just a mortal. Gods promised this world was empty of divine influence (minus few artifacts of passed age), but they lied before. He blocked my strike with his armored gauntlet, sending riptide away and breaking the window in the process. I jumped back to make distance and create some plan. He did not give me chance to analyze the situation properly, instead he went for a punch. I ducked and answered with my own strike. Glad I took extra-curriculum hand-to-hand combat at the camp. My attack sent him flying away. It was strange because back home I did not have this kind of strength to me. I looked at shocked man to see him trying to stand up. I looked around trying to find an exit, but the crowd made it really hard. I did not want to hurt them.

Stranger already stood up and was talking into the earpiece, calling for backup. I decided not to see what type of backup this was supposed to be. I jumped through the broken window and started running.

When I created some distance and hidden behind nearby car, I risked turning around to check what's my status. The stranger was now talking to group of funny dressed people. There was one dude dressed all red that couldn't stand still. Constantly jumping around like he was always on the run. Kinda like Hermes. Then, there was dude dressed all black and gray. There was this gloomy aura around him similar to the one Hades and his children emits, except this one was clearly mortal or distant legacy at best. There was also dude dressed in all green and another one that had green skin. There was also a woman wearing what looked like Greek armor. Well, not Greek per se, but it bore resemblance to what some hunters wore and what I've seen in amazons' headquarters. Last one was levitating man. He was hanging in the air. Not a mortal. Definitely not a mortal. I started crawling behind cars when an arrow landed in front of me.

A gloomy voice spoke behind me. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

I turned to see that these dressed freaks found me. Not having other option, I quickly jumped on my feet and took battle stance. "Look guys. I had really tiring day, I just got there. I don't want any trouble. What says we walk different way and never see each other again?" I tried to stall. I didn't really stand chance against group of mortals or rather what looked like mortals but knowing my luck were some kind of super-humans. Just what world did Gods send me again?

"Sorry, but that is not an option. You clearly aren't human. You'll come with us so we can run some tests and see who or what are you." The green dude said with calmness in his voice. I looked around, trying to figure any way to escape. I noticed an opening between this man in red and woman in Greek. Without warning I jumped between them and tackled the woman that tried to stop me. I run straight toward the sea. Maybe I will lose them underwater. No one can best me at swimming.

I was already at the beach when something red zoomed next to me and for a moment I got surrounded by scarlet tornado. When it died out, I was bound with heavy cuffs with double blue rods connecting them and making moving my hands incredibly hard. Having unexpected change in weight I fell and tumbled a bit in sand. Before I stood up, I felt strong hand lifting me in the air. The levitating man turned out to be also quite strong. I tried to wriggle out of his grip, but it was strong like he was made of steel.

"Now be kind and stop constantly running away. We mean no harm, but you must come with us. There is something extraordinary about you and also you attacked and bested one of stronger Leaguers." The man holding me kinda reminded me of Jason with his actions. Like he was in power and he knew it but did not make a big deal out of it.

I was really getting tired with them. They clearly did not want to leave me alone. I closed my eyes and tried reaching mentally to the sea. I felt waves close to me. The water for brief moment resister, but finally a familiar tug in my gut told me that water submitted to my will. I poured all my past emotions into this channel. Rage of passed battle with giants, rage at Gaia for almost ruining everything, sadness after Annabeth left me to become goddess, happiness when seeing Nico become a god, the anger I felt toward Zeus for his arrogance and sadness about leaving my world and everything behind. It felt like all of this left me, going into water. I sensed huge wave gathering behind me. Some of my pursuers made a step back and looked scared, but the man holding me raised his hand and made a fist. "Drop the water now. There are innocent people nearby." He seems to have nerves of steel too. Instead of letting go, I made the wave fall on us and pull everyone under water. The renewing feeling of water touching my skin gave me enough strength to get out of the grip of surprised man and tear the handcuffs.

I quickly dashed, willing the currents to take me away, but I saw one of the pursuers, the one dressed in all red choking on the water. For a moment I wanted to leave him for the others to save, but they were more focused on getting me and he had no way of screaming for help. I turned the currents and sped past the rest, grabbing the drowning man and launching us both back to the beach. Once we landed, I forced all the water from his lungs, making sure to at the same time let air in so his lungs don't collapse. As I pulled the water out, he started coughing. I looked around to see the rest of them surrounding me, weapons ready. Clearly, they weren't going to give up so easily, but before they could react really do anything, I jumped back into the water and willed currents to take me away.

end of flashback

Mount Justice
July 24th, 11:34AM

The team quickly gathered in the main hall when Batman called a meeting. Robin and KF came in arguing about who would win in battle between superman and Wonder Woman. Robin was great supporter of WW and kept giving valuable arguments. At the same time Wally kept arguing and stating that Supes' win by sheer fact he is Superman. Their discussion was cut short by glare from Batman and the fact that everyone was waiting for them.

"Today around 9:15AM Aquaman was attacked in his home town of Amnesty Bay. Unknown assailant walked into his favorite bar and got into verbal fight that got physical. When Aquaman got tossed through entire restaurant," at this point a video recording made with a smartphone appeared, showing the incident. "he called for backup. The total of seven leaguers arrived at scene. We tried to apprehend the assailant, but he tackled wonder woman and escaped toward the ocean, while at the same time demanding to be left alone. Superman and Flash managed to apprehend him temporarily, but he still dropped giant wave and pulled us all underwater. He started to escape, but when flash began to drown, he turned back and saved him, before running away for good." The feed from Batman's suit camera shown young boy, around 17 controlling water and pulling it out of Flash's lungs before he looked around and jumped into the sea. "We think this boy might be another Cadmus experiment. He displayed some level of water control. He kept mentioning new start and asked being left alone. He also displayed complete lack of knowledge regarding outside world and he wasn't aware about Justice league existence or any heroes." The video was now paused and zoomed on strange boy's face "I want you to find him and follow him silently. We must keep an eye on him, but most likely he will see League as a threat and might attack us or run away. Try not to engage if not necessary. Any questions?"

Superboy looked at the picture, trying to remember if he ever saw this boy in Cadmus, but nothing came to his head. Probably he was in another wing or another facility whatsoever. But there was also another problem. "Why exactly are we even following him? He asked to be left alone and if I understand correctly, he said he meant no harm until you guys assaulted him. It seems to me like he was just defending himself. If he wanted to defeat you, he would let Flash drown." Superboy got angrier with each word. It's not like this boy really did something wrong. If he was another Cadmus experiment that escaped, why hunt him?

"This boy is strong enough to tackle Wonder Woman and throw Aquaman across the room. Underwater, he is so fast that even Aquaman can't catch him. Whatever he is, he might pose a threat to public safety whether he is aware of it or not. If he is not aware of all his powers, he is even more dangerous. Does that satisfy you?"

"For now."

"Good. I need you all ready in 10 minutes. We managed to track him somewhere on long island near Delphi Strawberry field. Travel using bio-ship but stay in camo mode. Team dispatched." Batman said before walking away.

A/N Ok. When I started writting it I did not think I will get to almost 7k words in one evening. But it's just so much fun to write. If you have any questions or suggestions, be my guest :) R&R, see you later.