*rises up from the ground like a vampire* I LIIIIIVE! Sorry this chapter took me so long to write, but I was having busy trying to build a deck for Jasmine. It took some time, but I've finally finished one that I think would work well for her. Now, unfortunately, this chapter is not so much a chapter as it is showing you what kind of deck Jasmine will use. That, and if I don't write down the deck recipe in this particular chapter, I'm more than likely to forget it entirely, and that will only hinder the story when she does duel.

So, here's her deck. I hope you all enjoy it.

Jasmine's Deck

Monster Cards

Phantom Gryphon

Dunames Dark Witch

Sky Scout

Harpie Girl

Harpie's Pet Dragon

Harpie Lady Sisters

The Unfriendly Amazon

Harpie Queen

Harpie Harpist

Amazoness Swords Woman

Amazoness Chain Master

Amazoness Fighter

Harpie Perfumer

Harpie Channeler

Harpie Lady 2

Harpie Lady 3

Harpie Oracle

Harpie Lady 1

Harpie Dancer

Harpie's Pet Baby Dragon

Spell Cards


Harpie's Feather Roosting

Card of Sanctity

Amazoness Spellcaster

Monster Reborn

Harpie Lady Phoenix Formation

Elegant Egotist (2 copies)

Cyber Shield (2 copies)

Harpie's Hunting Ground

Trap Cards

Fairy's Hand Mirror

Shadow of Eyes

The Elegant Harpie Lady

Amazoness Archers

Dramatic Rescue

Harpie's Feather Storm

Mirror Wall

Gravity Bind

Trap Jammer

Again, I am terribly sorry for taking so long to update and not even presenting a real chapter. But I hope that, at least, this particular deck that I've given to Jasmine will show that I have plans for her as a character. Because, let's face it, in the original canon of GX, she and Mindy pretty much faded away into being background characters that were there just for the sake of existing. Not much real character development.

Now, please excuse me, as I go and create a Spellcaster themed deck for Mindy. Any and all suggestions for her ace card, which is the card her deck will be centered around, are welcome! Buh-Bye now!