Hello readers welcome! It has been 6 years since I wrote my last Mummy fic, because quite frankly the fandom has run dry on ideas and seems to be repeating the same one over and over again, I have seen like 3 originals and that's it, the rest are just…I digress. Anyways, my muse threw this up in my lap. You can read if you'd like, you can review…I'd like that. Naturally reviews aid my muse.

Basically this is like a giant Rick/Evy love story with some plot thrown in for the mix. I made it to fit between the 2nd and 3rd film, but if you want to consider the 3rd trash, like I do, please go right ahead. Obviously in my mind Evy is Rachel Weisz…so yeah HER! Not the other one. Takes place 4 years after Mummy Returns

Egypt 1937 AD—Unknown Amount of Miles from Memphis

Evelyn looked up from her position at the camp, in the distance her husband of 13 years worked hard under the unforgiving Egyptian sun along side his bemoaning brother-in-law chipping away at a 3,000-year-old relic. Her hand rested atop her now 12-year-old, as he worked away on his studies. Though smart for his age, the boy had just been kicked out of his current boarding school for gambling and his failing grades. He had been sent home mid-year, intruding on his parent's excavation plans along with punishing his uncle, who had been accused to of teaching the boy to gamble in the first place.

"You don't have to watch over me, you know?" The boy asked never once raising his head from his book as he pulled his hand away from his mothers.

"Really?" Evy fought back. It seemed the older he got the more like his uncle he became, honoree and sarcastic. "Because it appears every time I look away, you've gotten yourself into some form of trouble."

"It's the God forsaken desert, mum. How much trouble can I really get into?" He shot back, lifting his head to make eye contact with her for the first time in hours.

Evy smiled to herself. He was the spitting image of his father, but somedays she swore he was Jonathan's son. She supposed that was her own fault for leaving a young Alex with his uncle so frequently all those years ago. Part's of Jonathan's behavior and mannerisms were bound to rub off on such an impressionable child.

"Language." She exhaled, tired of telling him, tired of fighting him. Her son was growing up, as much as she hated to admit it. After her parents had died, she fought Jonathan at every turn she could, now it seemed karma was catching up to her.

"Mum!" He groaned, turning his back to her.

"Alright, I can see when I'm not wanted."

Alex watched from his peripheral vision as his mother got up and walked away from the campsite towards his father. He rolled his eyes and slammed the book shut harshly, groaning as he relaxed on the shaded desert sand and looked up to the top of the tent, he was in. If he hadn't been so good at poker, he wouldn't have beat Howard Higgins, causing the poor sport to run to the headmaster to rat him out. He also wouldn't have been so hell bent on winning that he may have noticed his grades slipping before it was too late. No, instead he was here, in the middle of the Egyptian desert, AGAIN! Saddled with his parents and a resenting uncle.

While his Uncle Jon loved him as if he were his own son, the man could be a bit of a child at times. When his sister had announced she was forcing both himself and Alex to Egypt with them as a punishment, he nearly flipped his lid. Yelling at his sister and calling her every name he could deem appropriate without completely ruining their relationship. He would have continued too, if Rick hadn't seen the hurt on his wife's face and intervened, making it clear all four would be traveling to the O'Connell's favorite continent. Jonathan had barely spoke to anyone, which was a miracle all its own and would have been humorous under any other circumstances.

Alex was startled from his train of thought and his eyes flew open when he felt a large mass fall against his side.

"She'll be angry if she catches you sleeping when you should be studying." Jonathan mumbled, exhaustion in his voice.

"What concern is it of yours?" Alex shot back, his eyes flying closed as he attempted to rub his back deeper into the sand for both comfort and emphasis on his lack of consideration when it came to anyone's thoughts.

"I'm sorry, Alex. It's been a rotten few months." He sounded sincere now, sincere and broken. Silently begging with his only companion for an ear to listen to and possibly a shoulder to cry on. A moment of nostalgia from when Alex was younger and both males would rely on one another for solace and to unburden their problems to the world.

Upon hearing how depressed the older man sounded, Alex opened his eyes once again and attempted to sit up, showing his uncle he had his undivided attention. The man had just broken up with his first serious girlfriend since…ever, according to Evy. He looked morose and defeated, like a kicked puppy. Though still swimming in millions from the diamond he got back at Ahm Shere, he still went about his days as if something were missing. Ahm Shere, that's a place no one spoke of, it was a silent agreement amongst the family. Jonathan had unloaded the diamond on the first Billionaire to make an offer, happy to have the cash and be rid of the cursed relic. Ever since the "incident" Jonathan had seemed different, then again watching your own sister die right before your eyes does tend to leave a lasting impression on someone. For weeks after they arrived home, all 3 men kept an eye on the woman, afraid that at any moment it would have all been a dream and she'd be cold and lifeless yet again.

"It's been a rotten few years." He spoke up in agreement. Both of them knew what he referred to, but kept it again, laced in silence.

"Hannah said my lack of ability to 'allow myself to be happy' is because of some traumatic experience I hold myself responsible for. That I'm punishing myself."

"Well who the hell is she to say so? Sigmund Freud?" Both men shared a hearty laugh together before falling silent, it was uncomfortable, the day looming in the air between them. "It's not your fault Uncle Jon."

It didn't need to be said, they both knew it. It had been a freak happenstance, none of it should have ever happened. But it had, and things had turned out ok in the end. Jonathan nodded, trying to hold his tears back, no doubt seeing his sister laying on her back and blood pouring from her stomach in his mind's eye. Alex rubbed his eyes, trying to stop his own tears before they fell.

"It scared me Alex." His voice was rough with emotion. "I barely remember a life without her. It was lonely, I remember that, but I was 7 and she came along. Things were better, even if I hated her at first." He chuckled softly at this, getting a genuine chortle from his nephew. "But if something had happened to her…and stayed that way…" He trailed off, hard to say the next words, but knowing right now he had to say them. Had to get this off his chest. The past few days had been tension filled and if he didn't get this out, he feared it may only get worse. "I don't know what I would have done. I wouldn't know how to go from your uncle to your father."

Alex nodded, he understood. If his mother had stayed there, buried below the sand, his father would have stayed with her, or returned home to die of a broken heart. It seemed Evelyn Carnahan O'Connell was Rick's only reason to live, everyone knew it and wouldn't have blamed him for anything he might have done.

"I don't blame you." Alex whispered.

"Well of course not. You're just a young lad, your mother though…I feel like I disappointed her. I'm supposed to be a good role model for you, instead I get you kicked out of school."

"I got myself kicked out, let's remember that.

"Doing things I taught you! I need her to know, if worse comes to worse, you're in good hands with me. I need her to know she doesn't need to be watching us both like…this." He gestured to the space around him.

"I suppose it didn't do the best job showing I'm mature enough either." Jonathan merely nodded in agreement. "So what now?"

"I'm not sure, but whatever it is, we owe your mum a big apology."

"Later." Alex said looking in the direction Jonathan had come from not long ago, only to see his mom and dad wrapped in each other's arms.

"Bloody hell!" he yelled, pulling the couple away from one another. "You would think after 13 years together, they would be sick of one another by now." Alex laughed outright at that.

Evy had approached Rick, her hand running softly from his shoulder down to his forearm where she used minimal strength to pull his attention towards her. He had allowed her, her touch sending goosebumps along his skin, despite the heat of the sun. She wore a long sleeve white shirt and he skillfully unbuttoned the cuff along her wrist with one hand, slowly bringing the skin to his mouth to place light nips and kisses along her pulse point.

"Oh Pul-eze." Jonathan groaned, dropping his shovel and heading towards the tent his nephew appeared to be napping in.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" Rick asked, ignoring his brother-in-law and waiting until he was out of earshot before pulling his wife close to his arms and kissing her.

"Your son hates me." She muttered pulling away, her face falling.

"I'm sure he doesn't, he's just at that age where he hates everything." He placed a kiss atop her forehead pulling her close.

"What have you been digging up over here for me?" She asked, desperate to change the subject and looking over his arm.

"This is a huge slab of I don't know what."

"We've been married thirteen years and you still can't make any of these symbols out?" She joked getting on her knees to examine the large slab of limestone covered in hieroglyphics.

"You know I only speak, terrible French, broken Arabic and American." He joked. Before coming to stand beside her. "What's it say? You know what, take your time, read it first, don't go saying anything out loud." She beamed at him, before turning back to the work before her.

He stood by her in silence as she read in silence and was amazed she was able to make anything of it. He would always be astounded by her intelligence. Granted, her beauty is what drew him to her all those years ago in a dirty Cairo prison. The most beautiful flower growing in the dark despair of the world, unaware of the horrors surrounding her. He had known in that moment, if he could just kiss her, he could die a happy man, having tasted something so sweet and pure. What he didn't anticipate was growing addicted to her, needing her like a dying man needs air, oh, but what an addiction to have.

As he had gotten to know her during their first trip to Hamunaptra, he knew there was more than met the eye with her. She was beautiful, but unaware of her own looks, hiding behind baggy clothes and unflattering hairstyles. After seeing his reaction to her in the boudin dress, he noticed she made more of an effort to show off her looks just for him. At first, he wasn't sure, but one night after a man had made a comment on her beauty, she had quickly grabbed Rick's jacket from its place on a nearby chair to cover herself up.

They had spent the rest of the night in each other's company talking about their past. Every time she opened her mouth, he hung onto every word. Even as she told him about the books she read, things she learned, he knew she was much more than just a pretty face, and her show of knowledge during their time with Imhotep was more than just for show. She truly was the definition of beauty and brains.

"It more or less tells the story of a queen." She finally spoke, pulling him back to the present. "There were very little Queens who ruled on their own terms in ancient Egypt. Cleopatra is the most commonly known one, Nefertiti obviously and Hatshepsut, who posed as a man and was almost erased from history thanks to her son."

"So, who is this Queen then?"

"Her name isn't written, but it goes on to explain that she came to be during Rameses the second's reign. Not a child though."

"Are they sure? Didn't you say he had almost 200 kids?"

"If not, more. But no, this explains she was a relative, though not a direct descendant. She was jealous, believed the throne was hers. She attempted to kill Ramses the Second's first-born child and nearly succeeded before being banished from Thebes."

"Well that's fucked up." Evy looked up to him, a somewhat disappointed look on her face. "Well it is."

"Now I see where Alex gets his tongue."

"Oh, don't give me that, you're no saint when it comes to your mouth." A deep blush covered her cheeks as she got to her feet and approached him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"At least I'm woman enough to keep it in the bedroom." She muttered, bringing her lips to meet his in a sensual kiss.

"That's for your own good, imagine how I would react if you didn't."

"You're incorrigible." She gave him a mischievous grin before bringing his mouth down to meet hers more intimately.

"Bloody hell!" Evy quickly pulled away from Rick, wiping her lipstick back into place before turning back to the slab.

"I'm gonna kill your brother." Rick muttered.

"Best not, we owe him. Not many places around here to finish what we start."

"I guess you're right."

Evy immediately fell to her knees and continued to read the large slab over. A story of a young girl left abandoned by her family, cast aside by the pharaoh for her heinous crime against the throne, only to find her footing miles from home, here in Memphis. It went on to explain of a deal she made with Bast in exchange for revenge against Rameses and his family, how her failure to commit to her side of the bargain led her soul being returned to the underworld to serve out her afterlife awaiting for the right person to come along.

"She's cursed." Evy finally spoke up.

"Who?" Rick asked looking in the distance as the sun was starting to go down for the night.

"Her name is only labeled as Bayata, meaning 'from nothing'. The Goddess Bast placed a curse on her and it's written here if her soul is ever disturbed, she will exact her revenge on the first ones she sees."

"I swear to God, Evy. If we wake up another Mummy, I'm done with Egypt." Evy chuckled as she rose to her feet and grabbed her husbands' hand, leading him back to camp where Jonathan and their son sat talking.

"There are mummies buried all over the world, not just Egypt. The chances of this curse being like the others is…nearly impossible."

"I used to think that too, until we saw it happen...twice…then again with some bug guy."

"Rick, the hieroglyphics clearly states only the blood of a descendant can awaken her."

"Wasn't Nefertiri the sister of Rameses the Second?" Evy's face perked up in surprise, shocked her husband remembered anything she said regarding history, not knowing he remembered everything she ever told him.

"Technically yes, but she bore no children, she was killed only a year after her brother took the throne."

"Wonder why."

"After some extensive research, I found it was for having an affair with a Medjai. Back then some of the men took an oath of celibacy to honor their pharaoh. Nefertiri just knew how to pick them." Rick chuckled at her joke, noticing her thumb was circling his wrist, next to the leather that covered his tattoo.

No doubt she had more or less convinced herself that in her past life she had seduced him away from his oath of purity and given herself over to him. He had not doubt they were lovers in a past life. From the moment he first had her, he knew it was somehow familiar. Like he had come home after years of never knowing where be belonged. He held so firmly to the belief that they belonged that after only knowing her for 2 months, and one night of lowered judgement, he knew he had to marry her.

"Evy? What if…Nefertiri did have children?"

"It would have been a disgrace, to have the child of the Pharaoh's Protector? They both would have been…"

"Killed?" He got out.

"No doubt, yes. Not to mention the child's existence would have been erased from history to avoid any kind of scandal. But that was so long ago, the blood has no doubt been filtered out. There is no possible way anyone alive today has the ability to awaken her. IF she even is here. I can only imagine, if she lived long enough to get this far, someone might have removed her."

"I hope your right." Rick said as they reached the camp and sat opposite Jonathan and Alex.

Alex was the first to speak up, offering his apology while Rick and Jonathan attempted to build a fire for the night. Evy listened with only half attention as Jonathan joined in with his own absolution. She felt bad for not giving them her full attention, but she felt an uncomfortable feeling brawl through her as she looked on in the distance and noticed a statue of Bast standing tall amongst the rubble. Her cat eyes bore into her soul, welcoming her into the darkness. Evy blamed the chill on the weather rapidly growing cold with the sun almost all the way on the other side of the horizon and accepted both apologies given to her from her son and brother. She pushed Rick's earlier words into the back of her brain and allowed herself to enjoy the fire that had been built.

Naturally, none of this is real. I'm not even sure Bayata is a real word, but for the sake of my work….it is here.

Please review!