5 years later…

Belle flipped the page in her newspaper and found the various announcements. She normally would've just skipped over the section, until a familiar name caught her eye.

Jefferson Chapeau, costume designer to the stars, to wed Ursula Shells, daughter of New York City Mayor.

A smile tugged on her lips. She had kept in touch with Jefferson over the years, though things were obviously strained at first. Even though he just wanted her to be happy, it was hard to talk to the woman who left you at the altar. 3 years after the cancelled wedding, however, they ran into each other at an event and a casual friendship was struck. They'd never be best friends, but they were on better terms and he was happy, Grace was happy. It was all she could ask for.

"Darling, we're going to be late."

Belle looked up and found her husband standing there, a radiant smile on his face. She nodded and rose to her feet, rubbing her swollen baby bump as she did. Gold wrapped his arms around her waist, leaning his forehead against hers.

"And how is our little girl doing today?"

"Kicking like crazy, I swear she'll be a soccer player just like her…"


The sudden scream of her name caused Belle to turn around. Gideon stood there wearing a suit similar to his father's, a rare but happy sight. She ruffled his hair and bent down to kiss the top of his head.

"Are we ready to go, Gid?"

"Uh huh."

The family of three made their way to the car and Belle stared out the window as Gold drove to the center of town.

5 years ago, if someone had told her she'd go back to living in Storybrooke, she would've told them they were crazy. After getting back together with Gold, however, she knew there was no place she'd rather be. They had discussed moving to New York, but she knew it wasn't what she wanted. Storybrooke was home, Storybrooke was where she had fallen in love. It was where their family was.

They weren't fools to think that things would just go back to being perfect. They went on a small honeymoon after the wedding reception, Gold getting an extra ticket for Scotland. Afterwards, they started having sessions with Dr. Hopper. He helped them work on their marriage now that they were ready to fight for it. It wasn't easy and at times, resentments popped up, but they could talk about them now. There was no more turning to alcohol or running away, they were going to face their struggles head on.

It had been a year and a half after their reunion that Belle discovered she was pregnant again. They hadn't been actively preventing it, but she had long since accepted that motherhood wasn't in the cards for her. It had taken them so long to get pregnant with Nellie and that clearly wasn't meant to be. Apparently, the universe had other plans. Gideon Edmund Gold was born exactly on his due date and instantly became the light of not only Gold and Belle's lives, but those around them.

Belle got to witness firsthand just how good a father Gold was. He was attentive, doting. It was clear at times that she'd have to be the "bad cop", but she didn't mind it. They had found a rhythm and it made her happier than she ever thought.

Shortly before Gideon's third birthday, Belle mentioned wanting to make him a big brother. They were prepared for it to take some time again, but much to their surprise, they found out they were expecting their current miracle just a few weeks after he blew out the candles. Five months later, they discovered they were having another little girl. It was bittersweet, to think of Nellie as a big sister, to think of what she'd be like at 10 years old. Belle had learned a long time ago, however, to live in the present. Nellie would always live in their hearts, but it didn't mean they couldn't move on.

Gold pulled up at "Beauty and the Books", the shop that Belle had opened shortly after moving back to Storybrooke. The town had a library, but was desperately lacking a bookstore and he had helped her develop it. He took her hand and kissed it.

"Ready, my love?"

"As I'll ever be,"

The three of them made their way into the shop and said hello to everyone they passed. They made it to the back of the shop, where chairs had been set up near a makeshift stage. A poster for Belle's latest book was up there, her face next to it. She had published one book a little before she got pregnant with Gideon and then had taken some time to focus on her family, her shop. The idea for this book came after much convincing from Gold, Ariel and her publisher. She didn't think that people wanted an update to Lacey and Rumford's lives, but clearly they did.

Ever After showed the two getting the happy ending they deserved, even if they had to fight for it. Once again closely inspired by true events, the book meant a great deal to her and she worried about it bombing. To her surprise, however, it didn't. People were so excited to see just what happened to the couple that couldn't make it work.

Belle scanned the crowd, looking out at everyone. Ruby and Mulan were in the front row, holding hands. The two started a long distance relationship after Mulan had to return to New York, but that only lasted a year before she was making the move to Storybrooke. They married 2 years after that and were Gideon's godparents. Belle had worried that Mulan would resent her for hurting her best friend, but she really was happy for her.

Colette wasn't too far away from them, already taking pictures of her daughter. Moe had died 6 months after the wedding, alcohol taking a toll on his liver. At first, Colette hadn't been sure what to do. She had spent over 30 years devoted to the man, despite not being in love. Belle and Gold were there for her, suggesting she talk to Archie. After working for Belle at her shop for a bit, Colette had saved enough to reopen Game of Thorns. She was a doting grandmother and supportive mother-in-law. She had even recently begun to start dating the town's carpenter, Marco.

"It's time, my love," Gold whispered in Belle's ear. "Everyone's here."

"Thank you," she replied, softly.

"For what?"

"Everything." She turned to him, cupping his cheek. "What would I do without you?"

"Lucky for you, you'll never have to know, sweetheart."

He kissed her gently and then carefully nudged her towards the table. He stood back, watching her sign books with pride. In the crowd, he could spot his own friends and family. Emma and Neal were in line with Henry, who was finally old enough to read his grandmother's books. They had added to their family as well over the years (finally giving Gold a granddaughter), making Gideon younger than his niece and nephew, but they didn't mind.

Rogers had brought Alice along, she and Belle had hit off like wildfire. Gold was nearly 10 years sober and he knew he had Rogers to thank for it. He had been there for him, to show him that there was a light at the end of the tunnel.

There were days he thought about what his life would've been like, had he never stopped drinking. He would've lost Belle, but there was more than that. He would've lost the life they were meant to have together. He never took a moment for granted anymore, loving his family more than life itself.

As the line dwindled down, he couldn't help but take Belle in. She was wearing a beautiful white linen dress and as nice as it was, he couldn't wait to get her out of it.

The last person had their book signed and Belle thanked the crowd, offering them to stay to enjoy some coffee or tea and pastries. As she turned to her husband to ask how it went, he pulled her closer, his breath on her ear causing the hairs on the back of her neck to stand up.

"Think we could disappear for a few moments?"

Belle grinned, looking out into the crowd. Gideon was distracted by Henry, they were home clear.

"The break room has a couch."

"And a lock?"

"Of course."

They laced their fingers together, making a mad dash for the break room.
