A Drastic Change In Life

Chaper 1: Last Days In Sinnoh

"Pikachu, Volt Tackle give it your all!" yelled Ash as his trusty partner ran head on against Latios' powerful Luster Purge, engulfed in as much lightning energy as he could muster after this intense fight.

There is no way for Ash to still win this. Even if pikachu manages to defeat latios he'd have to go up against 4 more of Tobias' Pokemon, which are most likely all on a similar level to Darkrai and Latios. But Ash wouldn't go down without giving it everything he could.

Pikachu clashed with the pink ray of energy and with a lot of struggle slowly sliced through Latios attack until reaching the core of the beam. Upon contact a huge explosion covered the whole battlefield in dust and almost blew the two trainers away, but they stood their ground and waited for the dust to settle to see who had won this fierce battle.

After a few seconds the battlefield was visible again and revealed both Pokemon lying side by side.. unconcious. The referee walked up to the Pokemon to get a closer look if they were indeed unable to continue. He quickly saw that both fighters were out cold. "Both pokemon are unable to battle. Trainer Ash has no more pokemon left so the quarterfinal win goes to Tobias."Yelled the referree as he raised his right hand towards Tobias.

The crowd, which had silently watched the last, heated battle of the day errupted in huge cheers and applause.

Not carring for the loud people the two powerful trainers did the last thing left to do. Tobias pulled out a Pokeball from his belt. "Latios return. You did well out there, now take a rest." Tobias returned his Pokemon with a surprised look on his face. "This was the first time someone managed to take out a Pokemon of mine. And he even managed to beat two. How interesting." Tobias thought to himself. Ash then walked towards his Pikachu, his hat covering his eyes, tears clearly visible on his cheeks. He kneeled down beside his trusty partner. "You were amazing Pikachu. You managed to defeat a legendary Pokemon! Dont worry about the loss we'll get much stronger and win next time."

Ash tried his best to sound as confident as he could manage but his voice was raspy and shaking with sadness. The small yellow rodent knew how depressed ash was about that particular loss. "Pika-pi." said Pikachu weakly while giving Ash a thumbs up and a reassuring smile before falling unconcious again. "Take a good rest now Pikachu." he whispered as he stood up.

After standing up with his friend in his arms he noticed Tobias approaching him. Ash was a bit curious since he usually just leaves the battlefield after winning.

"That was a remarkable fight. Your Sceptile is exceptionally well trained and your Pikachu wields extraordinary power. They are truly outstanding and it's a shame that i didnt get to fight Infernape. I hope to face you again someday with your strongest possible team." As Tobias spoke he closed the gap between him and Ash and extended his hand towards the boy. Ash couldn't be mad at Tobias. He could see that he worked hard to reach the level he's at and behind his calm, confident facade was a nice person that cared for his Pokemon. The little speech he held wasnt out of pitty but respect he held for Ash. The younger trainer quickly whiped the tears from his face as he replied: "I've never met a trainer as strong as you. I'll accept your challenge anyday. And next time I'll win." then Ash shook Tobias hand and the crowd went wild again, showing their respect for the trainers and their Pokemon-Teams.

Everyone knew that this battle wont be topped, even in the finals. "I've checked your age after your battle with Paul and you're surprisingly young. It's sad that you have to pause your journey for the basic school now but I'll be waiting for the day you make your return as a trainer." Tobias smiled at him as he spoke. Ash simply nodded and thought about the school. The fact that he missed his last chance of winning the league for the next few years saddened him, but that had to wait. Right now his Pokemon needed healing and that had top priority.

After bidding their farewells they both headed towards the gates they entered the arena from. As ash looked up ahead he saw his friends already approaching him. Dawn and Brock came closer to ash with empathy visible in their eyes. They stopped a few feet apart from each other, as Ash looked down in shame.

"Sorry guys.. Ive lost." he fake-smiled as he said those words. His voice had an undeniable bitter tone that Dawn has never heard before. She really felt sorry for him but didnt exactly know what to say. Luckily this wasn't the first time that Brock sees ash like this and seemed confident in what he had to say. "Come on Ash don't be sad. You defeated 2 legendary pokemon in one battle. Everyone else didnt even manage to put a scratch on Tobias' Darkrai this whole tournament. You can be proud of yourself. Now lets bring your pokemon to nurse Joy, i bet they need some good treatment after those heavy attacks." Brock said with a confident smile. Ash nodded and they made their way to the pokemon center, fighting their way through fans and reporters.

After finally arriving at the center, thanks to lots of excuses and people feeling sorry and making way for Pikachu and Ash's other Pokemon to be treated, nurse Joy greeted the small group of friends and a few fans that were still following them with her signature smile. As Ash walked to the counter and handed his pokemon to the nurse, Dawn and Brock kindly begged the bystanders to give them some time and after a bit of annoyed arguing the small crowd left the gang alone.

"Ill take care of your pokemon, they should be in top condition again tomorrow." Nurse Joy informed ash with her usual happy voice as Chansey carried Ash's last pokemon, Pikachu, into the Treatment Room.

Ash simply thanked nurse joy and sat down on the nearest couch. Dawn and brock followed their friend and sat down beside him. The blue haired girl hasn't said a single word to Ash yet. She still didnt know what to say to make him feel better. As dawn continued thinking Brock stood up from the table. "Well guys I'll be getting some ingredients and food ready for our way back. Should take about an hour or so. Just try to rest a bit and don't overdo anything, we have a long day tomorrow." They watched as Brock left the center with his usual smile, fully focused on the duty at hand. Shor afer Ash continued sulking and Dawn was just siting there, trying to decide what to do.

Dawn decided to scoop a bit closer to Ash, hoping that he would say something that would make it easier for her to start a conversation. It felt weird seeing her mentor figure so quiet and his best friend Pikachu not being here made things even more unusual. The poor girl was still in thought trying to figure out what best to say in this situation as she got drawn out of her thoughts by the sound of whimpering. She couldnt believe what she saw. Ash was starting to cry and tried his hardest to keep his tears in.

Dawn first panicked as to what to do now. This never happened before. Should she leave him alone? Try to say something encouraging? But then she remembered what her mother always used to do when she was feeling down and on the verge of crying. The young girl turned to the raven haired trainer and pulled him into a hug. She was kind of nervous doing this for the first time but she felt that it was the right thing to do.

"Its ok to cry sometimes, Ash. I'm the only one here at the moment. Just let it out." she softly said. Ash, at first startled from Dawns sudden action, decided to not care. Not trying to hold it in and just cry like he hasn't done in a long time. He grabbed onto her shirt as he cried on his friends shoulder. He never allowed himself to look weak in front of his friends. They were usually following him so he had to take the leader position and be strong at all times. Bu he couldn't maintain it anymore. Just this once he'll allow himself to show weakness.

He heard Dawn speak up again. "You are always trying to be strong and protect me.. I mean us from danger. But everyone needs to let out their feelings from time to time. It makes us human." she told him with a motherly tone in her voice. She didnt know where those wise words came from but she was greatful that they popped into her mind. It felt like the right thing to say. Ash took a shaky, deep breath and started crying more.

"This was.. My last chance to win a league.. For the next few years. We'll attend the basic school from next year on and i haven't been able to win a single league throughout my five years of traveling. My team was so strong.. I performed the best i ever did.. WHY COULDNT I WIN?" He errupted once more and punched Dawn's leg weakly.

It was really heartbreaking to see him like this. One of the most enthusiastic people you could ever meet is breaking down in Dawn's Arms. She didn't know where her courage came from but decided to take of his hat, place it on the table and started stroking his hair. To bystanders they probably looked like a couple but she didn't care. If she felt like she could do something to make Ash feel better she would try do so right now.

Between his sobbing and uneven, heavy breathing it was a bit hard to make out what Ash was saying but Dawn understood every word. She was both shocked and relieved of Ash's emotional breakdown. She was shocked because she never saw her mentor broken like this but she was also greatful and honored that he trusted her enough to show her his vulnurable side.

"You are right, your team was incredible and you should have won this time. But the odds were against you and you had to face a very unusual opponent. That happens sometimes. Still, you did what few other people managed to do, beating legendary pokemon with normal ones. It might be hard for you to accept defeat for now but im sure you'll remember this as an overall success in the near future. Because it is." She reassured him, still stroking his hair.

After that they just sat there. Ash letting out his feelings and Dawn just being there for him, calmly stroking his hair. After a few more minutes of crying Ash let go of his friend and whiped away the remains of his tears. And then he proceeded to.. smile. A genuine bright smile that Dawn learned to appreciate throughout their journey. "Thanks Dawn, that felt good.." Then he put his hands behing his back, facing the ceiling above. "Aah i can't believe Tobias was that powerful. Was there even a reason for him to compete here in the first place?" Ash asked happily, scratching the back of his head. It was clear that he was trying to bring his own mood up but it wasn't dishonest or desperate. The loss still hurts him but he's still Ash and Ash Ketchum processed things quickly.

"Maybe he'll reveal his reason after crushing the last trainer in the finals. I'd be curious about his goals too." Dawn said jokingly with a smile, trying to play along with Ash's newfound good mood. But then Ash got a serious look in his eyes as he stood up, looking out the window, watching the sunset. "But you know.. I cant use Tobias overwhelming strength as an excuse for my loss. Don't worry im not that sad because of it anymore but still. What if something like that happens again in the future?" Ash then punched into the direction he's facing. "He isn't the only incredibly strong trainer out there. This loss was an important eye opener. I'll become strong enough to defeat any opponent. Otherwise i don't have the right to call myself a Pokemon master, right?" He turned around and looked at dawn with shining, confident eyes.

Dawn just looked at ash with a blank expression. He grasped his situation and controll over his emotions so quickly. "Exactly, so never give up." She answered him happily with a thumbs up. Then Ash sat down beside her again and started talking about the battle in more detail. But Dawn didn't listen. She was in thought, mesmerized by Ash's incredible Persnality. "Alot of people would mistakenly write Ash off as childish, but thats just his enthusiastic, curious nature. If you spend enough time with him anyone can see that he's an intelligent and very driven person who won't let anyone or anything stop him from achieving his dreams. Thats why everyone likes him.. Thats.. why i love him." Dawn thought to herself with a slight blush on her cheeks. Ash noticed that Dawn wasn't listening and just staring past him.

"Dawn is something wrong?" He asked. But Dawn took him by surprise as she took the boys hand into her own two and looked into his eyes with her own determined gaze. "Dont worry we'll ace that school in no time and continue our journey. I'll come with you and we'll both fulfill our dreams.. Pokemon master and top coordinator. Noone will be able to stop us when we come back!"

Ash was startled by her sudden change in expression and topic but quickly recovered and looked at her with his usual confidence. "Yea, let's do this!"

Okey so that wraps up Chapter one. Did you like it? If you're wondering about that basic school thing ill explain the concept and everything you need to know in detail next chapter. This will be an AU school story with pearlshipping as the main focus but i wanted to have a cool prologue that makes (hopefully) some sense instead of just starting out in the school and info dumb everything on readers in an unnatural way. So, thanks for reading, please leave a comment if you so desire and have a nice day ^^