Hi JJ, how are you tonight?
Hi, Emily! What's up? Checking to make sure I'm not backing out?
What? No…
If you're having second thoughts though, I would totally understand.
No! Sorry, it was a joke. Sorry.
No, my mistake. I guess I'm on edge.
You're nervous?
I am. My parents are.
Not that I mean to scare you.
You didn't. Not really. All parents can be difficult.
Are yours?
Differently, I think? They love me and want what's best for me.
It's their best though. Not always mine.
I see.
Oh, shit, Emily, I did not mean to imply that your parents don't love you. I'm sure they do!
I know, Jennifer.
I just meant it was different. Based on what you said at lunch. Not less though.
At ease, JJ. No harm done, okay?
Good. Are you free now? I was hoping we could go over some things.
Oh! Sure. What did you have in mind?
I had a couple of questions. I figured we should get clear on the fundamentals. Just in case we get asked.
Do you think we'll get asked?
I wouldn't put it past my mother to pry a bit. But mostly I just want to be prepared.
Okay, shoot.
I'm not doing anything else.
I thought we could discuss how we met.
In our fictional relationship?
Just an outline. Nothing fancy.
Solicitation is off the table I imagine?
I'm sorry. That was...I didn't mean it the way it came across.
It's fine.
No, it isn't. I meant it as a joke, not a dig. I swear.
I understand. This whole thing is really weird
I'm not mean.
I know I'm not a mean person.
Jesus, I'm fucking up left and right. You sure you still want me to come?
Okay, what about through Penelope?
What about saying we met through Penelope? It's true enough.
Yes, that will probably work. Though I don't think I know her as well as you do.
Well, you haven't been coming to the girls' nights. :)
Hah. You're right. That's on me. I'm afraid I tend toward a more reclusive lifestyle.
Ah! A mysterious type. I thought so. How intriguing.
Is it? Most find it offputting at best.
I am not most.
That's clear.
So. We met through Penelope. How long have we been together?
2 years?
Goodness no! My mother will never believe that.
Really? Are you a heartbreaker, Prentiss?
Hardly. More like a chronic relationship mishandler. Another reason I went with this setup, I suppose.
You like order. You like to get what you want.
I know what needs to be done, and I like to make sure it happens.
Aren't those the same thing?
Only sometimes.
So...Not two years. How about six months?
Sounds good.
How old are you? If you don't mind telling me.
29. I turn 30 in a couple of months.
I am 32. An age my parents will remind us of repeatedly. Especially since you are not in your thirties yet.
You never married?
Sorry, that was fucked up to ask No, never.
Nothing to be sorry for. It's true. I am an old maid.
Never! Don't speak of yourself that way. Anyway, for the next 72 hours, you belong to me.
They are flirting.
Emily makes her phone screen go dark and sets it down on the coffee table before folding her hands in her lap. It had happened so subtly that she hadn't noticed, but with the arrival of that last line, there could be no mistaking.
She hadn't expected to like JJ so much, or for her to be so intelligent...or attractive. But she should have known when Penelope Garcia reached out in response to her email that she was in for something interesting. Her phone pings on the coffee table with a message from JJ, most likely an apology for overstepping.
Emily taps the screen.
Sorry! I didn't mean to sound… The preview says, and Emily smiles despite herself. It makes her feel better that she can predict the other woman's reactions so well already. It makes her feel like less will go wrong if she knows exactly how JJ is going to react.
She picks up her phone, and instead of responding via text, she presses the little phone in the corner of the screen.
JJ picks up after just two rings.
"I'm sorry," she says. "I didn't mean to sound-"
"I thought I should call," Emily says, cutting her off, "so you don't keep thinking you've misstepped. It might be better if you can hear my voice."
"I'm sorry. I just don't want to-"
"No more apologies, Jennifer. You haven't done anything wrong."
"Okay. I'm...it's weird. Not bad weird! Just a little weird. I've haven't planned to deceive people so deliberately since high school."
"Were you a rule breaker?"
"As a kid?" JJ considers. "Not really, actually. I thought I would be a famous soccer player. I was pretty straight-laced because of that."
"I see."
Emily hesitates, trying to think of a way to answer. She wants to be as honest as possible. "We traveled a lot," she says finally. "I...rebelled."
"I lived in one house until I left for college," JJ says, sounding sympathetic. "I can't imagine anything else."
"It wasn't horrible," Emily says quickly. "It was just…"
"Hard?" JJ suggests.
It is the perfect word. "Hard," Emily echoes. "Yes."
They are silent for a moment, though it doesn't feel uncomfortable.
"So, can we talk about what I should wear?" JJ says after a while. "I looked at the invitation you forwarded, and I honestly don't think I have anything fancy enough to attend. I mean, I have a couple of bridesmaids dresses, but-"
"Oh," Emily sits up to pull her laptop to her. "No, I'm sorry, I can get you a couple of outfits, of course. I was planning on it. Do you have your computer? I'll send you the link right now. I meant to send you the links before this."
She presses send on the email in her drafts and listens to JJ as she powers up her own computer.
"Your Gmail address is interesting," JJ says. "Laurenisgone?"
Emily could kill herself. She hadn't bothered to switch over to her "regular" email.
"You don't have to tell me," JJ says, tone playful. "It's a mystery. Intriguing."
Emily is speechless, but it doesn't matter, because less than ten seconds later JJ gasps. "Holy shit, Emily, you're kidding me."
Emily frowns. "I'm sorry?"
"These dresses cost more than six months of my salary."
"Do you not like them?"
"No! God. They are gorgeous, but I think that's beside the point."
"Pick the two you like the best and order them in your size. I'm already logged in on that link so it shouldn't be an issue."
"Jesus, Emily, I can't just order two eight thousand dollar dresses."
Emily smiles at nothing. The fact that JJ doesn't leap at her money makes her more attractive, and also more frightening. Beyond her money, what is it that she really has to offer?
"You can wear something from your own closet," Emily responds. "You could wear jeans, JJ, if you wanted. I just want you to be comfortable."
"Everyone there will be wearing dresses like this?"
"At the two parties? Yes." Emily doesn't mention that the dresses she chose are priced on the low end of what will be on display.
JJ pauses for a moment. "Show me what you're wearing," she says, her tone challenging.
"You want to see my dresses?"
"Yes," JJ says. "Send me the links for your dresses."
Emily obliges, pulling up the two links for her gowns and sending them along. She doesn't bother to change her email this time.
She waits, listening to the occasional mouse click on the other end of the line.
"Mine are only more expensive because I thought you'd object," she says as the silence stretches. "But you can feel free to choose something different. Or I can send you-"
"This black one," JJ cuts her off. "It's for the gala on Friday night?"
"Yes," Emily says. "That one is going to be a little more black tie. The one Saturday afternoon is Casual, and the Sunday thing is just a brunch so-"
"It's gorgeous," JJ breathes. "You're gonna look amazing in it."
"Oh," Emily doesn't know what to say. This was not what she was expecting. "I...thank you," she stammers.
It is almost possible to hear JJ's blush over the phone. "Well, It's the truth. That dress is going to look unbelievable on you."
Emily has trouble swallowing in order to respond.
"I picked yours with your - ah - physique in mind as well." Emily can feel her ears burning. She opens her mouth and then shuts it again.
Physique? She berates herself. Really, Emily?
To her immense relief, JJ chuckles softly. "Which do you like the best for me?"
"The blue one," Emily says without thinking. "With the off the shoulder look."
"Yes," Emily says. "And the flowers for Saturday. If you like it."
"I do." JJ hesitates. "Are you sure you want to drop this kind of cash on me?"
Emily laughs. "Yes," she says. "I know it seems weird, but you are actually doing me a favor for which there is no price."
JJ doesn't answer right away, and Emily takes a moment to berate herself for her intensity. She has never known how to just...be casual about things.
Especially not around attractive women.
"Thank you," JJ says finally.
"You're more than welcome," Emily says. "And please, when you look over the other information, if you think of anything you need, let me know."
"I have a couple of credit card payments I could talk to you about," JJ says with a laugh.
Emily is unsure about how to answer. She would be open to helping this woman, given the size of the favor, but she also thinks this might be a joke.
JJ confirms this for her almost immediately. "That was a joke, I'm so sorry. I suck."
"You don't suck," Emily says automatically. "And if you need more-"
"No!" JJ says adamantly. "No. I won't make any more jokes about your money, Emily. I'm sorry. You're more than your bank account."
"Am I?" she asks it without thinking and doesn't expect an answer.
"Of course!" JJ sounds surprised and then a little sad. "Of course you are. So I'm going to stop making those jokes. And I'll order the dresses. Thank you, again, for getting them."
The open sincerity of this woman is the thing that throws Emily the most. She has to remind herself this is a strict quid pro quo arrangement. JJ is playing at being nice to her.
Of course she is.
"What time should I be ready on Thursday?" JJ asks.
"Is 4:30 too early? It would be nice to try and beat the majority of traffic out of the city."
"Sure, I'll be ready."
"Okay. See you soon."
"You will! Good night, Jennifer."
It is only a little awkward when they hang up.
For a moment Emily just sits there, holding her phone and thinking about all of the excuses she could create for having to text the other woman one more time before sleeping.
But she doesn't call or text JJ again. Instead, she scrolls through her phone until she finds the number she's looking for, and presses call before she can second guess herself.
"Mistress of shadows and darkness, Oracle of all things, how can I help my darling Emily Prentiss this evening?"
Emily rolls her eyes. "Hello, Garcia."
"Hello, my gumdrop. To what do I owe this fabulous surprise?"
Emily bites the corner of her nail for the briefest of moments.
"I was wondering...Do you - um - know what JJ's favorite flowers are? I want to get her something nice...for when I pick her up on Thursday. Just - just to say thank you. You know?"
For once, Penelope does not challenge the reasoning behind Emily's request.
"I am putting in the order at the flower place on the corner for you right now," she says. Emily can tell that she is smirking.
"Thank you," she says simply.
"Have a great weekend," Penelope says.