Chapter 1

"Hello. My name is Evie. What's your name?"

"Mui est-na-legolas" Came the soft reply.

Frowning in confusion as she did not understand the words spoken to her, Evie wondered if there was something that could help the communication problem. Inspiration struck her and deftly turned, running towards the house. She continued past the kitchen, up 2 flights of stairs to attic, where she located her grandmother's intricately carved wooden box. She unlocked the box and rifled through it until she spied her prize: A long pink crystal on a leather chain. She snapped the box shut and hurried placed it on the floor, before giving the necklace a impatient tap with her finger. Relief flashed over her face with the crystal began to softly glow and she quickly placed necklace around her neck. Turning, she fled back down the stairs and out the back door to her new young charge.

Puffing slightly from her physical activity, she tried again with a small smile.

"My name is Evie"

Evie's smile grew when a small voice spoke, and she understood the words this time.

"Hello. My name is Legolas"

"You are safe here Legolas. I'd like to help you find your way home."

"Come inside for some tea and you can tell me all about your travels" She held out her hand in invitation as she spoke.

Hesitantly the little boy moved out from under the large wheel and walked towards her. A gasp was heard from Evie's lips as her eyes roamed over the boy's form, for this was not just a boy, but something else. There were small pointed ears sticking out of his long platinum hair. Beautiful creamy skin that seemed to glow and the brightest blue eyes she had ever seen sized her up in return.

Realising that she'd been staring a little too long, Evie smiled and quickly held out her hand and simply said "Come"

The little figure reached his own hand out to clasp hers and followed her up the back porch steps and into the kitchen.

"Sit. Please and I'll make some tea"

She began to busy herself with flicking on the kettle and finding clean cups.

"Have you seen my father?"

She looked up at the question and shook her head.
"no, honey, he isn't here."

She placed the tea cups on the coffee table and sat next to him. She placed her hand on his.
"tell me about him? Tell me about your home Legolas?"

He looked up at her
"I am from the elven realm of the Greenwood the Great. My father will be looking for me. He told me not to wander off when we went for a ride through the forest. But i did. I was looking for a flower to bring back for healer Melui and then some orcs came and i yelled out, but i do not think they heard me. So i ran, ran as fast as i could to get away. I saw a faint ripple in the air and i thought maybe it would protect me from the orcs. But it brought me here and they followed me. And then you were there to save me. You killed them all. Where am i?"

The Greenwood? Where was that? She thought.
"What do you mean by elven?"
"We are a race of elves." He stated confusedly as if she should know this. But then he reached up to her long hair and felt the rounded edge of her ear.
"oh. You are a mortal. My father says that I am not allowed to be friends with mortals."
"no Legolas, I am not."
"not? That what are you?"
"I am an elemental. I protect nature, keep everything in balance and in return it keeps me living forever."

Legolas' eye were wide. He had read about such beings, but never had he or anyone he knew met one in real life, they were generally only seen with the Ents. But even they haven't been sighted for an age.

She laughed at his expression. "quite the pair we make, hmm?"

"Here is what I think. You seem to have come through a portal from the Greenwood to my home. We need another portal to take you home again."
"can you make a portal?" asked a hopeful voice

"no. that is beyond my ability." Seeing the crestfallen face, she continued " but, I know that they happen in cycles, when the moon is aligned correctly. I'll have to do some reading and see when the next portal is expected. In the meantime, it seems you're stuck with me honey."

"Would you like something to eat?"


"ok. Come then, we can make it together."

Hand in hand they moved towards the kitchen and Evie opened the fridge to pull out the makings of pasta.

In awe, Legolas asked "what's that?"

"a fridge. Bit like an ice box to keep food cold."

And so they made dinner and chatted, Legolas curious about all the different appliances and what they did. They cleaned up and Evie led Legolas upstairs to prepare for bed.


*My name is Legolas.

Evie (full name Evangeline) is about 5'5 with curly auburn hair that sits at the middle of her back and green eyes.