When was the first time she noticed him? Not just saw, but really noticed him?

Was it when they sat in the dungeon in the crystal caves when he opened up to her as she knew that he had never done with anyone before? Was it when he allowed her to touch his scar, knowing that he had never allowed anyone other than the tending physician lay their fingers on it? Was it when he pleaded for her to trust him after breaking it once more?

Was it during the Ember Island trip? When those terrible actors portrayed a love that was not part of their story? Or was it when he had ever so gently kissed her on the balcony that very same night right after she had rejected Aang? Or was it when his life flashed before her very eyes as he jumped in front of the blue lighting headed straight for her? He put his life, his lineage, his kingship, future and all that he had begged, borrowed, stolen, and in the end earned back on the line, all for her.

Until he had silently ripped her heart out when she saw him back in Mai's arms after he had been crowned Fire-Lord. What did it all truly mean then? That, she didn't know. Nor did she know if she ever would.

So much had changed since those days of war and of looming threats and silly crushes. They had all grown and matured in ways she never imagined.

It had been five years since Aang defeated the self-proclaimed Phoenix King. All seemed right in the world for the most part. Aside from the rebel gangs that still threatened the small villages in the towns surrounding each nation, and the slow process of rebuilding what trust was lost.

Sokka was now married to Suki, the love of his life. They lived in the South Pole with the rest of their family. Her goofy older brother was starting a family of his own and beginning his rigorous training with their father on becoming the next village leader. A task that he would take with pride.

Toph, she was off in Ba Sing Se with Haru and Teo. She and Haru had begun a dojo there, teaching kids earthbending, while Teo worked on perfecting his inventions.

They had all changed so much.

Katara sighed into the night as she moved away from the large tree she had been pondering under and closer to the pond in the royal garden. She and Aang had arrived to the Fire Nation a few days prior and she would often find her way to the garden. It was, and had always been, one of her favorite places in the world. She slipped her toes from the straps of her sandals and dipped the exposed toes into her soothing element that always called for her.

She watched as the turtle-ducks moved to investigate what had disturbed their territory and giggled when they began to nibble at her toes.

"They seem to like you."

Katara gasped at the sudden voice coming from the shadow.

"Oh! Uncle Iroh! I didn't know you were there!"

"I am sorry I startled you, my dear. I saw you sitting under the tree a moment ago and wanted to be sure that you were alright." He made his way to her, "May I sit?"

She smiled gently at the older man.

"Of course! Please do!" She moved to the left slightly and patted the grass to her right.

"Thank you," He groaned as he lowered himself onto the soft turf, "Would you like some tea?"

He then pulled a pot and two small cups from the sleeves of his long robes.

"Yes, please," She giggled, "There is nothing quite like a cup of tea next to a pond."

Katara watched as the paper lantern illuminated night as he poured the hot drink and held the cup out to her. She took it with a bow of the head and wondered how he carried around the hot pot without burning himself.

Must be a perk of being a fire bender she thought with a smile.

That was one of the wonders of the wonderful old man. Katara had grown, over the years, to look at Iroh as a member of her own family. With his wit and kindness and wisdom he had bestowed on her, there was no other way she could view him.

"Now, my dear," His kind eyes met hers, "what seems to be troubling you?"

The waterbender let out another sigh and looked around.

"I don't want to take up your time, Uncle Iroh." She looked deep into the water.

It was then that the old man pulled out a small loaf of bread out of his pocket and handed it to her.

"The turtle-ducks will love you for the rest of your days if you give them this!" He smiled as she broke a small bit off and tossed it gently into the dark water.

The moment it touched the water, the small animals greedily gobbled the morsel up.

"My dear, if it is being heard that you are worried about, Avatar Aang and my nephew are still in their meeting. The only ears here are ours and the turtle ducks."

It was as if he could read her mind. She did not want anyone to hear her thoughts or what she wanted to say. She knew, however, that Iroh was trustworthy and would give her wisdom. He was the best person to vent to since he was true with keeping secrets.

"Well," She sighed, "I have this small problem. I-I should be happy with my engagement. But-"

Her voice trailed off into the night, silence being swallowed by the sounds of the locusts and cicadas rubbing their wings together.

"You are not happy with the Avatar?"

"I am happy!" She stated, "I am! It's just… just… I don't even know what I am saying! Yes! I am happy with Aang!"

She watched as Iroh just smiled gently at her for a moment.

"You know, Katara, if you are unhappy, it is okay to say so."

"I just said that I'm happy with Aang!" She snapped lightly, correcting herself immediately, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said it that way."

"There is no need for apologies, young one. There are so many choices that we must make in life. Some wrong, some right. But, remember, it is you that is dealt the consequences, whether good or bad, of the things that you choose. And, only you know what is truly in your heart."

He looked to the turtle-ducks as they continued to feast and smiled.

"But, what if my choices hurt another. I don't want to hurt anyone ever. And, what if what is in my heart is not what is meant to be my own fate?" She stressed, "Aunt Wu told me years ago that I would marry a powerful bender. And, I assumed over time that the powerful bender was Aang… I don't know what is in my heart for him anymore. I'm so confused."

There was a tense pause between the two. It only lasted seconds, but felt like hours.

"Only you can know what is best. Not everything in our lives is easy or upfront. Sometimes, we must look deep within ourselves and ask ourselves what we really want and what we are doing just to please others. Not to say we should intentionally hurt the ones we love. But, only you live with the consequences of your choice for the rest of your life. Don't make yourself a fool by ignoring your own fate. And, who your heart is truly yearning for."

It was then that Katara heard the voice of her now fiance bouncing off of the elegant stone walls.

"Katara?" He sang loudly, "Where are you? I want to go on a night ride on Appa!"

The young woman smiled sadly at Iroh and stood quickly.

"I'm happy with Aang. Thank you so much for the tea and the kind wisdom, Uncle Iroh." She mumbled quietly before she sauntered off, not before taking one last look at the old man.

There was more behind her eyes that she knew that Iroh could see. Even if she wasn't yet ready to face them. She did love Aang, they had been together for over four years. She wouldn't still be with him, much less be marrying him if she didn't love him.


So if she loved him, then why did her heart flutter at the sight of another? Why did she run to that other in a way she hoped that Aang had not noticed? Why did she hug that other for longer than necessary? The years had taken the pain of heartbreak away, yes. But, it didn't take away what was in that heart for that man.

Surely it had to be because they hadn't seen each other in years. Not because her heart had grown fond of him. The fondness had never truly died. No matter the heartache endured. Even after all these years. He was the Fire-Lord for Agni's sake, she suddenly thought. He had a line that wrapped around the palace twice of suitable girls just waiting for him to choose one. He had made his choice years ago. Right?

She brushed her long dark hair out of her face as she began down the brightly lit stone hall to meet her powerful fiance.

She would marry him in four months time as she had promised. She knew that Aang loved her with all of his heart. Even if he still acted like a child sometimes. Most times actually. Even when he wasn't the friendliest at times. But, that was something age brought. And, she was trusting that the growth of maturity would happen soon.

After all, she was sure that Zuko was the same way at that age. Right?

No, he wasn't. She knew that. He had to grow up well before his time, just as she had been forced to do. Maybe that was why she felt such a strong bond with him. She could relate to him in most ways. Just as he could relate to her.

That was something that she didn't always feel with Aang. Rarely felt actually. Sure he had saved the world and became a complete Avatar. He had brought peace to the four nations. But, in many ways, he was still that boy that she and Sokka had found in the iceberg. In many ways, she felt as if she was in a motherly position to the monk.

That was something that she hoped would pass.

It was then she was again pulled from her thoughts as Aang bounded up to her and hugged her hard. Almost painfully so.

"I was calling for you!" He looked over her with overly worried eyes, "Why didn't you answer me? Are you okay?"

Katara winced and pulled free from his grasp and adjusted her long maroon skirt.

"Yes, Aang, I'm fine. I heard you."

"Then why didn't you call back and come?" He cocked his head to the side.

"I did come." She deadpanned, motioning her arms around herself.

The young man frowned disapprovingly at her.

"Well, let's go then. I want to go on a night ride on Appa!" He grabbed her hand and tugged her roughly along a short distance.

Katara pulled away and watched as Aang gave her a hurt look.

"Aang, I think I'm going to go to bed. It's been a long day and I am tired. It was a long journey here and I'm still tired."

"O-oh, well, uh, okay, Katara. I wanted you to come though. I guess I will just go alone then. Let me just walk you to your room." He began to usher her in the opposite direction until she stopped.

"No, it's okay. I can find my way." She smiled gently at him, hiding the upset over his obvious attempts to guilt her, "Go enjoy your ride."

"See you later then." He leaned to kiss her.

She watched as he leaned in for a kiss. She knew that she didn't want to kiss him tonight. She rarely did these days. Katara turned her head just before his lips met hers only to meet her cheek.

She turned swiftly on her heel and began to walk in the direction of her room. The waterbender knew that she had jilted her new fiance but she needed time to think through the feelings that she knew had been there for five years.

Her eyes were on the floor as she almost robotically followed the now exquisitely carpeted floor. She was so focused on the pattern that she didn't see the man walking toward her.

"Katara?" His silky voice met her ears and she jumped.

"Zuko?!" She snapped her eyes to meet his form, "I'm so sorry! Fire-Lord Zuko!"

It was then that she bowed formally in respect and to hide her sudden blush.

"Katara, really?" A grin spread across his face, "You run and hug me in front of the whole world, but now, you and me alone in the hall of the palace alone and you use formalities?"

She felt the blush on her cheeks deepen at the reminder.

"About that," She shifted her eyes away from him, "I'm sorry, I should have been more respectful of you and your position."

His laughter met her ears. It was the most relaxing thing she had done in years. His strong arms around her made her feel safe.

"You really need to stop apologizing." He met her eyes once more when she peeked back up to him, "You are one of my closest and dearest friends. There is no need to stand on formality at any time around me, you know that. Plus I am sure that some of the girls that saw were green with envy. It was funny."

What did that mean? Why could others be jealous of what she intended to be a friendly encounter?

"Thank you." Was all that she could squeak out.

Katara was thankful in that moment for the dim light hiding her blushed cheeks.

"I'm on my way to retire for the night." She spoke, "Thank you for your hospitality."

"Of course!" He grinned once more, "But, you know I am walking you to your room. You have your own maid as of today. Just let her know if you need anything at all, okay?"

He turned around and walked side by side with her, leading her gently with his large hand on the small of her back.

"Thank you so much, but my own maid? That is really not necessary." She stuttered over her words as she felt his hand.

It was like electricity running up and down her spine. She had to stop herself from turning and embracing him again.

"Only the best for you, Katara." He whispered, "Where is Aang by the way? I figured that you would be with him."

She noticed the hint of a sour tone in his voice at the mention of the avatar.

"He went on a night ride with Appa…" She muttered as they reached the door to her chambers.

"Alone?" Zuko raised his eyebrow.

"Yes. I didn't feel up to going with him." Katara shifted her eyes.

"Are you sick?" He placed his hands on her shoulders, sending new sparks throughout her.

"No. I just didn't want to go, honestly." She shrugged, "He doesn't seem to understand that I'm not the type for constant spontaneity. I'd much rather just have peaceful nights in, he knows that… but just doesn't listen."

She kept her eyes low as she could clearly feel his golden ones burn into her at her words. She half regretted telling him that, but at the same time it had felt so good to let that frustration out.

"Well, okay then. Let me know if you need anything." He dropped his hands to his side, "Rest well, Katara."

It was then that she watched as he turned around and began walking toward his own chambers. It didn't go unnoticed when he turned his good side toward her and took one last look as he rounded a corner.

"Friends." She whispered when she shut the bedroom door behind her.

"Just friends." he whispered in a pained tone.

Katara pulled the covers back on the large bed that Zuko had provided and climbed into its warm embrace after getting ready for bed. Though her mind raced with her own thoughts and sleep would not come to her. She decided after a few restless hours that maybe a bath would do her well. She wanted to wash the imaginary grime of her thoughts down the drain.

'Maybe it will take away these feelings too.' She thought as she threw her legs over the side of the bed and got to her feet.

The room itself was exquisite. Nothing short of royalty. The large room was adorned with gold and red paint. The black marble floor shined bright as she stepped onto it. Zuko had really out done himself with providing her luxurious accommodations like this.

Her large canopied bed was the softest thing that Katara had ever laid on. So much so, that she didn't even want to leave it when she jumped into it upon arrival. The room had its own balcony that overlooked the royal gardens.

Did Zuko do this on purpose? He did know her love of flowers and greenery? Something that she didn't get to see much living in the Southern Water Tribe. He did. She knew this already. They had countless deep talks back then. Back when…

Katara shook her head violently to prevent the memories from returning as she walked into the bathroom.

The private bathroom was almost as large as the bedroom. It held a beautiful large black marble bathtub at the center of the room with elegant steps leading up to it. Large mirrors covered an entire wall of the room. Katara was impressed with the beauty and elegance of the entire suite. She was used to sleeping on the ground or in a tent. Never had she been treated to such luxury.

He always treated her like she was royalty like himself. Even when he was an outcast.

She turned the nozzle on and watched as the water sprung to life. She noticed that there was a small contraption attached at the base of the handle. It was then that she felt the water become warm under her touch. Katara closed her eyes at the feeling of the warm water as it filled the large basin.

It was another two hours before she stepped out of her private oasis and entered the soft bedding. Her mind still troubled.

Why did she feel this conflicted? Why now?

No, she knew it was because of Zuko.

Sleep wouldn't take her for her mind was filled with memories and images of the dark haired fire lord. She knew she loved him years ago, and that they shared so many painful experiences that made that love run deeper.

It was a bond that couldn't be shared with another. Not even Aang. But, she had decided to change that intimate love to the friendly love. But, she knew as she thought and pondered, it was not just the love of a friend. It was the love that she had longed for. The bond that made them close. The love she knew she would have to live without.

She loved him. She loved him in a way that she could never love Aang.

Hey Guys! :)

Here is my first go at one of my favorite ships of all time, ZUTARA! I will try and post new chapters as often as I can!

Please drop me a review if you enjoyed or with any constructive criticism!

A very special thank you to my dearest friend and beta, generaltay. She is simply amazing! Go check out her own stories!

Thank you so much!