Hour 1: Presents and Futures

A/N: Welcome to the first chapter of Doubutsu Sentai Zikanger, my Sentai counterpart to Kamen Rider Byte. If you didn't see or don't know, my name is Trey-El and I hope you enjoy the story.

DISCLAIMER: The Super Sentai brand belongs to Toei, the characters are mine however.

Let's Begin.

The year is 2279. In the last two hundred and sixty years, the world was being slowly destroyed at the hands of time traveling beings known as the Time Wranglers. No one knows where they come from, but they do know they arrived in the year 2019 and slowly but surely began to lessen the population of the United States before spreading out to the world and doing the same. Not sure how to deal with the creatures created by the Time Wranglers, called TokiZyu, the world was almost helpless in their battles.

Luckily, the remaining population was able to study one of the TokiZyu and figure out what it took to stop one of them. However, the Wranglers found out and rapidly amped up their expansion. Not being ready for a huge offensive attack, the study was unable to be shared until it was mostly too late. By the time the weapons necessary to fight these things was built, it was truly too late to reverse the affects. Some of the remaining population formed the Zikan Resistance and have been battling the Time Wranglers for years now.

However, there was only one way to fix this problem... making sure it doesn't happen in the first place.

Takahashi Ogai checked over the computer screens once again, his brown eyes scanning from behind his glasses. In his 52 years of life, he had to deal with the terrible condition of the world and he now had the chance to fix that problem. He ran his hand through his dark brown hair, still worried of this idea not working.

His worry then transfered to his children. He was obviously worried about what could happen to them during this attempt to change their future. Shaking the thoughts out of his head, Takahashi stood up from the seat and monitors before turning his eyes to the triangular ship and large, circular projector in front of him.

"Is is done father?" a male voice then asked.

Looking back, Takahashi saw his twin children walk in. The male twin scanned the ship and projector with his amber eyes scrutinizingly while the female's amber eyes gazed at the machine hopefully. They both had the same dark brown hair as their father, but the son kept it short compared to his sister, who kept her's jaw length.

The two also wore similar uniforms that were mostly dark grey in color with black boots and wrist cuffs, with the only variation of the overall design being that the female's shirt hung lower almost like a trench coat. The only other difference was the extra color on their right chest, right arm, and stripes on the side of their pants. The boy's was blue while his sister's was yellow.

"Yes Hiro, I believe it is." Takahashi said to his son.

The female beamed, "That's great! Now we can go back in time and save the world from destruction like true heroes."

Hiro shook his head, "Chiaki, you need to take this seriously. We are going to be taking on a huge task." he said.

Chiaki pouted, "I am taking this seriously. It's just that I choose to look at the brighter side of things." she explained.

Hiro then held up his left wrist, showing off some kind of device that was mostly black with a silver button on the left side of the gold rimmed circle section with a translucent center.

"As long as we have these on our wrists, we don't have the room for light heartedness." Hiro said, walking over to the ship to look it over again.

Chiaki turned to her father, who shook his head dismissively. They were both worried for the young man, ever since he joined the front lines of the Resistance, he adopted an uptight and serious attitude towards life. However, his father knew that the worst thing to do is try to force him out of his attitude without giving him time to want the change.

"When are we leaving?" Chiaki asked.

"If things go to plan, in a few hours when it is night time so that we do not risk too much interference." Mr. Ogai responded.

A young man then ran into the area, breathing heavily, "Not to rush you, but you need to go now." he said.

Chiaki ran over to the boy, "What happened Smitty?" she asked with a worried look.

Another man and a female then ran into the hanger as well, the female dragging a huge suitcase.

"The Zikagents made a suprise attack on one of our main groups. They found out what we were up to from one of the younger recruites. You all need to go." Smitty told her.

"What about you?" Hiro asked.

"I'll be fine. Just get on board." Smitty said.

The six then heard an explosion go off somewhere nearby.

"Let's go!" the woman with the briefcase said, "Help me load this in Daemon."

"Got you Shay." the man who followed her in said.

Takahashi rushed to the desk with monitors and activated the large projecter. A blue tunnel then appeared and Takahashi took a deep breath; if this didn't work, then this would all be for nothing. He watched Daemon, Shay, and Hiro board the ship. Takahashi soon followed, but stopped when he noticed his daughter was not moving.

"Chiaki! We need to go!" he called out.

Chiaki looked between her father and Smitty, who finally said, "You need to go Chiaki. Don't worry about me. As long as you all get to the past and save the future, it'll all be worth it."

Tears came to Chiaki's eyes and she hugged Smitty, "I'll never forget you Smitty." she said.

Smitty chucked, "I know. To be fair, I was the only one crazy enough to follow you into enemy territory just to get on a swing."

Chiaki smiled despite the situation before slowly letting go of her friend and running into the ship behind her father. As Smitty stood at the consoles, the five on the inside of the ship got into the seats, Takahashi at the control console.

He then activated a telecom, "Smitty, prepare to launch!"

As Smitty typed away, gunshots sounded off outside.

"Launching in five...four..."

Shadows began to cast off of the tunnel walls leading to the hanger.


The five in the ship braced themselves.

"Two...one!" Smitty shouted.

He pushed the enter button before getting shot in the shoulder. The latches on the ship removed themselves and the ship began to hover.

"Hold on!" Takahashi yelled before putting the ship into acceleration.

The ship then sped into the blue tunnel, which disappeared after the ship did the same. Smitty held his shoulder and looked at the Zikagents, who where jet black with silver armor on them and blue eyes.

Smitty chuckled, "You're too late." he said.

"Is that so?" a female voice asked.

In walked a tall, female like creature with a mainlt white body suit with sky blue armor and golden lining all around. She was slightly pale with purple eyes and jet black hair.

"Zei?" Smitty asked, fear suddenly evident in his voice and face.

"Surprising right? I'm usually not this far out in enemy territory, but seeing as how any resistance we would have is almost eradicated. Now, what was that about it being too late?" Zei asked, her hands on the holstered gunmetal colored guns on her thigh armor.

Smitty suddenly got his bravery back, "Its too late for you to stop the revamp of time. Your past selves aren't as powerful."

Zei whole heatedly laughed, "Oh sweetie, yes we were. There are no past versions of ourselves. We transcend past the anchors of time. Our 'past selves' were just us when we traveled to that time from the future. Now we have to do it a second time." she said with a deceivingly kind smirk.

"They will stop you. Just know that." Smitty said.

Zei nodded in understanding before drawing out her gun and shooting Smitty right between the eyes.

September 3rd, 2019

Dillon Franklin woke up to the sound of his phone's alarm. Looking at the time, he saw that it was currently 5 a.m.

He closed his grey eyes and sigh, "First days. Ugh." he said to himself before begrudgingly sitting up in his bed.

He ruffled brownish blonde hair and yawned as he rose from his bed. Scratching the faded scar on his cheek, Dillon stood up and walked into his bathroom for a shower. He later dressed up in red sneakers, blue jeans, and a hooded red shirt before walking out of his room. Walking into the kitchen, Dillon saw his family already there.

His mother and younger cousin. His mother was eating while his cousin was apparently done with her breakfast and was on her laptop. She had her long auburn hair swept behind her ear and was wearing a black mid length sleeve shirt with pink sleeves and collar with blue jeans and black shoes. She also had silver glasses over her jade green eyes and freckles on her cheeks and nose.

"Don't you think you should wait until we actually get to school Sierra?" Dillon asked his fifteen year old cousin.

"When am I going to have time? I'm going to have some work to do that will take precedence." Sierra complained.

"Then just wait until you have free time. Like lunch." Dillon responded, picking up a plate of food from the microwave.

"You mean to risk getting food onto my laptop?" Sierra said, "Not a chance."

"Kids, it's not okay to be arguing this early in the morning. Especially since it's your first day." Dillon's mother said.

"I'm just saying, she should take a break from that thing. Her eyesight is already bad." Dillon replied, sitting at the table in the seat closer to his mother.

"As bad as your attitude cousin?" Sierra shot back.

Dillon rolled his eyes and ate his breakfast. A few minutes later, the two put on their jackets and their bags before walking out of the house.

"Have a great day you two. Love you!" Dillon's mother said.

"Love you too mom." Dillon said.

"See you later Aunt Lisa." Sierra replied with a smile and a wave.

Once they were far enough away from their home, Dillon turned to his younger cousin.

"Look Sierra, today is the first day in my climb to greatness. I'm going to need you to keep your distance." Dillon said.

"Still value popularity over family?" Sierra asked in a nonchalant tone.

"No, but...look, I just need this. Think about it like this, you could have a popular cousin, that could up your standings as well." Dillon explained.

"Maybe it would if my cousin would actually let people know that I'm their cousin." Sierra shot back, glaring at Dillion.

"I'll let them know when I'm in secured popularity." Dillon said before gesturing to the bus stop, "Like him."

The person Dillion was referring to was Terrence High's star quarterback and most popular person in school, Malik Tyson. The light skinned african american male was currently wearing his black and white varsity jacket over a green shirt, grey jogger pants, and all white high tops. He had his earbuds in as his hazel eyes scanned for the bus.

"Malik has always been the most popular guy around since we were kids. He's everything I want to be, and this year, I will be just like him and join him at the top of the pile." Dillon said with a smug smile.

Sierra rolled her eyes, "Being popular in high school is barely even brownie points in the real world Dillon. The people who adore you in school will likely never see you again once you all graduate. What's the point?"

"To enjoy it for as long as it can last. Don't you understand that?" Dillon asked with a frown.

Sierra shook her head, "No, but I know you well enough to know that trying to talk you out of this is pointless. So, I'll be over there with my friends." she then walked away from Dillon to her fellow females.

Dillon huffed in frustration. Why couldn't his cousin understand why being popular was so important in school? He didn't want to be at the bottom of the pile; he had already spent multiple years in that position and he was tired of it.

'She'll understand eventually.' Dillon convinced himself as the school bus pulled up to the curb.

Takahashi woke up and lifted his head from the control console of the time traveling ship he was currently in. He looked behind him to see his children and fellow adults similarly knocked out but breathing. After exiting the tunnel of time, the ship had crashed into woods nearby some kind of town. Getting out of his seat, Takahashi walked over to his children and shook them before giving shakes to Daemon and Shay.

Hiro was the first to come out of his unconscious state, "Dad? Where are we?"

"I don't know just yet son," Takahashi said as the other inhabitants stirred, "had to make sure you were all okay."

"Appreciate it dad," Chiaki said, rubbing her neck, "but I think a neck pillow was in order."

Takahashi chuckled at his daughter as they all crowded the central module on the console. Shay pressed some buttons and a static projection popped up.

"It is September 3rd of the year 2019. We made it." she said with a smile.

The other four took a sigh of relief. The first part of the plan had been a success. They then all exited the ship to see the small town nearby. It was early in the morning and the sky was just starting to turn blue.

Chiaki then pointed something out, "Look!"

They all looked to what Chiaki was pointing at: a sign that said 'WELCOME TO WILBURG COUNTY'.

Hiro narrowed his eyes, "This is the town. The town where everything went to hell before the world followed."

"Do you think the Time Wranglers are here yet?" Chiaki said, a slight tone of fear under her voice.

"If they were, we'd be seeing police lights and hearing fighting." Daemon said.

"Meaning we're early." Takahashi added.

"Then let's go find them." Hiro said, beginning to walk forward.

Chiaki grabbed her brother, "Hiro, we can't go into town looking for a fight. Besides, we don't even have a clue as to where to find any Time Wranglers or TokiZyu. Are you just going to wait in town until they show themselves?"

"Yes." Hiro said matter-of-factly.

"No. However, if you two want to go sight seeing, I'll allow it. After all, this town was decimated by the Time Wranglers to a point where only a section of a building still stands." Takahashi said.

"Plus, we might be here for a while. So it'd be nice for you two to look around and get used to this place." Shay furthered.

Hiro and Chiaki nodded before then walking off towards the town.

"Are you sure you should let them go out? What if they are attacked by the Time Wranglers?" Daemon asked Takahashi.

Takahashi nodded, "I'm sure they can handle themselves Daemon. They'll be okay." he said.

In his mind however Takahashi added, 'I hope.'

It was first lunch at Terrence High and Dillon stepped outside with his plate in hand. He took a quick glance around at the vast number of fellow students who were all with their friends and classmates, laughing and smiling. His eyes caught a particular table closer to a wall of the school, the table at which the jocks and cheerleaders sat and talked.

Dillon took a deep breath, "My journey to the top begins now." he said before he began to walk over.

As he got closer, some of the people at the table and around it spotted him and lost their smiles. It hurt him, but Dillon kept the determined look on his face as he came to a stop at the table.

"Hey everyone. Mind if I sit here?" Dillon asked, gaining looks and eyebrow raises.

"Why would we do that Franklin?" the main jock said.

"Well Jack, I need somewhere to sit and plus, there is an open seat here." Dillon stated, gesturing at an empty space on the bench.

A chuckle was shared amongst the crowd as Jack just continued to stare at Dillon in shock.

As Dillon awaited an answer, Sierra walked over to her cousin.

"Dillon, come on." She said, hands on her hips.

A smirk came to Jack's face, "Naw man, you're crazy if you think you are going to sit here when you are associated with her."

"I'm not." Dillon said hurriedly, shooting a side glare at Sierra, who began to have a frown cross her face.

"So you don't want to be associated with your own cousin?" she asked.

At the revelation of their association, a laugh then sounded off from the table dwelling jocks and cheerleaders, much to Dillon's embarrassment.

"Now you're sure as hell not sitting here. Shoo!" Jack said, unable to hide his smile.

Dillon looked at the ground for a few seconds before storming off.

"Thanks a lot." Dillon grumbled to himself as he walked past his cousin, who rolled her eyes at him before walking off in his direction.

As they walked however, they heard some kind of commotion coming from the center of the lunch area; a large crowd also surrounded the area.

"What's that about?" Dillon asked.

"Don't know. Who cares anyway, not our business." Sierra response before continuing her walk.

Curiosity got the best of Dillon however and he rushed over to the crowd. Sierra soghed in irritation but went with her cousin.

'Got to make sure he does nothing stupid.' She thought to herself.

When the two got further into the crowd, they saw that at the center was two boys pushing a skinner boy back and forth between theme.

"Come on Danny boy. Fight back." One of the boys said with a laugh.

Danny fixed his glasses, "I have no reason to fight nimrods like you two, so allow me to take my leave."

The other boy grabbed Danny by his collared shirt and lifted him off the ground, "Don't insult us Tucker." he said before rearing his fist back to the cheer of anticipation from the crowd.

"Enough." a voice said, making the crowd go silent.

Malik then walked up to the scene with his arms crossed, "Really you two?"

The boy holding Danny let him go and rubbed the back of his neck, "We were just having fun with the little guy. He's the one who took in too seriously and insulted us."

"Even so," Malik said as he began to stalk forward, "you do realize that you can't fight right? If you two do that, you will be out of the season until the board decides to let you play again."

"Fair enough." one of the boys said before signaling the other to follow him as he walked off.

Malik then turned to the crowd, "Now, get back to your lunch." he said.

The crowd then hurriedly dismissed, Dillon and Sierra standing at a pillar.

"See why I want to be that popular? See how he can just tell a whole crowd of high schoolers what to do? If I was to do that, I'd get ignored immediately." Dillon told his cousin, "I would of began that path if you hadn't of ruined it." he added with a frown.

Sierra kept a blank expression before then turning and walking off.

Dillon furrowed his brow and called out to her, "No response?"

Sierra just kept walking, not allowing Dillon to see her hurt expression.

Chiaki looked around in wonder as she and her brother walked down the street. Hiro's expression was neutral in comparison to his sister, his arms crossed.

"Lighten up Hiro." Chiaki whined, "This is the most advanced city we have seen in person."

"That is true, but it could easily be destroyed in a heartbeat once a TokiZyu shows up on the scene." Hiro responded.

Chiaki sighed, neither of them noticing Zei watching them from a rooftop.

"Game on Zikangers." She said with a slight chuckle as she then disappeared.

Zei then appeared in an alleyway where she saw a rugged old man with a large greying beard in tattered clothes and a beanie. He had a cardboard sign nearby and bottles of what Zei assumed to be beer. On the sign, it read 'Spare Change for a Man Down on His Luck?'.

She watched as the man looked at a building that had the words 'Gaia Corporation' in green.

"Stupid Gaia Corp." he said in a slurred voice, "Stupid city. Don't they see I need help? They haven't suffered loses like me." he then released a heavy cough.

Zei smiled and walked up to the man, "Hey mister?"

Upon seeing Zei, the man made a failed attempt to smooth down his hair and beard.

Zei kneeled in front of him, "I couldn't help but notice your anger towards this city and Gaia Corp." Zei stated.

The man's fact contorted into a scowl, "Gaia fired me after my loyal thirty-five years of service. Then when I'm fired, the population of this town decides to let me rot and sit in dingey alleyways. They deserve to suffer."

Zei smiled brighter and exposed a device that seemed to be an injector of some kind with a huge port on the back. In her other hand was a black device with a round top and flat bottom. Near the top on the left side sat a silver button while the face of the device had a silver circle that contained clock markings and a purple silhouette of a squid.

"These can give you the ability to get your revenge. If you agree that is." Zei said.

The man looked at the two devices and nodded, "As long as it can help me teach others why not to allow people to be treated like rodents."

Zei then pressed the button on the small device, a deep and distorted voice came from it.


She then inserted it into the injector flat end first and injected the man, who screamed in pain as blue electricity shot through him. Zei covered his mouth until the screaming stopped, seeing that the man now had electric blue eyes in place of his hazel ones. She then removed the small device and held it out to the man.

"Do me a favor and use this TokiZyu Timer and become a TokiZyu. Okay sweetie?" she said with a heart-warming smile.

The man took it with an emotionless expression.

Dillon opened the door of the store's freezer and grabbed a pack of ice cream sandwiches as he pouted to himself. He had been planning his ascension to popularity for months, and now he had to come up with a whole new plan due to his cousin.

'Why did her parents leave her with us?' Dillon asked himself as Sierra walked up to him.

"You going to pout all day or are we going to get what we need and go?" she asked in irritation.

"What I needed was to start being popular. Not that you cared." Dillon responded harshly.

"It's not that important." A third voice announced.

Dillon turned to see Malik looking through another freezer.

"You shouldn't be worried about how popular or unpopular you are Dillon. The time for that has passed." he said, not bothering to look at the two.

"You-you know my name?" Dillon asked.

Malik's lips dropped into a slight frown as he searched the freezer, "We've been in the same schools since third grade." he then closed the freezer, "Of course I know it. Plus, with how often you were being made fun of, I was bound to learn it sooner or later."

"Fair enough. But look at you! You're the most popular guy in school. Doesn't that sound awesome to you?" Dillon questioned.

"Has some perks, sure." Malik said before walking towards the entrance of the store.

Dillon handed Sierra the box of ice cream sandwiches before rushing towards Malik.

Sierra sighed as she walked to the cashier, "He's going to get himself in trouble one of these days."

Dillon caught up to Malik outside, "I have a question."

Malik stopped and turned to Dillon, irritation visible in his eyes, "What?"

"How did you get so popular?" Dillon asked.

"I was a natural fit." Malik said, looking Dillon dead in the eyes, "You are not."

Dillon's face fell before the two heard "Hey!"

Dillon turned to see Sierra hand him a bag before marching up to Malik.

"Only I get to crush his dreams like that. Family privilege." she said with a scowl.

Malik put his hands up, "I'm not crushing his dreams. I'm just telling him that trying to become as popular as me isn't something he can do as he is now." Malik explained.

Sierra was about to argue back, but the three teens heard a shout.

"Get off of me!" a man yelled as the homeless man Zei met dragged him along the street.

The homeless man tossed him down and then looked at all the civilians on the street before reaching into his pocket. Malik quickly ran towards the man, distracting him for a moment before tackling him. The homeless man then punched Malik off of him and pulled out the TokiZyu Timer.

Dillon tilted his head, "What...?"

The man pressed the button on the timer.


He then pressed the flat end against his body and his eyes flashed a bright blue. He let out a yell as a cracked cyan blue clock appeared above him and shot a beam down over him. When the beam disappeared, a new figure stood in the homeless man's place. It had a black body with blueish-white armor on the shins, forefeet, knees, arms, and upper torso. On the back of the shoulder armor on each shoulder sat one extra blueish-white cybernetic arm each. The head was cone shaped and was the same blueish-white color with electric blue eyes.

On it's waist sat a belt that held the TokiZyu Timer as a buckle. The creature then walked towards Malik threateningly, using its cybernetic arms to grab his wrists and lift him.

"You will all suffer." the squid creature said in a cybernetic voice similar to the homeless man.

It then punched Malik in the gut and threw him aside as the other civilians ran.

"It'll kill him." Dillon said before dropping the bag and running towards Malik.

"Dillon!" Sierra shouted, running after her cousin.

Dillon ran in between the Squid monster and Malik with his hands up as Sierra kneeled besides Malik behind him.

"Listen," Dillon said with a swallow, "I don't know what you want, but this isn't the way to go about it."

The squid monster gave a dark chuckle and advanced towards the three teens.

Hiro ran in and grabbed the arm of the squid monster and kneed it in the gut and pushed it back as Chiaki ran up to the three other teens.

"You guys okay?" She asked, worry evident in her face and voice.

"Yeah." Malik said, Sierra helping him brace himself on his elbow.

"Can you tell this thing to back off?" Dillon asked.

"There's no reasoning with a TokiZyu. They have to be destroyed." Hiro said before pulling out an object similar to the TokiZyu Timer.

The design was almost the same except that instead of the silhouette in the center of the silver clock outline, it was the roman numeral for two colored blue. The activation button was also blue instead of silver.

Chiaki pulled out her own, which was the same as her brother's, just colored yellow in place of blue and the roman numeral for three in the center.

"Seems to be a squid." she said, crossing her right arm over her chest with her thumb over the activation button on her timer.

"Doesn't matter if it was a buffalo. Its getting destroyed." Hiro said, striking a similar pose.

Hiro then pressed the activation button, Chiaki doing the same a second afterwards. Their timers however, had a more upbeat and clear voice in comparison.



They then held up their left wrists, revealing the devices strapped to them before inserting their timers in the slot on the back flat end first. The wrist devices then called out in a similar voice to their timers.


Blue holographic analog clock appeared behind Hiro while a yellow one appeared behind Chiaki. As the clock hands spun, the twins put their arms out to their sides before slowly bringing both together above their heads. They then brought their hands down with the face of the wrist devices facing their right cheeks.

"Zikan Change!" they shouted before pressing the red button towards the top of their wrists devices.

The clocks behind the two stopped at different times; Hiro's at 2 o'clock and Chiaki's at 3 o'clock. The voice then called out again.


The clocks then shot up above them before then slowly dropping down over them, traveling over their bodies, stopping at their feet.



The clocks faded and the two were now dressed in new uniforms. Hiro's suit was black on his legs, the left side of his torso and left arm while the right side of his torso and right arm were blue. His suit had forearm high gloves and calf high boots which were blue and had silver cuffs. The belt and neck were white and the buckle of the belt was silver with a blue light in the center. In the center of his chest was a circle with a silver rim and black center. In the center was the roman numeral for two.

Chiaki's suit was essentially the same with yellow in place of blue, the roman numeral for three in place of the roman numeral for two, and an added yellow skirt. Their helmets were also almost the same with the only differences being the personal color and numeral on the forehead. Both had silver mouth plates and silver frame around their personally colored visors that were shaped in a downwards arrow shape. The sides of the helmet, jawline, and chins were in their personal colors. The upper sides of the helmet were black and in the center of the forehead was a circle that merged into the visor that held Hiro and Chiaki's respective numerals.

Hiro held up the number two with his fingers, "Power of the Windrunner! Zikan Blue!"

Chiaki held up three fingers, "Power of the Stegoichthys! Zikan Yellow!"

"Doubutsu Sentai!" Hiro called out.

The twins then struck a pose where Chiaki was on one knee pointing at the Squid TokiZyu with Hiro standing behind her with his right arm up in the sky.

"Zikanger!" the two announced.

Dillon, Malik, and Sierra looked on in awe as Hiro curled his right hand into a fist.

"Your future changes now!" Hiro called out, staring down the Squid TokiZyu.

A/N: Annnnnnddddd, that's all for now folks. Made the decision to cut off the story here for now less the chapter be thirteen thousand plus words. I respect the authors on this site that write almost if not over that amount, but I don't want to go there unless I have to (See my currently on hiatus story Power Rangers Solar Guardians if you need an example) and with how long I've been waiting to post it, I just think it's best to cut here and start the next chapter with the follow through. So think of this as a part one to a two part story a la Halloween 1 to Halloween 2 and Infinity War to Endgame.

Anyway, that ends my first "Super Hero Time" block if you will. Im not going to make it official by using the Super Hero Time opening and ending (especially since xXRocketShark216Xx is already doing that and I don't want to step on his toes or anything) so its just going to be new chapters coming out 30 minutes in relation to each other.

To clarify: Kamen Rider Byte will be first followed by Zikanger in 30 minutes. Keep in mind that the amount of minutes in between could be shortened if I feel the need to do so or if the readers (you all) recommend a shortening of the wait.

I doubt the latter with happen though, who would honestly spend their valuable time reading my sub par stories with my sub par writing skills when you have more talented writers on this site like ICrzy, RocketShark, Blackvvater (even if its only one story so far), among others who I'm probably forgetting to mention. So go, read more valuable work than my own.

All (somewhat) jokes aside, if you liked this story, don't forget to review, follow, and maybe even favorite this story. Even if you didn't like it, try leaving me some constructive criticism to tell me how I can make the story better (this extends to the people who may like this story as well).

Till Next Time, Happy Reading Everyone ~ Trey-El ;-)